#!/usr/bin/python ## @file # Firmware Configuration Editor (FCE) from https://firmware.intel.com/develop # can parse BIOS image and generate Firmware Configuration file. # This script bases on Firmware Configuration file, and generate the structure # PCD setting in DEC/DSC/INF files. # # Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ''' ConvertFceToStructurePcd ''' import re import os import datetime import argparse # # Globals for help information # __prog__ = 'ConvertFceToStructurePcd' __version__ = '%s Version %s' % (__prog__, '0.1 ') __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.' __description__ = 'Generate Structure PCD in DEC/DSC/INF based on Firmware Configuration.\n' dscstatement='''[Defines] VPD_TOOL_GUID = 8C3D856A-9BE6-468E-850A-24F7A8D38E08 [SkuIds] 0|DEFAULT # The entry: 0|DEFAULT is reserved and always required. [DefaultStores] 0|STANDARD # UEFI Standard default 0|STANDARD is reserved. 1|MANUFACTURING # UEFI Manufacturing default 1|MANUFACTURING is reserved. [PcdsDynamicExVpd.common.DEFAULT] gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdNvStoreDefaultValueBuffer|* ''' decstatement = '''[Guids] gStructPcdTokenSpaceGuid = {0x3f1406f4, 0x2b, 0x487a, {0x8b, 0x69, 0x74, 0x29, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x16, 0xf4}} [PcdsFixedAtBuild,PcdsPatchableInModule,PcdsDynamic,PcdsDynamicEx] ''' infstatement = '''[Pcd] ''' SECTION='PcdsDynamicHii' PCD_NAME='gStructPcdTokenSpaceGuid.Pcd' WARNING=[] ERRORMSG=[] class parser_lst(object): def __init__(self,filelist): self._ignore=['BOOLEAN', 'UINT8', 'UINT16', 'UINT32', 'UINT64'] self.file=filelist self.text=self.megre_lst()[0] self.content=self.megre_lst()[1] def megre_lst(self): alltext='' content={} for file in self.file: with open(file,'r') as f: read =f.read() alltext += read content[file]=read return alltext,content def struct_lst(self):#{struct:lst file} structs_file={} name_format = re.compile(r'(?') name_format = re.compile(r'(?> m * 8 & 0xff)) else: tmp.append('0x%s' % i) for i in tmp: line += '%s,' % i value = '{%s}' % line[:-1] else: value = "0x%01x" % int(list1[-1], 16) return value #parser Guid file, get guid name form guid value class GUID(object): def __init__(self,path): self.path = path self.guidfile = self.gfile() self.guiddict = self.guid_dict() def gfile(self): for root, dir, file in os.walk(self.path, topdown=True, followlinks=False): if 'FV' in dir: gfile = os.path.join(root,'Fv','Guid.xref') if os.path.isfile(gfile): return gfile else: print("ERROR: Guid.xref file not found") ERRORMSG.append("ERROR: Guid.xref file not found") exit() def guid_dict(self): guiddict={} with open(self.guidfile,'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() guidinfo=lines for line in guidinfo: list=line.strip().split(' ') if list: if len(list)>1: guiddict[list[0].upper()]=list[1] elif list[0] != ''and len(list)==1: print("Error: line %s can't be parser in %s"%(line.strip(),self.guidfile)) ERRORMSG.append("Error: line %s can't be parser in %s"%(line.strip(),self.guidfile)) else: print("ERROR: No data in %s" %self.guidfile) ERRORMSG.append("ERROR: No data in %s" %self.guidfile) return guiddict def guid_parser(self,guid): if guid.upper() in self.guiddict: return self.guiddict[guid.upper()] else: print("ERROR: GUID %s not found in file %s"%(guid, self.guidfile)) ERRORMSG.append("ERROR: GUID %s not found in file %s"%(guid, self.guidfile)) return guid class PATH(object): def __init__(self,path): self.path=path self.rootdir=self.get_root_dir() self.usefuldir=[] self.lstinf = {} for path in self.rootdir: for o_root, o_dir, o_file in os.walk(os.path.join(path, "OUTPUT"), topdown=True, followlinks=False): for INF in o_file: if os.path.splitext(INF)[1] == '.inf': for l_root, l_dir, l_file in os.walk(os.path.join(path, "DEBUG"), topdown=True, followlinks=False): for LST in l_file: if os.path.splitext(LST)[1] == '.lst': self.lstinf[os.path.join(l_root, LST)] = os.path.join(o_root, INF) self.usefuldir.append(path) def get_root_dir(self): rootdir=[] for root,dir,file in os.walk(self.path,topdown=True,followlinks=False): if "OUTPUT" in root: updir=root.split("OUTPUT",1)[0] rootdir.append(updir) rootdir=list(set(rootdir)) return rootdir def lst_inf(self): return self.lstinf def package(self): package={} package_re=re.compile(r'Packages\.