/** @file Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma pack(1) // // API Parameter +0x34 // API return address +0x30 // // push FspInfoHeader +0x2C // pushfd +0x28 // cli // pushad +0x24 // sub esp, 8 +0x00 // sidt fword ptr [esp] // typedef struct { UINT16 IdtrLimit; UINT32 IdtrBase; UINT16 Reserved; UINT32 Edi; UINT32 Esi; UINT32 Ebp; UINT32 Esp; UINT32 Ebx; UINT32 Edx; UINT32 Ecx; UINT32 Eax; UINT16 Flags[2]; UINT32 FspInfoHeader; UINT32 ApiRet; UINT32 ApiParam[2]; } CONTEXT_STACK; #define CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(x) (UINT32)&((CONTEXT_STACK *)(UINTN)0)->x #pragma pack() /** This function sets the FSP global data pointer. @param[in] FspData FSP global data pointer. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspGlobalDataPointer ( IN FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData ) { ASSERT (FspData != NULL); *((volatile UINT32 *)(UINTN)PcdGet32(PcdGlobalDataPointerAddress)) = (UINT32)(UINTN)FspData; } /** This function gets the FSP global data pointer. **/ FSP_GLOBAL_DATA * EFIAPI GetFspGlobalDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = *(FSP_GLOBAL_DATA **)(UINTN)PcdGet32(PcdGlobalDataPointerAddress); return FspData; } /** This function gets back the FSP API first parameter passed by the bootloader. @retval ApiParameter FSP API first parameter passed by the bootloader. **/ UINT32 EFIAPI GetFspApiParameter ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(ApiParam[0])); } /** This function returns the FSP entry stack pointer from address of the first API parameter. @retval FSP entry stack pointer. **/ VOID* EFIAPI GetFspEntryStack ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return (VOID*)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(ApiParam[0])); } /** This function gets back the FSP API second parameter passed by the bootloader. @retval ApiParameter FSP API second parameter passed by the bootloader. **/ UINT32 EFIAPI GetFspApiParameter2 ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(ApiParam[1])); } /** This function sets the FSP API parameter in the stack. @param[in] Value New parameter value. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspApiParameter ( IN UINT32 Value ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(ApiParam)) = Value; } /** This function set the API status code returned to the BootLoader. @param[in] ReturnStatus Status code to return. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspApiReturnStatus ( IN UINT32 ReturnStatus ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); *(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(Eax)) = ReturnStatus; } /** This function sets the context switching stack to a new stack frame. @param[in] NewStackTop New core stack to be set. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspCoreStackPointer ( IN VOID *NewStackTop ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; UINT32 *OldStack; UINT32 *NewStack; UINT32 StackContextLen; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); StackContextLen = sizeof(CONTEXT_STACK) / sizeof(UINT32); // // Reserve space for the ContinuationFunc two parameters // OldStack = (UINT32 *)FspData->CoreStack; NewStack = (UINT32 *)NewStackTop - StackContextLen - 2; FspData->CoreStack = (UINT32)NewStack; while (StackContextLen-- != 0) { *NewStack++ = *OldStack++; } } /** This function sets the platform specific data pointer. @param[in] PlatformData FSP platform specific data pointer. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspPlatformDataPointer ( IN VOID *PlatformData ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); FspData->PlatformData.DataPtr = PlatformData; } /** This function gets the platform specific data pointer. @param[in] PlatformData FSP platform specific data pointer. **/ VOID * EFIAPI GetFspPlatformDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return FspData->PlatformData.DataPtr; } /** This function sets the UPD data pointer. @param[in] UpdDataPtr UPD data pointer. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspUpdDataPointer ( IN VOID *UpdDataPtr ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; // // Get the FSP Global Data Pointer // FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); // // Set the UPD pointer. // FspData->UpdDataPtr = UpdDataPtr; } /** This function gets the UPD data pointer. @return UpdDataPtr UPD data pointer. **/ VOID * EFIAPI GetFspUpdDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return FspData->UpdDataPtr; } /** This function sets the FspMemoryInit UPD data pointer. @param[in] MemoryInitUpdPtr FspMemoryInit UPD data pointer. