/** @file Functions for performing directory entry io. Copyright (c) 2005 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Fat.h" /** Get a directory entry from disk for the Ofile. @param Parent - The parent of the OFile which need to update. @param IoMode - Indicate whether to read directory entry or write directroy entry. @param EntryPos - The position of the directory entry to be accessed. @param Entry - The directory entry read or written. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Access the directory entry sucessfully. @return other - An error occurred when reading the directory entry. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS FatAccessEntry ( IN FAT_OFILE *Parent, IN IO_MODE IoMode, IN UINTN EntryPos, IN OUT VOID *Entry ) { UINTN Position; UINTN BufferSize; Position = EntryPos * sizeof (FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY); if (Position >= Parent->FileSize) { // // End of directory // ASSERT (IoMode == ReadData); ((FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *) Entry)->FileName[0] = EMPTY_ENTRY_MARK; ((FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *) Entry)->Attributes = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; } BufferSize = sizeof (FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY); return FatAccessOFile (Parent, IoMode, Position, &BufferSize, Entry, NULL); } /** Save the directory entry to disk. @param OFile - The parent OFile which needs to update. @param DirEnt - The directory entry to be saved. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Store the directory entry successfully. @return other - An error occurred when writing the directory entry. **/ EFI_STATUS FatStoreDirEnt ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_DIRECTORY_LFN LfnEntry; UINTN EntryPos; CHAR16 *LfnBufferPointer; CHAR16 LfnBuffer[MAX_LFN_ENTRIES * LFN_CHAR_TOTAL + 1]; UINT8 EntryCount; UINT8 LfnOrdinal; EntryPos = DirEnt->EntryPos; EntryCount = DirEnt->EntryCount; // // Write directory entry // Status = FatAccessEntry (OFile, WriteData, EntryPos, &DirEnt->Entry); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (--EntryCount > 0) { // // Write LFN directory entry // SetMem (LfnBuffer, sizeof (CHAR16) * LFN_CHAR_TOTAL * EntryCount, 0xff); Status = StrCpyS ( LfnBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE (LfnBuffer), DirEnt->FileString ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } LfnBufferPointer = LfnBuffer; LfnEntry.Attributes = FAT_ATTRIBUTE_LFN; LfnEntry.Type = 0; LfnEntry.MustBeZero = 0; LfnEntry.Checksum = FatCheckSum (DirEnt->Entry.FileName); for (LfnOrdinal = 1; LfnOrdinal <= EntryCount; LfnOrdinal++) { LfnEntry.Ordinal = LfnOrdinal; if (LfnOrdinal == EntryCount) { LfnEntry.Ordinal |= FAT_LFN_LAST; } CopyMem (LfnEntry.Name1, LfnBufferPointer, sizeof (CHAR16) * LFN_CHAR1_LEN); LfnBufferPointer += LFN_CHAR1_LEN; CopyMem (LfnEntry.Name2, LfnBufferPointer, sizeof (CHAR16) * LFN_CHAR2_LEN); LfnBufferPointer += LFN_CHAR2_LEN; CopyMem (LfnEntry.Name3, LfnBufferPointer, sizeof (CHAR16) * LFN_CHAR3_LEN); LfnBufferPointer += LFN_CHAR3_LEN; EntryPos--; if (DirEnt->Invalid) { LfnEntry.Ordinal = DELETE_ENTRY_MARK; } Status = FatAccessEntry (OFile, WriteData, EntryPos, &LfnEntry); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Determine whether the directory entry is "." or ".." entry. @param DirEnt - The corresponding directory entry. @retval TRUE - The directory entry is "." or ".." directory entry @retval FALSE - The directory entry is not "." or ".." directory entry **/ BOOLEAN FatIsDotDirEnt ( IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { CHAR16 *FileString; FileString = DirEnt->FileString; if (StrCmp (FileString, L".") == 0 || StrCmp (FileString, L"..") == 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** Set the OFile's cluster info in its directory entry. @param OFile - The corresponding OFile. **/ STATIC VOID FatSetDirEntCluster ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile ) { UINTN Cluster; FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt; DirEnt = OFile->DirEnt; Cluster = OFile->FileCluster; DirEnt->Entry.FileClusterHigh = (UINT16) (Cluster >> 16); DirEnt->Entry.FileCluster = (UINT16) Cluster; } /** Set the OFile's cluster and size info in its directory entry. @param OFile - The corresponding OFile. **/ VOID FatUpdateDirEntClusterSizeInfo ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile ) { ASSERT (OFile->ODir == NULL); OFile->DirEnt->Entry.FileSize = (UINT32) OFile->FileSize; FatSetDirEntCluster (OFile); } /** Copy all the information of DirEnt2 to DirEnt1 except for 8.3 name. @param DirEnt1 - The destination directory entry. @param DirEnt2 - The source directory entry. **/ VOID FatCloneDirEnt ( IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt1, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt2 ) { UINT8 *Entry1; UINT8 *Entry2; Entry1 = (UINT8 *) &DirEnt1->Entry; Entry2 = (UINT8 *) &DirEnt2->Entry; CopyMem ( Entry1 + FAT_ENTRY_INFO_OFFSET, Entry2 + FAT_ENTRY_INFO_OFFSET, sizeof (FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY) - FAT_ENTRY_INFO_OFFSET ); } /** Get the LFN for the directory entry. @param Parent - The parent directory. @param DirEnt - The directory entry to get LFN. **/ STATIC VOID FatLoadLongNameEntry ( IN FAT_OFILE *Parent, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { CHAR16 LfnBuffer[MAX_LFN_ENTRIES * LFN_CHAR_TOTAL + 1]; CHAR16 *LfnBufferPointer; CHAR8 *File8Dot3Name; UINTN EntryPos; UINT8 LfnOrdinal; UINT8 LfnChecksum; FAT_DIRECTORY_LFN LfnEntry; EFI_STATUS Status; EntryPos = DirEnt->EntryPos; File8Dot3Name = DirEnt->Entry.FileName; LfnBufferPointer = LfnBuffer; // // Computes checksum for LFN // LfnChecksum = FatCheckSum (File8Dot3Name); LfnOrdinal = 1; do { if (EntryPos == 0) { LfnBufferPointer = LfnBuffer; break; } EntryPos--; Status = FatAccessEntry (Parent, ReadData, EntryPos, &LfnEntry); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || LfnEntry.Attributes != FAT_ATTRIBUTE_LFN || LfnEntry.MustBeZero != 0 || LfnEntry.Checksum != LfnChecksum || (LfnEntry.Ordinal & (~FAT_LFN_LAST)) != LfnOrdinal || LfnOrdinal > MAX_LFN_ENTRIES ) { // // The directory entry does not have a long file name or // some error occurs when loading long file name for a directory entry, // and then we load the long name from short name // LfnBufferPointer = LfnBuffer; break; } CopyMem (LfnBufferPointer, LfnEntry.Name1, sizeof (CHAR16) * LFN_CHAR1_LEN); LfnBufferPointer += LFN_CHAR1_LEN; CopyMem (LfnBufferPointer, LfnEntry.Name2, sizeof (CHAR16) * LFN_CHAR2_LEN); LfnBufferPointer += LFN_CHAR2_LEN; CopyMem (LfnBufferPointer, LfnEntry.Name3, sizeof (CHAR16) * LFN_CHAR3_LEN); LfnBufferPointer += LFN_CHAR3_LEN; LfnOrdinal++; } while ((LfnEntry.Ordinal & FAT_LFN_LAST) == 0); DirEnt->EntryCount = LfnOrdinal; // // Terminate current Lfnbuffer // *LfnBufferPointer = 0; if (LfnBufferPointer == LfnBuffer) { // // Fail to get the long file name from long file name entry, // get the file name from short name // FatGetFileNameViaCaseFlag ( DirEnt, LfnBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE (LfnBuffer) ); } DirEnt->FileString = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (LfnBuffer), LfnBuffer); } /** Add this directory entry node to the list of directory entries and hash table. @param ODir - The parent OFile which needs to be updated. @param DirEnt - The directory entry to be added. **/ STATIC VOID FatAddDirEnt ( IN FAT_ODIR *ODir, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { if (DirEnt->Link.BackLink == NULL) { DirEnt->Link.BackLink = &ODir->ChildList; } InsertTailList (DirEnt->Link.BackLink, &DirEnt->Link); FatInsertToHashTable (ODir, DirEnt); } /** Load from disk the next directory entry at current end of directory position. @param OFile - The parent OFile. @param PtrDirEnt - The directory entry that is loaded. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Load the directory entry successfully. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Out of resource. @return other - An error occurred when reading the directory entries. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS FatLoadNextDirEnt ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, OUT FAT_DIRENT **PtrDirEnt ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt; FAT_ODIR *ODir; FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY Entry; ODir = OFile->ODir; // // Make sure the parent's directory has been opened // ASSERT (ODir != NULL); // // Assert we have not reached the end of directory // ASSERT (!ODir->EndOfDir); DirEnt = NULL; for (;;) { // // Read the next directory entry until we find a valid directory entry (excluding lfn entry) // Status = FatAccessEntry (OFile, ReadData, ODir->CurrentEndPos, &Entry); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (((UINT8) Entry.FileName[0] != DELETE_ENTRY_MARK) && (Entry.Attributes & FAT_ATTRIBUTE_VOLUME_ID) == 0) { // // We get a valid directory entry, then handle it // break; } ODir->CurrentEndPos++; } if (Entry.FileName[0] != EMPTY_ENTRY_MARK) { // // Although FAT spec states this field is always 0 for FAT12 & FAT16, some applications // might use it for some special usage, it is safer to zero it in memory for FAT12 & FAT16. // if (OFile->Volume->FatType != Fat32) { Entry.FileClusterHigh = 0; } // // This is a valid directory entry // DirEnt = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FAT_DIRENT)); if (DirEnt == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } DirEnt->Signature = FAT_DIRENT_SIGNATURE; // // Remember the directory's entry position on disk // DirEnt->EntryPos = (UINT16) ODir->CurrentEndPos; CopyMem (&DirEnt->Entry, &Entry, sizeof (FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)); FatLoadLongNameEntry (OFile, DirEnt); if (DirEnt->FileString == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Done; } // // Add this directory entry to directory // FatAddDirEnt (ODir, DirEnt); // // Point to next directory entry // ODir->CurrentEndPos++; } else { ODir->EndOfDir = TRUE; } *PtrDirEnt = DirEnt; return EFI_SUCCESS; Done: FatFreeDirEnt (DirEnt); return Status; } /** Get the directory entry's info into Buffer. @param Volume - FAT file system volume. @param DirEnt - The corresponding directory entry. @param BufferSize - Size of Buffer. @param Buffer - Buffer containing file info. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Get the file info successfully. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - The buffer is too small. **/ EFI_STATUS FatGetDirEntInfo ( IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { UINTN Size; UINTN NameSize; UINTN ResultSize; UINTN Cluster; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_INFO *Info; FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *Entry; FAT_DATE_TIME FatLastAccess; ASSERT_VOLUME_LOCKED (Volume); Size = SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO; NameSize = StrSize (DirEnt->FileString); ResultSize = Size + NameSize; Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; if (*BufferSize >= ResultSize) { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Entry = &DirEnt->Entry; Info = Buffer; Info->Size = ResultSize; if ((Entry->Attributes & FAT_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { Cluster = (Entry->FileClusterHigh << 16) | Entry->FileCluster; Info->PhysicalSize = FatPhysicalDirSize (Volume, Cluster); Info->FileSize = Info->PhysicalSize; } else { Info->FileSize = Entry->FileSize; Info->PhysicalSize = FatPhysicalFileSize (Volume, Entry->FileSize); } ZeroMem (&FatLastAccess.Time, sizeof (FatLastAccess.Time)); CopyMem (&FatLastAccess.Date, &Entry->FileLastAccess, sizeof (FatLastAccess.Date)); FatFatTimeToEfiTime (&FatLastAccess, &Info->LastAccessTime); FatFatTimeToEfiTime (&Entry->FileCreateTime, &Info->CreateTime); FatFatTimeToEfiTime (&Entry->FileModificationTime, &Info->ModificationTime); Info->Attribute = Entry->Attributes & EFI_FILE_VALID_ATTR; CopyMem ((CHAR8 *) Buffer + Size, DirEnt->FileString, NameSize); } *BufferSize = ResultSize; return Status; } /** Search the directory for the directory entry whose filename is FileNameString. @param OFile - The parent OFile whose directory is to be searched. @param FileNameString - The filename to be searched. @param PtrDirEnt - pointer to the directory entry if found. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Find the directory entry or not found. @return other - An error occurred when reading the directory entries. