## @ GenCfgOpt.py # # Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under # the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. # The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## import os import re import sys import struct from datetime import date # Generated file copyright header __copyright_txt__ = """## @file # # THIS IS AUTO-GENERATED FILE BY BUILD TOOLS AND PLEASE DO NOT MAKE MODIFICATION. # # This file lists all VPD informations for a platform collected by build.exe. # # Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # """ __copyright_bsf__ = """/** @file Boot Setting File for Platform Configuration. Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!! **/ """ __copyright_h__ = """/** @file Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!! **/ """ class CLogicalExpression: def __init__(self): self.index = 0 self.string = '' def errExit(self, err = ''): print "ERROR: Express parsing for:" print " %s" % self.string print " %s^" % (' ' * self.index) if err: print "INFO : %s" % err raise SystemExit def getNonNumber (self, n1, n2): if not n1.isdigit(): return n1 if not n2.isdigit(): return n2 return None def getCurr(self, lens = 1): try: if lens == -1: return self.string[self.index :] else: if self.index + lens > len(self.string): lens = len(self.string) - self.index return self.string[self.index : self.index + lens] except Exception: return '' def isLast(self): return self.index == len(self.string) def moveNext(self, len = 1): self.index += len def skipSpace(self): while not self.isLast(): if self.getCurr() in ' \t': self.moveNext() else: return def normNumber (self, val): return True if val else False def getNumber(self, var): var = var.strip() if re.match('^0x[a-fA-F0-9]+$', var): value = int(var, 16) elif re.match('^[+-]?\d+$', var): value = int(var, 10) else: value = None return value def parseValue(self): self.skipSpace() var = '' while not self.isLast(): char = self.getCurr() if re.match('^[\w.]', char): var += char self.moveNext() else: break val = self.getNumber(var) if val is None: value = var else: value = "%d" % val return value def parseSingleOp(self): self.skipSpace() if re.match('^NOT\W', self.getCurr(-1)): self.moveNext(3) op = self.parseBrace() val = self.getNumber (op) if val is None: self.errExit ("'%s' is not a number" % op) return "%d" % (not self.normNumber(int(op))) else: return self.parseValue() def parseBrace(self): self.skipSpace() char = self.getCurr() if char == '(': self.moveNext() value = self.parseExpr() self.skipSpace() if self.getCurr() != ')': self.errExit ("Expecting closing brace or operator") self.moveNext() return value else: value = self.parseSingleOp() return value def parseCompare(self): value = self.parseBrace() while True: self.skipSpace() char = self.getCurr() if char in ['<', '>']: self.moveNext() next = self.getCurr() if next == '=': op = char + next self.moveNext() else: op = char result = self.parseBrace() test = self.getNonNumber(result, value) if test is None: value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval (value + op + result)) else: self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid number for comparision" % test) elif char in ['=', '!']: op = self.getCurr(2) if op in ['==', '!=']: self.moveNext(2) result = self.parseBrace() test = self.getNonNumber(result, value) if test is None: value = "%d" % self.normNumber((eval (value + op + result))) else: value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval ("'" + value + "'" + op + "'" + result + "'")) else: break else: break return value def parseAnd(self): value = self.parseCompare() while True: self.skipSpace() if re.match('^AND\W', self.getCurr(-1)): self.moveNext(3) result = self.parseCompare() test = self.getNonNumber(result, value) if test is None: value = "%d" % self.normNumber(int(value) & int(result)) else: self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid op number for AND" % test) else: break return value def parseOrXor(self): value = self.parseAnd() op = None while True: self.skipSpace() op = None if re.match('^XOR\W', self.getCurr(-1)): self.moveNext(3) op = '^' elif re.match('^OR\W', self.getCurr(-1)): self.moveNext(2) op = '|' else: break if op: result = self.parseAnd() test = self.getNonNumber(result, value) if test is None: value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval (value + op + result)) else: self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid op number for XOR/OR" % test) return value def parseExpr(self): return self.parseOrXor() def getResult(self): value = self.parseExpr() self.skipSpace() if not self.isLast(): self.errExit ("Unexpected character found '%s'" % self.getCurr()) test = self.getNumber(value) if test is None: self.errExit ("Result '%s' is not a number" % value) return int(value) def evaluateExpress (self, Expr): self.index = 0 self.string = Expr if self.getResult(): Result = True else: Result = False return Result class CGenCfgOpt: def __init__(self): self.Debug = False self.Error = '' self.ReleaseMode = True self._GlobalDataDef = """ GlobalDataDef SKUID = 0, "DEFAULT" EndGlobalData """ self._BuidinOptionTxt = """ List &EN_DIS Selection 0x1 , "Enabled" Selection 0x0 , "Disabled" EndList """ self._BsfKeyList = ['FIND','NAME','HELP','TYPE','PAGE','OPTION','ORDER'] self._HdrKeyList = ['HEADER','STRUCT', 'EMBED', 'COMMENT'] self._BuidinOption = {'$EN_DIS' : 'EN_DIS'} self._MacroDict = {} self._CfgBlkDict = {} self._CfgPageDict = {} self._CfgItemList = [] self._DscFile = '' self._FvDir = '' self._MapVer = 0 def ParseBuildMode (self, OutputStr): if "RELEASE_" in OutputStr: self.ReleaseMode = True if "DEBUG_" in OutputStr: self.ReleaseMode = False return def ParseMacros (self, MacroDefStr): # ['-DABC=1', '-D', 'CFG_DEBUG=1', '-D', 'CFG_OUTDIR=Build'] self._MacroDict = {} IsExpression = False for Macro in MacroDefStr: if Macro.startswith('-D'): IsExpression = True if len(Macro) > 2: Macro = Macro[2:] else : continue if IsExpression: IsExpression = False Match = re.match("(\w+)=(.+)", Macro) if Match: self._MacroDict[Match.group(1)] = Match.group(2) else: Match = re.match("(\w+)", Macro) if Match: self._MacroDict[Match.group(1)] = '' if len(self._MacroDict) == 0: Error = 1 else: Error = 0 if self.Debug: print "INFO : Macro dictionary:" for Each in self._MacroDict: print " $(%s) = [ %s ]" % (Each , self._MacroDict[Each]) return Error def EvaulateIfdef (self, Macro): Result = Macro in self._MacroDict if self.Debug: print "INFO : Eval Ifdef [%s] : %s" % (Macro, Result) return Result def ExpandMacros (self, Input): Line = Input Match = re.findall("\$\(\w+\)", Input) if Match: for Each in Match: Variable = Each[2:-1] if Variable in self._MacroDict: Line = Line.replace(Each, self._MacroDict[Variable]) else: if self.Debug: print "WARN : %s is not defined" % Each Line = Line.replace(Each, Each[2:-1]) return Line def EvaluateExpress (self, Expr): ExpExpr = self.ExpandMacros(Expr) LogExpr = CLogicalExpression() Result = LogExpr.evaluateExpress (ExpExpr) if self.Debug: print "INFO : Eval Express [%s] : %s" % (Expr, Result) return Result def FormatListValue(self, ConfigDict): Struct = ConfigDict['struct'] if Struct not in ['UINT8','UINT16','UINT32','UINT64']: return dataarray = [] binlist = ConfigDict['value'][1:-1].split(',') for each in binlist: each = each.strip() if each.startswith('0x'): value = int(each, 16) else: value = int(each) dataarray.append(value) unit = int(Struct[4:]) / 8 if int(ConfigDict['length']) != unit * len(dataarray): raise Exception("Array size is not proper for '%s' !" % ConfigDict['cname']) bytearray = [] for each in dataarray: value = each for loop in xrange(unit): bytearray.append("0x%02X" % (value & 0xFF)) value = value >> 8 newvalue = '{' + ','.join(bytearray) + '}' ConfigDict['value'] = newvalue return "" def ParseDscFile (self, DscFile, FvDir, ConfigDscFile, ExtConfigDscFile): self._CfgItemList = [] self._CfgPageDict = {} self._CfgBlkDict = {} self._DscFile = DscFile self._FvDir = FvDir IsDefSect = False IsUpdSect = False IsVpdSect = False Found = False IfStack = [] ElifStack = [] Error = 0 ConfigDict = {} DscFd = open(DscFile, "r") DscLines = DscFd.readlines() DscFd.close() while len(DscLines): DscLine = DscLines.pop(0).strip() Handle = False Match = re.match("^\[(.+)\]", DscLine) if Match is not None: if Match.group(1).lower() == "Defines".lower(): IsDefSect = True IsVpdSect = False IsUpdSect = False elif Match.group(1).lower() == "PcdsDynamicVpd.Upd".lower(): ConfigDict = {} ConfigDict['header'] = 'ON' ConfigDict['region'] = 'UPD' ConfigDict['order'] = -1 ConfigDict['page'] = '' ConfigDict['name'] = '' ConfigDict['find'] = '' ConfigDict['struct'] = '' ConfigDict['embed'] = '' ConfigDict['comment'] = '' ConfigDict['subreg'] = [] IsDefSect = False IsUpdSect = True IsVpdSect = False Found = True else: IsDefSect = False IsUpdSect = False IsVpdSect = False else: if IsDefSect or IsUpdSect or IsVpdSect: if re.match("^!else($|\s+#.+)", DscLine): if IfStack: IfStack[-1] = not IfStack[-1] else: print("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!else' for line '%s'" % DscLine) raise SystemExit elif re.match("^!endif($|\s+#.+)", DscLine): if IfStack: IfStack.pop() Level = ElifStack.pop() if Level > 0: del IfStack[-Level:] else: print("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!endif' for line '%s'" % DscLine) raise SystemExit else: Result = False Match = re.match("!(ifdef|ifndef)\s+(.+)", DscLine) if Match: Result = self.EvaulateIfdef (Match.group(2)) if Match.group(1) == 'ifndef': Result = not Result IfStack.append(Result) ElifStack.append(0) else: Match = re.match("!(if|elseif)\s+(.+)", DscLine) if Match: IsFoundInFile = False MatchPcdFormat = re.match("^\s*(.+)\.(.+)\s*==\s*(.+)", Match.group(2)) if MatchPcdFormat: ExtConfigDsc = open(ExtConfigDscFile, "r") ExtConfigDscLines = ExtConfigDsc.readlines() ExtConfigDsc.close() while len(ExtConfigDscLines): ExtConfigDscLine = ExtConfigDscLines.pop(0).strip() MatchExtConfigPcd = re.match("^\s*(.