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspMemoryInitUpdDataPointer ( IN VOID *MemoryInitUpdPtr ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; // // Get the FSP Global Data Pointer // FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); // // Set the FspMemoryInit UPD pointer. // FspData->MemoryInitUpdPtr = MemoryInitUpdPtr; } /** This function gets the FspMemoryInit UPD data pointer. @return FspMemoryInit UPD data pointer. **/ VOID * EFIAPI GetFspMemoryInitUpdDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return FspData->MemoryInitUpdPtr; } /** This function sets the FspSiliconInit UPD data pointer. @param[in] SiliconInitUpdPtr FspSiliconInit UPD data pointer. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspSiliconInitUpdDataPointer ( IN VOID *SiliconInitUpdPtr ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; // // Get the FSP Global Data Pointer // FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); // // Set the FspSiliconInit UPD data pointer. // FspData->SiliconInitUpdPtr = SiliconInitUpdPtr; } /** This function gets the FspSiliconInit UPD data pointer. @return FspSiliconInit UPD data pointer. **/ VOID * EFIAPI GetFspSiliconInitUpdDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return FspData->SiliconInitUpdPtr; } /** Set FSP measurement point timestamp. @param[in] Id Measurement point ID. @return performance timestamp. **/ UINT64 EFIAPI SetFspMeasurePoint ( IN UINT8 Id ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; // // Bit [55: 0] will be the timestamp // Bit [63:56] will be the ID // FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); if (FspData->PerfIdx < sizeof(FspData->PerfData) / sizeof(FspData->PerfData[0])) { FspData->PerfData[FspData->PerfIdx] = AsmReadTsc (); ((UINT8 *)(&FspData->PerfData[FspData->PerfIdx]))[7] = Id; } return FspData->PerfData[(FspData->PerfIdx)++]; } /** This function gets the FSP info header pointer. @retval FspInfoHeader FSP info header pointer **/ FSP_INFO_HEADER * EFIAPI GetFspInfoHeader ( VOID ) { return GetFspGlobalDataPointer()->FspInfoHeader; } /** This function sets the FSP info header pointer. @param[in] FspInfoHeader FSP info header pointer **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspInfoHeader ( FSP_INFO_HEADER *FspInfoHeader ) { GetFspGlobalDataPointer()->FspInfoHeader = FspInfoHeader; } /** This function gets the FSP info header pointer using the API stack context. @retval FspInfoHeader FSP info header pointer using the API stack context **/ FSP_INFO_HEADER * EFIAPI GetFspInfoHeaderFromApiContext ( VOID ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); return (FSP_INFO_HEADER *)(*(UINT32 *)(UINTN)(FspData->CoreStack + CONTEXT_STACK_OFFSET(FspInfoHeader))); } /** This function gets the CfgRegion data pointer. @return CfgRegion data pointer. **/ VOID * EFIAPI GetFspCfgRegionDataPointer ( VOID ) { FSP_INFO_HEADER *FspInfoHeader; FspInfoHeader = GetFspInfoHeader (); return (VOID *)(FspInfoHeader->ImageBase + FspInfoHeader->CfgRegionOffset); } /** This function gets FSP API calling index. @retval API calling index **/ UINT8 EFIAPI GetFspApiCallingIndex ( VOID ) { return GetFspGlobalDataPointer()->ApiIdx; } /** This function sets FSP API calling mode. @param[in] Index API calling index **/ VOID EFIAPI SetFspApiCallingIndex ( UINT8 Index ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); FspData->ApiIdx = Index; } /** This function gets FSP Phase StatusCode. @retval StatusCode **/ UINT32 EFIAPI GetPhaseStatusCode ( VOID ) { return GetFspGlobalDataPointer()->StatusCode; } /** This function sets FSP Phase StatusCode. @param[in] Mode Phase StatusCode **/ VOID EFIAPI SetPhaseStatusCode ( UINT32 StatusCode ) { FSP_GLOBAL_DATA *FspData; FspData = GetFspGlobalDataPointer (); FspData->StatusCode = StatusCode; } /** This function updates the return status of the FSP API with requested reset type and returns to Boot Loader. @param[in] FspResetType Reset type that needs to returned as API return status **/ VOID EFIAPI FspApiReturnStatusReset ( IN UINT32 FspResetType ) { volatile BOOLEAN LoopUntilReset; LoopUntilReset = TRUE; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "FSP returning control to Bootloader with reset required return status %x\n",FspResetType)); if (GetFspGlobalDataPointer ()->FspMode == FSP_IN_API_MODE) { /// /// Below code is not an infinite loop.The control will go back to API calling function in BootLoader each time BootLoader /// calls the FSP API without honoring the reset request by FSP /// do { SetFspApiReturnStatus ((EFI_STATUS)FspResetType); Pei2LoaderSwitchStack (); DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "!!!ERROR: FSP has requested BootLoader for reset. But BootLoader has not honored the reset\n")); DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "!!!ERROR: Please add support in BootLoader to honor the reset request from FSP\n")); } while (LoopUntilReset); } }