/** @file The implementation of EDKII Redfish Platform Config Protocol. (C) Copyright 2021-2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Copyright (c) 2022-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "RedfishPlatformConfigDxe.h" #include "RedfishPlatformConfigImpl.h" extern REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PRIVATE *mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate; /** Debug dump HII string. @param[in] HiiHandle HII handle instance @param[in] StringId HII string to dump @retval EFI_SUCCESS Dump HII string successfully @retval Others Errors occur **/ EFI_STATUS DumpHiiString ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId ) { EFI_STRING String; if ((HiiHandle == NULL) || (StringId == 0)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "???")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } String = HiiGetString (HiiHandle, StringId, NULL); if (String == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%s", String)); FreePool (String); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Debug dump HII form-set data. @param[in] FormsetPrivate HII form-set private instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Dump form-set successfully @retval Others Errors occur **/ EFI_STATUS DumpFormset ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate ) { LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiNextFormLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_PRIVATE *HiiFormPrivate; LIST_ENTRY *HiiStatementLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiNextStatementLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE *HiiStatementPrivate; UINTN Index; if (FormsetPrivate == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Index = 0; HiiFormLink = GetFirstNode (&FormsetPrivate->HiiFormList); while (!IsNull (&FormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, HiiFormLink)) { HiiFormPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_FROM_LINK (HiiFormLink); HiiNextFormLink = GetNextNode (&FormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, HiiFormLink); DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, " [%d] form: %d title: ", ++Index, HiiFormPrivate->Id)); DumpHiiString (FormsetPrivate->HiiHandle, HiiFormPrivate->Title); DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "\n")); HiiStatementLink = GetFirstNode (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList); while (!IsNull (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, HiiStatementLink)) { HiiStatementPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (HiiStatementLink); HiiNextStatementLink = GetNextNode (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, HiiStatementLink); DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, " QID: 0x%x Prompt: ", HiiStatementPrivate->QuestionId)); DumpHiiString (FormsetPrivate->HiiHandle, HiiStatementPrivate->Description); DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "\n")); HiiStatementLink = HiiNextStatementLink; } HiiFormLink = HiiNextFormLink; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Debug dump HII form-set list. @param[in] FormsetList Form-set list instance @retval EFI_SUCCESS Dump list successfully @retval Others Errors occur **/ EFI_STATUS DumpFormsetList ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FormsetList ) { LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetNextLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *HiiFormsetPrivate; UINTN Index; if (FormsetList == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsListEmpty (FormsetList)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: Empty formset list\n", __func__)); return EFI_SUCCESS; } Index = 0; HiiFormsetLink = GetFirstNode (FormsetList); while (!IsNull (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink)) { HiiFormsetNextLink = GetNextNode (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink); HiiFormsetPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (HiiFormsetLink); DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "[%d] HII Handle: 0x%x formset: %g at %s\n", ++Index, HiiFormsetPrivate->HiiHandle, &HiiFormsetPrivate->Guid, HiiFormsetPrivate->DevicePathStr)); DumpFormset (HiiFormsetPrivate); HiiFormsetLink = HiiFormsetNextLink; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Return the HII string length. We don't check word alignment of the input string as same as the checking in StrLen function, because the HII string in the database is compact at the byte alignment. @param[in] String Input UCS format string. @retval Length of the string. **/ UINTN EFIAPI HiiStrLen ( IN CONST CHAR16 *String ) { UINTN Length; ASSERT (String != NULL); for (Length = 0; *String != L'\0'; String++, Length++) { } return Length; } /** Return the HII string size. We don't check word alignment of the input string as same as the checking in StrLen function, because the HII string in the database is compact at the byte alignment. @param[in] String Input UCS format string. @retval Size of the string. **/ UINTN EFIAPI HiiStrSize ( IN CONST CHAR16 *String ) { return (HiiStrLen (String) + 1) * sizeof (*String); } /** Compare two HII strings. We don't check word alignment of the input string as same as the checking in StrLen function, because the HII string in the database is compact at the byte alignment. @param[in] FirstString Input UCS format of string to search. @param[in] SecondString Input UCS format of string to look for in FirstString; @retval 0 The strings are identical. !0 The strings are not identical. **/ INTN EFIAPI HiiStrCmp ( IN CONST CHAR16 *FirstString, IN CONST CHAR16 *SecondString ) { // // ASSERT both strings are less long than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength // ASSERT (HiiStrSize (FirstString) != 0); ASSERT (HiiStrSize (SecondString) != 0); while ((*FirstString != L'\0') && (*FirstString == *SecondString)) { FirstString++; SecondString++; } return *FirstString - *SecondString; } /** Delete a string from HII Package List by given HiiHandle. @param[in] StringId Id of the string in HII database. @param[in] HiiHandle The HII package list handle. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The string was deleted successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER StringId is zero. **/ EFI_STATUS HiiDeleteString ( IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle ) { CHAR16 NullChar; if (StringId == 0x00) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } NullChar = CHAR_NULL; HiiSetString (HiiHandle, StringId, &NullChar, NULL); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Retrieves a unicode string from a string package in a given language. The returned string is allocated using AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible for freeing the allocated buffer using FreePool(). If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If StringId is 0, then ASSET. @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the HII Database. @param[in] Language The specified configure language to get string. @param[in] StringId The identifier of the string to retrieved from the string package associated with HiiHandle. @retval NULL The string specified by StringId is not present in the string package. @retval Other The string was returned. **/ EFI_STRING HiiGetRedfishString ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN CHAR8 *Language, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN StringSize; CHAR16 TempString; EFI_STRING String; if ((mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiString == NULL) || (HiiHandle == NULL) || (StringId == 0) || IS_EMPTY_STRING (Language)) { ASSERT (FALSE); return NULL; } // // Retrieve the size of the string in the string package for the BestLanguage // StringSize = 0; Status = mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiString->GetString ( mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiString, Language, HiiHandle, StringId, &TempString, &StringSize, NULL ); // // If GetString() returns EFI_SUCCESS for a zero size, // then there are no supported languages registered for HiiHandle. If GetString() // returns an error other than EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, then HiiHandle is not present // in the HII Database // if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { return NULL; } // // Allocate a buffer for the return string // String = AllocateZeroPool (StringSize); if (String == NULL) { return NULL; } // // Retrieve the string from the string package // Status = mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiString->GetString ( mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiString, Language, HiiHandle, StringId, String, &StringSize, NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Free the buffer and return NULL if the supported languages can not be retrieved. // FreePool (String); String = NULL; } // // Return the Null-terminated Unicode string // return String; } /** Retrieves a ASCII string from a string package in a given language. The returned string is allocated using AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible for freeing the allocated buffer using FreePool(). If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT(). If StringId is 0, then ASSET. @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the HII Database. @param[in] Language The specified configure language to get string. @param[in] StringId The identifier of the string to retrieved from the string package associated with HiiHandle. @retval NULL The string specified by StringId is not present in the string package. @retval Other The string was returned. **/ CHAR8 * HiiGetRedfishAsciiString ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN CHAR8 *Language, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId ) { EFI_STRING HiiString; CHAR8 *AsciiString; HiiString = HiiGetRedfishString (HiiHandle, Language, StringId); if (HiiString == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Can not find string ID: 0x%x with %a\n", __func__, StringId, Language)); return NULL; } AsciiString = StrToAsciiStr (HiiString); FreePool (HiiString); return AsciiString; } /** Get ASCII string from HII database in English language. The returned string is allocated using AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible for freeing the allocated buffer using FreePool(). @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the HII Database. @param[in] StringId The identifier of the string to retrieved from the string package associated with HiiHandle. @retval NULL The string specified by StringId is not present in the string package. @retval Other The string was returned. **/ CHAR8 * HiiGetEnglishAsciiString ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId ) { EFI_STRING HiiString; CHAR8 *AsciiString; HiiString = HiiGetRedfishString (HiiHandle, ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_CODE, StringId); if (HiiString == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Can not find string ID: 0x%x with %a\n", __func__, StringId, ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_CODE)); return NULL; } AsciiString = StrToAsciiStr (HiiString); FreePool (HiiString); return AsciiString; } /** Check and see if this is supported schema or not. @param[in] SupportedSchema The list of supported schema. @param[in] Schema Schema string to be checked. @retval BOOLEAN TRUE if this is supported schema. FALSE otherwise. **/ BOOLEAN CheckSupportedSchema ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_SCHEMA *SupportedSchema, IN CHAR8 *Schema ) { UINTN Index; if ((SupportedSchema == NULL) || IS_EMPTY_STRING (Schema)) { return FALSE; } if (SupportedSchema->Count == 0) { return FALSE; } for (Index = 0; Index < SupportedSchema->Count; Index++) { if (AsciiStrCmp (SupportedSchema->SchemaList[Index], Schema) == 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** Get the list of supported schema from the given HII handle. @param[in] HiiHandle HII handle instance. @param[out] SupportedSchema Supported schema on this HII handle. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Schema list is returned. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HiiHandle is NULL or SupportedSchema is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No supported schema found. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES System is out of memory. **/ EFI_STATUS GetSupportedSchema ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, OUT REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_SCHEMA *SupportedSchema ) { CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages; UINTN Index; UINTN LangIndex; UINTN Count; UINTN StrSize; UINTN ListIndex; if ((HiiHandle == NULL) || (SupportedSchema == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SupportedSchema->Count = 0; SupportedLanguages = HiiGetSupportedLanguages (HiiHandle); if (SupportedLanguages == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } Index = 0; LangIndex = 0; Count = 0; while (TRUE) { if ((SupportedLanguages[Index] == ';') || (SupportedLanguages[Index] == '\0')) { if (AsciiStrnCmp (&SupportedLanguages[LangIndex], X_UEFI_SCHEMA_PREFIX, AsciiStrLen (X_UEFI_SCHEMA_PREFIX)) == 0) { ++Count; } LangIndex = Index + 1; } if (SupportedLanguages[Index] == '\0') { break; } ++Index; } if (Count == 0) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } SupportedSchema->Count = Count; SupportedSchema->SchemaList = AllocatePool (sizeof (CHAR8 *) * Count); if (SupportedSchema->SchemaList == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Index = 0; LangIndex = 0; ListIndex = 0; while (TRUE) { if ((SupportedLanguages[Index] == ';') || (SupportedLanguages[Index] == '\0')) { if (AsciiStrnCmp (&SupportedLanguages[LangIndex], X_UEFI_SCHEMA_PREFIX, AsciiStrLen (X_UEFI_SCHEMA_PREFIX)) == 0) { StrSize = Index - LangIndex; SupportedSchema->SchemaList[ListIndex] = AllocateCopyPool ((StrSize + 1), &SupportedLanguages[LangIndex]); SupportedSchema->SchemaList[ListIndex][StrSize] = '\0'; ++ListIndex; } LangIndex = Index + 1; } if (SupportedLanguages[Index] == '\0') { break; } ++Index; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Search and find statement private instance by given regular expression pattern which describes the Configure Language. @param[in] RegularExpressionProtocol Regular express protocol. @param[in] FormsetList Form-set list to search. @param[in] Schema Schema to be matched. @param[in] Pattern Regular expression pattern. @param[out] StatementList Statement list that match above pattern. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Statement list is returned. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Input parameter is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_READY Regular express protocol is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No statement is found. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES System is out of memory. **/ EFI_STATUS GetStatementPrivateByConfigureLangRegex ( IN EFI_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_PROTOCOL *RegularExpressionProtocol, IN LIST_ENTRY *FormsetList, IN CHAR8 *Schema, IN EFI_STRING Pattern, OUT REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE_LIST *StatementList ) { LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetNextLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *HiiFormsetPrivate; LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiNextFormLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_PRIVATE *HiiFormPrivate; LIST_ENTRY *HiiStatementLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiNextStatementLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE *HiiStatementPrivate; EFI_STRING TmpString; UINTN CaptureCount; BOOLEAN IsMatch; EFI_STATUS Status; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE_REF *StatementRef; if ((FormsetList == NULL) || IS_EMPTY_STRING (Schema) || IS_EMPTY_STRING (Pattern) || (StatementList == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (RegularExpressionProtocol == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_READY; } StatementList->Count = 0; InitializeListHead (&StatementList->StatementList); if (IsListEmpty (FormsetList)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } HiiFormsetLink = GetFirstNode (FormsetList); while (!IsNull (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink)) { HiiFormsetNextLink = GetNextNode (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink); HiiFormsetPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (HiiFormsetLink); // // Performance check. // If there is no desired Redfish schema found, skip this formset. // if (!CheckSupportedSchema (&HiiFormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema, Schema)) { HiiFormsetLink = HiiFormsetNextLink; continue; } HiiFormLink = GetFirstNode (&HiiFormsetPrivate->HiiFormList); while (!IsNull (&HiiFormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, HiiFormLink)) { HiiNextFormLink = GetNextNode (&HiiFormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, HiiFormLink); HiiFormPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_FROM_LINK (HiiFormLink); HiiStatementLink = GetFirstNode (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList); while (!IsNull (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, HiiStatementLink)) { HiiNextStatementLink = GetNextNode (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, HiiStatementLink); HiiStatementPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (HiiStatementLink); if ((HiiStatementPrivate->Description != 0) && (RedfishPlatformConfigFeatureProp (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_ALLOW_SUPPRESSED) || !HiiStatementPrivate->Suppressed)) { TmpString = HiiStatementPrivate->XuefiRedfishStr; if (TmpString != NULL) { Status = RegularExpressionProtocol->MatchString ( RegularExpressionProtocol, TmpString, Pattern, &gEfiRegexSyntaxTypePerlGuid, &IsMatch, NULL, &CaptureCount ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: MatchString \"%s\" failed: %r\n", __func__, Pattern, Status)); ASSERT (FALSE); return Status; } // // Found // if (IsMatch) { StatementRef = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE_REF)); if (StatementRef == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } StatementRef->Statement = HiiStatementPrivate; InsertTailList (&StatementList->StatementList, &StatementRef->Link); ++StatementList->Count; } } else { if (!RedfishPlatformConfigFeatureProp (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_BUILD_MENU_PATH)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: HiiStatementPrivate->XuefiRedfishStr is NULL, x-uefi-string has something wrong.\n", __func__)); ASSERT (FALSE); } } } HiiStatementLink = HiiNextStatementLink; } HiiFormLink = HiiNextFormLink; } HiiFormsetLink = HiiFormsetNextLink; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get statement private instance by the given configure language. @param[in] FormsetList Form-set list to search. @param[in] Schema Schema to be matched. @param[in] ConfigureLang Configure language. @retval REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE * Pointer to statement private instance. **/ REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE * GetStatementPrivateByConfigureLang ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FormsetList, IN CHAR8 *Schema, IN EFI_STRING ConfigureLang ) { LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetNextLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *HiiFormsetPrivate; LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiNextFormLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_PRIVATE *HiiFormPrivate; LIST_ENTRY *HiiStatementLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiNextStatementLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE *HiiStatementPrivate; EFI_STRING TmpString; UINTN Index; if ((FormsetList == NULL) || IS_EMPTY_STRING (Schema) || IS_EMPTY_STRING (ConfigureLang)) { return NULL; } if (IsListEmpty (FormsetList)) { return NULL; } Index = 0; HiiFormsetLink = GetFirstNode (FormsetList); while (!IsNull (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink)) { HiiFormsetNextLink = GetNextNode (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink); HiiFormsetPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (HiiFormsetLink); // // Performance check. // If there is no desired Redfish schema found, skip this formset. // if (!CheckSupportedSchema (&HiiFormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema, Schema)) { HiiFormsetLink = HiiFormsetNextLink; continue; } HiiFormLink = GetFirstNode (&HiiFormsetPrivate->HiiFormList); while (!IsNull (&HiiFormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, HiiFormLink)) { HiiNextFormLink = GetNextNode (&HiiFormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, HiiFormLink); HiiFormPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_FROM_LINK (HiiFormLink); HiiStatementLink = GetFirstNode (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList); while (!IsNull (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, HiiStatementLink)) { HiiNextStatementLink = GetNextNode (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, HiiStatementLink); HiiStatementPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (HiiStatementLink); if ((HiiStatementPrivate->Description != 0) && (RedfishPlatformConfigFeatureProp (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_ALLOW_SUPPRESSED) || !HiiStatementPrivate->Suppressed)) { TmpString = HiiStatementPrivate->XuefiRedfishStr; if (TmpString != NULL) { Index++; DEBUG_REDFISH_THIS_MODULE ( REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_DEBUG_CONFIG_LANG_SEARCH, "%a: [%d] check %s in QID: 0x%x form: 0x%x formset: %g\n", __func__, Index, ConfigureLang, HiiStatementPrivate->QuestionId, HiiFormPrivate->Id, &HiiFormsetPrivate->Guid ); if (HiiStrCmp (TmpString, ConfigureLang) == 0) { return HiiStatementPrivate; } } else { if (!RedfishPlatformConfigFeatureProp (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_BUILD_MENU_PATH)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: HiiStatementPrivate->XuefiRedfishStr is NULL, x-uefi-string has something wrong.\n", __func__)); ASSERT (FALSE); } } } HiiStatementLink = HiiNextStatementLink; } HiiFormLink = HiiNextFormLink; } HiiFormsetLink = HiiFormsetNextLink; } return NULL; } /** Get form-set private instance by the given HII handle. @param[in] HiiHandle HII handle instance. @param[in] FormsetList Form-set list to search. @retval REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE * Pointer to form-set private instance. **/ REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE * GetFormsetPrivateByHiiHandle ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, IN LIST_ENTRY *FormsetList ) { LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetNextLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *HiiFormsetPrivate; if ((HiiHandle == NULL) || (FormsetList == NULL)) { return NULL; } if (IsListEmpty (FormsetList)) { return NULL; } HiiFormsetLink = GetFirstNode (FormsetList); while (!IsNull (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink)) { HiiFormsetNextLink = GetNextNode (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink); HiiFormsetPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (HiiFormsetLink); if (HiiFormsetPrivate->HiiHandle == HiiHandle) { return HiiFormsetPrivate; } HiiFormsetLink = HiiFormsetNextLink; } return NULL; } /** Release x-uefi-string related information. @param[in] FormsetPrivate Pointer to HII form-set private instance. @retval EFI_STATUS **/ EFI_STATUS ReleaseXuefiStringDatabase ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate ) { REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *ThisDatabase; REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *PreDatabase; REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *ThisStringArray; REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *PreStringArray; BOOLEAN EndDatabase; BOOLEAN EndArray; if (FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader != NULL) { FreePool (FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader); } // Walk through x-uefi-redfish string database. if (!IsListEmpty (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase)) { EndDatabase = FALSE; ThisDatabase = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *)GetFirstNode (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase); while (!EndDatabase) { // Walk through string arrays. if (!IsListEmpty (&ThisDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays)) { EndArray = FALSE; ThisStringArray = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *)GetFirstNode (&ThisDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays); while (!EndArray) { // Remove this array FreePool (ThisStringArray->ArrayEntryAddress); EndArray = IsNodeAtEnd (&ThisDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays, &ThisStringArray->NextArray); PreStringArray = ThisStringArray; if (!EndArray) { ThisStringArray = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *)GetNextNode (&ThisDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays, &ThisStringArray->NextArray); } RemoveEntryList (&PreStringArray->NextArray); FreePool (PreStringArray); } } // // Remove this database // EndDatabase = IsNodeAtEnd (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, &ThisDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage); PreDatabase = ThisDatabase; if (!EndDatabase) { ThisDatabase = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *)GetNextNode (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, &ThisDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage); } RemoveEntryList (&PreDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage); FreePool (PreDatabase); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Release formset and all the forms and statements that belong to this formset. @param[in] FormsetPrivate Pointer to HII form-set private instance. @retval EFI_STATUS **/ EFI_STATUS ReleaseFormset ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate ) { LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiNextFormLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_PRIVATE *HiiFormPrivate; LIST_ENTRY *HiiStatementLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiNextStatementLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE *HiiStatementPrivate; UINTN Index; if (FormsetPrivate == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } HiiFormLink = GetFirstNode (&FormsetPrivate->HiiFormList); while (!IsNull (&FormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, HiiFormLink)) { HiiFormPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_FROM_LINK (HiiFormLink); HiiNextFormLink = GetNextNode (&FormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, HiiFormLink); HiiStatementLink = GetFirstNode (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList); while (!IsNull (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, HiiStatementLink)) { HiiStatementPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (HiiStatementLink); HiiNextStatementLink = GetNextNode (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, HiiStatementLink); // // HiiStatementPrivate->HiiStatement will be released in DestroyFormSet(). // RemoveEntryList (&HiiStatementPrivate->Link); FreePool (HiiStatementPrivate); HiiStatementLink = HiiNextStatementLink; } // // HiiStatementPrivate->HiiForm will be released in DestroyFormSet(). // RemoveEntryList (&HiiFormPrivate->Link); FreePool (HiiFormPrivate); HiiFormLink = HiiNextFormLink; } if (FormsetPrivate->HiiFormSet != NULL) { DestroyFormSet (FormsetPrivate->HiiFormSet); FormsetPrivate->HiiFormSet = NULL; } if (FormsetPrivate->DevicePathStr != NULL) { FreePool (FormsetPrivate->DevicePathStr); } // // Release schema list // if (FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema.SchemaList != NULL) { for (Index = 0; Index < FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema.Count; Index++) { FreePool (FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema.SchemaList[Index]); } FreePool (FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema.SchemaList); FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema.SchemaList = NULL; FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema.Count = 0; } ReleaseXuefiStringDatabase (FormsetPrivate); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Create new form-set instance. @retval REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE * Pointer to newly created form-set private instance. **/ REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE * NewFormsetPrivate ( VOID ) { REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *NewFormsetPrivate; NewFormsetPrivate = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE)); if (NewFormsetPrivate == NULL) { return NULL; } // // Initial newly created formset private data. // InitializeListHead (&NewFormsetPrivate->HiiFormList); InitializeListHead (&NewFormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase); return NewFormsetPrivate; } /** Create new x-uefi-redfish string array. @param[in] XuefiRedfishStringDatabase The x-uefi-redfish string database. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory for creating a new array. EFI_SUCCESS New array is created successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS NewRedfishXuefiStringArray ( IN REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *XuefiRedfishStringDatabase ) { REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *ArrayAddress; // Initial first REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY memory. ArrayAddress = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY)); if (ArrayAddress == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Failed to allocate REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY.\n", __func__)); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } InitializeListHead (&ArrayAddress->NextArray); // Allocate memory buffer for REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY_ELEMENT elements. ArrayAddress->ArrayEntryAddress = \ (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY_ELEMENT *)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY_ELEMENT) * X_UEFI_REDFISH_STRING_ARRAY_ENTRY_NUMBER); if (ArrayAddress->ArrayEntryAddress == NULL) { FreePool (ArrayAddress); DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Failed to allocate array for REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY_ELEMENTs.\n", __func__)); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->StringsArrayBlocks++; InsertTailList (&XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays, &ArrayAddress->NextArray); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get the pointer of x-uefi-redfish database or create a new database. @param[in] FormsetPrivate Pointer to HII form-set private instance. @param[in] HiiStringPackageHeader HII string package header. @retval Pointer to REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE. If NULL, it fails to obtain x-uefi-redfish database. **/ REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE * GetExistOrCreateXuefiStringDatabase ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate, IN EFI_HII_STRING_PACKAGE_HDR *HiiStringPackageHeader ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN CreateNewOne; REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *XuefiRedfishStringDatabase; CreateNewOne = TRUE; XuefiRedfishStringDatabase = NULL; if (!IsListEmpty (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase)) { XuefiRedfishStringDatabase = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *)GetFirstNode (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase); while (TRUE) { if (AsciiStriCmp (XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishLanguage, HiiStringPackageHeader->Language) == 0) { CreateNewOne = FALSE; break; } if (IsNodeAtEnd (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, &XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage)) { break; } XuefiRedfishStringDatabase = \ (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *)GetNextNode (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, &XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage); } } if (CreateNewOne) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, " Creating x-uefi-redfish (%a) string database...\n", HiiStringPackageHeader->Language)); XuefiRedfishStringDatabase = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE)); if (XuefiRedfishStringDatabase == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " Failed to allocate REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE.\n")); return NULL; } InitializeListHead (&XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage); InitializeListHead (&XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays); XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->StringsArrayBlocks = 0; XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishLanguage = HiiStringPackageHeader->Language; Status = NewRedfishXuefiStringArray (XuefiRedfishStringDatabase); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (XuefiRedfishStringDatabase); return NULL; } DEBUG (( DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, " x-uefi-redfish (%a):\n String array is added to XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, total %d arrays now.\n", XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishLanguage, XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->StringsArrayBlocks )); // Link string database to FormsetPrivate. InsertTailList (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, &XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage); } return XuefiRedfishStringDatabase; } /** Check and allocate a new x-uefi-redfish array if it is insufficient for the newly added x-uefi-redfish string. @param[in] FormsetPrivate Pointer to HII form-set private instance. @param[in] XuefiRedfishStringDatabase Pointer to the x-uefi-redfish database. @param[in] StringId String ID added to database. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The size of x-uefi-string array is adjusted or is not required to be adjusted. Otherwise, refer to the error code returned from NewRedfishXuefiStringArray(). **/ EFI_STATUS RedfishXuefiStringAdjustArrays ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate, IN REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId ) { EFI_STATUS Status; while (((StringId + X_UEFI_REDFISH_STRING_ARRAY_ENTRY_NUMBER) / X_UEFI_REDFISH_STRING_ARRAY_ENTRY_NUMBER) > (UINT16)XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->StringsArrayBlocks) { Status = NewRedfishXuefiStringArray (XuefiRedfishStringDatabase); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Failed to adjust x-uefi-string array", __func__)); return Status; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Insert a x-uefi-redfish string to database. @param[in] FormsetPrivate Pointer to HII form-set private instance. @param[in] HiiStringPackageHeader Pointer to HII string package. @param[in] StringId The HII string ID @param[in] StringTextPtr Pointer to HII string text. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The HII string is added to database. EFI_LOAD_ERROR Something wrong when insert an HII string to database. **/ EFI_STATUS RedfishXuefiStringInsertDatabase ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate, IN EFI_HII_STRING_PACKAGE_HDR *HiiStringPackageHeader, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId, IN CHAR16 *StringTextPtr ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN StringIdOffset; REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *XuefiRedfishStringDatabase; REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *ThisArray; XuefiRedfishStringDatabase = GetExistOrCreateXuefiStringDatabase (FormsetPrivate, HiiStringPackageHeader); if (XuefiRedfishStringDatabase == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Failed to get REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE of x-uefi-redfish language %a.\n", __func__, HiiStringPackageHeader->Language)); ReleaseXuefiStringDatabase (FormsetPrivate); return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } Status = RedfishXuefiStringAdjustArrays (FormsetPrivate, XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, StringId); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Failed to adjust x-uefi-redfish string array.\n", __func__)); ReleaseXuefiStringDatabase (FormsetPrivate); return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } // Insert string to x-uefi-redfish string array. StringIdOffset = (UINTN)StringId; ThisArray = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *)GetFirstNode (&XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays); while (StringIdOffset >= X_UEFI_REDFISH_STRING_ARRAY_ENTRY_NUMBER) { ThisArray = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *)GetNextNode (&XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays, &ThisArray->NextArray); StringIdOffset -= X_UEFI_REDFISH_STRING_ARRAY_ENTRY_NUMBER; } // Insert string (ThisArray->ArrayEntryAddress + StringIdOffset)->StringId = StringId; (ThisArray->ArrayEntryAddress + StringIdOffset)->UcsString = StringTextPtr; DEBUG_REDFISH_THIS_MODULE ( REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_DEBUG_STRING_DATABASE, " Insert string ID: (%d) to database\n x-uefi-string: \"%s\"\n Language: %a.\n", StringId, StringTextPtr, HiiStringPackageHeader->Language ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get x-uefi-redfish string and language by string ID. @param[in] FormsetPrivate Pointer to HII form-set private instance. @param[in] HiiStringPackageHeader HII string package header. @param[out] TotalStringAdded Return the total strings added to database. @retval TRUE x-uefi-redfish string and ID map is inserted to database. FALSE Something is wrong when insert x-uefi-redfish string and ID map. **/ BOOLEAN CreateXuefiLanguageStringIdMap ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate, IN EFI_HII_STRING_PACKAGE_HDR *HiiStringPackageHeader, OUT UINTN *TotalStringAdded ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 *BlockHdr; EFI_STRING_ID CurrentStringId; UINTN BlockSize; UINTN Index; UINT8 *StringTextPtr; UINTN Offset; UINT16 StringCount; UINT16 SkipCount; UINT8 Length8; EFI_HII_SIBT_EXT2_BLOCK Ext2; UINT32 Length32; UINT8 *StringBlockInfo; UINTN StringsAdded; StringsAdded = 0; // // Parse the string blocks to get the string text and font. // StringBlockInfo = (UINT8 *)((UINTN)HiiStringPackageHeader + HiiStringPackageHeader->StringInfoOffset); BlockHdr = StringBlockInfo; BlockSize = 0; Offset = 0; CurrentStringId = 1; while (*BlockHdr != EFI_HII_SIBT_END) { switch (*BlockHdr) { case EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_SCSU: Offset = sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK); StringTextPtr = BlockHdr + Offset; BlockSize += Offset + AsciiStrSize ((CHAR8 *)StringTextPtr); CurrentStringId++; break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_SCSU_FONT: Offset = sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_SCSU_FONT_BLOCK) - sizeof (UINT8); StringTextPtr = BlockHdr + Offset; BlockSize += Offset + AsciiStrSize ((CHAR8 *)StringTextPtr); CurrentStringId++; break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_SCSU: CopyMem (&StringCount, BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK), sizeof (UINT16)); StringTextPtr = (UINT8 *)((UINTN)BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_SCSU_BLOCK) - sizeof (UINT8)); BlockSize += StringTextPtr - BlockHdr; for (Index = 0; Index < StringCount; Index++) { BlockSize += AsciiStrSize ((CHAR8 *)StringTextPtr); StringTextPtr = StringTextPtr + AsciiStrSize ((CHAR8 *)StringTextPtr); CurrentStringId++; } break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_SCSU_FONT: CopyMem ( &StringCount, (UINT8 *)((UINTN)BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK) + sizeof (UINT8)), sizeof (UINT16) ); StringTextPtr = (UINT8 *)((UINTN)BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_SCSU_FONT_BLOCK) - sizeof (UINT8)); BlockSize += StringTextPtr - BlockHdr; for (Index = 0; Index < StringCount; Index++) { BlockSize += AsciiStrSize ((CHAR8 *)StringTextPtr); StringTextPtr = StringTextPtr + AsciiStrSize ((CHAR8 *)StringTextPtr); CurrentStringId++; } break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_UCS2: Offset = sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK); StringTextPtr = BlockHdr + Offset; // x-uefi-redfish string is always encoded as UCS and started with '/'. if (*StringTextPtr == (UINT16)'/') { Status = RedfishXuefiStringInsertDatabase ( FormsetPrivate, HiiStringPackageHeader, CurrentStringId, (CHAR16 *)StringTextPtr ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Failed to insert x-uefi-redfish string %s.\n", __func__, StringTextPtr)); return FALSE; } StringsAdded++; } BlockSize += (Offset + HiiStrSize ((CHAR16 *)StringTextPtr)); CurrentStringId++; break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_UCS2_FONT: Offset = sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_UCS2_FONT_BLOCK) - sizeof (CHAR16); StringTextPtr = BlockHdr + Offset; BlockSize += (Offset + HiiStrSize ((CHAR16 *)StringTextPtr)); CurrentStringId++; break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_UCS2: Offset = sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_UCS2_BLOCK) - sizeof (CHAR16); StringTextPtr = BlockHdr + Offset; BlockSize += Offset; CopyMem (&StringCount, BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK), sizeof (UINT16)); for (Index = 0; Index < StringCount; Index++) { BlockSize += HiiStrSize ((CHAR16 *)StringTextPtr); StringTextPtr = StringTextPtr + HiiStrSize ((CHAR16 *)StringTextPtr); CurrentStringId++; } break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_UCS2_FONT: Offset = sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_UCS2_FONT_BLOCK) - sizeof (CHAR16); StringTextPtr = BlockHdr + Offset; BlockSize += Offset; CopyMem ( &StringCount, (UINT8 *)((UINTN)BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK) + sizeof (UINT8)), sizeof (UINT16) ); for (Index = 0; Index < StringCount; Index++) { BlockSize += HiiStrSize ((CHAR16 *)StringTextPtr); StringTextPtr = StringTextPtr + HiiStrSize ((CHAR16 *)StringTextPtr); CurrentStringId++; } break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_DUPLICATE: BlockSize += sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_DUPLICATE_BLOCK); CurrentStringId++; break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_SKIP1: SkipCount = (UINT16)(*(UINT8 *)((UINTN)BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK))); CurrentStringId = (UINT16)(CurrentStringId + SkipCount); BlockSize += sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_SKIP1_BLOCK); break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_SKIP2: CopyMem (&SkipCount, BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK), sizeof (UINT16)); CurrentStringId = (UINT16)(CurrentStringId + SkipCount); BlockSize += sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_SKIP2_BLOCK); break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_EXT1: CopyMem ( &Length8, (UINT8 *)((UINTN)BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK) + sizeof (UINT8)), sizeof (UINT8) ); BlockSize += Length8; break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_EXT2: CopyMem (&Ext2, BlockHdr, sizeof (EFI_HII_SIBT_EXT2_BLOCK)); BlockSize += Ext2.Length; break; case EFI_HII_SIBT_EXT4: CopyMem ( &Length32, (UINT8 *)((UINTN)BlockHdr + sizeof (EFI_HII_STRING_BLOCK) + sizeof (UINT8)), sizeof (UINT32) ); BlockSize += Length32; break; default: break; } BlockHdr = (UINT8 *)(StringBlockInfo + BlockSize); } *TotalStringAdded = StringsAdded; return TRUE; } /** Get x-uefi-redfish string and language by string ID. @param[in] FormsetPrivate Pointer to HII form-set private instance. @param[in] StringId The HII string ID. @param[out] String Optionally return USC string. @param[out] Language Optionally return x-uefi-redfish language. @param[out] XuefiStringDatabase Optionally return x-uefi-redfish database. @retval EFI_SUCCESS String information is returned. EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the given parameters to this function is invalid. EFI_NOT_FOUND String is not found. **/ EFI_STATUS GetXuefiStringAndLangByStringId ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate, IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId, OUT CHAR16 **String OPTIONAL, OUT CHAR8 **Language OPTIONAL, OUT REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE **XuefiStringDatabase OPTIONAL ) { REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *XuefiRedfishStringDatabase; REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *StringArray; UINT16 StringIndex; if ((String == NULL) && (Language == NULL) && (XuefiStringDatabase == NULL)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Invalid parameters for this function.\n", __func__)); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsListEmpty (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } XuefiRedfishStringDatabase = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *)GetFirstNode (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase); while (TRUE) { if (Language != NULL) { *Language = XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishLanguage; } StringArray = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *)GetFirstNode (&XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays); // Loop to the correct string array. StringIndex = StringId; while (StringIndex >= X_UEFI_REDFISH_STRING_ARRAY_ENTRY_NUMBER) { if (IsNodeAtEnd (&XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays, &StringArray->NextArray)) { goto ErrorExit; } StringArray = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRINGS_ARRAY *)GetNextNode (&XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->XuefiRedfishStringArrays, &StringArray->NextArray); StringIndex -= X_UEFI_REDFISH_STRING_ARRAY_ENTRY_NUMBER; } // // NOTE: The string ID in the formset is a unique number. // If the string in the array is NULL, then the matched string ID // should be in another x-uefi-redfish database. // if ((StringArray->ArrayEntryAddress + StringIndex)->UcsString != NULL) { // // String ID is belong to this x-uef-redfish language database. // if (String != NULL) { *String = (StringArray->ArrayEntryAddress + StringIndex)->UcsString; } if (XuefiStringDatabase != NULL) { *XuefiStringDatabase = XuefiRedfishStringDatabase; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (IsNodeAtEnd (&FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, &XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } XuefiRedfishStringDatabase = (REDFISH_X_UEFI_STRING_DATABASE *)GetNextNode ( &FormsetPrivate->XuefiRedfishStringDatabase, &XuefiRedfishStringDatabase->NextXuefiRedfishLanguage ); } ErrorExit:; DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: String ID (%d) is not in any x-uef-redfish string databases.\n", __func__, StringId)); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** Build a x-uefi-redfish database for the newly added x-uefi-redfish language. @param[in] FormsetPrivate Pointer to HII form-set private instance. **/ VOID BuildXUefiRedfishStringDatabase ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN BufferSize; EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER *PackageHeader; UINTN EndingPackageAddress; EFI_HII_STRING_PACKAGE_HDR *HiiStringPackageHeader; UINTN SupportedSchemaLangCount; CHAR8 **SupportedSchemaLang; BOOLEAN StringIdMapIsBuilt; UINTN TotalStringsAdded; UINTN NumberPackageStrings; DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: Building x-uefi-redfish string database, HII Formset GUID - %g.\n", __func__, FormsetPrivate->Guid)); BufferSize = 0; Status = mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiDatabase->ExportPackageLists ( mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiDatabase, FormsetPrivate->HiiHandle, &BufferSize, FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader ); if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " Failed to export package list.\n")); return; } FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader = (EFI_HII_PACKAGE_LIST_HEADER *)AllocateZeroPool (BufferSize); if (FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " Failed to allocate memory for the exported package list.\n")); return; } Status = mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiDatabase->ExportPackageLists ( mRedfishPlatformConfigPrivate->HiiDatabase, FormsetPrivate->HiiHandle, &BufferSize, FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader); FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader = NULL; return; } TotalStringsAdded = 0; // // Finding the string package. // EndingPackageAddress = (UINTN)FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader + FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader->PackageLength; PackageHeader = (EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER *)(FormsetPrivate->HiiPackageListHeader + 1); SupportedSchemaLang = FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema.SchemaList; while ((UINTN)PackageHeader < EndingPackageAddress) { switch (PackageHeader->Type) { case EFI_HII_PACKAGE_STRINGS: StringIdMapIsBuilt = FALSE; HiiStringPackageHeader = (EFI_HII_STRING_PACKAGE_HDR *)PackageHeader; // Check if this is the string package for x-uefi-redfish for (SupportedSchemaLangCount = 0; SupportedSchemaLangCount < FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema.Count; SupportedSchemaLangCount++ ) { if (AsciiStrnCmp ( *(SupportedSchemaLang + SupportedSchemaLangCount), HiiStringPackageHeader->Language, AsciiStrLen (HiiStringPackageHeader->Language) ) == 0) { StringIdMapIsBuilt = CreateXuefiLanguageStringIdMap (FormsetPrivate, HiiStringPackageHeader, &NumberPackageStrings); if (StringIdMapIsBuilt) { TotalStringsAdded += NumberPackageStrings; } break; } } if (StringIdMapIsBuilt == FALSE) { if (AsciiStrStr (HiiStringPackageHeader->Language, X_UEFI_SCHEMA_PREFIX) == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, " No need to build x-uefi-redfish string ID map for HII language %a\n", HiiStringPackageHeader->Language)); } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " Failed to build x-uefi-redfish string ID map of HII language %a\n", HiiStringPackageHeader->Language)); } } default: PackageHeader = (EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER *)((UINTN)PackageHeader + PackageHeader->Length); } } DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, " Total %d x-uefi-redfish config language are added.\n", TotalStringsAdded)); } /** Load the HII formset from the given HII handle. @param[in] HiiHandle Target HII handle to load. @param[out] FormsetPrivate The formset private data. @retval EFI_STATUS The formset is loaded successfully. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This formset doesn't have any x-uefi-redfish configuration. **/ EFI_STATUS LoadFormset ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle, OUT REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate ) { EFI_STATUS Status; HII_FORMSET *HiiFormSet; HII_FORM *HiiForm; LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_PRIVATE *HiiFormPrivate; HII_STATEMENT *HiiStatement; LIST_ENTRY *HiiStatementLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE *HiiStatementPrivate; EFI_GUID ZeroGuid; EXPRESS_RESULT ExpressionResult; CHAR16 *String; if ((HiiHandle == NULL) || (FormsetPrivate == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } HiiFormSet = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (HII_FORMSET)); if (HiiFormSet == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: No memory resource for HII_FORMSET - %g\n", __func__, FormsetPrivate->Guid)); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Find HII formset by the given HII handle. // ZeroMem (&ZeroGuid, sizeof (ZeroGuid)); Status = CreateFormSetFromHiiHandle (HiiHandle, &ZeroGuid, HiiFormSet); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || IsListEmpty (&HiiFormSet->FormListHead)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Formset not found by HII handle - %g\n", __func__, FormsetPrivate->Guid)); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto ErrorExit; } // // Initialize formset // InitializeFormSet (HiiFormSet); // // Initialize formset private data. // FormsetPrivate->HiiFormSet = HiiFormSet; FormsetPrivate->HiiHandle = HiiHandle; CopyGuid (&FormsetPrivate->Guid, &HiiFormSet->Guid); FormsetPrivate->DevicePathStr = ConvertDevicePathToText (HiiFormSet->DevicePath, FALSE, FALSE); Status = GetSupportedSchema (FormsetPrivate->HiiHandle, &FormsetPrivate->SupportedSchema); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (!RedfishPlatformConfigFeatureProp (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_BUILD_MENU_PATH)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: No x-uefi-redfish configuration found on the formset - %g\n", __func__, FormsetPrivate->Guid)); // // If there is no x-uefi-redfish language in this form-set, we don't add formset // since we don't need to build menu path for attribute registry. // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { // Building x-uefi-redfish string database BuildXUefiRedfishStringDatabase (FormsetPrivate); } HiiFormLink = GetFirstNode (&HiiFormSet->FormListHead); while (!IsNull (&HiiFormSet->FormListHead, HiiFormLink)) { HiiForm = HII_FORM_FROM_LINK (HiiFormLink); HiiFormPrivate = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_PRIVATE)); if (HiiFormPrivate == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: No memory resource for REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_PRIVATE.\n", __func__)); goto ErrorExit; } // // Initialize form private data. // HiiFormPrivate->HiiForm = HiiForm; HiiFormPrivate->Id = HiiForm->FormId; HiiFormPrivate->Title = HiiForm->FormTitle; HiiFormPrivate->ParentFormset = FormsetPrivate; HiiFormPrivate->Suppressed = FALSE; InitializeListHead (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList); if ((HiiForm->SuppressExpression != NULL) && (EvaluateExpressionList (HiiForm->SuppressExpression, TRUE, HiiFormSet, HiiForm) == ExpressSuppress)) { HiiFormPrivate->Suppressed = TRUE; } HiiStatementLink = GetFirstNode (&HiiForm->StatementListHead); while (!IsNull (&HiiForm->StatementListHead, HiiStatementLink)) { HiiStatement = HII_STATEMENT_FROM_LINK (HiiStatementLink); HiiStatementPrivate = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE)); if (HiiStatementPrivate == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: No memory resource for REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE.\n", __func__)); Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ErrorExit; } // // Initialize statement private data. // HiiStatementPrivate->HiiStatement = HiiStatement; HiiStatementPrivate->QuestionId = HiiStatement->QuestionId; HiiStatementPrivate->Description = HiiStatement->Prompt; HiiStatementPrivate->Help = HiiStatement->Help; HiiStatementPrivate->ParentForm = HiiFormPrivate; HiiStatementPrivate->Flags = HiiStatement->QuestionFlags; HiiStatementPrivate->StatementData.NumMaximum = HiiStatement->ExtraData.NumData.Maximum; HiiStatementPrivate->StatementData.NumMinimum = HiiStatement->ExtraData.NumData.Minimum; HiiStatementPrivate->StatementData.NumStep = HiiStatement->ExtraData.NumData.Step; HiiStatementPrivate->StatementData.StrMaxSize = HiiStatement->ExtraData.StrData.MaxSize; HiiStatementPrivate->StatementData.StrMinSize = HiiStatement->ExtraData.StrData.MinSize; HiiStatementPrivate->Suppressed = FALSE; HiiStatementPrivate->GrayedOut = FALSE; // // Expression // if (HiiFormPrivate->Suppressed) { HiiStatementPrivate->Suppressed = TRUE; } else { if (HiiStatement->ExpressionList != NULL) { ExpressionResult = EvaluateExpressionList (HiiStatement->ExpressionList, TRUE, HiiFormSet, HiiForm); if (ExpressionResult == ExpressGrayOut) { HiiStatementPrivate->GrayedOut = TRUE; } else if (ExpressionResult == ExpressSuppress) { HiiStatementPrivate->Suppressed = TRUE; } } } // Get x-uefi-redfish string using String ID. Status = GetXuefiStringAndLangByStringId (FormsetPrivate, HiiStatementPrivate->Description, &String, NULL, NULL); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { HiiStatementPrivate->XuefiRedfishStr = String; // // Attach to statement list. // InsertTailList (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, &HiiStatementPrivate->Link); } else { if (!RedfishPlatformConfigFeatureProp (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_BUILD_MENU_PATH)) { // // If there is no x-uefi-redfish language for this statement, we don't add this statement // since we don't need to build menu path for attribute registry. // FreePool (HiiStatementPrivate); } else { // // This is not x-uefi-redfish string and we don't cache its string for searching Redfish configure language. // When caller wants the string, we will read English string by calling HiiGetString(). // HiiStatementPrivate->XuefiRedfishStr = NULL; // // Attach to statement list. // InsertTailList (&HiiFormPrivate->StatementList, &HiiStatementPrivate->Link); } } HiiStatementLink = GetNextNode (&HiiForm->StatementListHead, HiiStatementLink); } // // Attach to form list. // InsertTailList (&FormsetPrivate->HiiFormList, &HiiFormPrivate->Link); HiiFormLink = GetNextNode (&HiiFormSet->FormListHead, HiiFormLink); } return EFI_SUCCESS; ErrorExit: // // Release HiiFormSet if HiiFormSet is not linked to FormsetPrivate yet. // if ((HiiFormSet != NULL) && (FormsetPrivate->HiiFormSet != HiiFormSet)) { DestroyFormSet (HiiFormSet); } // // Release resource when error happens. // ReleaseFormset (FormsetPrivate); return Status; } /** Load formset list on given HII handle. @param[in] HiiHandle HII handle to load formset list. @param[out] FormsetList Pointer to formset list returned on given handle. @retval EFI_STATUS **/ EFI_STATUS LoadFormsetList ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE *HiiHandle, OUT LIST_ENTRY *FormsetList ) { EFI_STATUS Status; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate; if ((HiiHandle == NULL) || (FormsetList == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } FormsetPrivate = GetFormsetPrivateByHiiHandle (HiiHandle, FormsetList); if (FormsetPrivate != NULL) { return EFI_ALREADY_STARTED; } FormsetPrivate = NewFormsetPrivate (); if (FormsetPrivate == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: out of resource\n", __func__)); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Load formset on the given HII handle. // Status = LoadFormset (HiiHandle, FormsetPrivate); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Formset is not loaded for edk2 redfish: %r\n", __func__, Status)); FreePool (FormsetPrivate); return Status; } // // Attach to cache list. // InsertTailList (FormsetList, &FormsetPrivate->Link); DEBUG_CODE ( if (RedfishPlatformConfigDebugProp (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_DEBUG_DUMP_FORMSET)) { DumpFormsetList (FormsetList); } ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Release formset list and all the forms that belong to this formset. @param[in] FormsetList Pointer to formset list that needs to be released. @retval EFI_STATUS **/ EFI_STATUS ReleaseFormsetList ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FormsetList ) { LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetLink; LIST_ENTRY *HiiFormsetNextLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *HiiFormsetPrivate; if (FormsetList == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsListEmpty (FormsetList)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } HiiFormsetLink = GetFirstNode (FormsetList); while (!IsNull (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink)) { HiiFormsetNextLink = GetNextNode (FormsetList, HiiFormsetLink); HiiFormsetPrivate = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORMSET_FROM_LINK (HiiFormsetLink); // // Detach from list. // RemoveEntryList (&HiiFormsetPrivate->Link); ReleaseFormset (HiiFormsetPrivate); FreePool (HiiFormsetPrivate); HiiFormsetLink = HiiFormsetNextLink; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get all pending list. @param[in] HiiHandle HII handle instance. @param[in] PendingList Pending list to keep pending data. @retval REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST * Pointer to pending list data. **/ REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST * GetPendingList ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE *HiiHandle, IN LIST_ENTRY *PendingList ) { LIST_ENTRY *PendingListLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST *Target; if ((HiiHandle == NULL) || (PendingList == NULL)) { return NULL; } if (IsListEmpty (PendingList)) { return NULL; } PendingListLink = GetFirstNode (PendingList); while (!IsNull (PendingList, PendingListLink)) { Target = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST_FROM_LINK (PendingListLink); if (Target->HiiHandle == HiiHandle) { return Target; } PendingListLink = GetNextNode (PendingList, PendingListLink); } return NULL; } /** When HII database is updated. Keep updated HII handle into pending list so we can process them later. @param[in] HiiHandle HII handle instance. @param[in] PendingList Pending list to keep HII handle which is recently updated. @retval EFI_SUCCESS HII handle is saved in pending list. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HiiHandle is NULL or PendingList is NULL. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES System is out of memory. **/ EFI_STATUS NotifyFormsetUpdate ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE *HiiHandle, IN LIST_ENTRY *PendingList ) { REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST *TargetPendingList; if ((HiiHandle == NULL) || (PendingList == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Check and see if this HII handle is processed already. // TargetPendingList = GetPendingList (HiiHandle, PendingList); if (TargetPendingList != NULL) { TargetPendingList->IsDeleted = FALSE; DEBUG_CODE ( DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: HII handle: 0x%x is updated\n", __func__, HiiHandle)); ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } TargetPendingList = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST)); if (TargetPendingList == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } TargetPendingList->HiiHandle = HiiHandle; TargetPendingList->IsDeleted = FALSE; InsertTailList (PendingList, &TargetPendingList->Link); DEBUG_CODE ( DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: HII handle: 0x%x is created\n", __func__, HiiHandle)); ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** When HII database is updated and form-set is deleted. Keep deleted HII handle into pending list so we can process them later. @param[in] HiiHandle HII handle instance. @param[in] PendingList Pending list to keep HII handle which is recently updated. @retval EFI_SUCCESS HII handle is saved in pending list. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HiiHandle is NULL or PendingList is NULL. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES System is out of memory. **/ EFI_STATUS NotifyFormsetDeleted ( IN EFI_HII_HANDLE *HiiHandle, IN LIST_ENTRY *PendingList ) { REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST *TargetPendingList; if ((HiiHandle == NULL) || (PendingList == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Check and see if this HII handle is processed already. // TargetPendingList = GetPendingList (HiiHandle, PendingList); if (TargetPendingList != NULL) { TargetPendingList->IsDeleted = TRUE; DEBUG_CODE ( DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: HII handle: 0x%x is updated and deleted\n", __func__, HiiHandle)); ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } TargetPendingList = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST)); if (TargetPendingList == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } TargetPendingList->HiiHandle = HiiHandle; TargetPendingList->IsDeleted = TRUE; InsertTailList (PendingList, &TargetPendingList->Link); DEBUG_CODE ( DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: HII handle: 0x%x is deleted\n", __func__, HiiHandle)); ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** There are HII database update and we need to process them accordingly so that we won't use stale data. This function will parse updated HII handle again in order to get updated data-set. @param[in] FormsetList List to keep HII form-set. @param[in] PendingList List to keep HII handle that is updated. @retval EFI_SUCCESS HII handle is saved in pending list. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FormsetList is NULL or PendingList is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS ProcessPendingList ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FormsetList, IN LIST_ENTRY *PendingList ) { LIST_ENTRY *PendingListLink; LIST_ENTRY *PendingListNextLink; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST *Target; REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_FORM_SET_PRIVATE *FormsetPrivate; EFI_STATUS Status; if ((FormsetList == NULL) || (PendingList == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsListEmpty (PendingList)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } PendingListLink = GetFirstNode (PendingList); while (!IsNull (PendingList, PendingListLink)) { PendingListNextLink = GetNextNode (PendingList, PendingListLink); Target = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_PENDING_LIST_FROM_LINK (PendingListLink); if (Target->IsDeleted) { // // The HII resource on this HII handle is removed. Release the formset. // FormsetPrivate = GetFormsetPrivateByHiiHandle (Target->HiiHandle, FormsetList); if (FormsetPrivate != NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: formset: %g is removed because driver release HII resource it already\n", __func__, FormsetPrivate->Guid)); RemoveEntryList (&FormsetPrivate->Link); ReleaseFormset (FormsetPrivate); FreePool (FormsetPrivate); } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: formset on HII handle 0x%x was removed already\n", __func__, Target->HiiHandle)); } } else { // // The HII resource on this HII handle is updated/removed. // FormsetPrivate = GetFormsetPrivateByHiiHandle (Target->HiiHandle, FormsetList); if (FormsetPrivate != NULL) { // // HII formset already exist, release it and query again. // DEBUG ((DEBUG_REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG, "%a: formset: %g is updated. Release current formset\n", __func__, &FormsetPrivate->Guid)); RemoveEntryList (&FormsetPrivate->Link); ReleaseFormset (FormsetPrivate); FreePool (FormsetPrivate); } Status = LoadFormsetList (Target->HiiHandle, FormsetList); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " The formset has no x-uefi-redfish configurations.\n")); } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " load formset from HII handle: 0x%x failed: %r\n", Target->HiiHandle, Status)); } } } // // Detach it from list first. // RemoveEntryList (&Target->Link); FreePool (Target); PendingListLink = PendingListNextLink; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Release all resource in statement list. @param[in] StatementList Statement list to be released. @retval EFI_SUCCESS All resource are released. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER StatementList is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS ReleaseStatementList ( IN REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE_LIST *StatementList ) { REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_PRIVATE_REF *StatementRef; LIST_ENTRY *NextLink; if (StatementList == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsListEmpty (&StatementList->StatementList)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } NextLink = GetFirstNode (&StatementList->StatementList); while (!IsNull (&StatementList->StatementList, NextLink)) { StatementRef = REDFISH_PLATFORM_CONFIG_STATEMENT_REF_FROM_LINK (NextLink); NextLink = GetNextNode (&StatementList->StatementList, NextLink); RemoveEntryList (&StatementRef->Link); FreePool (StatementRef); } return EFI_SUCCESS; }