/** @file Configuration application for the EBC Debugger. Copyright (c) 2007 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include "EdbCommon.h" #include "EdbSupport.h" /** The function that displays the utility usage message. **/ VOID PrintUsage ( VOID ) { Print ( L"EbcDebuggerConfig Version 1.0\n" L"Copyright (C) Intel Corp 2007-2016. All rights reserved.\n" L"\n" L"Configure EbcDebugger in EFI Shell Environment.\n" L"\n" L"usage: EdbCfg \n" L" CommandList:\n" L" BO[C|CX|R|E|T|K] - Enable/Disable BOC/BOCX/BOR/BOE/BOT/BOK.\n" // L" SHOWINFO - Show Debugger Information.\n" L"\n" ); return; } /** The function is to show some information. @param DebuggerConfiguration Point to the EFI_DEBUGGER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL. **/ VOID EdbShowInfo ( EFI_DEBUGGER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL *DebuggerConfiguration ) { Print (L"Not supported!\n"); return ; } /** EdbConfigBreak function. @param DebuggerConfiguration Point to the EFI_DEBUGGER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL. @param Command Point to the command. @param CommandArg The argument for this command. **/ VOID EdbConfigBreak ( EFI_DEBUGGER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL *DebuggerConfiguration, CHAR16 *Command, CHAR16 *CommandArg ) { EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate; DebuggerPrivate = (EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *)DebuggerConfiguration->DebuggerPrivateData; if (StriCmp (Command, L"BOC") == 0) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { if ((DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOC) == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOC) { Print (L"BOC on\n"); } else { Print (L"BOC off\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"ON") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags |= EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOC; } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"OFF") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_BOC; } else { Print (L"Invalid parameter\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (Command, L"BOCX") == 0) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { if ((DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOCX) == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOCX) { Print (L"BOCX on\n"); } else { Print (L"BOCX off\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"ON") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags |= EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOCX; } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"OFF") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_BOCX; } else { Print (L"Invalid parameter\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (Command, L"BOR") == 0) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { if ((DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOR) == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOR) { Print (L"BOR on\n"); } else { Print (L"BOR off\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"ON") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags |= EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOR; } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"OFF") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_BOR; } else { Print (L"Invalid parameter\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (Command, L"BOE") == 0) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { if ((DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOE) == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOE) { Print (L"BOE on\n"); } else { Print (L"BOE off\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"ON") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags |= EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOE; } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"OFF") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_BOE; } else { Print (L"Invalid parameter\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (Command, L"BOT") == 0) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { if ((DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOT) == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOT) { Print (L"BOT on\n"); } else { Print (L"BOT off\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"ON") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags |= EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOT; } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"OFF") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_BOT; } else { Print (L"Invalid parameter\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (Command, L"BOK") == 0) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { if ((DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOK) == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOK) { Print (L"BOK on\n"); } else { Print (L"BOK off\n"); } } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"ON") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags |= EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOK; } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"OFF") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->FeatureFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_BOK; } else { Print (L"Invalid parameter\n"); } } return ; } /** Alter the EBC Debugger configuration. @param[in] ImageHandle The image handle. @param[in] SystemTable The system table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Usage error. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND A running debugger cannot be located. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InitializeEbcDebuggerConfig ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { UINTN Argc; CHAR16 **Argv; EFI_SHELL_PARAMETERS_PROTOCOL *ShellParameters; EFI_DEBUGGER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL *DebuggerConfiguration; EFI_STATUS Status; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gImageHandle, &gEfiShellParametersProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&ShellParameters ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print (L"Please use UEFI Shell to run this application.\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Argc = ShellParameters->Argc; Argv = ShellParameters->Argv; if (Argc < 2) { PrintUsage (); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (Argc == 2) { if ((StrCmp (Argv[1], L"/?") == 0) || (StrCmp (Argv[1], L"-?") == 0) || (StrCmp (Argv[1], L"-h") == 0) || (StrCmp (Argv[1], L"-H") == 0) ) { PrintUsage (); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiDebuggerConfigurationProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**)&DebuggerConfiguration ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print (L"Error: DebuggerConfiguration protocol not found.\n"); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (StriCmp (Argv[1], L"SHOWINFO") == 0) { EdbShowInfo (DebuggerConfiguration); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (((Argc == 2) || (Argc == 3)) && ((StriCmp (Argv[1], L"BOC") == 0) || (StriCmp (Argv[1], L"BOCX") == 0) || (StriCmp (Argv[1], L"BOR") == 0) || (StriCmp (Argv[1], L"BOE") == 0) || (StriCmp (Argv[1], L"BOT") == 0) || (StriCmp (Argv[1], L"BOK") == 0))) { if (Argc == 3) { EdbConfigBreak (DebuggerConfiguration, Argv[1], Argv[2]); } else { EdbConfigBreak (DebuggerConfiguration, Argv[1], NULL); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } Print (L"Error: Invalid Command.\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; }