/** @file x64-specifc functionality for Page Table Setup. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PageTables.h" UINTN mLevelShift[5] = { 0, PAGING_L1_ADDRESS_SHIFT, PAGING_L2_ADDRESS_SHIFT, PAGING_L3_ADDRESS_SHIFT, PAGING_L4_ADDRESS_SHIFT }; UINT64 mLevelMask[5] = { 0, PAGING_4K_ADDRESS_MASK_64, PAGING_2M_ADDRESS_MASK_64, PAGING_1G_ADDRESS_MASK_64, PAGING_1G_ADDRESS_MASK_64 }; UINT64 mLevelSize[5] = { 0, SIZE_4KB, SIZE_2MB, SIZE_1GB, SIZE_512GB }; BOOLEAN IsSetNxForStack ( VOID ) { EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob; EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *PlatformInfo; GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gUefiOvmfPkgPlatformInfoGuid); if (GuidHob == NULL) { ASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } PlatformInfo = (EFI_HOB_PLATFORM_INFO *)GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); return PlatformInfo->PcdSetNxForStack; } /** Clear legacy memory located at the first 4K-page, if available. This function traverses the whole HOB list to check if memory from 0 to 4095 exists and has not been allocated, and then clear it if so. @param HobStart The start of HobList passed to DxeCore. **/ VOID ClearFirst4KPage ( IN VOID *HobStart ) { EFI_PEI_HOB_POINTERS RscHob; EFI_PEI_HOB_POINTERS MemHob; BOOLEAN DoClear; RscHob.Raw = HobStart; MemHob.Raw = HobStart; DoClear = FALSE; // // Check if page 0 exists and free // while ((RscHob.Raw = GetNextHob ( EFI_HOB_TYPE_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, RscHob.Raw )) != NULL) { if ((RscHob.ResourceDescriptor->ResourceType == EFI_RESOURCE_SYSTEM_MEMORY) && (RscHob.ResourceDescriptor->PhysicalStart == 0)) { DoClear = TRUE; // // Make sure memory at 0-4095 has not been allocated. // while ((MemHob.Raw = GetNextHob ( EFI_HOB_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION, MemHob.Raw )) != NULL) { if (MemHob.MemoryAllocation->AllocDescriptor.MemoryBaseAddress < EFI_PAGE_SIZE) { DoClear = FALSE; break; } MemHob.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (MemHob); } break; } RscHob.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (RscHob); } if (DoClear) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Clearing first 4K-page!\r\n")); SetMem (NULL, EFI_PAGE_SIZE, 0); } return; } /** Return configure status of NULL pointer detection feature. @return TRUE NULL pointer detection feature is enabled @return FALSE NULL pointer detection feature is disabled **/ BOOLEAN IsNullDetectionEnabled ( VOID ) { return ((PcdGet8 (PcdNullPointerDetectionPropertyMask) & BIT0) != 0); } /** The function will check if Execute Disable Bit is available. @retval TRUE Execute Disable Bit is available. @retval FALSE Execute Disable Bit is not available. **/ BOOLEAN IsExecuteDisableBitAvailable ( VOID ) { UINT32 RegEax; UINT32 RegEdx; BOOLEAN Available; Available = FALSE; AsmCpuid (0x80000000, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (RegEax >= 0x80000001) { AsmCpuid (0x80000001, NULL, NULL, NULL, &RegEdx); if ((RegEdx & BIT20) != 0) { // // Bit 20: Execute Disable Bit available. // Available = TRUE; } } return Available; } /** Check if Execute Disable Bit (IA32_EFER.NXE) should be enabled or not. @retval TRUE IA32_EFER.NXE should be enabled. @retval FALSE IA32_EFER.NXE should not be enabled. **/ BOOLEAN IsEnableNonExecNeeded ( VOID ) { if (!IsExecuteDisableBitAvailable ()) { return FALSE; } // // XD flag (BIT63) in page table entry is only valid if IA32_EFER.NXE is set. // Features controlled by Following PCDs need this feature to be enabled. // return (IsSetNxForStack () || FixedPcdGet64 (PcdDxeNxMemoryProtectionPolicy) != 0 || PcdGet32 (PcdImageProtectionPolicy) != 0); } /** Enable Execute Disable Bit. **/ VOID EnableExecuteDisableBit ( VOID ) { UINT64 MsrRegisters; MsrRegisters = AsmReadMsr64 (0xC0000080); MsrRegisters |= BIT11; AsmWriteMsr64 (0xC0000080, MsrRegisters); } /** The function will check if page table entry should be splitted to smaller granularity. @param Address Physical