+)\s*\|\s*(.+)", ExtConfigDscLine) if MatchExtConfigPcd and IsFoundInFile == False: PcdFormatStr = str(str(MatchPcdFormat.group(1)) + "." + str(MatchPcdFormat.group(2))) ExtConfigPcd = str(MatchExtConfigPcd.group(1)) Result = False if PcdFormatStr.strip() == ExtConfigPcd.strip(): Result = self.EvaluateExpress(str(str(MatchExtConfigPcd.group(2)) + " == " + str(MatchPcdFormat.group(3)))) IsFoundInFile = True break if IsFoundInFile == False: ConfigDsc = open(ConfigDscFile, "r") ConfigDscLines = ConfigDsc.readlines() ConfigDsc.close() while len(ConfigDscLines): ConfigDscLine = ConfigDscLines.pop(0).strip() MatchConfigPcd = re.match("^\s*(.+)\s*\|\s*(.+)", ConfigDscLine) if MatchConfigPcd: PcdFormatStr = str(str(MatchPcdFormat.group(1)) + "." + str(MatchPcdFormat.group(2))) ConfigPcd = str(MatchConfigPcd.group(1)) Result = False if PcdFormatStr.strip() == ConfigPcd.strip(): Result = self.EvaluateExpress(str(str(MatchConfigPcd.group(2)) + " == " + str(MatchPcdFormat.group(3)))) IsFoundInFile = True break else: Result = self.EvaluateExpress(Match.group(2)) if Match.group(1) == "if": ElifStack.append(0) IfStack.append(Result) else: #elseif if IfStack: IfStack[-1] = not IfStack[-1] IfStack.append(Result) ElifStack[-1] = ElifStack[-1] + 1 else: print("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!elif' for line '%s'" % DscLine) raise SystemExit else: if IfStack: Handle = reduce(lambda x,y: x and y, IfStack) else: Handle = True if Handle: Match = re.match("!include\s+(.+)", DscLine) if Match: IncludeFilePath = Match.group(1) IncludeFilePath = self.ExpandMacros(IncludeFilePath) try: IncludeDsc = open(IncludeFilePath, "r") except: print("ERROR: Cannot open file '%s'" % IncludeFilePath) raise SystemExit NewDscLines = IncludeDsc.readlines() IncludeDsc.close() DscLines = NewDscLines + DscLines else: if DscLine.startswith('!'): print("ERROR: Unrecoginized directive for line '%s'" % DscLine) raise SystemExit if not Handle: continue if IsDefSect: #DEFINE UPD_TOOL_GUID = 8C3D856A-9BE6-468E-850A-24F7A8D38E09 #DEFINE FSP_T_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 34686CA3-34F9-4901-B82A-BA630F0714C6 #DEFINE FSP_M_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 39A250DB-E465-4DD1-A2AC-E2BD3C0E2385 #DEFINE FSP_S_UPD_TOOL_GUID = CAE3605B-5B34-4C85-B3D7-27D54273C40F Match = re.match("^\s*(?:DEFINE\s+)*(\w+)\s*=\s*([-.\w]+)", DscLine) if Match: self._MacroDict[Match.group(1)] = Match.group(2) if self.Debug: print "INFO : DEFINE %s = [ %s ]" % (Match.group(1), Match.group(2)) else: Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+(!BSF|@Bsf|!HDR)\s+(.+)", DscLine) if Match: Remaining = Match.group(2) if Match.group(1) == '!BSF' or Match.group(1) == '@Bsf': Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)PAGES:{(.+?)}", Remaining) if Match: # !BSF PAGES:{HSW:"Haswell System Agent", LPT:"Lynx Point PCH"} PageList = Match.group(1).split(',') for Page in PageList: Page = Page.strip() Match = re.match("(\w+):\"(.+)\"", Page) self._CfgPageDict[Match.group(1)] = Match.group(2) Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)BLOCK:{NAME:\"(.+)\"\s*,\s*VER:\"(.+)\"\s*}", Remaining) if Match: self._CfgBlkDict['name'] = Match.group(1) self._CfgBlkDict['ver'] = Match.group(2) for Key in self._BsfKeyList: Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)%s:{(.+?)}" % Key, Remaining) if Match: if Key in ['NAME', 'HELP', 'OPTION'] and Match.group(1).startswith('+'): ConfigDict[Key.lower()] += Match.group(1)[1:] else: ConfigDict[Key.lower()] = Match.group(1) else: for Key in self._HdrKeyList: Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)%s:{(.+?)}" % Key, Remaining) if Match: ConfigDict[Key.lower()] = Match.group(1) Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+@Prompt\s+(.+)", DscLine) if Match: ConfigDict['name'] = Match.group(1) Match = re.match("^\s*#\s*@ValidList\s*(.+)\s*\|\s*(.+)\s*\|\s*(.+)\s*", DscLine) if Match: if Match.group(2).strip() in self._BuidinOption: ConfigDict['option'] = Match.group(2).strip() else: OptionValueList = Match.group(2).split(',') OptionStringList = Match.group(3).split(',') Index = 0 for Option in OptionValueList: Option = Option.strip() ConfigDict['option'] = ConfigDict['option'] + str(Option) + ':' + OptionStringList[Index].strip() Index += 1 if Index in range(len(OptionValueList)): ConfigDict['option'] += ', ' ConfigDict['type'] = "Combo" Match = re.match("^\s*#\s*@ValidRange\s*(.+)\s*\|\s*(.+)\s*-\s*(.+)\s*", DscLine) if Match: if "0x" in Match.group(2) or "0x" in Match.group(3): ConfigDict['type'] = "EditNum, HEX, (%s,%s)" % (Match.group(2), Match.group(3)) else: ConfigDict['type'] = "EditNum, DEC, (%s,%s)" % (Match.group(2), Match.group(3)) Match = re.match("^\s*##\s+(.+)", DscLine) if Match: ConfigDict['help'] = Match.group(1) # Check VPD/UPD if IsUpdSect: Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)",DscLine) else: Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)(?:\s*\|\s*(.