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS FatSearchODir ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, IN CHAR16 *FileNameString, OUT FAT_DIRENT **PtrDirEnt ) { BOOLEAN PossibleShortName; CHAR8 File8Dot3Name[FAT_NAME_LEN]; FAT_ODIR *ODir; FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt; EFI_STATUS Status; ODir = OFile->ODir; ASSERT (ODir != NULL); // // Check if the file name is a valid short name // PossibleShortName = FatCheckIs8Dot3Name (FileNameString, File8Dot3Name); // // Search the hash table first // DirEnt = *FatLongNameHashSearch (ODir, FileNameString); if (DirEnt == NULL && PossibleShortName) { DirEnt = *FatShortNameHashSearch (ODir, File8Dot3Name); } if (DirEnt == NULL) { // // We fail to get the directory entry from hash table; we then // search the rest directory // while (!ODir->EndOfDir) { Status = FatLoadNextDirEnt (OFile, &DirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (DirEnt != NULL) { if (FatStriCmp (FileNameString, DirEnt->FileString) == 0) { break; } if (PossibleShortName && CompareMem (File8Dot3Name, DirEnt->Entry.FileName, FAT_NAME_LEN) == 0) { break; } } } } *PtrDirEnt = DirEnt; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Set the OFile's current directory cursor to the list head. @param OFile - The directory OFile whose directory cursor is reset. **/ VOID FatResetODirCursor ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile ) { FAT_ODIR *ODir; ODir = OFile->ODir; ASSERT (ODir != NULL); ODir->CurrentCursor = &(ODir->ChildList); ODir->CurrentPos = 0; } /** Set the directory's cursor to the next and get the next directory entry. @param OFile - The parent OFile. @param PtrDirEnt - The next directory entry. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - We get the next directory entry successfully. @return other - An error occurred when get next directory entry. **/ EFI_STATUS FatGetNextDirEnt ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, OUT FAT_DIRENT **PtrDirEnt ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt; FAT_ODIR *ODir; ODir = OFile->ODir; ASSERT (ODir != NULL); if (ODir->CurrentCursor->ForwardLink == &ODir->ChildList) { // // End of directory, we will try one more time // if (!ODir->EndOfDir) { // // Read directory from disk // Status = FatLoadNextDirEnt (OFile, &DirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } } if (ODir->CurrentCursor->ForwardLink == &ODir->ChildList) { // // End of directory, return NULL // DirEnt = NULL; ODir->CurrentPos = ODir->CurrentEndPos; } else { ODir->CurrentCursor = ODir->CurrentCursor->ForwardLink; DirEnt = DIRENT_FROM_LINK (ODir->CurrentCursor); ODir->CurrentPos = DirEnt->EntryPos + 1; } *PtrDirEnt = DirEnt; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Set the directory entry count according to the filename. @param OFile - The corresponding OFile. @param DirEnt - The directory entry to be set. **/ STATIC VOID FatSetEntryCount ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { CHAR16 *FileString; CHAR8 *File8Dot3Name; // // Get new entry count and set the 8.3 name // DirEnt->EntryCount = 1; FileString = DirEnt->FileString; File8Dot3Name = DirEnt->Entry.FileName; SetMem (File8Dot3Name, FAT_NAME_LEN, ' '); if (StrCmp (FileString, L".") == 0) { // // "." entry // File8Dot3Name[0] = '.'; FatCloneDirEnt (DirEnt, OFile->DirEnt); } else if (StrCmp (FileString, L"..") == 0) { // // ".." entry // File8Dot3Name[0] = '.'; File8Dot3Name[1] = '.'; FatCloneDirEnt (DirEnt, OFile->Parent->DirEnt); } else { // // Normal name // if (FatCheckIs8Dot3Name (FileString, File8Dot3Name)) { // // This file name is a valid 8.3 file name, we need to further check its case flag // FatSetCaseFlag (DirEnt); } else { // // The file name is not a valid 8.3 name we need to generate an 8.3 name for it // FatCreate8Dot3Name (OFile, DirEnt); DirEnt->EntryCount = (UINT8)(LFN_ENTRY_NUMBER (StrLen (FileString)) + DirEnt->EntryCount); } } } /** Append a zero cluster to the current OFile. @param OFile - The directory OFile which needs to be updated. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Append a zero cluster to the OFile successfully. @return other - An error occurred when appending the zero cluster. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS FatExpandODir ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile ) { return FatExpandOFile (OFile, OFile->FileSize + OFile->Volume->ClusterSize); } /** Search the Root OFile for the possible volume label. @param Root - The Root OFile. @param DirEnt - The returned directory entry of volume label. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The search process is completed successfully. @return other - An error occurred when searching volume label. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS FatSeekVolumeId ( IN FAT_OFILE *Root, OUT FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN EntryPos; FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *Entry; EntryPos = 0; Entry = &DirEnt->Entry; DirEnt->Invalid = TRUE; do { Status = FatAccessEntry (Root, ReadData, EntryPos, Entry); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (((UINT8) Entry->FileName[0] != DELETE_ENTRY_MARK) && (((Entry->Attributes) & (~FAT_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)) == FAT_ATTRIBUTE_VOLUME_ID)) { DirEnt->EntryPos = (UINT16) EntryPos; DirEnt->EntryCount = 1; DirEnt->Invalid = FALSE; break; } EntryPos++; } while (Entry->FileName[0] != EMPTY_ENTRY_MARK); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Use First Fit Algorithm to insert directory entry. Only this function will erase "E5" entries in a directory. In view of safest recovery, this function will only be triggered when maximum directory entry number has reached. @param OFile - The corresponding OFile. @param DirEnt - The directory entry to be inserted. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The directory entry has been successfully inserted. @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL - The directory can not hold more directory entries. @return Others - Some error occurred when inserting new directory entries. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS FatFirstFitInsertDirEnt ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_ODIR *ODir; LIST_ENTRY *CurrentEntry; FAT_DIRENT *CurrentDirEnt; UINT32 CurrentPos; UINT32 LabelPos; UINT32 NewEntryPos; UINT16 EntryCount; FAT_DIRENT LabelDirEnt; LabelPos = 0; if (OFile->Parent == NULL) { Status = FatSeekVolumeId (OFile, &LabelDirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (!LabelDirEnt.Invalid) { LabelPos = LabelDirEnt.EntryPos; } } EntryCount = DirEnt->EntryCount; NewEntryPos = EntryCount; CurrentPos = 0; ODir = OFile->ODir; for (CurrentEntry = ODir->ChildList.ForwardLink; CurrentEntry != &ODir->ChildList; CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry->ForwardLink ) { CurrentDirEnt = DIRENT_FROM_LINK (CurrentEntry); if (NewEntryPos + CurrentDirEnt->EntryCount <= CurrentDirEnt->EntryPos) { if (LabelPos > NewEntryPos || LabelPos <= CurrentPos) { // // first fit succeeded // goto Done; } } CurrentPos = CurrentDirEnt->EntryPos; NewEntryPos = CurrentPos + EntryCount; } if (NewEntryPos >= ODir->CurrentEndPos) { return EFI_VOLUME_FULL; } Done: DirEnt->EntryPos = (UINT16) NewEntryPos; DirEnt->Link.BackLink = CurrentEntry; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Find the new directory entry position for the directory entry. @param OFile - The corresponding OFile. @param DirEnt - The directory entry whose new position is to be set. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The new directory entry position is successfully found. @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL - The directory has reach its maximum capacity. @return other - An error occurred when reading the directory entry. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS FatNewEntryPos ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_ODIR *ODir; FAT_DIRENT *TempDirEnt; UINT32 NewEndPos; ODir = OFile->ODir; ASSERT (ODir != NULL); // // Make sure the whole directory has been loaded // while (!ODir->EndOfDir) { Status = FatLoadNextDirEnt (OFile, &TempDirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // We will append this entry to the end of directory // FatGetCurrentFatTime (&DirEnt->Entry.FileCreateTime); CopyMem (&DirEnt->Entry.FileModificationTime, &DirEnt->Entry.FileCreateTime, sizeof (FAT_DATE_TIME)); CopyMem (&DirEnt->Entry.FileLastAccess, &DirEnt->Entry.FileCreateTime.Date, sizeof (FAT_DATE)); NewEndPos = ODir->CurrentEndPos + DirEnt->EntryCount; if (NewEndPos * sizeof (FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY) > OFile->FileSize) { if (NewEndPos >= (OFile->IsFixedRootDir ? OFile->Volume->RootEntries : FAT_MAX_DIRENTRY_COUNT)) { // // We try to use fist fit algorithm to insert this directory entry // return FatFirstFitInsertDirEnt (OFile, DirEnt); } // // We should allocate a new cluster for this directory // Status = FatExpandODir (OFile); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // We append our directory entry at the end of directory file // ODir->CurrentEndPos = NewEndPos; DirEnt->EntryPos = (UINT16) (ODir->CurrentEndPos - 1); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get the directory entry for the volume. @param Volume - FAT file system volume. @param Name - The file name of the volume. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Update the volume with the directory entry sucessfully. @return others - An error occurred when getting volume label. **/ EFI_STATUS FatGetVolumeEntry ( IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume, IN CHAR16 *Name ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_DIRENT LabelDirEnt; *Name = 0; Status = FatSeekVolumeId (Volume->Root, &LabelDirEnt); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (!LabelDirEnt.Invalid) { FatNameToStr (LabelDirEnt.Entry.FileName, FAT_NAME_LEN, FALSE, Name); } } return Status; } /** Set the relevant directory entry into disk for the volume. @param Volume - FAT file system volume. @param Name - The new file name of the volume. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Update the Volume sucessfully. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED - The input label is not a valid volume label. @return other - An error occurred when setting volume label. **/ EFI_STATUS FatSetVolumeEntry ( IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume, IN CHAR16 *Name ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_DIRENT LabelDirEnt; FAT_OFILE *Root; Root = Volume->Root; Status = FatSeekVolumeId (Volume->Root, &LabelDirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (LabelDirEnt.Invalid) { // // If there is not the relevant directory entry, create a new one // ZeroMem (&LabelDirEnt, sizeof (FAT_DIRENT)); LabelDirEnt.EntryCount = 1; Status = FatNewEntryPos (Root, &LabelDirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } LabelDirEnt.Entry.Attributes = FAT_ATTRIBUTE_VOLUME_ID; } SetMem (LabelDirEnt.Entry.FileName, FAT_NAME_LEN, ' '); if (FatStrToFat (Name, FAT_NAME_LEN, LabelDirEnt.Entry.FileName)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } FatGetCurrentFatTime (&LabelDirEnt.Entry.FileModificationTime); return FatStoreDirEnt (Root, &LabelDirEnt); } /** Create "." and ".." directory entries in the newly-created parent OFile. @param OFile - The parent OFile. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The dot directory entries are successfully created. @return other - An error occurred when creating the directory entry. **/ EFI_STATUS FatCreateDotDirEnts ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt; Status = FatExpandODir (OFile); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } FatSetDirEntCluster (OFile); // // Create "." // Status = FatCreateDirEnt (OFile, L".", FAT_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, &DirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Create ".." // Status = FatCreateDirEnt (OFile, L"..", FAT_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, &DirEnt); return Status; } /** Create a directory entry in the parent OFile. @param OFile - The parent OFile. @param FileName - The filename of the newly-created directory entry. @param Attributes - The attribute of the newly-created directory entry. @param PtrDirEnt - The pointer to the newly-created directory entry. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The directory entry is successfully created. