path: root/MdeModulePkg
diff options
authorxieyuanh <>2024-06-24 23:39:27 +0800
committermergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>2024-09-02 17:26:58 +0000
commit45cf57ce798860b02fbeca8c8f4d5e971c476e0e (patch)
tree5c5885b039e2d50b48b5feeb16f5c690bf147c9d /MdeModulePkg
parent3956f4e39273bd937f10959672c317f2c0dc02f2 (diff)
MdeModulePkg: Relocate VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex, VarCheckHiiQuestion
Move VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex and VarCheckHiiQuestion to the common file. Cc: Liming Gao <> Cc: Rahul Kumar <> Cc: Gerd Hoffmann <> Cc: Star Zeng <> Cc: Hongbin1 Zhang <> Cc: Wei6 Xu <> Cc: Dun Tan <> Cc: Dandan Bi <> Signed-off-by: Yuanhao Xie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'MdeModulePkg')
2 files changed, 245 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckHiiLib/VarCheckHiiLib.c b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckHiiLib/VarCheckHiiLib.c
index c6bd8cc887..d6d68bbb7b 100644
--- a/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckHiiLib/VarCheckHiiLib.c
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckHiiLib/VarCheckHiiLib.c
@@ -9,255 +9,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
#include "VarCheckHii.h"
#include "VarCheckHiiGen.h"
#include "VarCheckHiiLibCommon.h"
-GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CONST CHAR8 mVarCheckHiiHex[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
- Dump some hexadecimal data.
- @param[in] Indent How many spaces to indent the output.
- @param[in] Offset The offset of the dump.
- @param[in] DataSize The size in bytes of UserData.
- @param[in] UserData The data to dump.
-VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (
- IN UINTN Indent,
- IN UINTN Offset,
- IN UINTN DataSize,
- IN VOID *UserData
- )
- UINT8 *Data;
- CHAR8 Val[50];
- CHAR8 Str[20];
- UINT8 TempByte;
- UINTN Size;
- UINTN Index;
- Data = UserData;
- while (DataSize != 0) {
- Size = 16;
- if (Size > DataSize) {
- Size = DataSize;
- }
- for (Index = 0; Index < Size; Index += 1) {
- TempByte = Data[Index];
- Val[Index * 3 + 0] = mVarCheckHiiHex[TempByte >> 4];
- Val[Index * 3 + 1] = mVarCheckHiiHex[TempByte & 0xF];
- Val[Index * 3 + 2] = (CHAR8)((Index == 7) ? '-' : ' ');
- Str[Index] = (CHAR8)((TempByte < ' ' || TempByte > 'z') ? '.' : TempByte);
- }
- Val[Index * 3] = 0;
- Str[Index] = 0;
- DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%*a%08X: %-48a *%a*\r\n", Indent, "", Offset, Val, Str));
- Data += Size;
- Offset += Size;
- DataSize -= Size;
- }
- Var Check Hii Question.
- @param[in] HiiQuestion Pointer to Hii Question
- @param[in] Data Data pointer.
- @param[in] DataSize Size of Data to set.
- @retval TRUE Check pass
- @retval FALSE Check fail.
-VarCheckHiiQuestion (
- IN VOID *Data,
- IN UINTN DataSize
- )
- UINT64 OneData;
- UINT64 Minimum;
- UINT64 Maximum;
- UINT64 OneValue;
- UINT8 *Ptr;
- UINT8 Index;
- UINT8 MaxContainers;
- UINT8 StartBit;
- UINT8 EndBit;
- UINT8 TotalBits;
- UINT16 VarOffsetByteLevel;
- UINT8 StorageWidthByteLevel;
- if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
- VarOffsetByteLevel = HiiQuestion->VarOffset / 8;
- TotalBits = HiiQuestion->VarOffset % 8 + HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
- StorageWidthByteLevel = (TotalBits % 8 == 0 ? TotalBits / 8 : TotalBits / 8 + 1);
- } else {
- VarOffsetByteLevel = HiiQuestion->VarOffset;
- StorageWidthByteLevel = HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
- }
- if (((UINT32)VarOffsetByteLevel + StorageWidthByteLevel) > DataSize) {
- DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: (VarOffset(0x%04x) + StorageWidth(0x%02x)) > Size(0x%x)\n", VarOffsetByteLevel, StorageWidthByteLevel, DataSize));
- return FALSE;
- }
- OneData = 0;
- CopyMem (&OneData, (UINT8 *)Data + VarOffsetByteLevel, StorageWidthByteLevel);
- if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
- //
- // Get the value from the bit field.
