/** @file This file defines the EFI REST EX Protocol interface. It is split into the following two main sections. - REST EX Service Binding Protocol - REST EX Protocol Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent @par Revision Reference: This Protocol is introduced in UEFI Specification 2.8 **/ #ifndef EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL_H_ #define EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL_H_ #include // // GUID definitions // #define EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0x456bbe01, 0x99d0, 0x45ea, {0xbb, 0x5f, 0x16, 0xd8, 0x4b, 0xed, 0xc5, 0x59 } \ } #define EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0x55648b91, 0xe7d, 0x40a3, {0xa9, 0xb3, 0xa8, 0x15, 0xd7, 0xea, 0xdf, 0x97 } \ } typedef struct _EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_VER // ******************************************************* typedef struct { UINT8 Major; UINT8 Minor; } EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_VER; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_HEADER // ******************************************************* typedef struct { UINT32 Length; EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_VER RestServiceInfoVer; } EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_HEADER; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_TYPE // ******************************************************* typedef enum { EfiRestExServiceUnspecific = 1, EfiRestExServiceRedfish, EfiRestExServiceOdata, EfiRestExServiceVendorSpecific = 0xff, EfiRestExServiceTypeMax } EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_TYPE; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_ACCESS_MODE // ******************************************************* typedef enum { EfiRestExServiceInBandAccess = 1, EfiRestExServiceOutOfBandAccess = 2, EfiRestExServiceModeMax } EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_ACCESS_MODE; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_TYPE // ******************************************************* typedef enum { EfiRestExConfigHttp, EfiRestExConfigUnspecific, EfiRestExConfigTypeMax } EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_TYPE; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO v1.0 // ******************************************************* typedef struct { EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_HEADER EfiRestExServiceInfoHeader; EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_TYPE RestServiceType; EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_ACCESS_MODE RestServiceAccessMode; EFI_GUID VendorRestServiceName; UINT32 VendorSpecificDataLength; UINT8 *VendorSpecifcData; EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_TYPE RestExConfigType; UINT8 RestExConfigDataLength; } EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_V_1_0; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO // ******************************************************* typedef union { EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_HEADER EfiRestExServiceInfoHeader; EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO_V_1_0 EfiRestExServiceInfoV10; } EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_HTTP_CONFIG_DATA // ******************************************************* typedef struct { EFI_HTTP_CONFIG_DATA HttpConfigData; UINT32 SendReceiveTimeout; } EFI_REST_EX_HTTP_CONFIG_DATA; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA // ******************************************************* typedef UINT8 *EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA; // ******************************************************* // EFI_REST_EX_TOKEN // ******************************************************* typedef struct { EFI_EVENT Event; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE *ResponseMessage; } EFI_REST_EX_TOKEN; /** Provides a simple HTTP-like interface to send and receive resources from a REST service. The SendReceive() function sends an HTTP request to this REST service, and returns a response when the data is retrieved from the service. RequestMessage contains the HTTP request to the REST resource identified by RequestMessage.Request.Url. The ResponseMessage is the returned HTTP response for that request, including any HTTP status. @param[in] This Pointer to EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL instance for a particular REST service. @param[in] RequestMessage Pointer to the HTTP request data for this resource @param[out] ResponseMessage Pointer to the HTTP response data obtained for this requested. @retval EFI_SUCCESS operation succeeded. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This, RequestMessage, or ResponseMessage are NULL. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REST_SEND_RECEIVE)( IN EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE *RequestMessage, OUT EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE *ResponseMessage ); /** Obtain the current time from this REST service instance. The GetServiceTime() function is an optional interface to obtain the current time from this REST service instance. If this REST service does not support to retrieve the time, this function returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED. This function must returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED if EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_TYPE returned in EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO from GetService() is EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_UNSPECIFIC. @param[in] This Pointer to EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL instance for a particular REST service. @param[out] Time A pointer to storage to receive a snapshot of the current time of the REST service. @retval EFI_SUCCESS operation succeeded. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This or Time are NULL. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The RESTful service does not support returning the time. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The configuration of this instance is not set yet. Configure() must be executed and returns successfully prior to invoke this function. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REST_GET_TIME)( IN EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL *This, OUT EFI_TIME *Time ); /** This function returns the information of REST service provided by this EFI REST EX driver instance. The information such as the type of REST service and the access mode of REST EX driver instance (In-band or Out-of-band) are described in EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO structure. For the vendor-specific REST service, vendor-specific REST service information is returned in VendorSpecifcData. REST EX driver designer is well know what REST service this REST EX driver instance intends to communicate with. The designer also well know this driver instance is used to talk to BMC through specific platform mechanism or talk to REST server through UEFI HTTP protocol. REST EX driver is responsible to fill up the correct information in EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO. EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO is referred by EFI REST clients to pickup the proper EFI REST EX driver instance to get and set resource. GetService() is a basic and mandatory function which must be able to use even Configure() is not invoked in previously. @param[in] This Pointer to EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL instance for a particular REST service. @param[out] RestExServiceInfo Pointer to receive a pointer to EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO structure. The format of EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO is version controlled for the future extension. The version of EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO structure is returned in the header within this structure. EFI REST client refers to the correct format of structure according to the version number. The pointer to EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO is a memory block allocated by EFI REST EX driver instance. That is caller's responsibility to free this memory when this structure is no longer needed. Refer to Related Definitions below for the definitions of EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO is returned in RestExServiceInfo. This function is not supported in this REST EX Protocol driver instance. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This function is not supported in this REST EX Protocol driver instance. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REST_EX_GET_SERVICE)( IN EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL *This, OUT EFI_REST_EX_SERVICE_INFO **RestExServiceInfo ); /** This function returns operational configuration of current EFI REST EX child instance. This function returns the current configuration of EFI REST EX child instance. The format of operational configuration depends on the implementation of EFI REST EX driver instance. For example, HTTP-aware EFI REST EX driver instance uses EFI HTTP protocol as the undying protocol to communicate with REST service. In this case, the type of configuration is EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_TYPE_HTTP returned from GetService(). EFI_HTTP_CONFIG_DATA is used as EFI REST EX configuration format and returned to EFI REST client. User has to type cast RestExConfigData to EFI_HTTP_CONFIG_DATA. For those non HTTP-aware REST EX driver instances, the type of configuration is EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_TYPE_UNSPECIFIC returned from GetService(). In this case, the format of returning data could be non industrial. Instead, the format of configuration data is system/platform specific definition such as BMC mechanism used in EFI REST EX driver instance. EFI REST client and EFI REST EX driver instance have to refer to the specific system /platform spec which is out of UEFI scope. @param[in] This This is the EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL instance. @param[out] RestExConfigData Pointer to receive a pointer to EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA. The memory allocated for configuration data should be freed by caller. See Related Definitions for the details. @retval EFI_SUCCESS EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA is returned in successfully. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This function is not supported in this REST EX Protocol driver instance. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The configuration of this instance is not set yet. Configure() must be executed and returns successfully prior to invoke this function. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REST_EX_GET_MODE_DATA)( IN EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL *This, OUT EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA *RestExConfigData ); /** This function is used to configure EFI REST EX child instance. This function is used to configure the setting of underlying protocol of REST EX child instance. The type of configuration is according to the implementation of EFI REST EX driver instance. For example, HTTP-aware EFI REST EX driver instance uses EFI HTTP protocol as the undying protocol to communicate with REST service. The type of configuration is EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_TYPE_HTTP and RestExConfigData is the same format with EFI_HTTP_CONFIG_DATA. Akin to HTTP configuration, REST EX child instance can be configure to use different HTTP local access point for the data transmission. Multiple REST clients may use different configuration of HTTP to distinguish themselves, such as to use the different TCP port. For those non HTTP-aware REST EX driver instance, the type of configuration is EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_TYPE_UNSPECIFIC. RestExConfigData refers to the non industrial standard. Instead, the format of configuration data is system/platform specific definition such as BMC. In this case, EFI REST client and EFI REST EX driver instance have to refer to the specific system/platform spec which is out of the UEFI scope. Besides GetService()function, no other EFI REST EX functions can be executed by this instance until Configure()is executed and returns successfully. All other functions must returns EFI_NOT_READY if this instance is not configured yet. Set RestExConfigData to NULL means to put EFI REST EX child instance into the unconfigured state. @param[in] This This is the EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] RestExConfigData Pointer to EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA. See Related Definitions in GetModeData() protocol interface. @retval EFI_SUCCESS EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA is set in successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Configuration for this REST EX child instance is failed with the given EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This function is not supported in this REST EX Protocol driver instance. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REST_EX_CONFIGURE)( IN EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_REST_EX_CONFIG_DATA RestExConfigData ); /** This function sends REST request to REST service and signal caller's event asynchronously when the final response is received by REST EX Protocol driver instance. The essential design of this function is to handle asynchronous send/receive implicitly according to REST service asynchronous request mechanism. Caller will get the notification once the response is returned from REST service. @param[in] This This is the EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] RequestMessage This is the HTTP request message sent to REST service. Set RequestMessage to NULL to cancel the previous asynchronous request associated with the corresponding RestExToken. See descriptions for the details. @param[in] RestExToken REST EX token which REST EX Protocol instance uses to notify REST client the status of response of asynchronous REST request. See related definition of EFI_REST_EX_TOKEN. @param[in] TimeOutInMilliSeconds The pointer to the timeout in milliseconds which REST EX Protocol driver instance refers as the duration to drop asynchronous REST request. NULL pointer means no timeout for this REST request. REST EX Protocol driver signals caller's event with EFI_STATUS set to EFI_TIMEOUT in RestExToken if REST EX Protocol can't get the response from REST service within TimeOutInMilliSeconds. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Asynchronous REST request is established. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This REST EX Protocol driver instance doesn't support asynchronous request. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT Asynchronous REST request is not established and timeout is expired. @retval EFI_ABORT Previous asynchronous REST request has been canceled. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Otherwise, returns EFI_DEVICE_ERROR for other errors according to HTTP Status Code. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The configuration of this instance is not set yet. Configure() must be executed and returns successfully prior to invoke this function. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REST_EX_ASYNC_SEND_RECEIVE)( IN EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE *RequestMessage OPTIONAL, IN EFI_REST_EX_TOKEN *RestExToken, IN UINTN *TimeOutInMilliSeconds OPTIONAL ); /** This function sends REST request to a REST Event service and signals caller's event token asynchronously when the URI resource change event is received by REST EX Protocol driver instance. The essential design of this function is to monitor event implicitly according to REST service event service mechanism. Caller will get the notification if certain resource is changed. @param[in] This This is the EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] RequestMessage This is the HTTP request message sent to REST service. Set RequestMessage to NULL to cancel the previous event service associated with the corresponding RestExToken. See descriptions for the details. @param[in] RestExToken REST EX token which REST EX Protocol driver instance uses to notify REST client the URI resource which monitored by REST client has been changed. See the related definition of EFI_REST_EX_TOKEN in EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL.AsyncSendReceive(). @retval EFI_SUCCESS Asynchronous REST request is established. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This REST EX Protocol driver instance doesn't support asynchronous request. @retval EFI_ABORT Previous asynchronous REST request has been canceled or event subscription has been delete from service. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Otherwise, returns EFI_DEVICE_ERROR for other errors according to HTTP Status Code. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The configuration of this instance is not set yet. Configure() must be executed and returns successfully prior to invoke this function. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REST_EX_EVENT_SERVICE)( IN EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE *RequestMessage OPTIONAL, IN EFI_REST_EX_TOKEN *RestExToken ); /// /// EFI REST(EX) protocols are designed to support REST communication between EFI REST client /// applications/drivers and REST services. EFI REST client tool uses EFI REST(EX) protocols /// to send/receive resources to/from REST service to manage systems, configure systems or /// manipulate resources on REST service. Due to HTTP protocol is commonly used to communicate /// with REST service in practice, EFI REST(EX) protocols adopt HTTP as the message format to /// send and receive REST service resource. EFI REST(EX) driver instance abstracts EFI REST /// client functionality and provides underlying interface to communicate with REST service. /// EFI REST(EX) driver instance knows how to communicate with REST service through certain /// interface after the corresponding configuration is initialized. /// struct _EFI_REST_EX_PROTOCOL { EFI_REST_SEND_RECEIVE SendReceive; EFI_REST_GET_TIME GetServiceTime; EFI_REST_EX_GET_SERVICE GetService; EFI_REST_EX_GET_MODE_DATA GetModeData; EFI_REST_EX_CONFIGURE Configure; EFI_REST_EX_ASYNC_SEND_RECEIVE AyncSendReceive; EFI_REST_EX_EVENT_SERVICE EventService; }; extern EFI_GUID gEfiRestExServiceBindingProtocolGuid; extern EFI_GUID gEfiRestExProtocolGuid; #endif