+))?", DscLine) if Match: ConfigDict['space'] = Match.group(1) ConfigDict['cname'] = Match.group(2) ConfigDict['offset'] = int (Match.group(3), 16) if ConfigDict['order'] == -1: ConfigDict['order'] = ConfigDict['offset'] << 8 else: (Major, Minor) = ConfigDict['order'].split('.') ConfigDict['order'] = (int (Major, 16) << 8 ) + int (Minor, 16) if IsUpdSect: Value = Match.group(5).strip() if Match.group(4).startswith("0x"): Length = int (Match.group(4), 16) else : Length = int (Match.group(4)) else: Value = Match.group(4) if Value is None: Value = '' Value = Value.strip() if '|' in Value: Match = re.match("^.+\s*\|\s*(.+)", Value) if Match: Value = Match.group(1) Length = -1 ConfigDict['length'] = Length Match = re.match("\$\((\w+)\)", Value) if Match: if Match.group(1) in self._MacroDict: Value = self._MacroDict[Match.group(1)] ConfigDict['value'] = Value if (len(Value) > 0) and (Value[0] == '{'): Value = self.FormatListValue(ConfigDict) if ConfigDict['name'] == '': # Clear BSF specific items ConfigDict['bsfname'] = '' ConfigDict['help'] = '' ConfigDict['type'] = '' ConfigDict['option'] = '' self._CfgItemList.append(ConfigDict.copy()) ConfigDict['name'] = '' ConfigDict['find'] = '' ConfigDict['struct'] = '' ConfigDict['embed'] = '' ConfigDict['comment'] = '' ConfigDict['order'] = -1 ConfigDict['subreg'] = [] ConfigDict['option'] = '' else: # It could be a virtual item as below # !BSF FIELD:{1:SerialDebugPortAddress0} # or # @Bsf FIELD:{1:SerialDebugPortAddress0} Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+(!BSF|@Bsf)\s+FIELD:{(.+):(\d+)}", DscLine) if Match: SubCfgDict = ConfigDict SubCfgDict['cname'] = Match.group(2) SubCfgDict['length'] = int (Match.group(3)) if SubCfgDict['length'] > 0: LastItem = self._CfgItemList[-1] if len(LastItem['subreg']) == 0: SubOffset = 0 else: SubOffset += LastItem['subreg'][-1]['length'] SubCfgDict['offset'] = SubOffset LastItem['subreg'].append (SubCfgDict.copy()) ConfigDict['name'] = '' return Error def UpdateSubRegionDefaultValue (self): Error = 0 for Item in self._CfgItemList: if len(Item['subreg']) == 0: continue bytearray = [] if Item['value'][0] == '{': binlist = Item['value'][1:-1].split(',') for each in binlist: each = each.strip() if each.startswith('0x'): value = int(each, 16) else: value = int(each) bytearray.append(value) else: if Item['value'].startswith('0x'): value = int(Item['value'], 16) else: value = int(Item['value']) idx = 0; while idx < Item['length']: bytearray.append(value & 0xFF) value = value >> 8 idx = idx + 1 for SubItem in Item['subreg']: if SubItem['length'] in (1,2,4,8): valuelist = [b for b in bytearray[SubItem['offset']:SubItem['offset']+SubItem['length']]] valuelist.reverse() valuestr = "".join('%02X' % b for b in valuelist) SubItem['value'] = '0x%s' % valuestr else: valuestr = ",".join('0x%02X' % b for b in bytearray[SubItem['offset']:SubItem['offset']+SubItem['length']]) SubItem['value'] = '{%s}' % valuestr return Error def CreateSplitUpdTxt (self, UpdTxtFile): GuidList = ['FSP_T_UPD_TOOL_GUID','FSP_M_UPD_TOOL_GUID','FSP_S_UPD_TOOL_GUID'] SignatureList = ['0x545F', '0x4D5F','0x535F'] # _T, _M, and _S signature for FSPT, FSPM, FSPS for Index in range(len(GuidList)): UpdTxtFile = '' FvDir = self._FvDir if GuidList[Index] not in self._MacroDict: self.Error = "%s definition is missing in DSC file" % (GuidList[Index]) return 1 if UpdTxtFile == '': UpdTxtFile = os.path.join(FvDir, self._MacroDict[GuidList[Index]] + '.txt') ReCreate = False if not os.path.exists(UpdTxtFile): ReCreate = True else: DscTime = os.path.getmtime(self._DscFile) TxtTime = os.path.getmtime(UpdTxtFile) if DscTime > TxtTime: ReCreate = True if not ReCreate: # DSC has not been modified yet # So don't have to re-generate other files self.Error = 'No DSC file change, skip to create UPD TXT file' return 256 TxtFd = open(UpdTxtFile, "w") TxtFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_txt__ % date.today().year)) NextOffset = 0 SpaceIdx = 0 StartAddr = 0 EndAddr = 0 Default = 'DEFAULT|' InRange = False for Item in self._CfgItemList: if Item['cname'] == 'Signature' and str(Item['value'])[0:6] == SignatureList[Index]: StartAddr = Item['offset'] NextOffset = StartAddr InRange = True if Item['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator' and InRange == True: EndAddr = Item['offset'] InRange = False InRange = False for Item in self._CfgItemList: if Item['cname'] == 'Signature' and str(Item['value'])[0:6] == SignatureList[Index]: InRange = True if InRange != True: continue if Item['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator': InRange = False if Item['region'] != 'UPD': continue Offset = Item['offset'] if StartAddr > Offset or EndAddr < Offset: continue if NextOffset < Offset: # insert one line TxtFd.write("%s.UnusedUpdSpace%d|%s0x%04X|0x%04X|{0}\n" % (Item['space'], SpaceIdx, Default, NextOffset - StartAddr, Offset - NextOffset)) SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx + 1 NextOffset = Offset + Item['length'] if Item['cname'] == 'PcdSerialIoUartDebugEnable': if self.ReleaseMode == False: Item['value'] = 0x01 TxtFd.write("%s.