/** @file Language Library implementation that provides functions for language conversion between ISO 639-2 and RFC 4646 language codes. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include // // Lookup table of ISO639-2 3 character language codes to ISO 639-1 2 character language codes // Each entry is 5 CHAR8 values long. The first 3 CHAR8 values are the ISO 639-2 code. // The last 2 CHAR8 values are the ISO 639-1 code. // // ISO 639-2 B codes and deprecated ISO 639-1 codes are not supported. // // Commonly used language codes such as English and French are put in the front of the table for quick match. // GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CONST CHAR8 mIso639ToRfc4646ConversionTable[] = "\ engen\ frafr\ aaraa\ abkab\ aveae\ afraf\ akaak\ amham\ argan\ araar\ asmas\ avaav\ aymay\ azeaz\ bakba\ belbe\ bulbg\ bihbh\ bisbi\ bambm\ benbn\ bodbo\ brebr\ bosbs\ catca\ chece\ chach\ cosco\ crecr\ cescs\ chucu\ chvcv\ cymcy\ danda\ deude\ divdv\ dzodz\ eweee\ ellel\ epoeo\ spaes\ estet\ euseu\ fasfa\ fulff\ finfi\ fijfj\ faofo\ fryfy\ glega\ glagd\ glggl\ grngn\ gujgu\ glvgv\ hauha\ hebhe\ hinhi\ hmoho\ hrvhr\ hatht\ hunhu\ hyehy\ herhz\ inaia\ indid\ ileie\ iboig\ iiiii\ ipkik\ idoio\ islis\ itait\ ikuiu\ jpnja\ javjv\ katka\ konkg\ kikki\ kuakj\ kazkk\ kalkl\ khmkm\ kankn\ korko\ kaukr\ kasks\ kurku\ komkv\ corkw\ kirky\ latla\ ltzlb\ luglg\ limli\ linln\ laolo\ litlt\ lublu\ lavlv\ mlgmg\ mahmh\ mrimi\ mkdmk\ malml\ monmn\ marmr\ msams\ mltmt\ myamy\ nauna\ nobnb\ ndend\ nepne\ ndong\ nldnl\ nnonn\ norno\ nblnr\ navnv\ nyany\ ocioc\ ojioj\ ormom\ orior\ ossos\ panpa\ plipi\ polpl\ pusps\ porpt\ quequ\ rohrm\ runrn\ ronro\ rusru\ kinrw\ sansa\ srdsc\ sndsd\ smese\ sagsg\ sinsi\ slksk\ slvsl\ smosm\ snasn\ somso\ sqisq\ srpsr\ sswss\ sotst\ sunsu\ swesv\ swasw\ tamta\ telte\ tgktg\ thath\ tirti\ tuktk\ tgltl\ tsntn\ tonto\ turtr\ tsots\ tattt\ twitw\ tahty\ uigug\ ukruk\ urdur\ uzbuz\ venve\ vievi\ volvo\ wlnwa\ wolwo\ xhoxh\ yidyi\ yoryo\ zhaza\ zhozh\ zulzu\ "; /** Converts upper case ASCII characters in an ASCII string to lower case ASCII characters in an ASCII string. If a an ASCII character in Source is in the range 'A'..'Z', then it is converted to an ASCII character in the range 'a'..'z' in Destination. Otherwise, no conversion is performed. Length ASCII characters from Source are convertered and stored in Destination. @param Destination An ASCII string to store the results of the conversion. @param Source The source ASCII string of the conversion. @param Length The number of ASCII characters to convert. **/ VOID EFIAPI InternalLanguageLibToLower ( OUT CHAR8 *Destination, IN CONST CHAR8 *Source, IN UINTN Length ) { for (; Length > 0; Length--, Destination++, Source++) { *Destination = (CHAR8)((*Source >= 'A' && *Source <= 'Z') ? *Source + ('a' - 'A') : *Source); } } /** Convert an ISO 639-2 language code to a RFC 4646 language code. If the ISO 639-2 language code has a corresponding ISO 639-1 code, then the ISO 639-1 code is returned. Else the original ISO 639-2 code is returned. The returned RFC 4646 language code is composed of only a primary language subtag. If Iso639Language is NULL, then ASSERT. If Rfc4646Language is NULL, then ASSERT. @param[out] Rfc4646Language Pointers to a buffer large enough for an ASCII string which reprsents a RFC 4646 language code containging only either a ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2 primary language subtag. This string is Null-terminated. @param[in] Iso639Language Pointer to a 3-letter ASCII string which represents an ISO 639-2 language code. This string is not required to be Null-terminated. @retval TRUE The ISO 639-2 language code was converted to a ISO 639-1 code. @retval FALSE The language code does not have corresponding ISO 639-1 code. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ConvertIso639ToRfc4646 ( OUT CHAR8 *Rfc4646Language, IN CONST CHAR8 *Iso639Language ) { CONST CHAR8 *Match; ASSERT (Iso639Language != NULL); ASSERT (Rfc4646Language != NULL); // // Convert first 3 characters of Iso639Language to lower case ASCII characters in Rfc4646Language // InternalLanguageLibToLower (Rfc4646Language, Iso639Language, 3); Rfc4646Language[3] = '\0'; Match = mIso639ToRfc4646ConversionTable; do { Match = AsciiStrStr (Match, Rfc4646Language); if (Match == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (((Match - mIso639ToRfc4646ConversionTable) % 5) == 0) { break; } ++Match; } while (TRUE); Rfc4646Language[0] = Match[3]; Rfc4646Language[1] = Match[4]; Rfc4646Language[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; } /** Convert a RFC 4646 language code to an ISO 639-2 language code. The primary language subtag of the RFC 4646 code must be either an ISO 639-1 or 639-2 code. If the primary language subtag is an ISO 639-1 code, then it is converted to its corresponding ISO 639-2 code (T code if applies). Else the ISO 639-2 code is returned. If Rfc4646Language is NULL, then ASSERT. If Iso639Language is NULL, then ASSERT. @param[out] Iso639Language Pointers to a buffer large enough for a 3-letter ASCII string which reprsents an ISO 639-2 language code. The string is Null-terminated. @param[in] Rfc4646Language Pointer to a RFC 4646 language code string. This string is terminated by a NULL or a ';' character. @retval TRUE Language code converted successfully. @retval FALSE The RFC 4646 language code is invalid or unsupported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ConvertRfc4646ToIso639 ( OUT CHAR8 *Iso639Language, IN CONST CHAR8 *Rfc4646Language ) { CONST CHAR8 *Match; ASSERT (Rfc4646Language != NULL); ASSERT (Iso639Language != NULL); // // RFC 4646 language code check before determining // if the primary language subtag is ISO 639-1 or 639-2 code // if (Rfc4646Language[0] == '\0' || Rfc4646Language[1] == '\0') { return FALSE; } // // Check if the primary language subtag is ISO 639-1 code // if (Rfc4646Language[2] == ';' || Rfc4646Language[2] == '-' || Rfc4646Language[2] == '\0') { // // Convert first 2 characters of Rfc4646Language to lower case ASCII characters in Iso639Language // InternalLanguageLibToLower (Iso639Language, Rfc4646Language, 2); // // Convert ISO 639-1 code to ISO 639-2 code // Iso639Language[2] = '\0'; Match = mIso639ToRfc4646ConversionTable; do { Match = AsciiStrStr (Match, Iso639Language); if (Match == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (((Match - mIso639ToRfc4646ConversionTable) % 5) == 3) { break; } ++Match; } while (TRUE); Rfc4646Language = Match - 3; } else if (!