/** @file FormDiplay protocol to show Form Copyright (c) 2013 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef __FORM_DISPLAY_H__ #define __FORM_DISPLAY_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // This is the generated header file which includes whatever needs to be exported (strings + IFR) // extern UINT8 DisplayEngineStrings[]; extern EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR gStatementDimensions; extern USER_INPUT *gUserInput; extern FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM *gFormData; extern EFI_HII_HANDLE gHiiHandle; extern UINT16 gDirection; extern LIST_ENTRY gMenuOption; extern CHAR16 *gConfirmOptYes; extern CHAR16 *gConfirmOptNo; extern CHAR16 *gConfirmOptOk; extern CHAR16 *gConfirmOptCancel; extern CHAR16 *gYesOption; extern CHAR16 *gNoOption; extern CHAR16 *gOkOption; extern CHAR16 *gCancelOption; extern CHAR16 *gErrorPopup; extern CHAR16 *gWarningPopup; extern CHAR16 *gInfoPopup; // // Browser Global Strings // extern CHAR16 *gSaveFailed; extern CHAR16 *gPromptForData; extern CHAR16 *gPromptForPassword; extern CHAR16 *gPromptForNewPassword; extern CHAR16 *gConfirmPassword; extern CHAR16 *gConfirmError; extern CHAR16 *gPassowordInvalid; extern CHAR16 *gPressEnter; extern CHAR16 *gEmptyString; extern CHAR16 *gMiniString; extern CHAR16 *gOptionMismatch; extern CHAR16 *gFormSuppress; extern CHAR16 *gProtocolNotFound; extern CHAR16 *gPasswordUnsupported; extern CHAR16 gPromptBlockWidth; extern CHAR16 gOptionBlockWidth; extern CHAR16 gHelpBlockWidth; extern CHAR16 *mUnknownString; extern BOOLEAN gMisMatch; // // Screen definitions // #define LEFT_SKIPPED_COLUMNS 3 #define SCROLL_ARROW_HEIGHT 1 #define POPUP_PAD_SPACE_COUNT 5 #define POPUP_FRAME_WIDTH 2 #define UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET 0x20 // // Display definitions // #define LEFT_ONEOF_DELIMITER L'<' #define RIGHT_ONEOF_DELIMITER L'>' #define LEFT_NUMERIC_DELIMITER L'[' #define RIGHT_NUMERIC_DELIMITER L']' #define LEFT_CHECKBOX_DELIMITER L'[' #define RIGHT_CHECKBOX_DELIMITER L']' #define CHECK_ON L'X' #define CHECK_OFF L' ' #define TIME_SEPARATOR L':' #define DATE_SEPARATOR L'/' #define SUBTITLE_INDENT 2 // // This is the Input Error Message // #define INPUT_ERROR 1 // // This is the NV RAM update required Message // #define NV_UPDATE_REQUIRED 2 // // Time definitions // #define ONE_SECOND 10000000 // // It take 23 characters including the NULL to print a 64 bits number with "[" and "]". // pow(2, 64) = [18446744073709551616] // with extra '-' flat, set the width to 24. // #define MAX_NUMERIC_INPUT_WIDTH 24 #define EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_INCONSISTENT_IF 0 #define EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_NO_SUBMIT_IF 1 #define EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_GRAY_OUT_IF 2 #define EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_SUPPRESS_IF 3 #define EFI_HII_EXPRESSION_DISABLE_IF 4 // // Character definitions // #define CHAR_SPACE 0x0020 #define FORM_DISPLAY_DRIVER_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('F', 'D', 'D', 'V') typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; EFI_HANDLE Handle; // // Produced protocol // EDKII_FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_PROTOCOL FromDisplayProt; EFI_HII_POPUP_PROTOCOL HiiPopup; } FORM_DISPLAY_DRIVER_PRIVATE_DATA; typedef enum { UiNoOperation, UiSelect, UiUp, UiDown, UiLeft, UiRight, UiReset, UiPrevious, UiPageUp, UiPageDown, UiHotKey, UiMaxOperation } UI_SCREEN_OPERATION; typedef enum { CfInitialization, CfCheckSelection, CfRepaint, CfRefreshHighLight, CfUpdateHelpString, CfPrepareToReadKey, CfReadKey, CfScreenOperation, CfUiSelect, CfUiReset, CfUiLeft, CfUiRight, CfUiUp, CfUiPageUp, CfUiPageDown, CfUiDown, CfUiNoOperation, CfExit, CfUiHotKey, CfMaxControlFlag } UI_CONTROL_FLAG; typedef enum { UIEventNone, UIEventKey, UIEventTimeOut, UIEventDriver } UI_EVENT_TYPE; typedef struct { UINT16 ScanCode; UI_SCREEN_OPERATION ScreenOperation; } SCAN_CODE_TO_SCREEN_OPERATION; typedef struct { UI_SCREEN_OPERATION ScreenOperation; UI_CONTROL_FLAG ControlFlag; } SCREEN_OPERATION_T0_CONTROL_FLAG; typedef struct { EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle; UINT16 FormId; // // Info for the highlight question. // HLT means highlight // // If one statement has questionid, save questionid info to find the question. // If one statement not has questionid info, save the opcode info to find the // statement. If more than