%s|%s0x%04X|%s|%s\n" % (Item['space'],Item['cname'],Default,Item['offset'] - StartAddr,Item['length'],Item['value'])) TxtFd.close() return 0 def ProcessMultilines (self, String, MaxCharLength): Multilines = '' StringLength = len(String) CurrentStringStart = 0 StringOffset = 0 BreakLineDict = [] if len(String) <= MaxCharLength: while (StringOffset < StringLength): if StringOffset >= 1: if String[StringOffset - 1] == '\\' and String[StringOffset] == 'n': BreakLineDict.append (StringOffset + 1) StringOffset += 1 if BreakLineDict != []: for Each in BreakLineDict: Multilines += " %s\n" % String[CurrentStringStart:Each].lstrip() CurrentStringStart = Each if StringLength - CurrentStringStart > 0: Multilines += " %s\n" % String[CurrentStringStart:].lstrip() else: Multilines = " %s\n" % String else: NewLineStart = 0 NewLineCount = 0 FoundSpaceChar = False while (StringOffset < StringLength): if StringOffset >= 1: if NewLineCount >= MaxCharLength - 1: if String[StringOffset] == ' ' and StringLength - StringOffset > 10: BreakLineDict.append (NewLineStart + NewLineCount) NewLineStart = NewLineStart + NewLineCount NewLineCount = 0 FoundSpaceChar = True elif StringOffset == StringLength - 1 and FoundSpaceChar == False: BreakLineDict.append (0) if String[StringOffset - 1] == '\\' and String[StringOffset] == 'n': BreakLineDict.append (StringOffset + 1) NewLineStart = StringOffset + 1 NewLineCount = 0 StringOffset += 1 NewLineCount += 1 if BreakLineDict != []: BreakLineDict.sort () for Each in BreakLineDict: if Each > 0: Multilines += " %s\n" % String[CurrentStringStart:Each].lstrip() CurrentStringStart = Each if StringLength - CurrentStringStart > 0: Multilines += " %s\n" % String[CurrentStringStart:].lstrip() return Multilines def CreateField (self, Item, Name, Length, Offset, Struct, BsfName, Help, Option): PosName = 28 PosComment = 30 NameLine='' HelpLine='' OptionLine='' IsArray = False if Length in [1,2,4,8]: Type = "UINT%d" % (Length * 8) else: IsArray = True Type = "UINT8" if Item and Item['value'].startswith('{'): Type = "UINT8" IsArray = True if Struct != '': Type = Struct if Struct in ['UINT8','UINT16','UINT32','UINT64']: IsArray = True Unit = int(Type[4:]) / 8 Length = Length / Unit else: IsArray = False if IsArray: Name = Name + '[%d]' % Length if len(Type) < PosName: Space1 = PosName - len(Type) else: Space1 = 1 if BsfName != '': NameLine=" - %s\n" % BsfName else: NameLine="\n" if Help != '': HelpLine = self.ProcessMultilines (Help, 80) if Option != '': OptionLine = self.ProcessMultilines (Option, 80) if Offset is None: OffsetStr = '????' else: OffsetStr = '0x%04X' % Offset return "\n/** Offset %s%s%s%s**/\n %s%s%s;\n" % (OffsetStr, NameLine, HelpLine, OptionLine, Type, ' ' * Space1, Name,) def PostProcessBody (self, TextBody): NewTextBody = [] OldTextBody = [] IncludeLine = False StructName = '' VariableName = '' IsUpdHdrDefined = False IsUpdHeader = False for Line in TextBody: SplitToLines = Line.splitlines() MatchComment = re.match("^/\*\sCOMMENT:(\w+):([\w|\W|\s]+)\s\*/\s([\s\S]*)", SplitToLines[0]) if MatchComment: if MatchComment.group(1) == 'FSP_UPD_HEADER': IsUpdHeader = True else: IsUpdHeader = False if IsUpdHdrDefined != True or IsUpdHeader != True: CommentLine = " " + MatchComment.group(2) + "\n" NewTextBody.append("/**" + CommentLine + "**/\n") Line = Line[(len(SplitToLines[0]) + 1):] Match = re.match("^/\*\sEMBED_STRUCT:(\w+):(\w+):(START|END)\s\*/\s([\s\S]*)", Line) if Match: Line = Match.group(4) if Match.group(1) == 'FSP_UPD_HEADER': IsUpdHeader = True else: IsUpdHeader = False if Match and Match.group(3) == 'START': if IsUpdHdrDefined != True or IsUpdHeader != True: NewTextBody.append ('typedef struct {\n') StructName = Match.group(1) VariableName = Match.group(2) MatchOffset = re.search('/\*\*\sOffset\s0x([a-fA-F0-9]+)', Line) if MatchOffset: Offset = int(MatchOffset.group(1), 16) else: Offset = None Line IncludeLine = True OldTextBody.append (self.CreateField (None, VariableName, 0, Offset, StructName, '', '', '')) if IncludeLine: if IsUpdHdrDefined != True or IsUpdHeader != True: NewTextBody.append (Line) else: OldTextBody.append (Line) if Match and Match.group(3) == 'END': if (StructName != Match.group(1)) or (VariableName != Match.group(2)): print "Unmatched struct name '%s' and '%s' !" % (StructName, Match.group(1)) else: if IsUpdHdrDefined != True or IsUpdHeader != True: NewTextBody.append ('} %s;\n\n' % StructName) IsUpdHdrDefined = True IncludeLine = False NewTextBody.extend(OldTextBody) return NewTextBody def CreateHeaderFile (self, InputHeaderFile): FvDir = self._FvDir HeaderFileName = 'FspUpd.h' HeaderFile = os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderFileName) # Check if header needs to be recreated ReCreate = False TxtBody = [] for Item in self._CfgItemList: if str(Item['cname']) == 'Signature' and Item['length'] == 8: Value = int(Item['value'], 16) Chars = [] while