(Rfc4646Language[3] == ';' || Rfc4646Language[3] == '-' || Rfc4646Language[3] == '\0')) { return FALSE; } Iso639Language[0] = Rfc4646Language[0]; Iso639Language[1] = Rfc4646Language[1]; Iso639Language[2] = Rfc4646Language[2]; Iso639Language[3] = '\0'; return TRUE; } /** Convert ISO 639-2 language codes to RFC 4646 codes and return the converted codes. Caller is responsible for freeing the allocated buffer. If Iso639Languages is NULL, then ASSERT. @param[in] Iso639Languages Pointers to a Null-terminated ISO 639-2 language codes string containing one or more ISO 639-2 3-letter language codes. @retval NULL Invalid ISO 639-2 language code found. @retval NULL Out of memory. @retval !NULL Pointer to the allocate buffer containing the Null-terminated converted language codes string. This string is composed of one or more RFC4646 language codes each of which has only ISO 639-1 2-letter primary language subtag. **/ CHAR8 * EFIAPI ConvertLanguagesIso639ToRfc4646 ( IN CONST CHAR8 *Iso639Languages ) { UINTN Length; UINTN Iso639Index; UINTN Rfc4646Index; CHAR8 *Rfc4646Languages; ASSERT (Iso639Languages != NULL); // // The length of ISO 639-2 lanugage codes string must be multiple of 3 // Length = AsciiStrLen (Iso639Languages); if (Length % 3 != 0) { return NULL; } // // Allocate buffer for RFC 4646 language codes string // Rfc4646Languages = AllocatePool (Length + (Length / 3)); if (Rfc4646Languages == NULL) { return NULL; } for (Iso639Index = 0, Rfc4646Index = 0; Iso639Languages[Iso639Index] != '\0'; Iso639Index += 3) { if (ConvertIso639ToRfc4646 (&Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index], &Iso639Languages[Iso639Index])) { Rfc4646Index += 2; } else { Rfc4646Index += 3; } Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index++] = ';'; } Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index - 1] = '\0'; return Rfc4646Languages; } /** Convert RFC 4646 language codes to ISO 639-2 codes and return the converted codes. The primary language subtag of the RFC 4646 code must be either an ISO 639-1 or 639-2 code. Caller is responsible for freeing the allocated buffer. If Rfc4646Languages is NULL, then ASSERT. @param[in] Rfc4646Languages Pointers to a Null-terminated RFC 4646 language codes string containing one or more RFC 4646 language codes. @retval NULL Invalid or unsupported RFC 4646 language code found. @retval NULL Out of memory. @retval !NULL Pointer to the allocate buffer containing the Null-terminated converted language codes string. This string is composed of one or more ISO 639-2 language codes. **/ CHAR8 * EFIAPI ConvertLanguagesRfc4646ToIso639 ( IN CONST CHAR8 *Rfc4646Languages ) { UINTN NumLanguages; UINTN Iso639Index; UINTN Rfc4646Index; CHAR8 *Iso639Languages; ASSERT (Rfc4646Languages != NULL); // // Determine the number of languages in the RFC 4646 language codes string // for (Rfc4646Index = 0, NumLanguages = 1; Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index] != '\0'; Rfc4646Index++) { if (Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index] == ';') { NumLanguages++; } } // // Allocate buffer for ISO 639-2 language codes string // Iso639Languages = AllocateZeroPool (NumLanguages * 3 + 1); if (Iso639Languages == NULL) { return NULL; } // // Do the conversion for each RFC 4646 language code // for (Rfc4646Index = 0, Iso639Index = 0; Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index] != '\0';) { if (ConvertRfc4646ToIso639 (&Iso639Languages[Iso639Index], &Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index])) { Iso639Index += 3; } else { FreePool (Iso639Languages); return NULL; } // // Locate next language code // while (Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index] != ';' && Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index] != '\0') { Rfc4646Index++; } if (Rfc4646Languages[Rfc4646Index] == ';') { Rfc4646Index++; } } Iso639Languages[Iso639Index] = '\0'; return Iso639Languages; }