/** @file TDES Wrapper Implementation which does not provide real capabilities. Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "InternalCryptLib.h" /** Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for TDES operations. Return zero to indicate this interface is not supported. @retval 0 This interface is not supported. **/ UINTN EFIAPI TdesGetContextSize ( VOID ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return 0; } /** Initializes user-supplied memory as TDES context for subsequent use. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[out] TdesContext Pointer to TDES context being initialized. @param[in] Key Pointer to the user-supplied TDES key. @param[in] KeyLength Length of TDES key in bits. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI TdesInit ( OUT VOID *TdesContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeyLength ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } /** Performs TDES encryption on a data buffer of the specified size in ECB mode. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[in] TdesContext Pointer to the TDES context. @param[in] Input Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be encrypted. @param[in] InputSize Size of the Input buffer in bytes. @param[out] Output Pointer to a buffer that receives the TDES encryption output. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI TdesEcbEncrypt ( IN VOID *TdesContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Input, IN UINTN InputSize, OUT UINT8 *Output ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } /** Performs TDES decryption on a data buffer of the specified size in ECB mode. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[in] TdesContext Pointer to the TDES context. @param[in] Input Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be decrypted. @param[in] InputSize Size of the Input buffer in bytes. @param[out] Output Pointer to a buffer that receives the TDES decryption output. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI TdesEcbDecrypt ( IN VOID *TdesContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Input, IN UINTN InputSize, OUT UINT8 *Output ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } /** Performs TDES encryption on a data buffer of the specified size in CBC mode. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[in] TdesContext Pointer to the TDES context. @param[in] Input Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be encrypted. @param[in] InputSize Size of the Input buffer in bytes. @param[in] Ivec Pointer to initialization vector. @param[out] Output Pointer to a buffer that receives the TDES encryption output. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI TdesCbcEncrypt ( IN VOID *TdesContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Input, IN UINTN InputSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Ivec, OUT UINT8 *Output ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } /** Performs TDES decryption on a data buffer of the specified size in CBC mode. Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported. @param[in] TdesContext Pointer to the TDES context. @param[in] Input Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be encrypted. @param[in] InputSize Size of the Input buffer in bytes. @param[in] Ivec Pointer to initialization vector. @param[out] Output Pointer to a buffer that receives the TDES encryption output. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI TdesCbcDecrypt ( IN VOID *TdesContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Input, IN UINTN InputSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Ivec, OUT UINT8 *Output ) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; }