# Edk2 Basetools This folder has traditionally held the source of Python based tools used by EDK2. The official repo this source has moved to https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-basetools. This folder will remain in the tree until the next stable release (expected 202102). There is a new folder under Basetools `BinPipWrappers` that uses the pip module rather than this tree for Basetools. By adding the scope `pipbuild-win` or `pipbuild-unix` (depending on your host system), the SDE will use the `BinPipWrappers` instead of the regular `BinWrappers`. ## Why Move It? The discussion is on the mailing list. The RFC is here: https://edk2.groups.io/g/rfc/topic/74009714#270 The benefits allow for the Basetools project to be used separately from EDK2 itself as well as offering it in a globally accessible manner. This makes it much easier to build a module using Basetools. Separating the Basetools into their own repo allows for easier CI and contribution process. Additional pros, cons, and process can be found on the mailing list. ## How Do I Install It? By default, EDK2 is tied to and tested with a specific version of the Basetools through `pip-requirements.txt`. You can simply run: ```bash pip install -r pip-requirements.txt ``` This will install the required module, thought we strongly suggest setting up a virtual environment. Additionally, you can also install a local clone of the Basetools as well as a specific git commit.