/** @file Implement TPM2 Integrity related command. Copyright (c) 2013 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { TPM2_COMMAND_HEADER Header; TPMI_DH_PCR PcrHandle; UINT32 AuthorizationSize; TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND AuthSessionPcr; TPML_DIGEST_VALUES DigestValues; } TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND; typedef struct { TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER Header; UINT32 ParameterSize; TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE AuthSessionPcr; } TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_RESPONSE; typedef struct { TPM2_COMMAND_HEADER Header; TPMI_DH_PCR PcrHandle; UINT32 AuthorizationSize; TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND AuthSessionPcr; TPM2B_EVENT EventData; } TPM2_PCR_EVENT_COMMAND; typedef struct { TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER Header; UINT32 ParameterSize; TPML_DIGEST_VALUES Digests; TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE AuthSessionPcr; } TPM2_PCR_EVENT_RESPONSE; typedef struct { TPM2_COMMAND_HEADER Header; TPML_PCR_SELECTION PcrSelectionIn; } TPM2_PCR_READ_COMMAND; typedef struct { TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER Header; UINT32 PcrUpdateCounter; TPML_PCR_SELECTION PcrSelectionOut; TPML_DIGEST PcrValues; } TPM2_PCR_READ_RESPONSE; typedef struct { TPM2_COMMAND_HEADER Header; TPMI_RH_PLATFORM AuthHandle; UINT32 AuthSessionSize; TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND AuthSession; TPML_PCR_SELECTION PcrAllocation; } TPM2_PCR_ALLOCATE_COMMAND; typedef struct { TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER Header; UINT32 AuthSessionSize; TPMI_YES_NO AllocationSuccess; UINT32 MaxPCR; UINT32 SizeNeeded; UINT32 SizeAvailable; TPMS_AUTH_RESPONSE AuthSession; } TPM2_PCR_ALLOCATE_RESPONSE; #pragma pack() /** This command is used to cause an update to the indicated PCR. The digests parameter contains one or more tagged digest value identified by an algorithm ID. For each digest, the PCR associated with pcrHandle is Extended into the bank identified by the tag (hashAlg). @param[in] PcrHandle Handle of the PCR @param[in] Digests List of tagged digest values to be extended @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm2PcrExtend ( IN TPMI_DH_PCR PcrHandle, IN TPML_DIGEST_VALUES *Digests ) { EFI_STATUS Status; TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_COMMAND Cmd; TPM2_PCR_EXTEND_RESPONSE Res; UINT32 CmdSize; UINT32 RespSize; UINT32 ResultBufSize; UINT8 *Buffer; UINTN Index; UINT32 SessionInfoSize; UINT16 DigestSize; Cmd.Header.tag = SwapBytes16 (TPM_ST_SESSIONS); Cmd.Header.commandCode = SwapBytes32 (TPM_CC_PCR_Extend); Cmd.PcrHandle = SwapBytes32 (PcrHandle); // // Add in Auth session // Buffer = (UINT8 *)&Cmd.AuthSessionPcr; // sessionInfoSize SessionInfoSize = CopyAuthSessionCommand (NULL, Buffer); Buffer += SessionInfoSize; Cmd.AuthorizationSize = SwapBytes32 (SessionInfoSize); // Digest Count WriteUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)Buffer, SwapBytes32 (Digests->count)); Buffer += sizeof (UINT32); // Digest for (Index = 0; Index < Digests->count; Index++) { WriteUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)Buffer, SwapBytes16 (Digests->digests[Index].hashAlg)); Buffer += sizeof (UINT16); DigestSize = GetHashSizeFromAlgo (Digests->digests[Index].hashAlg); if (DigestSize == 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Unknown hash algorithm %d\r\n", Digests->digests[Index].hashAlg)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } CopyMem ( Buffer, &Digests->digests[Index].digest, DigestSize ); DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN (); UINTN Index2; DEBUG (( DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Tpm2PcrExtend - Hash = 0x%04x, Pcr[%02d], digest = ", Digests->digests[Index].hashAlg, (UINT8)PcrHandle )); for (Index2 = 0; Index2 < DigestSize; Index2++) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%02x ", Buffer[Index2])); } DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "\n")); DEBUG_CODE_END (); Buffer += DigestSize; } CmdSize = (UINT32)((UINTN)Buffer - (UINTN)&Cmd); Cmd.Header.paramSize = SwapBytes32 (CmdSize); ResultBufSize = sizeof (Res); Status = Tpm2SubmitCommand (CmdSize, (UINT8 *)&Cmd, &ResultBufSize, (UINT8 *)&Res); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (ResultBufSize > sizeof (Res)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrExtend: Failed ExecuteCommand: Buffer Too Small\r\n")); return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // // Validate response headers // RespSize = SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.paramSize); if (RespSize > sizeof (Res)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrExtend: Response size too large! %d\r\n", RespSize)); return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // // Fail if command failed // if (SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.responseCode) != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrExtend: Response Code error! 0x%08x\r\n", SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.responseCode))); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN (); DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Tpm2PcrExtend: PCR read after extend...\n")); Tpm2PcrReadForActiveBank (PcrHandle, NULL); DEBUG_CODE_END (); // // Unmarshal the response // // None return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This command is used to cause an update to the indicated PCR. The data in eventData is hashed using the hash algorithm associated with each bank in which the indicated PCR has been allocated. After the data is hashed, the digests list is returned. If the pcrHandle references an implemented PCR and not TPM_ALG_NULL, digests list is processed as in TPM2_PCR_Extend(). A TPM shall support an Event.size of zero through 1,024 inclusive. @param[in] PcrHandle Handle of the PCR @param[in] EventData Event data in sized buffer @param[out] Digests List of digest @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm2PcrEvent ( IN TPMI_DH_PCR PcrHandle, IN TPM2B_EVENT *EventData, OUT TPML_DIGEST_VALUES *Digests ) { EFI_STATUS Status; TPM2_PCR_EVENT_COMMAND Cmd; TPM2_PCR_EVENT_RESPONSE Res; UINT32 CmdSize; UINT32 RespSize; UINT32 ResultBufSize; UINT8 *Buffer; UINTN Index; UINT32 SessionInfoSize; UINT16 DigestSize; Cmd.Header.tag = SwapBytes16 (TPM_ST_SESSIONS); Cmd.Header.commandCode = SwapBytes32 (TPM_CC_PCR_Event); Cmd.PcrHandle = SwapBytes32 (PcrHandle); // // Add in Auth session // Buffer = (UINT8 *)&Cmd.AuthSessionPcr; // sessionInfoSize SessionInfoSize = CopyAuthSessionCommand (NULL, Buffer); Buffer += SessionInfoSize; Cmd.AuthorizationSize = SwapBytes32 (SessionInfoSize); // Event WriteUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)Buffer, SwapBytes16 (EventData->size)); Buffer += sizeof (UINT16); CopyMem (Buffer, EventData->buffer, EventData->size); Buffer += EventData->size; CmdSize = (UINT32)((UINTN)Buffer - (UINTN)&Cmd); Cmd.Header.paramSize = SwapBytes32 (CmdSize); ResultBufSize = sizeof (Res); Status = Tpm2SubmitCommand (CmdSize, (UINT8 *)&Cmd, &ResultBufSize, (UINT8 *)&Res); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (ResultBufSize > sizeof (Res)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrEvent: Failed ExecuteCommand: Buffer Too Small\r\n")); return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // // Validate response headers // RespSize = SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.paramSize); if (RespSize > sizeof (Res)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrEvent: Response size too large! %d\r\n", RespSize)); return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // // Fail if command failed // if (SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.responseCode) != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrEvent: Response Code error! 0x%08x\r\n", SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.responseCode))); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Unmarshal the response // Buffer = (UINT8 *)&Res.Digests; Digests->count = SwapBytes32 (ReadUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)Buffer)); if (Digests->count > HASH_COUNT) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrEvent - Digests->count error %x\n", Digests->count)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Buffer += sizeof (UINT32); for (Index = 0; Index < Digests->count; Index++) { Digests->digests[Index].hashAlg = SwapBytes16 (ReadUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)Buffer)); Buffer += sizeof (UINT16); DigestSize = GetHashSizeFromAlgo (Digests->digests[Index].hashAlg); if (DigestSize == 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Unknown hash algorithm %d\r\n", Digests->digests[Index].hashAlg)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } CopyMem ( &Digests->digests[Index].digest, Buffer, DigestSize ); Buffer += DigestSize; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This command returns the values of all PCR specified in pcrSelect. @param[in] PcrSelectionIn The selection of PCR to read. @param[out] PcrUpdateCounter The current value of the PCR update counter. @param[out] PcrSelectionOut The PCR in the returned list. @param[out] PcrValues The contents of the PCR indicated in pcrSelect. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The command was unsuccessful. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm2PcrRead ( IN TPML_PCR_SELECTION *PcrSelectionIn, OUT UINT32 *PcrUpdateCounter, OUT TPML_PCR_SELECTION *PcrSelectionOut, OUT TPML_DIGEST *PcrValues ) { EFI_STATUS Status; TPM2_PCR_READ_COMMAND SendBuffer; TPM2_PCR_READ_RESPONSE RecvBuffer; UINT32 SendBufferSize; UINT32 RecvBufferSize; UINTN Index; TPML_DIGEST *PcrValuesOut; TPM2B_DIGEST *Digests; // // Construct command // SendBuffer.Header.tag = SwapBytes16 (TPM_ST_NO_SESSIONS); SendBuffer.Header.commandCode = SwapBytes32 (TPM_CC_PCR_Read); SendBuffer.PcrSelectionIn.count = SwapBytes32 (PcrSelectionIn->count); for (Index = 0; Index < PcrSelectionIn->count; Index++) { SendBuffer.PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[Index].hash = SwapBytes16 (PcrSelectionIn->pcrSelections[Index].hash); SendBuffer.PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect = PcrSelectionIn->pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect; CopyMem (&SendBuffer.PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[Index].pcrSelect, &PcrSelectionIn->pcrSelections[Index].pcrSelect, SendBuffer.PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect); } SendBufferSize = sizeof (SendBuffer.Header) + sizeof (SendBuffer.PcrSelectionIn.count) + sizeof (SendBuffer.PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[0]) * PcrSelectionIn->count; SendBuffer.Header.paramSize = SwapBytes32 (SendBufferSize); // // send Tpm command // RecvBufferSize = sizeof (RecvBuffer); Status = Tpm2SubmitCommand (SendBufferSize, (UINT8 *)&SendBuffer, &RecvBufferSize, (UINT8 *)&RecvBuffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (RecvBufferSize < sizeof (TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead - RecvBufferSize Error - %x\n", RecvBufferSize)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } if (SwapBytes32 (RecvBuffer.Header.responseCode) != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead - responseCode - %x\n", SwapBytes32 (RecvBuffer.Header.responseCode))); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Return the response // // // PcrUpdateCounter // if (RecvBufferSize < sizeof (TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrUpdateCounter)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead - RecvBufferSize Error - %x\n", RecvBufferSize)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } *PcrUpdateCounter = SwapBytes32 (RecvBuffer.PcrUpdateCounter); // // PcrSelectionOut // if (RecvBufferSize < sizeof (TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrUpdateCounter) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.count)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead - RecvBufferSize Error - %x\n", RecvBufferSize)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } PcrSelectionOut->count = SwapBytes32 (RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.count); if (PcrSelectionOut->count > HASH_COUNT) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead - PcrSelectionOut->count error %x\n", PcrSelectionOut->count)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } if (RecvBufferSize < sizeof (TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrUpdateCounter) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.count) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.pcrSelections[0]) * PcrSelectionOut->count) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead - RecvBufferSize Error - %x\n", RecvBufferSize)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } for (Index = 0; Index < PcrSelectionOut->count; Index++) { PcrSelectionOut->pcrSelections[Index].hash = SwapBytes16 (RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.pcrSelections[Index].hash); PcrSelectionOut->pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect = RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect; if (PcrSelectionOut->pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect > PCR_SELECT_MAX) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } CopyMem (&PcrSelectionOut->pcrSelections[Index].pcrSelect, &RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.pcrSelections[Index].pcrSelect, PcrSelectionOut->pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect); } // // PcrValues // PcrValuesOut = (TPML_DIGEST *)((UINT8 *)&RecvBuffer + sizeof (TPM2_RESPONSE_HEADER) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrUpdateCounter) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.count) + sizeof (RecvBuffer.PcrSelectionOut.pcrSelections[0]) * PcrSelectionOut->count); PcrValues->count = SwapBytes32 (PcrValuesOut->count); // // The number of digests in list is not greater than 8 per TPML_DIGEST definition // if (PcrValues->count > 8) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead - PcrValues->count error %x\n", PcrValues->count)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Digests = PcrValuesOut->digests; for (Index = 0; Index < PcrValues->count; Index++) { PcrValues->digests[Index].size = SwapBytes16 (Digests->size); if (PcrValues->digests[Index].size > sizeof (TPMU_HA)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead - Digest.size error %x\n", PcrValues->digests[Index].size)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } CopyMem (&PcrValues->digests[Index].buffer, &Digests->buffer, PcrValues->digests[Index].size); Digests = (TPM2B_DIGEST *)((UINT8 *)Digests + sizeof (Digests->size) + PcrValues->digests[Index].size); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This command is used to set the desired PCR allocation of PCR and algorithms. @param[in] AuthHandle TPM_RH_PLATFORM+{PP} @param[in] AuthSession Auth Session context @param[in] PcrAllocation The requested allocation @param[out] AllocationSuccess YES if the allocation succeeded @param[out] MaxPCR maximum number of PCR that may be in a bank @param[out] SizeNeeded number of octets required to satisfy the request @param[out] SizeAvailable Number of octets available. Computed before the allocation @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The command was unsuccessful. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm2PcrAllocate ( IN TPMI_RH_PLATFORM AuthHandle, IN TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *AuthSession, IN TPML_PCR_SELECTION *PcrAllocation, OUT TPMI_YES_NO *AllocationSuccess, OUT UINT32 *MaxPCR, OUT UINT32 *SizeNeeded, OUT UINT32 *SizeAvailable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; TPM2_PCR_ALLOCATE_COMMAND Cmd; TPM2_PCR_ALLOCATE_RESPONSE Res; UINT32 CmdSize; UINT32 RespSize; UINT8 *Buffer; UINT32 SessionInfoSize; UINT8 *ResultBuf; UINT32 ResultBufSize; UINTN Index; // // Construct command // Cmd.Header.tag = SwapBytes16 (TPM_ST_SESSIONS); Cmd.Header.paramSize = SwapBytes32 (sizeof (Cmd)); Cmd.Header.commandCode = SwapBytes32 (TPM_CC_PCR_Allocate); Cmd.AuthHandle = SwapBytes32 (AuthHandle); // // Add in Auth session // Buffer = (UINT8 *)&Cmd.AuthSession; // sessionInfoSize SessionInfoSize = CopyAuthSessionCommand (AuthSession, Buffer); Buffer += SessionInfoSize; Cmd.AuthSessionSize = SwapBytes32 (SessionInfoSize); // Count WriteUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)Buffer, SwapBytes32 (PcrAllocation->count)); Buffer += sizeof (UINT32); for (Index = 0; Index < PcrAllocation->count; Index++) { WriteUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)Buffer, SwapBytes16 (PcrAllocation->pcrSelections[Index].hash)); Buffer += sizeof (UINT16); *(UINT8 *)Buffer = PcrAllocation->pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect; Buffer++; CopyMem (Buffer, PcrAllocation->pcrSelections[Index].pcrSelect, PcrAllocation->pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect); Buffer += PcrAllocation->pcrSelections[Index].sizeofSelect; } CmdSize = (UINT32)(Buffer - (UINT8 *)&Cmd); Cmd.Header.paramSize = SwapBytes32 (CmdSize); ResultBuf = (UINT8 *)&Res; ResultBufSize = sizeof (Res); // // Call the TPM // Status = Tpm2SubmitCommand ( CmdSize, (UINT8 *)&Cmd, &ResultBufSize, ResultBuf ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } if (ResultBufSize > sizeof (Res)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrAllocate: Failed ExecuteCommand: Buffer Too Small\r\n")); Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; goto Done; } // // Validate response headers // RespSize = SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.paramSize); if (RespSize > sizeof (Res)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrAllocate: Response size too large! %d\r\n", RespSize)); Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; goto Done; } // // Fail if command failed // if (SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.responseCode) != