## @file # DebugLib instance that produces debug output directly via PL011UartLib. # # If there are at least two PL011 UARTs in the device tree, and the /chosen # node's "stdout-path" property references one PL011 UART, then both raw # SerialPortLib IO, and -- via SerialDxe -- UEFI console IO, will occur on that # UART; and this DebugLib instance will produce output on a *different* UART. # # This instance is suitable for modules that can only run from RAM (except # DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER). # # Copyright (C) Red Hat # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent ## [Defines] INF_VERSION = 1.27 BASE_NAME = DebugLibFdtPL011UartRam FILE_GUID = 0584DE55-9C4C-49C1-ADA0-F62C9C1F3600 MODULE_TYPE = BASE VERSION_STRING = 1.0 LIBRARY_CLASS = DebugLib|DXE_CORE SMM_CORE MM_CORE_STANDALONE DXE_DRIVER DXE_SMM_DRIVER SMM_DRIVER MM_STANDALONE UEFI_DRIVER UEFI_APPLICATION CONSTRUCTOR = DebugLibFdtPL011UartRamConstructor [Sources] DebugLib.c Ram.c Ram.h RamNonRuntime.c Write.h [Packages] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmPlatformPkg.dec ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtPkg.dec MdePkg/MdePkg.dec [LibraryClasses] BaseLib BaseMemoryLib DebugPrintErrorLevelLib HobLib # Ram.c PL011UartLib PcdLib PrintLib [Pcd] gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugClearMemoryValue gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel [FixedPcd] gArmPlatformTokenSpaceGuid.PL011UartClkInHz gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUartDefaultBaudRate gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUartDefaultDataBits gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUartDefaultParity gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUartDefaultStopBits [Guids] gEarlyPL011BaseAddressGuid # Ram.c