\w+]\n(.*)',re.S) for i in list(self.lstinf.values()): with open(i,'r') as inf: read=inf.read() section=read.split('[') for j in section: p=package_re.findall(j) if p: package[i]=p[0].rstrip() return package def header(self,struct): header={} head_re = re.compile(r'} %s;[\s\S\n]+h{1}"'%struct,re.M|re.S) head_re2 = re.compile(r'#line[\s\d]+"(\S+h)"') for i in list(self.lstinf.keys()): with open(i,'r') as lst: read = lst.read() h = head_re.findall(read) if h: head=head_re2.findall(h[0]) if head: format = head[0].replace('\\\\','/').replace('\\','/') name =format.split('/')[-1] head = self.makefile(name).replace('\\','/') header[struct] = head return header def makefile(self,filename): re_format = re.compile(r'DEBUG_DIR.*(?:\S+Pkg)\\(.*\\%s)'%filename) for i in self.usefuldir: with open(os.path.join(i,'Makefile'),'r') as make: read = make.read() dir = re_format.findall(read) if dir: return dir[0] class mainprocess(object): def __init__(self,InputPath,Config,OutputPath): self.init = 0xFCD00000 self.inputpath = os.path.abspath(InputPath) self.outputpath = os.path.abspath(OutputPath) self.LST = PATH(self.inputpath) self.lst_dict = self.LST.lst_inf() self.Config = Config self.attribute_dict = {'0x3': 'NV, BS', '0x7': 'NV, BS, RT'} self.guid = GUID(self.inputpath) self.header={} def main(self): conf=Config(self.Config) config_dict=conf.config_parser() #get {'0_0':[offset,name,guid,value,attribute]...,'1_0':....} lst=parser_lst(list(self.lst_dict.keys())) efi_dict=lst.efivarstore_parser() #get {name:struct} form lst file keys=sorted(config_dict.keys()) all_struct=lst.struct() stru_lst=lst.struct_lst() title_list=[] info_list=[] header_list=[] inf_list =[] for i in stru_lst: tmp = self.LST.header(i) self.header.update(tmp) for id_key in keys: tmp_id=[id_key] #['0_0',[(struct,[name...]),(struct,[name...])]] tmp_info={} #{name:struct} for section in config_dict[id_key]: c_offset,c_name,c_guid,c_value,c_attribute = section if c_name in efi_dict: struct = efi_dict[c_name] title='%s%s|L"%s"|%s|0x00||%s\n'%(PCD_NAME,c_name,c_name,self.guid.guid_parser(c_guid),self.attribute_dict[c_attribute]) if struct in all_struct: lstfile = stru_lst[struct] struct_dict=all_struct[struct] try: title2 = '%s%s|{0}|%s|0xFCD00000{\n \n %s\n \n%s\n}\n' % (PCD_NAME, c_name, struct, self.header[struct], self.LST.package()[self.lst_dict[lstfile]]) except KeyError: WARNING.append("Warning: No for struct %s"%struct) title2 = '%s%s|{0}|%s|0xFCD00000{\n \n %s\n \n%s\n}\n' % (PCD_NAME, c_name, struct, '', self.LST.package()[self.lst_dict[lstfile]]) header_list.append(title2) else: struct_dict ={} print("ERROR: Struct %s can't found in lst file" %struct) ERRORMSG.append("ERROR: Struct %s can't found in lst file" %struct) if c_offset in struct_dict: offset_name=struct_dict[c_offset] info = "%s%s.%s|%s\n"%(PCD_NAME,c_name,offset_name,c_value) inf = "%s%s\n"%(PCD_NAME,c_name) inf_list.append(inf) tmp_info[info]=title else: print("ERROR: Can't find offset %s with struct name %s"%(c_offset,struct)) ERRORMSG.append("ERROR: Can't find offset %s with name %s"%(c_offset,struct)) else: print("ERROR: Can't find name %s in lst file"%(c_name)) ERRORMSG.append("ERROR: Can't find name %s in lst file"%(c_name)) tmp_id.append(list(self.reverse_dict(tmp_info).items())) id,tmp_title_list,tmp_info_list = self.read_list(tmp_id) title_list +=tmp_title_list info_list.append(tmp_info_list) inf_list = self.del_repeat(inf_list) header_list = self.plus(self.del_repeat(header_list)) title_all=list(set(title_list)) info_list = self.del_repeat(info_list) for i in range(len(info_list)-1,-1,-1): if len(info_list[i]) == 0: info_list.remove(info_list[i]) return keys,title_all,info_list,header_list,inf_list def write_all(self): title_flag=1 info_flag=1 if