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Not enough memory to create the directory entry. @return other - An error occurred when creating the directory entry. **/ EFI_STATUS FatCreateDirEnt ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, IN CHAR16 *FileName, IN UINT8 Attributes, OUT FAT_DIRENT **PtrDirEnt ) { FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt; FAT_ODIR *ODir; EFI_STATUS Status; ASSERT (OFile != NULL); ODir = OFile->ODir; ASSERT (ODir != NULL); DirEnt = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FAT_DIRENT)); if (DirEnt == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } DirEnt->Signature = FAT_DIRENT_SIGNATURE; DirEnt->FileString = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (FileName), FileName); if (DirEnt->FileString == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Done; } // // Determine how many directory entries we need // FatSetEntryCount (OFile, DirEnt); // // Determine the file's directory entry position // Status = FatNewEntryPos (OFile, DirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } FatAddDirEnt (ODir, DirEnt); DirEnt->Entry.Attributes = Attributes; *PtrDirEnt = DirEnt; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FSOpen: Created new directory entry '%S'\n", DirEnt->FileString)); return FatStoreDirEnt (OFile, DirEnt); Done: FatFreeDirEnt (DirEnt); return Status; } /** Remove this directory entry node from the list of directory entries and hash table. @param OFile - The parent OFile. @param DirEnt - The directory entry to be removed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The directory entry is successfully removed. @return other - An error occurred when removing the directory entry. **/ EFI_STATUS FatRemoveDirEnt ( IN FAT_OFILE *OFile, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { FAT_ODIR *ODir; ODir = OFile->ODir; if (ODir->CurrentCursor == &DirEnt->Link) { // // Move the directory cursor to its previous directory entry // ODir->CurrentCursor = ODir->CurrentCursor->BackLink; } // // Remove from directory entry list // RemoveEntryList (&DirEnt->Link); // // Remove from hash table // FatDeleteFromHashTable (ODir, DirEnt); DirEnt->Entry.FileName[0] = DELETE_ENTRY_MARK; DirEnt->Invalid = TRUE; return FatStoreDirEnt (OFile, DirEnt); } /** Open the directory entry to get the OFile. @param Parent - The parent OFile. @param DirEnt - The directory entry to be opened. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The directory entry is successfully opened. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - not enough memory to allocate a new OFile. @return other - An error occurred when opening the directory entry. **/ EFI_STATUS FatOpenDirEnt ( IN FAT_OFILE *Parent, IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { FAT_OFILE *OFile; FAT_VOLUME *Volume; if (DirEnt->OFile == NULL) { // // Open the directory entry // OFile = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FAT_OFILE)); if (OFile == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } OFile->Signature = FAT_OFILE_SIGNATURE; InitializeListHead (&OFile->Opens); InitializeListHead (&OFile->ChildHead); OFile->Parent = Parent; OFile->DirEnt = DirEnt; if (Parent != NULL) { // // The newly created OFile is not root // Volume = Parent->Volume; OFile->FullPathLen = Parent->FullPathLen + 1 + StrLen (DirEnt->FileString); OFile->FileCluster = ((DirEnt->Entry.FileClusterHigh) << 16) | (DirEnt->Entry.FileCluster); InsertTailList (&Parent->ChildHead, &OFile->ChildLink); } else { // // The newly created OFile is root // Volume = VOLUME_FROM_ROOT_DIRENT (DirEnt); Volume->Root = OFile; OFile->FileCluster = Volume->RootCluster; if (Volume->FatType != Fat32) { OFile->IsFixedRootDir = TRUE; } } OFile->FileCurrentCluster = OFile->FileCluster; OFile->Volume = Volume; InsertHeadList (&Volume->CheckRef, &OFile->CheckLink); OFile->FileSize = DirEnt->Entry.FileSize; if ((DirEnt->Entry.Attributes & FAT_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { if (OFile->IsFixedRootDir) { OFile->FileSize = Volume->RootEntries * sizeof (FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY); } else { OFile->FileSize = FatPhysicalDirSize (Volume, OFile->FileCluster); } FatRequestODir (OFile); if (OFile->ODir == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } DirEnt->OFile = OFile; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Close