- //
- StartBit = HiiQuestion->VarOffset % 8;
- EndBit = StartBit + HiiQuestion->StorageWidth - 1;
- OneData = BitFieldRead64 (OneData, StartBit, EndBit);
- }
- switch (HiiQuestion->OpCode) {
- Ptr = (UINT8 *)((VAR_CHECK_HII_QUESTION_ONEOF *)HiiQuestion + 1);
- while ((UINTN)Ptr < (UINTN)HiiQuestion + HiiQuestion->Length) {
- OneValue = 0;
- if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
- //
- // For OneOf stored in bit field, the value of options are saved as UINT32 type.
- //
- CopyMem (&OneValue, Ptr, sizeof (UINT32));
- } else {
- CopyMem (&OneValue, Ptr, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
- }
- if (OneData == OneValue) {
- //
- // Match
- //
- break;
- }
- if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
- Ptr += sizeof (UINT32);
- } else {
- Ptr += HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
- }
- }
- if ((UINTN)Ptr >= ((UINTN)HiiQuestion + HiiQuestion->Length)) {
- //
- // No match
- //
- DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: OneOf mismatch (0x%lx)\n", OneData));
- VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->Length, (UINT8 *)HiiQuestion);
- );
- return FALSE;
- }
- break;
- if ((OneData != 0) && (OneData != 1)) {
- DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: CheckBox mismatch (0x%lx)\n", OneData));
- VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->Length, (UINT8 *)HiiQuestion);
- );
- return FALSE;
- }
- break;
- Minimum = 0;
- Maximum = 0;
- Ptr = (UINT8 *)((VAR_CHECK_HII_QUESTION_NUMERIC *)HiiQuestion + 1);
- if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
- //
- // For Numeric stored in bit field, the value of Maximum/Minimum are saved as UINT32 type.
- //
- CopyMem (&Minimum, Ptr, sizeof (UINT32));
- Ptr += sizeof (UINT32);
- CopyMem (&Maximum, Ptr, sizeof (UINT32));
- Ptr += sizeof (UINT32);
- } else {
- CopyMem (&Minimum, Ptr, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
- Ptr += HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
- CopyMem (&Maximum, Ptr, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
- Ptr += HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
- }
- //
- // No need to check Step, because it is ONLY for UI.
- //
- if ((OneData < Minimum) || (OneData > Maximum)) {
- DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: Numeric mismatch (0x%lx)\n", OneData));
- VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->Length, (UINT8 *)HiiQuestion);
- );
- return FALSE;
- }
- break;
- MaxContainers = ((VAR_CHECK_HII_QUESTION_ORDEREDLIST *)HiiQuestion)->MaxContainers;
- if (((UINT32)HiiQuestion->VarOffset + HiiQuestion->StorageWidth * MaxContainers) > DataSize) {
- DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: (VarOffset(0x%04x) + StorageWidth(0x%02x) * MaxContainers(0x%02x)) > Size(0x%x)\n", HiiQuestion->VarOffset, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth, MaxContainers, DataSize));
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (Index = 0; Index < MaxContainers; Index++) {
- OneData = 0;
- CopyMem (&OneData, (UINT8 *)Data + HiiQuestion->VarOffset + HiiQuestion->StorageWidth * Index, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
- if (OneData == 0) {
- //
- // The value of 0 is used to determine if a particular "slot" in the array is empty.