not os.path.isdir(self.outputpath): os.makedirs(self.outputpath) decwrite = write2file(os.path.join(self.outputpath,'StructurePcd.dec')) dscwrite = write2file(os.path.join(self.outputpath,'StructurePcd.dsc')) infwrite = write2file(os.path.join(self.outputpath, 'StructurePcd.inf')) conf = Config(self.Config) ids,title,info,header,inf=self.main() decwrite.add2file(decstatement) decwrite.add2file(header) infwrite.add2file(infstatement) infwrite.add2file(inf) dscwrite.add2file(dscstatement) for id in ids: dscwrite.add2file(conf.eval_id(id)) if title_flag: dscwrite.add2file(title) title_flag=0 if len(info) == 1: dscwrite.add2file(info) elif len(info) == 2: if info_flag: dscwrite.add2file(info[0]) info_flag =0 else: dscwrite.add2file(info[1]) def del_repeat(self,List): if len(List) == 1 or len(List) == 0: return List else: if type(List[0]) != type('xxx'): alist=[] for i in range(len(List)): if i == 0: alist.append(List[0]) else: plist = [] for j in range(i): plist += List[j] alist.append(self.__del(list(set(plist)), List[i])) return alist else: return list(set(List)) def __del(self,list1,list2): return list(set(list2).difference(set(list1))) def reverse_dict(self,dict): data={} for i in list(dict.items()): if i[1] not in list(data.keys()): data[i[1]]=[i[0]] else: data[i[1]].append(i[0]) return data def read_list(self,list): title_list=[] info_list=[] for i in list[1]: title_list.append(i[0]) for j in i[1]: info_list.append(j) return list[0],title_list,info_list def plus(self,list): nums=[] for i in list: if type(i) != type([0]): self.init += 1 num = "0x%01x" % self.init j=i.replace('0xFCD00000',num.upper()) nums.append(j) return nums class write2file(object): def __init__(self,Output): self.output=Output self.text='' if os.path.exists(self.output): os.remove(self.output) def add2file(self,content): self.text = '' with open(self.output,'a+') as file: file.write(self.__gen(content)) def __gen(self,content): if type(content) == type(''): return content elif type(content) == type([0,0])or type(content) == type((0,0)): return self.__readlist(content) elif type(content) == type({0:0}): return self.__readdict(content) def __readlist(self,list): for i in list: if type(i) == type([0,0])or type(i) == type((0,0)): self.__readlist(i) elif type(i) == type('') : self.text +=i return self.text def __readdict(self,dict): content=list(dict.items()) return self.__readlist(content) def stamp(): return datetime.datetime.now() def dtime(start,end,id=None): if id: pass print("%s time:%s" % (id,str(end - start))) else: print("Total time:%s" %str(end-start)[:-7]) def main(): start = stamp() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = __prog__, description = __description__ + __copyright__, conflict_handler = 'resolve') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action = 'version',version = __version__, help="show program's version number and exit") parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', metavar='PATH', dest='path', help="platform build output directory") parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',metavar='FILENAME', dest='config', help="firmware configuration file") parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputdir', metavar='PATH', dest='output', help="output directoy") options = parser.parse_args() if options.config: if options.path: if options.output: run = mainprocess(options.path, options.config, options.output) print("Running...") run.write_all() if WARNING: warning = list(set(WARNING)) for j in warning: print(j) if ERRORMSG: ERROR = list(set(ERRORMSG)) with open("ERROR.log", 'w+') as error: for i in ERROR: error.write(i + '\n') print("Some error find, error log in ERROR.log") print('Finished, Output files in directory %s'%os.path.abspath(options.output)) else: print('Error command, no output path, use -h for help') else: print('Error command, no build path input, use -h for help') else: print('Error command, no output file, use -h for help') end = stamp() dtime(start, end) if __name__ == '__main__': main()