memory address. @param Size Size of the given physical memory. @param StackBase Base address of stack. @param StackSize Size of stack. @retval TRUE Page table should be split. @retval FALSE Page table should not be split. **/ BOOLEAN ToSplitPageTable ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address, IN UINTN Size, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS StackBase, IN UINTN StackSize ) { if (IsNullDetectionEnabled () && (Address == 0)) { return TRUE; } if (FixedPcdGetBool (PcdCpuStackGuard)) { if ((StackBase >= Address) && (StackBase < (Address + Size))) { return TRUE; } } if (IsSetNxForStack ()) { if ((Address < StackBase + StackSize) && ((Address + Size) > StackBase)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** Initialize a buffer pool for page table use only. To reduce the potential split operation on page table, the pages reserved for page table should be allocated in the times of PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_PAGES and at the boundary of PAGE_TABLE_POOL_ALIGNMENT. So the page pool is always initialized with number of pages greater than or equal to the given PoolPages. Once the pages in the pool are used up, this method should be called again to reserve at least another PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_PAGES. But usually this won't happen in practice. @param[in] PoolPages The least page number of the pool to be created. @param[in, out] PageTablePool Pointer of Pointer to the current available memory used as page table. @retval TRUE The pool is initialized successfully. @retval FALSE The memory is out of resource. **/ BOOLEAN InitializePageTablePool ( IN UINTN PoolPages, IN OUT PAGE_TABLE_POOL **PageTablePool ) { VOID *Buffer; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "InitializePageTablePool PoolPages=%d\n", PoolPages)); // // Always reserve at least PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_PAGES, including one page for // header. // PoolPages += 1; // Add one page for header. PoolPages = ((PoolPages - 1) / PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_PAGES + 1) * PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_PAGES; Buffer = AllocateAlignedPages (PoolPages, PAGE_TABLE_POOL_ALIGNMENT); if (Buffer == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: Out of aligned pages\r\n")); return FALSE; } // // Link all pools into a list for easier track later. // if (*PageTablePool == NULL) { *(UINT64 *)(UINTN)PageTablePool = (UINT64)(UINTN)Buffer; (*PageTablePool)->NextPool = *PageTablePool; } else { ((PAGE_TABLE_POOL *)Buffer)->NextPool = (*PageTablePool)->NextPool; (*PageTablePool)->NextPool = Buffer; *PageTablePool = Buffer; } // // Reserve one page for pool header. // (*PageTablePool)->FreePages = PoolPages - 1; (*PageTablePool)->Offset = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (1); return TRUE; } /** This API provides a way to allocate memory for page table. This API can be called more than once to allocate memory for page tables. Allocates the number of 4KB pages and returns a pointer to the allocated buffer. The buffer returned is aligned on a 4KB boundary. If Pages is 0, then NULL is returned. If there is not enough memory remaining to satisfy the request, then NULL is returned. @param[in] Pages The number of 4 KB pages to allocate. @param[in, out] PageTablePool Pointer of pointer to the current available memory used as page table. @return A pointer to the allocated buffer or NULL if allocation fails. **/ VOID * AllocatePageTableMemory ( IN UINTN Pages, IN OUT PAGE_TABLE_POOL **PageTablePool ) { VOID *Buffer; if (Pages == 0) { return NULL; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "AllocatePageTableMemory. PageTablePool=%p, Pages=%d\n", *PageTablePool, Pages)); // // Renew the pool if necessary. // if ((*PageTablePool == NULL) || (Pages > (*PageTablePool)->FreePages)) { if (!InitializePageTablePool (Pages, PageTablePool)) { return NULL; } } Buffer = (UINT8 *)(*PageTablePool) + (*PageTablePool)->Offset; (*PageTablePool)->Offset += EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (Pages); (*PageTablePool)->FreePages -= Pages; DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "%a:%a: Buffer=0x%Lx Pages=%ld, PageTablePool=%p\n", gEfiCallerBaseName, __FUNCTION__, Buffer, Pages, *PageTablePool )); return Buffer; } /** Split 2M page to 4K. @param[in] PhysicalAddress Start physical address the 2M page covered. @param[in, out] PageEntry2M Pointer to 2M page entry. @param[in] StackBase Stack base address. @param[in] StackSize Stack size. @param[in, out] PageTablePool Pointer to the current available memory used as page table. **/ VOID Split2MPageTo4K ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress, IN OUT UINT64 *PageEntry2M, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS StackBase, IN UINTN StackSize, IN OUT PAGE_TABLE_POOL *PageTablePool ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress4K; UINTN IndexOfPageTableEntries; PAGE_TABLE_4K_ENTRY *PageTableEntry; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Split2MPageTo4K\n")); PageTableEntry = AllocatePageTableMemory (1, &PageTablePool); if (PageTableEntry == NULL) { ASSERT (FALSE); return; } // // Fill in 2M page entry. // *PageEntry2M = (UINT64)(UINTN)PageTableEntry | IA32_PG_P | IA32_PG_RW; PhysicalAddress4K = PhysicalAddress; for (IndexOfPageTableEntries = 0; IndexOfPageTableEntries < 512; IndexOfPageTableEntries++, PageTableEntry++, PhysicalAddress4K += SIZE_4KB) { // // Fill in the Page Table entries // PageTableEntry->Uint64 = (UINT64)PhysicalAddress4K; PageTableEntry->Bits.ReadWrite = 1; if ((IsNullDetectionEnabled () && (PhysicalAddress4K == 0)) || (FixedPcdGetBool (PcdCpuStackGuard) && (PhysicalAddress4K == StackBase))) { PageTableEntry->Bits.Present = 0; } else { PageTableEntry->Bits.Present = 1; } if ( IsSetNxForStack () && (PhysicalAddress4K >= StackBase) && (PhysicalAddress4K < StackBase + StackSize)) { // // Set Nx bit for stack. // PageTableEntry->Bits.Nx = 1; } } } /** Split 1G page to 2M. @param[in] PhysicalAddress Start physical address the 1G page covered. @param[in, out] PageEntry1G Pointer to 1G page entry. @param[in] StackBase Stack base address. @param[in] StackSize Stack size. @param[in, out] PageTablePool Pointer to the current available memory used as page table. **/ VOID Split1GPageTo2M ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress, IN OUT UINT64 *PageEntry1G, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS StackBase, IN UINTN StackSize, IN OUT PAGE_TABLE_POOL *PageTablePool ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress2M; UINTN IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries; PAGE_TABLE_ENTRY *PageDirectoryEntry; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Split1GPageTo2M\n")); PageDirectoryEntry = AllocatePageTableMemory (1, &PageTablePool); if (PageDirectoryEntry == NULL) { ASSERT (FALSE); return; } // // Fill in 1G page entry. // *PageEntry1G = (UINT64)(UINTN)PageDirectoryEntry | IA32_PG_P | IA32_PG_RW; PhysicalAddress2M = PhysicalAddress; for (IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries = 0; IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries < 512; IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries++, PageDirectoryEntry++, PhysicalAddress2M += SIZE_2MB) { if (ToSplitPageTable (PhysicalAddress2M, SIZE_2MB, StackBase, StackSize)) { // // Need to split this 2M page that covers NULL or stack range. // Split2MPageTo4K (PhysicalAddress2M, (UINT64 *)PageDirectoryEntry, StackBase, StackSize, PageTablePool); } else { // // Fill in the Page Directory entries // PageDirectoryEntry->Uint64 = (UINT64)PhysicalAddress2M; PageDirectoryEntry->Bits.ReadWrite = 1; PageDirectoryEntry->Bits.Present = 1; PageDirectoryEntry->Bits.MustBe1 = 1; } } } /** Set one page of page table pool memory to be read-only. @param[in] PageTableBase Base address of page table (CR3). @param[in] Address Start address of a page to be set as read-only. @param[in] Level4Paging