- //
- continue;
- }
- while ((UINTN)Ptr < ((UINTN)HiiQuestion + HiiQuestion->Length)) {
- OneValue = 0;
- CopyMem (&OneValue, Ptr, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
- if (OneData == OneValue) {
- //
- // Match
- //
- break;
- }
- Ptr += HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
- }
- if ((UINTN)Ptr >= ((UINTN)HiiQuestion + HiiQuestion->Length)) {
- //
- // No match
- //
- DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: OrderedList mismatch\n"));
- VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth * MaxContainers, (UINT8 *)Data + HiiQuestion->VarOffset);
- );
- VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->Length, (UINT8 *)HiiQuestion);
- );
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
Sets the variable check handler for HII.
diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckHiiLib/VarCheckHiiLibCommon.c b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckHiiLib/VarCheckHiiLibCommon.c
index b8fbbf31f5..00a37df017 100644
--- a/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckHiiLib/VarCheckHiiLibCommon.c
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VarCheckHiiLib/VarCheckHiiLibCommon.c
@@ -8,7 +8,251 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
#include "VarCheckHii.h"
#include "VarCheckHiiLibCommon.h"
-EFI_HANDLE mEfiVariableCheckHiiHandle = NULL;
+EFI_HANDLE mEfiVariableCheckHiiHandle = NULL;
+GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CONST CHAR8 mVarCheckHiiHex[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
+ Dump some hexadecimal data.
+ @param[in] Indent How many spaces to indent the output.
+ @param[in] Offset The offset of the dump.
+ @param[in] DataSize The size in bytes of UserData.
+ @param[in] UserData The data to dump.
+VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (
+ IN UINTN Indent,
+ IN UINTN Offset,
+ IN UINTN DataSize,
+ IN VOID *UserData
+ )
+ UINT8 *Data;
+ CHAR8 Val[50];
+ CHAR8 Str[20];
+ UINT8 TempByte;
+ UINTN Size;
+ UINTN Index;
+ Data = UserData;
+ while (DataSize != 0) {
+ Size = 16;
+ if (Size > DataSize) {
+ Size = DataSize;
+ }
+ for (Index = 0; Index < Size; Index += 1) {
+ TempByte = Data[Index];
+ Val[Index * 3 + 0] = mVarCheckHiiHex[TempByte >> 4];
+ Val[Index * 3 + 1] = mVarCheckHiiHex[TempByte & 0xF];
+ Val[Index * 3 + 2] = (CHAR8)((Index == 7) ? '-' : ' ');
+ Str[Index] = (CHAR8)((TempByte < ' ' || TempByte > 'z') ? '.' : TempByte);
+ }
+ Val[Index * 3] = 0;
+ Str[Index] = 0;
+ DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%*a%08X: %-48a *%a*\r\n", Indent, "", Offset, Val, Str));
+ Data += Size;
+ Offset += Size;
+ DataSize -= Size;
+ }
+ Var Check Hii Question.
+ @param[in] HiiQuestion Pointer to Hii Question
+ @param[in] Data Data pointer.
+ @param[in] DataSize Size of Data to set.
+ @retval TRUE Check pass
+ @retval FALSE Check fail.
+VarCheckHiiQuestion (
+ IN VOID *Data,
+ IN UINTN DataSize
+ )
+ UINT64 OneData;
+ UINT64 Minimum;
+ UINT64 Maximum;
+ UINT64 OneValue;
+ UINT8 *Ptr;
+ UINT8 Index;
+ UINT8 MaxContainers;
+ UINT8 StartBit;
+ UINT8 EndBit;
+ UINT8 TotalBits;
+ UINT16 VarOffsetByteLevel;
+ UINT8 StorageWidthByteLevel;
+ if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
+ VarOffsetByteLevel = HiiQuestion->VarOffset / 8;
+ TotalBits = HiiQuestion->VarOffset % 8 + HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
+ StorageWidthByteLevel = (TotalBits % 8 == 0 ? TotalBits / 8 : TotalBits / 8 + 1);
+ } else {
+ VarOffsetByteLevel = HiiQuestion->VarOffset;
+ StorageWidthByteLevel = HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
+ }
+ if (((UINT32)VarOffsetByteLevel + StorageWidthByteLevel) > DataSize) {
+ DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: (VarOffset(0x%04x) + StorageWidth(0x%02x)) > Size(0x%x)\n", VarOffsetByteLevel, StorageWidthByteLevel, DataSize));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ OneData = 0;
+ CopyMem (&OneData, (UINT8 *)Data + VarOffsetByteLevel, StorageWidthByteLevel);
+ if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
+ //
+ // Get the value from the bit field.