Value != 0x0: Chars.append(chr(Value & 0xFF)) Value = Value >> 8 SignatureStr = ''.join(Chars) # Signature will be _T / _M / _S for FSPT / FSPM / FSPS accordingly if '_T' in SignatureStr[6:6+2]: TxtBody.append("#define FSPT_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr)) elif '_M' in SignatureStr[6:6+2]: TxtBody.append("#define FSPM_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr)) elif '_S' in SignatureStr[6:6+2]: TxtBody.append("#define FSPS_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr)) TxtBody.append("\n") for Region in ['UPD']: UpdOffsetTable = [] UpdSignature = ['0x545F', '0x4D5F', '0x535F'] #['_T', '_M', '_S'] signature for FSPT, FSPM, FSPS UpdStructure = ['FSPT_UPD', 'FSPM_UPD', 'FSPS_UPD'] for Item in self._CfgItemList: if Item["cname"] == 'Signature' and Item["value"][0:6] in UpdSignature: UpdOffsetTable.append (Item["offset"]) for UpdIdx in range(len(UpdOffsetTable)): CommentLine = "" for Item in self._CfgItemList: if Item["comment"] != '' and Item["offset"] >= UpdOffsetTable[UpdIdx]: MatchComment = re.match("^(U|V)PD_DATA_REGION:([\w|\W|\s]+)", Item["comment"]) if MatchComment and MatchComment.group(1) == Region[0]: CommentLine = " " + MatchComment.group(2) + "\n" TxtBody.append("/**" + CommentLine + "**/\n") elif Item["offset"] >= UpdOffsetTable[UpdIdx] and Item["comment"] == '': Match = re.match("^FSP([\w|\W|\s])_UPD", UpdStructure[UpdIdx]) if Match: TxtBody.append("/** Fsp " + Match.group(1) + " UPD Configuration\n**/\n") TxtBody.append("typedef struct {\n") NextOffset = 0 SpaceIdx = 0 Offset = 0 LastVisible = True ResvOffset = 0 ResvIdx = 0 LineBuffer = [] InRange = False for Item in self._CfgItemList: if Item['cname'] == 'Signature' and str(Item['value'])[0:6] == UpdSignature[UpdIdx] or Region[0] == 'V': InRange = True if InRange != True: continue if Item['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator': InRange = False if Item['region'] != Region: continue if Item["offset"] < UpdOffsetTable[UpdIdx]: continue NextVisible = LastVisible if LastVisible and (Item['header'] == 'OFF'): NextVisible = False ResvOffset = Item['offset'] elif (not LastVisible) and Item['header'] == 'ON': NextVisible = True Name = "Reserved" + Region[0] + "pdSpace%d" % ResvIdx ResvIdx = ResvIdx + 1 TxtBody.append(self.CreateField (Item, Name, Item["offset"] - ResvOffset, ResvOffset, '', '', '', '')) if Offset < Item["offset"]: if LastVisible: Name = "Unused" + Region[0] + "pdSpace%d" % SpaceIdx LineBuffer.append(self.CreateField (Item, Name, Item["offset"] - Offset, Offset, '', '', '', '')) SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx + 1 Offset = Item["offset"] LastVisible = NextVisible Offset = Offset + Item["length"] if LastVisible: for Each in LineBuffer: TxtBody.append (Each) LineBuffer = [] Comment = Item["comment"] Embed = Item["embed"].upper() if Embed.endswith(':START') or Embed.endswith(':END'): if not Comment == '' and Embed.endswith(':START'): Marker = '/* COMMENT:%s */ \n' % Item["comment"] Marker = Marker + '/* EMBED_STRUCT:%s */ ' % Item["embed"] else: Marker = '/* EMBED_STRUCT:%s */ ' % Item["embed"] else: if Embed == '': Marker = ''; else: self.Error = "Invalid embedded structure format '%s'!\n" % Item["embed"] return 4 Line = Marker + self.CreateField (Item, Item["cname"], Item["length"], Item["offset"], Item['struct'], Item['name'], Item['help'], Item['option']) TxtBody.append(Line) if Item['cname'] == 'UpdTerminator': break TxtBody.append("} " + UpdStructure[UpdIdx] + ";\n\n") # Handle the embedded data structure TxtBody = self.PostProcessBody (TxtBody) HeaderTFileName = 'FsptUpd.h' HeaderMFileName = 'FspmUpd.h' HeaderSFileName = 'FspsUpd.h' UpdRegionCheck = ['FSPT', 'FSPM', 'FSPS'] # FSPX_UPD_REGION UpdConfigCheck = ['FSP_T', 'FSP_M', 'FSP_S'] # FSP_X_CONFIG, FSP_X_TEST_CONFIG, FSP_X_RESTRICTED_CONFIG UpdSignatureCheck = ['FSPT_UPD_SIGNATURE', 'FSPM_UPD_SIGNATURE', 'FSPS_UPD_SIGNATURE'] ExcludedSpecificUpd = 'FSPM_ARCH_UPD' if InputHeaderFile != '': if not os.path.exists(InputHeaderFile): self.Error = "Input header file '%s' does not exist" % InputHeaderFile return 6 InFd = open(InputHeaderFile, "r") IncLines = InFd.readlines() InFd.close() for item in range(len(UpdRegionCheck)): if UpdRegionCheck[item] == 'FSPT': HeaderFd = open(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderTFileName), "w") FileBase = os.path.basename(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderTFileName)) elif UpdRegionCheck[item] == 'FSPM': HeaderFd = open(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderMFileName), "w") FileBase = os.path.basename(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderMFileName)) elif UpdRegionCheck[item] == 'FSPS': HeaderFd = open(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderSFileName), "w") FileBase = os.path.basename(os.path.join(FvDir, HeaderSFileName)) FileName = FileBase.replace(".", "_").upper() HeaderFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_h__ % date.today().year)) HeaderFd.write("#ifndef __%s__\n" % FileName) HeaderFd.write("#define __%s__\n\n" % FileName) HeaderFd.write("#include <%s>\n\n" % HeaderFileName) HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack(push, 1)\n\n") Export = False for Line in IncLines: Match = re.search ("!EXPORT\s+([A-Z]+)\s+EXTERNAL_BOOTLOADER_STRUCT_(BEGIN|END)\s+", Line) if Match: if Match.group(2) == "BEGIN" and Match.group(1) == UpdRegionCheck[item]: Export = True continue else: Export = False continue if Export: HeaderFd.write(Line) HeaderFd.write("\n") Index = 0 StartIndex = 0 EndIndex = 0 StructStart = [] StructStartWithComment = [] StructEnd = [] for Line in TxtBody: Index += 1 Match = re.match("(typedef struct {)", Line) if Match: StartIndex = Index - 1 Match = re.match("}\s([_A-Z0-9]+);", Line) if Match and (UpdRegionCheck[item] in Match.group(1) or UpdConfigCheck[item] in Match.group(1)) and (ExcludedSpecificUpd not in Match.group(1)): EndIndex = Index StructStart.append(StartIndex) StructEnd.append(EndIndex) Index = 0 for Line in TxtBody: Index += 1 for Item in range(len(StructStart)): if Index == StructStart[Item]: Match = re.match("^(/\*\*\s*)", Line) if Match: StructStartWithComment.append(StructStart[Item]) else: StructStartWithComment.append(StructStart[Item] + 1) Index = 0 for Line in TxtBody: Index += 1 for Item in range(len(StructStart)): if Index >= StructStartWithComment[Item] and Index <= StructEnd[Item]: HeaderFd.write (Line) HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack(pop)\n\n") HeaderFd.write("#endif\n") HeaderFd.close() HeaderFd = open(HeaderFile, "w") FileBase = os.path.basename(HeaderFile) FileName = FileBase.replace(".", "_").upper() HeaderFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_h__ % date.today().year)) HeaderFd.write("#ifndef __%s__\n" % FileName) HeaderFd.write("#define __%s__\n\n" % FileName) HeaderFd.write("#include \n\n") HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack(push, 1)\n\n") for item in range(len(UpdRegionCheck)): Index = 0 StartIndex = 0 EndIndex = 0 StructStart = [] StructStartWithComment = [] StructEnd = [] for Line in TxtBody: Index += 1 Match = re.match("(typedef struct {)", Line) if Match: StartIndex = Index - 1 Match = re.match("#define\s([_A-Z0-9]+)\s*", Line) if Match and (UpdSignatureCheck[item] in Match.group(1) or UpdSignatureCheck[item] in Match.group(1)): StructStart.append(Index - 1) StructEnd.append(Index) Index = 0 for Line in TxtBody: Index += 1 for Item in range(len(StructStart)): if Index == StructStart[Item]: Match = re.match("^(/\*\*\s*)", Line) if Match: StructStartWithComment.append(StructStart[Item]) else: StructStartWithComment.append(StructStart[Item] + 1) Index = 0 for Line in TxtBody: Index += 1 for Item in range(len(StructStart)): if Index >= StructStartWithComment[Item] and Index <= StructEnd[Item]: HeaderFd.write (Line) HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack(pop)\n\n") HeaderFd.write("#endif\n") HeaderFd.close() return 0 def WriteBsfStruct (self, BsfFd, Item): if Item['type'] == "None": Space = "gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid" else: Space = Item['space'] Line = " $%s_%s" % (Space, Item['cname']) Match = re.match("\s*\{([x0-9a-fA-F,\s]+)\}\s*", Item['value']) if Match: DefaultValue = Match.group(1).strip() else: DefaultValue = Item['value'].strip() BsfFd.write(" %s%s%4d bytes $_DEFAULT_ = %s\n" % (Line, ' ' * (64 - len(Line)), Item['length'], DefaultValue)) TmpList = [] if Item['type'] == "Combo": if not Item['option'] in self._BuidinOption: OptList = Item['option'].split(',') for Option in OptList: Option = Option.strip() (OpVal, OpStr) = Option.split(':') TmpList.append((OpVal, OpStr)) return TmpList def WriteBsfOption (self, BsfFd, Item): PcdName = Item['space'] + '_' + Item['cname'] WriteHelp = 0 if Item['type'] == "Combo": if Item['option'] in self._BuidinOption: Options = self._BuidinOption[Item['option']] else: Options = PcdName BsfFd.write(' %s $%s, "%s", &%s,\n' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name'], Options)); WriteHelp = 1 elif Item['type'].startswith("EditNum"): Match = re.match("EditNum\s*,\s*(HEX|DEC)\s*,\s*\((\d+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*,\s*(\d+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\)", Item['type']) if Match: BsfFd.write(' EditNum $%s, "%s", %s,\n' % (PcdName, Item['name'], Match.group(1))); WriteHelp = 2 elif Item['type'].startswith("EditText"): BsfFd.write(' %s $%s, "%s",\n' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name'])); WriteHelp = 1 elif Item['type'] == "Table": Columns = Item['option'].split(',') if len(Columns) != 0: BsfFd.write(' %s $%s "%s",' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name'])); for Col in Columns: Fmt = Col.split(':') if len(Fmt) != 3: raise Exception("Column format '%s' is invalid !" % Fmt) try: Dtype = int(Fmt[1].strip()) except: raise Exception("Column size '%s' is invalid !" % Fmt[1]) BsfFd.write('\n Column "%s", %d