the directory entry and free the OFile. @param DirEnt - The directory entry to be closed. **/ VOID FatCloseDirEnt ( IN FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt ) { FAT_OFILE *OFile; FAT_VOLUME *Volume; OFile = DirEnt->OFile; ASSERT (OFile != NULL); Volume = OFile->Volume; if (OFile->ODir != NULL) { FatDiscardODir (OFile); } if (OFile->Parent == NULL) { Volume->Root = NULL; } else { RemoveEntryList (&OFile->ChildLink); } FreePool (OFile); DirEnt->OFile = NULL; if (DirEnt->Invalid == TRUE) { // // Free directory entry itself // FatFreeDirEnt (DirEnt); } } /** Traverse filename and open all OFiles that can be opened. Update filename pointer to the component that can't be opened. If more than one name component remains, returns an error; otherwise, return the remaining name component so that the caller might choose to create it. @param PtrOFile - As input, the reference OFile; as output, the located OFile. @param FileName - The file name relevant to the OFile. @param Attributes - The attribute of the destination OFile. @param NewFileName - The remaining file name. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND - The file name can't be opened and there is more than one components within the name left (this means the name can not be created either). @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - The parameter is not valid. @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Open the file successfully. @return other - An error occured when locating the OFile. **/ EFI_STATUS FatLocateOFile ( IN OUT FAT_OFILE **PtrOFile, IN CHAR16 *FileName, IN UINT8 Attributes, OUT CHAR16 *NewFileName ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FAT_VOLUME *Volume; CHAR16 ComponentName[EFI_PATH_STRING_LENGTH]; UINTN FileNameLen; BOOLEAN DirIntended; CHAR16 *Next; FAT_OFILE *OFile; FAT_DIRENT *DirEnt; DirEnt = NULL; FileNameLen = StrLen (FileName); if (FileNameLen == 0) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } OFile = *PtrOFile; Volume = OFile->Volume; DirIntended = FALSE; if (FileName[FileNameLen - 1] == PATH_NAME_SEPARATOR) { DirIntended = TRUE; } // // If name starts with path name separator, then move to root OFile // if (*FileName == PATH_NAME_SEPARATOR) { OFile = Volume->Root; FileName++; FileNameLen--; } // // Per FAT Spec the file name should meet the following criteria: // C1. Length (FileLongName) <= 255 // C2. Length (X:FileFullPath) <= 260 // Here we check C2 first. // if (2 + OFile->FullPathLen + 1 + FileNameLen + 1 > EFI_PATH_STRING_LENGTH) { // // Full path length can not surpass 256 // return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Start at current location // Next = FileName; for (;;) { // // Get the next component name // FileName = Next; Next = FatGetNextNameComponent (FileName, ComponentName); // // If end of the file name, we're done // if (ComponentName[0] == 0) { if (DirIntended && OFile->ODir == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } NewFileName[0] = 0; break; } // // If "dot", then current // if (StrCmp (ComponentName, L".") == 0) { continue; } // // If "dot dot", then parent // if (StrCmp (ComponentName, L"..") == 0) { if (OFile->Parent == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } OFile = OFile->Parent; continue; } if (!FatFileNameIsValid (ComponentName, NewFileName)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // We have a component name, try to open it // if (OFile->ODir == NULL) { // // This file isn't a directory, can't open it // return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Search the compName in the directory // Status = FatSearchODir (OFile, NewFileName, &DirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (DirEnt == NULL) { // // component name is not found in the directory // if (*Next != 0) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (DirIntended && (Attributes & FAT_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // It's the last component name - return with the open // path and the remaining name // break; } Status = FatOpenDirEnt (OFile, DirEnt); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } OFile = DirEnt->OFile; } *PtrOFile = OFile; return EFI_SUCCESS; }