+ //
+ StartBit = HiiQuestion->VarOffset % 8;
+ EndBit = StartBit + HiiQuestion->StorageWidth - 1;
+ OneData = BitFieldRead64 (OneData, StartBit, EndBit);
+ }
+ switch (HiiQuestion->OpCode) {
+ Ptr = (UINT8 *)((VAR_CHECK_HII_QUESTION_ONEOF *)HiiQuestion + 1);
+ while ((UINTN)Ptr < (UINTN)HiiQuestion + HiiQuestion->Length) {
+ OneValue = 0;
+ if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
+ //
+ // For OneOf stored in bit field, the value of options are saved as UINT32 type.
+ //
+ CopyMem (&OneValue, Ptr, sizeof (UINT32));
+ } else {
+ CopyMem (&OneValue, Ptr, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
+ }
+ if (OneData == OneValue) {
+ //
+ // Match
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
+ Ptr += sizeof (UINT32);
+ } else {
+ Ptr += HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((UINTN)Ptr >= ((UINTN)HiiQuestion + HiiQuestion->Length)) {
+ //
+ // No match
+ //
+ DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: OneOf mismatch (0x%lx)\n", OneData));
+ VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->Length, (UINT8 *)HiiQuestion);
+ );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ if ((OneData != 0) && (OneData != 1)) {
+ DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: CheckBox mismatch (0x%lx)\n", OneData));
+ VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->Length, (UINT8 *)HiiQuestion);
+ );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ Minimum = 0;
+ Maximum = 0;
+ Ptr = (UINT8 *)((VAR_CHECK_HII_QUESTION_NUMERIC *)HiiQuestion + 1);
+ if (HiiQuestion->BitFieldStore) {
+ //
+ // For Numeric stored in bit field, the value of Maximum/Minimum are saved as UINT32 type.
+ //
+ CopyMem (&Minimum, Ptr, sizeof (UINT32));
+ Ptr += sizeof (UINT32);
+ CopyMem (&Maximum, Ptr, sizeof (UINT32));
+ Ptr += sizeof (UINT32);
+ } else {
+ CopyMem (&Minimum, Ptr, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
+ Ptr += HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
+ CopyMem (&Maximum, Ptr, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
+ Ptr += HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
+ }
+ //
+ // No need to check Step, because it is ONLY for UI.
+ //
+ if ((OneData < Minimum) || (OneData > Maximum)) {
+ DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: Numeric mismatch (0x%lx)\n", OneData));
+ VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->Length, (UINT8 *)HiiQuestion);
+ );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ MaxContainers = ((VAR_CHECK_HII_QUESTION_ORDEREDLIST *)HiiQuestion)->MaxContainers;
+ if (((UINT32)HiiQuestion->VarOffset + HiiQuestion->StorageWidth * MaxContainers) > DataSize) {
+ DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: (VarOffset(0x%04x) + StorageWidth(0x%02x) * MaxContainers(0x%02x)) > Size(0x%x)\n", HiiQuestion->VarOffset, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth, MaxContainers, DataSize));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (Index = 0; Index < MaxContainers; Index++) {
+ OneData = 0;
+ CopyMem (&OneData, (UINT8 *)Data + HiiQuestion->VarOffset + HiiQuestion->StorageWidth * Index, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
+ if (OneData == 0) {
+ //
+ // The value of 0 is used to determine if a particular "slot" in the array is empty.
+ //
+ continue;
+ }
+ while ((UINTN)Ptr < ((UINTN)HiiQuestion + HiiQuestion->Length)) {
+ OneValue = 0;
+ CopyMem (&OneValue, Ptr, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth);
+ if (OneData == OneValue) {
+ //
+ // Match
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ Ptr += HiiQuestion->StorageWidth;
+ }
+ if ((UINTN)Ptr >= ((UINTN)HiiQuestion + HiiQuestion->Length)) {
+ //
+ // No match
+ //
+ DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VarCheckHiiQuestion fail: OrderedList mismatch\n"));
+ VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->StorageWidth * MaxContainers, (UINT8 *)Data + HiiQuestion->VarOffset);
+ );
+ VarCheckHiiInternalDumpHex (2, 0, HiiQuestion->Length, (UINT8 *)HiiQuestion);
+ );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
SetVariable check handler HII.