Level 4 paging flag. @param[in, out] PageTablePool Pointer to the current available memory used as page table. **/ VOID SetPageTablePoolReadOnly ( IN UINTN PageTableBase, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address, IN BOOLEAN Level4Paging, IN OUT PAGE_TABLE_POOL *PageTablePool ) { UINTN Index; UINTN EntryIndex; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; UINT64 *PageTable; UINT64 *NewPageTable; UINT64 PageAttr; UINTN Level; UINT64 PoolUnitSize; if (PageTableBase == 0) { ASSERT (FALSE); return; } // // Since the page table is always from page table pool, which is always // located at the boundary of PcdPageTablePoolAlignment, we just need to // set the whole pool unit to be read-only. // Address = Address & PAGE_TABLE_POOL_ALIGN_MASK; PageTable = (UINT64 *)(UINTN)PageTableBase; PoolUnitSize = PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_SIZE; for (Level = (Level4Paging) ? 4 : 3; Level > 0; --Level) { Index = ((UINTN)RShiftU64 (Address, mLevelShift[Level])); Index &= PAGING_PAE_INDEX_MASK; PageAttr = PageTable[Index]; if ((PageAttr & IA32_PG_PS) == 0) { // // Go to next level of table. // PageTable = (UINT64 *)(UINTN)(PageAttr & PAGING_4K_ADDRESS_MASK_64); continue; } if (PoolUnitSize >= mLevelSize[Level]) { // // Clear R/W bit if current page granularity is not larger than pool unit // size. // if ((PageAttr & IA32_PG_RW) != 0) { while (PoolUnitSize > 0) { // // PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_SIZE and PAGE_TABLE_POOL_ALIGNMENT are fit in // one page (2MB). Then we don't need to update attributes for pages // crossing page directory. ASSERT below is for that purpose. // ASSERT (Index < EFI_PAGE_SIZE/sizeof (UINT64)); PageTable[Index] &= ~(UINT64)IA32_PG_RW; PoolUnitSize -= mLevelSize[Level]; ++Index; } } break; } else { // // The smaller granularity of page must be needed. // ASSERT (Level > 1); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SetPageTablePoolReadOnly\n")); NewPageTable = AllocatePageTableMemory (1, &PageTablePool); if (NewPageTable == NULL) { ASSERT (FALSE); return; } PhysicalAddress = PageAttr & mLevelMask[Level]; for (EntryIndex = 0; EntryIndex < EFI_PAGE_SIZE/sizeof (UINT64); ++EntryIndex) { NewPageTable[EntryIndex] = PhysicalAddress | IA32_PG_P | IA32_PG_RW; if (Level > 2) { NewPageTable[EntryIndex] |= IA32_PG_PS; } PhysicalAddress += mLevelSize[Level - 1]; } PageTable[Index] = (UINT64)(UINTN)NewPageTable | IA32_PG_P | IA32_PG_RW; PageTable = NewPageTable; } } } /** Prevent the memory pages used for page table from been overwritten. @param[in] PageTableBase Base address of page table (CR3). @param[in] Level4Paging Level 4 paging flag. @param[in, out] PageTablePool Pointer to the current available memory used as page table. **/ VOID EnablePageTableProtection ( IN UINTN PageTableBase, IN BOOLEAN Level4Paging, IN OUT PAGE_TABLE_POOL *PageTablePool ) { PAGE_TABLE_POOL *HeadPool; PAGE_TABLE_POOL *Pool; UINT64 PoolSize; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "EnablePageTableProtection\n")); if (PageTablePool == NULL) { return; } // // Disable write protection, because we need to mark page table to be write // protected. // AsmWriteCr0 (AsmReadCr0 () & ~CR0_WP); // // SetPageTablePoolReadOnly might update PageTablePool. It's safer to // remember original one in advance. // HeadPool = PageTablePool; Pool = HeadPool; do { Address = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Pool; PoolSize = Pool->Offset + EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (Pool->FreePages); // // The size of one pool must be multiple of PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_SIZE, which // is one of page size of the processor (2MB by default). Let's apply the // protection to them one by one. // while (PoolSize > 0) { SetPageTablePoolReadOnly (PageTableBase, Address, Level4Paging, PageTablePool); Address += PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_SIZE; PoolSize -= PAGE_TABLE_POOL_UNIT_SIZE; } Pool = Pool->NextPool; } while (Pool != HeadPool); // // Enable write protection, after page table attribute updated. // AsmWriteCr0 (AsmReadCr0 () | CR0_WP); } /** Allocates and fills in the Page Directory and Page Table Entries to establish a 1:1 Virtual to Physical mapping. @param[in] StackBase Stack base address. @param[in] StackSize Stack size. @return The address of 4 level page map. **/ UINTN CreateIdentityMappingPageTables ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS StackBase, IN UINTN StackSize ) { UINT32 RegEax; UINT32 RegEdx; UINT8 PhysicalAddressBits; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PageAddress; UINTN IndexOfPml5Entries; UINTN IndexOfPml4Entries; UINTN IndexOfPdpEntries; UINTN IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries; UINT32 NumberOfPml5EntriesNeeded; UINT32 NumberOfPml4EntriesNeeded; UINT32 NumberOfPdpEntriesNeeded; PAGE_MAP_AND_DIRECTORY_POINTER *PageMapLevel5Entry; PAGE_MAP_AND_DIRECTORY_POINTER *PageMapLevel4Entry; PAGE_MAP_AND_DIRECTORY_POINTER *PageMap; PAGE_MAP_AND_DIRECTORY_POINTER *PageDirectoryPointerEntry; PAGE_TABLE_ENTRY *PageDirectoryEntry; UINTN TotalPagesNum; UINTN BigPageAddress; VOID *Hob; BOOLEAN Page5LevelSupport; BOOLEAN Page1GSupport; PAGE_TABLE_1G_ENTRY *PageDirectory1GEntry; IA32_CR4 Cr4; PAGE_TABLE_POOL *PageTablePool; // // Set PageMapLevel5Entry to suppress incorrect compiler/analyzer warnings // PageMapLevel5Entry = NULL; Page1GSupport = FALSE; if (FixedPcdGetBool (PcdUse1GPageTable)) { AsmCpuid (0x80000000, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (RegEax >= 0x80000001) { AsmCpuid (0x80000001, NULL, NULL, NULL, &RegEdx); if ((RegEdx & BIT26) != 0) { Page1GSupport = TRUE; } } } // // Get physical address bits supported. // Hob = GetFirstHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_CPU); if (Hob == NULL) { ASSERT (FALSE); return 0; } PhysicalAddressBits = ((EFI_HOB_CPU *)Hob)->SizeOfMemorySpace; // // CPU will already have LA57 enabled so just check CR4 Cr4.UintN = AsmReadCr4 (); Page5LevelSupport = (Cr4.Bits.LA57 ? TRUE : FALSE); DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "AddressBits=%u 5LevelPaging=%u 1GPage=%u \n", PhysicalAddressBits, Page5LevelSupport, Page1GSupport )); // // Calculate the table entries needed. // NumberOfPml5EntriesNeeded = 1; if (PhysicalAddressBits > 48) { NumberOfPml5EntriesNeeded = (UINT32)LShiftU64 (1, PhysicalAddressBits - 48); PhysicalAddressBits = 48; } NumberOfPml4EntriesNeeded = 1; if (PhysicalAddressBits > 39) { NumberOfPml4EntriesNeeded = (UINT32)LShiftU64 (1, PhysicalAddressBits - 39); PhysicalAddressBits = 39; } NumberOfPdpEntriesNeeded = 1; ASSERT (PhysicalAddressBits > 30); NumberOfPdpEntriesNeeded = (UINT32)LShiftU64 (1, PhysicalAddressBits - 30); // // Pre-allocate big pages to avoid later allocations. // if (!Page1GSupport) { TotalPagesNum = ((NumberOfPdpEntriesNeeded + 1) * NumberOfPml4EntriesNeeded + 1) * NumberOfPml5EntriesNeeded + 1; } else { TotalPagesNum = (NumberOfPml4EntriesNeeded + 1) * NumberOfPml5EntriesNeeded + 1; } // // Substract the one page occupied by PML5 entries if 5-Level Paging is disabled. // if (!Page5LevelSupport) { TotalPagesNum--; } DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "Pml5=%u Pml4=%u Pdp=%u TotalPage=%Lu\n", NumberOfPml5EntriesNeeded, NumberOfPml4EntriesNeeded, NumberOfPdpEntriesNeeded, (UINT64)TotalPagesNum )); PageTablePool = NULL; BigPageAddress = (UINTN)AllocatePageTableMemory (TotalPagesNum, &PageTablePool); if (BigPageAddress == 0) { ASSERT (FALSE); return 0; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "BigPageAddress = 0x%llx, PageTablePool=%p\n", BigPageAddress, PageTablePool)); // // By architecture only one PageMapLevel4 exists - so lets allocate storage for it. // PageMap = (VOID *)BigPageAddress; if (Page5LevelSupport) { // // By architecture only one PageMapLevel5 exists - so lets allocate storage for it. // PageMapLevel5Entry = PageMap; BigPageAddress += SIZE_4KB; } PageAddress = 0; for ( IndexOfPml5Entries = 0 ; IndexOfPml5Entries < NumberOfPml5EntriesNeeded ; IndexOfPml5Entries++) { // // Each PML5 entry points to a page of PML4 entires. // So lets allocate space for them and fill them in the IndexOfPml4Entries loop. // When 5-Level Paging is disabled, below allocation happens only once. // PageMapLevel4Entry = (VOID *)BigPageAddress; BigPageAddress += SIZE_4KB; if (Page5LevelSupport) { // // Make a PML5 Entry // PageMapLevel5Entry->Uint64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)PageMapLevel4Entry; PageMapLevel5Entry->Bits.ReadWrite = 1; PageMapLevel5Entry->Bits.Present = 1; PageMapLevel5Entry++; } for ( IndexOfPml4Entries = 0 ; IndexOfPml4Entries < (NumberOfPml5EntriesNeeded == 1 ? NumberOfPml4EntriesNeeded : 512) ; IndexOfPml4Entries++, PageMapLevel4Entry++) { // // Each PML4 entry points to a page of Page Directory Pointer entires. // So lets allocate space for them and fill them in the IndexOfPdpEntries loop. // PageDirectoryPointerEntry = (VOID *)BigPageAddress; BigPageAddress += SIZE_4KB; // // Make a PML4 Entry // PageMapLevel4Entry->Uint64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)PageDirectoryPointerEntry; PageMapLevel4Entry->Bits.ReadWrite = 1; PageMapLevel4Entry->Bits.Present = 1; if (Page1GSupport) { PageDirectory1GEntry = (VOID *)PageDirectoryPointerEntry; for (IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries = 0; IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries < 512; IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries++, PageDirectory1GEntry++, PageAddress += SIZE_1GB) { if (ToSplitPageTable (PageAddress, SIZE_1GB, StackBase, StackSize)) { Split1GPageTo2M ( PageAddress, (UINT64 *)PageDirectory1GEntry, StackBase, StackSize, PageTablePool ); } else { // // Fill in the Page Directory entries // PageDirectory1GEntry->Uint64 = (UINT64)PageAddress; PageDirectory1GEntry->Bits.ReadWrite = 1; PageDirectory1GEntry->Bits.Present = 1; PageDirectory1GEntry->Bits.MustBe1 = 1; } } } else { for ( IndexOfPdpEntries = 0 ; IndexOfPdpEntries < (NumberOfPml4EntriesNeeded == 1 ? NumberOfPdpEntriesNeeded : 512) ; IndexOfPdpEntries++, PageDirectoryPointerEntry++) { // // Each Directory Pointer entries points to a page of Page Directory entires. // So allocate space for them and fill them in the IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries loop. // PageDirectoryEntry = (VOID *)BigPageAddress; BigPageAddress += SIZE_4KB; // // Fill in a Page Directory Pointer Entries // PageDirectoryPointerEntry->Uint64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)PageDirectoryEntry; PageDirectoryPointerEntry->Bits.ReadWrite = 1; PageDirectoryPointerEntry->Bits.Present = 1; for (IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries = 0; IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries < 512; IndexOfPageDirectoryEntries++, PageDirectoryEntry++, PageAddress += SIZE_2MB) { if (ToSplitPageTable (PageAddress, SIZE_2MB, StackBase, StackSize)) { // // Need to split this 2M page that covers NULL or stack range. // Split2MPageTo4K (PageAddress, (UINT64 *)PageDirectoryEntry, StackBase, StackSize, PageTablePool); } else { // // Fill in the Page Directory entries // PageDirectoryEntry->Uint64 = (UINT64)PageAddress; PageDirectoryEntry->Bits.ReadWrite = 1; PageDirectoryEntry->Bits.Present = 1; PageDirectoryEntry->Bits.MustBe1 = 1; } } } // // Fill with null entry for unused PDPTE // ZeroMem (PageDirectoryPointerEntry, (512 - IndexOfPdpEntries) * sizeof (PAGE_MAP_AND_DIRECTORY_POINTER)); } } // // For the PML4 entries we are not using fill in a null entry. // ZeroMem (PageMapLevel4Entry, (512 - IndexOfPml4Entries) * sizeof (PAGE_MAP_AND_DIRECTORY_POINTER)); } if (Page5LevelSupport) { // // For the PML5 entries we are not using fill in a null entry. // ZeroMem (PageMapLevel5Entry, (512 - IndexOfPml5Entries) * sizeof (PAGE_MAP_AND_DIRECTORY_POINTER)); } // // Protect the page table by marking the memory used for page table to be // read-only. // EnablePageTableProtection ((UINTN)PageMap, TRUE, PageTablePool); return (UINTN)PageMap; }