/** @file ISO C implementations of strchr, strrchr and strtoul. Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2023 Pedro Falcato All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #define ULONG_MAX 0xFFFFFFFF /* Maximum unsigned long value */ // Very quick notes: // We only go through the string once for both functions // They are minimal implementations (not speed optimized) of ISO C semantics // strchr and strrchr also include the null terminator as part of the string // so the code gets a bit clunky to handle that case specifically. char * strchr ( const char *Str, int Char ) { char *S; S = (char *)Str; for ( ; ; S++) { if (*S == Char) { return S; } if (*S == '\0') { return NULL; } } } char * strrchr ( const char *Str, int Char ) { char *S, *last; S = (char *)Str; last = NULL; for ( ; ; S++) { if (*S == Char) { last = S; } if (*S == '\0') { return last; } } } STATIC int __isspace ( int ch ) { // basic ASCII ctype.h:isspace(). Not efficient return ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\v' || ch == '\f'; } unsigned long strtoul ( const char *Nptr, char **EndPtr, int Base ) { BOOLEAN Negate; BOOLEAN Overflow; unsigned long Val; Negate = FALSE; Overflow = FALSE; Val = 0; // Reject bad numeric bases if ((Base < 0) || (Base == 1) || (Base > 36)) { return 0; } // Skip whitespace while (__isspace (*Nptr)) { Nptr++; } // Check for + or - prefixes if (*Nptr == '-') { Negate = TRUE; Nptr++; } else if (*Nptr == '+') { Nptr++; } // Consume the start, autodetecting base if needed if ((Nptr[0] == '0') && ((Nptr[1] == 'x') || (Nptr[1] == 'X')) && ((Base == 0) || (Base == 16))) { // Hex Nptr += 2; Base = 16; } else if ((Nptr[0] == '0') && ((Nptr[1] == 'b') || (Nptr[1] == 'B')) && ((Base == 0) || (Base == 2))) { // Binary (standard pending C23) Nptr += 2; Base = 2; } else if ((Nptr[0] == '0') && ((Base == 0) || (Base == 8))) { // Octal Nptr++; Base = 8; } else { if (Base == 0) { // Assume decimal Base = 10; } } while (TRUE) { int Digit; char C; unsigned long NewVal; C = *Nptr; Digit = -1; if ((C >= '0') && (C <= '9')) { Digit = C - '0'; } else if ((C >= 'a') && (C <= 'z')) { Digit = C - 'a' + 10; } else if ((C >= 'A') && (C <= 'Z')) { Digit = C - 'A' + 10; } if ((Digit == -1) || (Digit >= Base)) { // Note that this case also handles the \0 if (EndPtr) { *EndPtr = (char *)Nptr; } break; } NewVal = Val * Base + Digit; if (NewVal < Val) { // Overflow Overflow = TRUE; } Val = NewVal; Nptr++; } if (Negate) { Val = -Val; } if (Overflow) { Val = ULONG_MAX; } // TODO: We're lacking errno here. return Val; }