#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only rm -rf out mkdir out # walk through all ACPI tables with their addresses # example: # RSDT @ 0xcf6794ba # we can not just dump the tables by their names because some # machines have double ACPI tables acpidump | grep "@ 0x" | while read line do NAME=$( echo `echo $line|cut -f1 -d@` ) FNAME=$( echo $NAME | sed s/\ /_/g |sed s/\!/b/g ) ADDR=$( echo `echo $line|cut -f2 -d@` ) if [ "${!FNAME}" == "" ]; then eval $FNAME=0 else eval $FNAME=$(( ${!FNAME} + 1 )) fi printf "Processing table \"$NAME\" at $ADDR ... " printf "${!FNAME} tables of that kind found before.\n" # acpidump -s ${!FNAME} --table "$NAME" > out/$FNAME-$ADDR-${!FNAME}.txt acpidump -b -s ${!FNAME} --table "$NAME" > out/$FNAME-$ADDR-${!FNAME}.bin if [ "`file -b out/$FNAME-$ADDR-${!FNAME}.bin`" != "ASCII text" ]; then iasl -d out/$FNAME-$ADDR-${!FNAME}.bin &>/dev/null else printf "Skipping $NAME because it was not dumped correctly.\n\n" fi done