bytes, %s' % (Fmt[0].strip(), Dtype, Fmt[2].strip())) BsfFd.write(',\n') WriteHelp = 1 if WriteHelp > 0: HelpLines = Item['help'].split('\\n\\r') FirstLine = True for HelpLine in HelpLines: if FirstLine: FirstLine = False BsfFd.write(' Help "%s"\n' % (HelpLine)); else: BsfFd.write(' "%s"\n' % (HelpLine)); if WriteHelp == 2: BsfFd.write(' "Valid range: %s ~ %s"\n' % (Match.group(2), Match.group(3))); def GenerateBsfFile (self, BsfFile): if BsfFile == '': self.Error = "BSF output file '%s' is invalid" % BsfFile return 1 Error = 0 OptionDict = {} BsfFd = open(BsfFile, "w") BsfFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_bsf__ % date.today().year)) BsfFd.write("%s\n" % self._GlobalDataDef); BsfFd.write("StructDef\n") NextOffset = -1 for Item in self._CfgItemList: if Item['find'] != '': BsfFd.write('\n Find "%s"\n' % Item['find']) NextOffset = Item['offset'] + Item['length'] if Item['name'] != '': if NextOffset != Item['offset']: BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bytes\n" % (Item['offset'] - NextOffset)) if len(Item['subreg']) > 0: NextOffset = Item['offset'] for SubItem in Item['subreg']: NextOffset += SubItem['length'] if SubItem['name'] == '': BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bytes\n" % (SubItem['length'])) else: Options = self.WriteBsfStruct(BsfFd, SubItem) if len(Options) > 0: OptionDict[SubItem['space']+'_'+SubItem['cname']] = Options if (Item['offset'] + Item['length']) < NextOffset: self.Error = "BSF sub region '%s' length does not match" % (Item['space']+'.'+Item['cname']) return 2 else: NextOffset = Item['offset'] + Item['length'] Options = self.WriteBsfStruct(BsfFd, Item) if len(Options) > 0: OptionDict[Item['space']+'_'+Item['cname']] = Options BsfFd.write("\nEndStruct\n\n") BsfFd.write("%s" % self._BuidinOptionTxt); for Each in OptionDict: BsfFd.write("List &%s\n" % Each); for Item in OptionDict[Each]: BsfFd.write(' Selection %s , "%s"\n' % (Item[0], Item[1])); BsfFd.write("EndList\n\n"); BsfFd.write("BeginInfoBlock\n"); BsfFd.write(' PPVer "%s"\n' % (self._CfgBlkDict['ver'])); BsfFd.write(' Description "%s"\n' % (self._CfgBlkDict['name'])); BsfFd.write("EndInfoBlock\n\n"); for Each in self._CfgPageDict: BsfFd.write('Page "%s"\n' % self._CfgPageDict[Each]); BsfItems = [] for Item in self._CfgItemList: if Item['name'] != '': if Item['page'] != Each: continue if len(Item['subreg']) > 0: for SubItem in Item['subreg']: if SubItem['name'] != '': BsfItems.append(SubItem) else: BsfItems.append(Item) BsfItems.sort(key=lambda x: x['order']) for Item in BsfItems: self.WriteBsfOption (BsfFd, Item) BsfFd.write("EndPage\n\n"); BsfFd.close() return Error def Usage(): print "GenCfgOpt Version 0.51" print "Usage:" print " GenCfgOpt UPDTXT PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir ConfigDscFile ExtConfigDscFile" print " [-D Macros]" print " GenCfgOpt HEADER PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir ConfigDscFile ExtConfigDscFile" print " InputHFile [-D Macros]" print " GenCfgOpt GENBSF PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir ConfigDscFile ExtConfigDscFile" print " BsfOutFile [-D Macros]" def Main(): # # Parse the options and args # GenCfgOpt = CGenCfgOpt() argc = len(sys.argv) if argc < 4: Usage() return 1 else: DscFile = sys.argv[2] if not os.path.exists(DscFile): print "ERROR: Cannot open DSC file '%s' !" % DscFile return 2 ConfigDscFile = sys.argv[4] if not os.path.exists(ConfigDscFile): print "ERROR: Cannot open Config DSC file '%s' !" % ConfigDscFile return 2 ExtConfigDscFile = sys.argv[5] if not os.path.exists(ExtConfigDscFile): print "ERROR: Cannot open Ext Config DSC file '%s' !" % ExtConfigDscFile return 2 OutFile = '' if argc > 4: if sys.argv[6][0] == '-': Start = 4 else: OutFile = sys.argv[6] Start = 5 GenCfgOpt.ParseBuildMode(sys.argv[3]) if GenCfgOpt.ParseMacros(sys.argv[Start:]) != 0: print "ERROR: Macro parsing failed !" return 3 FvDir = sys.argv[3] if not os.path.exists(FvDir): os.makedirs(FvDir) if GenCfgOpt.ParseDscFile(DscFile, FvDir, ConfigDscFile, ExtConfigDscFile) != 0: print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error return 5 if GenCfgOpt.UpdateSubRegionDefaultValue() != 0: print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error return 7 if sys.argv[1] == "UPDTXT": Ret = GenCfgOpt.CreateSplitUpdTxt(OutFile) if Ret != 0: # No change is detected if Ret == 256: print "INFO: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error) else : print "ERROR: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error) return Ret elif sys.argv[1] == "HEADER": if GenCfgOpt.CreateHeaderFile(OutFile) != 0: print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error return 8 elif sys.argv[1] == "GENBSF": if GenCfgOpt.GenerateBsfFile(OutFile) != 0: print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error return 9 else: if argc < 5: Usage() return 1 print "ERROR: Unknown command '%s' !" % sys.argv[1] Usage() return 1 return 0 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Main())