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrAllocate: Response Code error! 0x%08x\r\n", SwapBytes32 (Res.Header.responseCode))); Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Done; } // // Return the response // *AllocationSuccess = Res.AllocationSuccess; *MaxPCR = SwapBytes32 (Res.MaxPCR); *SizeNeeded = SwapBytes32 (Res.SizeNeeded); *SizeAvailable = SwapBytes32 (Res.SizeAvailable); Done: // // Clear AuthSession Content // ZeroMem (&Cmd, sizeof (Cmd)); ZeroMem (&Res, sizeof (Res)); return Status; } /** Alloc PCR data. @param[in] PlatformAuth platform auth value. NULL means no platform auth change. @param[in] SupportedPCRBanks Supported PCR banks @param[in] PCRBanks PCR banks @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm2PcrAllocateBanks ( IN TPM2B_AUTH *PlatformAuth OPTIONAL, IN UINT32 SupportedPCRBanks, IN UINT32 PCRBanks ) { EFI_STATUS Status; TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND *AuthSession; TPMS_AUTH_COMMAND LocalAuthSession; TPML_PCR_SELECTION PcrAllocation; TPMI_YES_NO AllocationSuccess; UINT32 MaxPCR; UINT32 SizeNeeded; UINT32 SizeAvailable; if (PlatformAuth == NULL) { AuthSession = NULL; } else { AuthSession = &LocalAuthSession; ZeroMem (&LocalAuthSession, sizeof (LocalAuthSession)); LocalAuthSession.sessionHandle = TPM_RS_PW; LocalAuthSession.hmac.size = PlatformAuth->size; CopyMem (LocalAuthSession.hmac.buffer, PlatformAuth->buffer, PlatformAuth->size); } // // Fill input // ZeroMem (&PcrAllocation, sizeof (PcrAllocation)); if ((HASH_ALG_SHA1 & SupportedPCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA1; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].sizeofSelect = PCR_SELECT_MAX; if ((HASH_ALG_SHA1 & PCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0xFF; } else { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0x00; } PcrAllocation.count++; } if ((HASH_ALG_SHA256 & SupportedPCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA256; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].sizeofSelect = PCR_SELECT_MAX; if ((HASH_ALG_SHA256 & PCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0xFF; } else { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0x00; } PcrAllocation.count++; } if ((HASH_ALG_SHA384 & SupportedPCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA384; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].sizeofSelect = PCR_SELECT_MAX; if ((HASH_ALG_SHA384 & PCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0xFF; } else { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0x00; } PcrAllocation.count++; } if ((HASH_ALG_SHA512 & SupportedPCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].hash = TPM_ALG_SHA512; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].sizeofSelect = PCR_SELECT_MAX; if ((HASH_ALG_SHA512 & PCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0xFF; } else { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0x00; } PcrAllocation.count++; } if ((HASH_ALG_SM3_256 & SupportedPCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].hash = TPM_ALG_SM3_256; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].sizeofSelect = PCR_SELECT_MAX; if ((HASH_ALG_SM3_256 & PCRBanks) != 0) { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0xFF; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0xFF; } else { PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[0] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[1] = 0x00; PcrAllocation.pcrSelections[PcrAllocation.count].pcrSelect[2] = 0x00; } PcrAllocation.count++; } Status = Tpm2PcrAllocate ( TPM_RH_PLATFORM, AuthSession, &PcrAllocation, &AllocationSuccess, &MaxPCR, &SizeNeeded, &SizeAvailable ); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Tpm2PcrAllocateBanks call Tpm2PcrAllocate - %r\n", Status)); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "AllocationSuccess - %02x\n", AllocationSuccess)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "MaxPCR - %08x\n", MaxPCR)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SizeNeeded - %08x\n", SizeNeeded)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SizeAvailable - %08x\n", SizeAvailable)); Done: ZeroMem (&LocalAuthSession.hmac, sizeof (LocalAuthSession.hmac)); return Status; } /** This function will query the TPM to determine which hashing algorithms and get the digests of all active and supported PCR banks of a specific PCR register. @param[in] PcrHandle The index of the PCR register to be read. @param[out] HashList List of digests from PCR register being read. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Pcr was read successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The command was unsuccessful. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm2PcrReadForActiveBank ( IN TPMI_DH_PCR PcrHandle, OUT TPML_DIGEST *HashList ) { EFI_STATUS Status; TPML_PCR_SELECTION Pcrs; TPML_PCR_SELECTION PcrSelectionIn; TPML_PCR_SELECTION PcrSelectionOut; TPML_DIGEST PcrValues; UINT32 PcrUpdateCounter; UINT8 PcrIndex; UINT32 TpmHashAlgorithmBitmap; TPMI_ALG_HASH CurrentPcrBankHash; UINT32 ActivePcrBanks; UINT32 TcgRegistryHashAlg; UINTN Index; UINTN Index2; PcrIndex = (UINT8)PcrHandle; if ((PcrIndex < 0) || (PcrIndex >= IMPLEMENTATION_PCR)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ZeroMem (&PcrSelectionIn, sizeof (PcrSelectionIn)); ZeroMem (&PcrUpdateCounter, sizeof (UINT32)); ZeroMem (&PcrSelectionOut, sizeof (PcrSelectionOut)); ZeroMem (&PcrValues, sizeof (PcrValues)); ZeroMem (&Pcrs, sizeof (TPML_PCR_SELECTION)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "ReadPcr - %02d\n", PcrIndex)); // // Read TPM capabilities // Status = Tpm2GetCapabilityPcrs (&Pcrs); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ReadPcr: Unable to read TPM capabilities\n")); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Get Active Pcrs // Status = Tpm2GetCapabilitySupportedAndActivePcrs ( &TpmHashAlgorithmBitmap, &ActivePcrBanks ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ReadPcr: Unable to read TPM capabilities and active PCRs\n")); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Select from Active PCRs // for (Index = 0; Index < Pcrs.count; Index++) { CurrentPcrBankHash = Pcrs.pcrSelections[Index].hash; switch (CurrentPcrBankHash) { case TPM_ALG_SHA1: DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "HASH_ALG_SHA1 Present\n")); TcgRegistryHashAlg = HASH_ALG_SHA1; break; case TPM_ALG_SHA256: DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "HASH_ALG_SHA256 Present\n")); TcgRegistryHashAlg = HASH_ALG_SHA256; break; case TPM_ALG_SHA384: DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "HASH_ALG_SHA384 Present\n")); TcgRegistryHashAlg = HASH_ALG_SHA384; break; case TPM_ALG_SHA512: DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "HASH_ALG_SHA512 Present\n")); TcgRegistryHashAlg = HASH_ALG_SHA512; break; case TPM_ALG_SM3_256: DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "HASH_ALG_SM3 Present\n")); TcgRegistryHashAlg = HASH_ALG_SM3_256; break; default: // // Unsupported algorithm // DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Unknown algorithm present\n")); TcgRegistryHashAlg = 0; break; } // // Skip unsupported and inactive PCR banks // if ((TcgRegistryHashAlg & ActivePcrBanks) == 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Skipping unsupported or inactive bank: 0x%04x\n", CurrentPcrBankHash)); continue; } // // Select PCR from current active bank // PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[PcrSelectionIn.count].hash = Pcrs.pcrSelections[Index].hash; PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[PcrSelectionIn.count].sizeofSelect = PCR_SELECT_MAX; PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[PcrSelectionIn.count].pcrSelect[0] = (PcrIndex < 8) ? 1 << PcrIndex : 0; PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[PcrSelectionIn.count].pcrSelect[1] = (PcrIndex > 7) && (PcrIndex < 16) ? 1 << (PcrIndex - 8) : 0; PcrSelectionIn.pcrSelections[PcrSelectionIn.count].pcrSelect[2] = (PcrIndex > 15) ? 1 << (PcrIndex - 16) : 0; PcrSelectionIn.count++; } // // Read PCRs // Status = Tpm2PcrRead ( &PcrSelectionIn, &PcrUpdateCounter, &PcrSelectionOut, &PcrValues ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm2PcrRead failed Status = %r \n", Status)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } for (Index = 0; Index < PcrValues.count; Index++) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "ReadPcr - HashAlg = 0x%04x, Pcr[%02d], digest = ", PcrSelectionOut.pcrSelections[Index].hash, PcrIndex )); for (Index2 = 0; Index2 < PcrValues.digests[Index].size; Index2++) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%02x ", PcrValues.digests[Index].buffer[Index2])); } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n")); } if (HashList != NULL) { CopyMem ( HashList, &PcrValues, sizeof (TPML_DIGEST) ); } return EFI_SUCCESS; }