one statement has same opcode in one form(just like // empty subtitle info may has more than one info one form), also use Index // info to find the statement. // EFI_QUESTION_ID HLTQuestionId; EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER *HLTOpCode; UINTN HLTIndex; UINTN HLTSequence; // // Info for the top of screen question. // TOS means Top Of Screen // EFI_QUESTION_ID TOSQuestionId; EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER *TOSOpCode; UINTN TOSIndex; UINT16 SkipValue; } DISPLAY_HIGHLIGHT_MENU_INFO; typedef struct { EFI_EVENT SyncEvent; UINT8 *TimeOut; CHAR16 *ErrorInfo; } WARNING_IF_CONTEXT; #define UI_MENU_OPTION_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('u', 'i', 'm', 'm') typedef struct { UINTN Signature; LIST_ENTRY Link; EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle; FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_STATEMENT *ThisTag; UINT16 EntryNumber; UINTN Row; UINTN Col; UINTN OptCol; CHAR16 *Description; UINTN Skip; // Number of lines // // Display item sequence for date/time // Date: Month/Day/Year // Sequence: 0 1 2 // // Time: Hour : Minute : Second // Sequence: 0 1 2 // // UINTN Sequence; BOOLEAN GrayOut; BOOLEAN ReadOnly; // // Whether user could change value of this item // BOOLEAN IsQuestion; BOOLEAN NestInStatement; } UI_MENU_OPTION; #define MENU_OPTION_FROM_LINK(a) CR (a, UI_MENU_OPTION, Link, UI_MENU_OPTION_SIGNATURE) #define USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_OK_WIDTH StrLen (gOkOption) #define USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_OK_CAL_WIDTH (StrLen (gOkOption) + StrLen (gCancelOption)) #define USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_YES_NO_WIDTH (StrLen (gYesOption) + StrLen (gNoOption)) #define USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_YES_NO_CAL_WIDTH (StrLen (gYesOption) + StrLen (gNoOption) + StrLen (gCancelOption)) #define USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_SKIP_WIDTH 2 // // +-------------------------------------------+ // POPUP_BORDER } // | ERROR/WARNING/INFO | // POPUP_STYLE_STRING_HEIGHT } POPUP_HEADER_HEIGHT // |-------------------------------------------| // POPUP_EMPTY_LINE_HEIGHT } // | popup messages | // | | // POPUP_EMPTY_LINE_HEIGHT } // | user selectable options | // POPUP_USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_HEIGHT } POPUP_FOOTER_HEIGHT // +-------------------------------------------+ // POPUP_BORDER } // #define POPUP_BORDER 1 #define POPUP_EMPTY_LINE_HEIGHT 1 #define POPUP_STYLE_STRING_HEIGHT 1 #define POPUP_USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_HEIGHT 1 #define POPUP_HEADER_HEIGHT (POPUP_BORDER + POPUP_STYLE_STRING_HEIGHT + POPUP_EMPTY_LINE_HEIGHT) #define POPUP_FOOTER_HEIGHT (POPUP_EMPTY_LINE_HEIGHT + POPUP_USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_HEIGHT + POPUP_BORDER) #define USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('u', 's', 's', 'o') typedef struct { UINTN Signature; LIST_ENTRY Link; EFI_HII_POPUP_SELECTION OptionType; CHAR16 *OptionString; // // Display item sequence for user select options // Ok: Ok // Sequence: 0 // // Ok/Cancel: Ok : Cancel // Sequence: 0 1 // // Yes/No: Yes : No // Sequence: 0 1 // // Yes/No/Cancel: Yes : No: Cancel // Sequence: 0 1 2 // UINTN Sequence; UINTN OptionRow; UINTN OptionCol; UINTN MaxSequence; UINTN MinSequence; } USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION; #define SELECTABLE_OPTION_FROM_LINK(a) CR (a, USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION, Link, USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_SIGNATURE) /** Print Question Value according to it's storage width and display attributes. @param Question The Question to be printed. @param FormattedNumber Buffer for output string. @param BufferSize The FormattedNumber buffer size in bytes. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Print success. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Buffer size is not enough for formatted number. **/ EFI_STATUS PrintFormattedNumber ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_STATEMENT *Question, IN OUT CHAR16 *FormattedNumber, IN UINTN BufferSize ); /** Set value of a data element in an Array by its Index. @param Array The data array. @param Type Type of the data in this array. @param Index Zero based index for data in this array. @param Value The value to be set. **/ VOID SetArrayData ( IN VOID *Array, IN UINT8 Type, IN UINTN Index, IN UINT64 Value ); /** Return data element in an Array by its Index. @param Array The data array. @param Type Type of the data in this array. @param Index Zero based index for data in this array. @retval Value The data to be returned **/ UINT64 GetArrayData ( IN VOID *Array, IN UINT8 Type, IN UINTN Index ); /** Search an Option of a Question by its value. @param Question The Question @param OptionValue Value for Option to be searched. @retval Pointer Pointer to the found Option. @retval NULL Option not found. **/ DISPLAY_QUESTION_OPTION * ValueToOption ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_STATEMENT *Question, IN EFI_HII_VALUE *OptionValue ); /** Compare two Hii value. @param Value1 Expression value to compare on left-hand. @param Value2 Expression value to compare on right-hand. @param Result Return value after compare. retval 0 Two operators equal. return Positive value if Value1 is greater than Value2. retval Negative value if Value1 is less than Value2. @param HiiHandle Only required for string compare. @retval other Could not perform compare on two values. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Compare the value success. **/ EFI_STATUS CompareHiiValue ( IN EFI_HII_VALUE *Value1, IN EFI_HII_VALUE *Value2, OUT INTN *Result, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle OPTIONAL ); /** Draw a pop up windows based on the dimension, number of lines and strings specified. @param RequestedWidth The width of the pop-up. @param NumberOfLines The number of lines. @param ... A series of text strings that displayed in the pop-up. **/ VOID EFIAPI CreateMultiStringPopUp ( IN UINTN RequestedWidth, IN UINTN NumberOfLines, ... ); /** Will copy LineWidth amount of a string in the OutputString buffer and return the number of CHAR16 characters that were copied into the OutputString buffer. The output string format is: Glyph Info + String info + '\0'. In the code, it deals \r,\n,\r\n same as \n\r, also it not process the \r or \g. @param InputString String description for this option. @param LineWidth Width of the desired string to extract in CHAR16 characters @param GlyphWidth The glyph width of the begin of the char in the string. @param Index Where in InputString to start the copy process @param OutputString Buffer to copy the string into @return Returns the number of CHAR16 characters that were copied into the OutputString buffer, include extra glyph info and '\0' info. **/ UINT16 GetLineByWidth ( IN CHAR16 *InputString, IN UINT16 LineWidth, IN OUT UINT16 *GlyphWidth, IN OUT UINTN *Index, OUT CHAR16 **OutputString ); /** Get the string based on the StringId and HII Package List Handle. @param Token The String's ID. @param HiiHandle The Hii handle for this string package. @return The output string. **/ CHAR16 * GetToken ( IN EFI_STRING_ID Token, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle ); /** Count the storage space of a Unicode string. This function handles the Unicode string with NARROW_CHAR and WIDE_CHAR control characters. NARROW_HCAR and WIDE_CHAR does not count in the resultant output. If a WIDE_CHAR is hit, then 2 Unicode character will consume an output storage space with size of CHAR16 till a NARROW_CHAR is hit. If String is NULL, then ASSERT (). @param String The input string to be counted. @return Storage space for the input string. **/ UINTN GetStringWidth ( IN CHAR16 *String ); /** This routine reads a numeric value from the user input. @param MenuOption Pointer to the current input menu. @retval EFI_SUCCESS If numerical input is read successfully @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR If operation fails **/ EFI_STATUS GetNumericInput ( IN UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption ); /** Get string or password input from user. @param MenuOption Pointer to the current input menu. @param Prompt The prompt string shown on popup window. @param StringPtr Old user input and destination for use input string. @retval EFI_SUCCESS If string input is read successfully @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR If operation fails **/ EFI_STATUS ReadString ( IN UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption, IN CHAR16 *Prompt, IN OUT CHAR16 *StringPtr ); /** Draw a pop up windows based on the dimension, number of lines and strings specified. @param RequestedWidth The width of the pop-up. @param NumberOfLines The number of lines. @param Marker The variable argument list for the list of string to be printed. **/ VOID CreateSharedPopUp ( IN UINTN RequestedWidth, IN UINTN NumberOfLines, IN VA_LIST Marker ); /** Wait for a key to be pressed by user. @param Key The key which is pressed by user. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function always completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS WaitForKeyStroke ( OUT EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key ); /** Get selection for OneOf and OrderedList (Left/Right will be ignored). @param MenuOption Pointer to the current input menu. @retval EFI_SUCCESS If Option input is processed successfully @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR If operation fails **/ EFI_STATUS GetSelectionInputPopUp ( IN UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption ); /** Process the help string: Split StringPtr to several lines of strings stored in FormattedString and the glyph width of each line cannot exceed gHelpBlockWidth. @param StringPtr The entire help string. @param FormattedString The oupput formatted string. @param EachLineWidth The max string length of each line in the formatted string. @param RowCount TRUE: if Question is selected. **/ UINTN ProcessHelpString ( IN CHAR16 *StringPtr, OUT CHAR16 **FormattedString, OUT UINT16 *EachLineWidth, IN UINTN RowCount ); /** Process a Question's Option (whether selected or un-selected). @param MenuOption The MenuOption for this Question. @param Selected TRUE: if Question is selected. @param OptionString Pointer of the Option String to be displayed. @param SkipErrorValue Whether need to return when value without option for it. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Question Option process success. @retval Other Question Option process fail. **/ EFI_STATUS ProcessOptions ( IN UI_MENU_OPTION *MenuOption, IN BOOLEAN Selected, OUT CHAR16 **OptionString, IN BOOLEAN SkipErrorValue ); /** Set Buffer to Value for Size bytes. @param Buffer Memory to set. @param Size Number of bytes to set @param Value Value of the set operation. **/ VOID SetUnicodeMem ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size, IN CHAR16 Value ); /** Display one form, and return user input. @param FormData Form Data to be shown. @param UserInputData User input data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Form Data is shown, and user input is got. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI FormDisplay ( IN FORM_DISPLAY_ENGINE_FORM *FormData, OUT USER_INPUT *UserInputData ); /** Clear Screen to the initial state. **/ VOID EFIAPI DriverClearDisplayPage ( VOID ); /** Exit Display and Clear Screen to the original state. **/ VOID EFIAPI ExitDisplay ( VOID ); /** Process nothing. @param Event The Event need to be process @param Context The context of the event. **/ VOID EFIAPI EmptyEventProcess ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ); /** Process for the refresh interval statement. @param Event The Event need to be process @param Context The context of the event. **/ VOID EFIAPI RefreshTimeOutProcess ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ); /** Record the highlight menu and top of screen menu info. @param Highlight The menu opton which is highlight. @param TopOfScreen The menu opton which is at the top of the form. @param SkipValue The skip line info for the top of screen menu. **/ VOID UpdateHighlightMenuInfo ( IN LIST_ENTRY *Highlight, IN LIST_ENTRY *TopOfScreen, IN UINTN SkipValue ); /** Displays a popup window. @param This A pointer to the EFI_HII_POPUP_PROTOCOL instance. @param PopupStyle Popup style to use. @param PopupType Type of the popup to display. @param HiiHandle HII handle of the string pack containing Message @param Message A message to display in the popup box. @param UserSelection User selection. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The popup box was successfully displayed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HiiHandle and Message do not define a valid HII string. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER PopupType is not one of the values defined by this specification. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to display the popup box. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI CreatePopup ( IN EFI_HII_POPUP_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HII_POPUP_STYLE PopupStyle, IN EFI_HII_POPUP_TYPE PopupType, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_STRING_ID Message, OUT EFI_HII_POPUP_SELECTION *UserSelection OPTIONAL ); #endif