/** @file EDKII System Capsule library. EDKII System Capsule library instance. CapsuleAuthenticateSystemFirmware(), ExtractAuthenticatedImage() will receive untrusted input and do basic validation. Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include EDKII_SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR *mImageFmpInfo; UINTN mImageFmpInfoSize; EFI_GUID mEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid; /** Check if a block of buffer is erased. @param[in] ErasePolarity Erase polarity attribute of the firmware volume @param[in] InBuffer The buffer to be checked @param[in] BufferSize Size of the buffer in bytes @retval TRUE The block of buffer is erased @retval FALSE The block of buffer is not erased **/ BOOLEAN IsBufferErased ( IN UINT8 ErasePolarity, IN VOID *InBuffer, IN UINTN BufferSize ) { UINTN Count; UINT8 EraseByte; UINT8 *Buffer; if(ErasePolarity == 1) { EraseByte = 0xFF; } else { EraseByte = 0; } Buffer = InBuffer; for (Count = 0; Count < BufferSize; Count++) { if (Buffer[Count] != EraseByte) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** Get Section buffer pointer by SectionType and SectionInstance. @param[in] SectionBuffer The buffer of section @param[in] SectionBufferSize The size of SectionBuffer in bytes @param[in] SectionType The SectionType of Section to be found @param[in] SectionInstance The Instance of Section to be found @param[out] OutSectionBuffer The section found, including SECTION_HEADER @param[out] OutSectionSize The size of section found, including SECTION_HEADER @retval TRUE The FFS buffer is found. @retval FALSE The FFS buffer is not found. **/ BOOLEAN GetSectionByType ( IN VOID *SectionBuffer, IN UINT32 SectionBufferSize, IN EFI_SECTION_TYPE SectionType, IN UINTN SectionInstance, OUT VOID **OutSectionBuffer, OUT UINTN *OutSectionSize ) { EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER *SectionHeader; UINTN SectionSize; UINTN Instance; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "GetSectionByType - Buffer: 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n", SectionBuffer, SectionBufferSize)); // // Find Section // SectionHeader = SectionBuffer; Instance = 0; while ((UINTN)SectionHeader < (UINTN)SectionBuffer + SectionBufferSize) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "GetSectionByType - Section: 0x%08x\n", SectionHeader)); if (IS_SECTION2(SectionHeader)) { SectionSize = SECTION2_SIZE(SectionHeader); } else { SectionSize = SECTION_SIZE(SectionHeader); } if (SectionHeader->Type == SectionType) { if (Instance == SectionInstance) { *OutSectionBuffer = (UINT8 *)SectionHeader; *OutSectionSize = SectionSize; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "GetSectionByType - 0x%x - 0x%x\n", *OutSectionBuffer, *OutSectionSize)); return TRUE; } else { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "GetSectionByType - find section instance %x\n", Instance)); Instance++; } } else { // // Skip other section type // DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "GetSectionByType - other section type 0x%x\n", SectionHeader->Type)); } // // Next Section // SectionHeader = (EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER *)((UINTN)SectionHeader + ALIGN_VALUE(SectionSize, 4)); } return FALSE; } /** Get FFS buffer pointer by FileName GUID and FileType. @param[in] FdStart The System Firmware FD image @param[in] FdSize The size of System Firmware FD image @param[in] FileName The FileName GUID of FFS to be found @param[in] Type The FileType of FFS to be found @param[out] OutFfsBuffer The FFS buffer found, including FFS_FILE_HEADER @param[out] OutFfsBufferSize The size of FFS buffer found, including FFS_FILE_HEADER @retval TRUE The FFS buffer is found. @retval FALSE The FFS buffer is not found. **/ BOOLEAN GetFfsByName ( IN VOID *FdStart, IN UINTN FdSize, IN EFI_GUID *FileName, IN EFI_FV_FILETYPE Type, OUT VOID **OutFfsBuffer, OUT UINTN *OutFfsBufferSize ) { UINTN FvSize; EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *FvHeader; EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER *FvExtHeader; EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *FfsHeader; UINT32 FfsSize; UINTN TestLength; BOOLEAN FvFound; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "GetFfsByName - FV: 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n", (UINTN)FdStart, (UINTN)FdSize)); FvFound = FALSE; FvHeader = (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *)FdStart; while ((UINTN)FvHeader < (UINTN)FdStart + FdSize - 1) { FvSize = (UINTN)FdStart + FdSize - (UINTN)FvHeader; if (FvHeader->Signature != EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE) { FvHeader = (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *)((UINTN)FvHeader + SIZE_4KB); continue; } DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "checking FV....0x%08x - 0x%x\n", FvHeader, FvHeader->FvLength)); FvFound = TRUE; if (FvHeader->FvLength > FvSize) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "GetFfsByName - FvSize: 0x%08x, MaxSize - 0x%08x\n", (UINTN)FvHeader->FvLength, (UINTN)FvSize)); return FALSE; } FvSize = (UINTN)FvHeader->FvLength; // // Find FFS // if (FvHeader->ExtHeaderOffset != 0) { FvExtHeader = (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER *)((UINT8 *)FvHeader + FvHeader->ExtHeaderOffset); FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *)((UINT8 *)FvExtHeader + FvExtHeader->ExtHeaderSize); } else { FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *)((UINT8 *)FvHeader + FvHeader->HeaderLength); } FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *)((UINTN)FvHeader + ALIGN_VALUE((UINTN)FfsHeader - (UINTN)FvHeader, 8)); while ((UINTN)FfsHeader < (UINTN)FvHeader + FvSize - 1) { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "GetFfsByName - FFS: 0x%08x\n", FfsHeader)); TestLength = (UINTN)((UINTN)FvHeader + FvSize - (UINTN)FfsHeader); if (TestLength > sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER)) { TestLength = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER); } if (IsBufferErased(1, FfsHeader, TestLength)) { break; } if (IS_FFS_FILE2(FfsHeader)) { FfsSize = FFS_FILE2_SIZE(FfsHeader); } else { FfsSize = FFS_FILE_SIZE(FfsHeader); } if (CompareGuid(FileName, &FfsHeader->Name) && ((Type == EFI_FV_FILETYPE_ALL) || (FfsHeader->Type == Type))) { *OutFfsBuffer = FfsHeader; *OutFfsBufferSize = FfsSize; return TRUE; } else { // // Any other type is not allowed // DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "GetFfsByName - other FFS type 0x%x, name %g\n", FfsHeader->Type, &FfsHeader->Name)); } // // Next File // FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *)((UINTN)FfsHeader + ALIGN_VALUE(FfsSize, 8)); } // // Next FV // FvHeader = (VOID *)(UINTN)((UINTN)FvHeader + FvHeader->FvLength); } if (!FvFound) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "GetFfsByName - NO FV Found\n")); } return FALSE; } /** Extract the driver FV from an authenticated image. @param[in] AuthenticatedImage The authenticated capsule image. @param[in] AuthenticatedImageSize The size of the authenticated capsule image in bytes. @param[out] DriverFvImage The driver FV image. @param[out] DriverFvImageSize The size of the driver FV image in bytes. @retval TRUE The driver Fv is extracted. @retval FALSE The driver Fv is not extracted. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ExtractDriverFvImage ( IN VOID *AuthenticatedImage, IN UINTN AuthenticatedImageSize, OUT VOID **DriverFvImage, OUT UINTN *DriverFvImageSize ) { BOOLEAN Result; UINT32 FileHeaderSize; *DriverFvImage = NULL; *DriverFvImageSize = 0; Result = GetFfsByName(AuthenticatedImage, AuthenticatedImageSize, &gEdkiiSystemFmpCapsuleDriverFvFileGuid, EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW, DriverFvImage, DriverFvImageSize); if (!Result) { return FALSE; } if (IS_FFS_FILE2(*DriverFvImage)) { FileHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER2); } else { FileHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER); } *DriverFvImage = (UINT8 *)*DriverFvImage + FileHeaderSize; *DriverFvImageSize = *DriverFvImageSize - FileHeaderSize; return Result; } /** Extract the config image from an authenticated image. @param[in] AuthenticatedImage The authenticated capsule image. @param[in] AuthenticatedImageSize The size of the authenticated capsule image in bytes. @param[out] ConfigImage The config image. @param[out] ConfigImageSize The size of the config image in bytes. @retval TRUE The config image is extracted. @retval FALSE The config image is not extracted. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ExtractConfigImage ( IN VOID *AuthenticatedImage, IN UINTN AuthenticatedImageSize, OUT VOID **ConfigImage, OUT UINTN *ConfigImageSize ) { BOOLEAN Result; UINT32 FileHeaderSize; *ConfigImage = NULL; *ConfigImageSize = 0; Result = GetFfsByName(AuthenticatedImage, AuthenticatedImageSize, &gEdkiiSystemFmpCapsuleConfigFileGuid, EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW, ConfigImage, ConfigImageSize); if (!Result) { return FALSE; } if (IS_FFS_FILE2(*ConfigImage)) { FileHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER2); } else { FileHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER); } *ConfigImage = (UINT8 *)*ConfigImage + FileHeaderSize; *ConfigImageSize = *ConfigImageSize - FileHeaderSize; return Result; } /** Extract the authenticated image from an FMP capsule image. Caution: This function may receive untrusted input. @param[in] Image The FMP capsule image, including EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION. @param[in] ImageSize The size of FMP capsule image in bytes. @param[out] LastAttemptStatus The last attempt status, which will be recorded in ESRT and FMP EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR. @param[out] AuthenticatedImage The authenticated capsule image, excluding EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION. @param[out] AuthenticatedImageSize The size of the authenticated capsule image in bytes. @retval TRUE The authenticated image is extracted. @retval FALSE The authenticated image is not extracted. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ExtractAuthenticatedImage ( IN VOID *Image, IN UINTN ImageSize, OUT UINT32 *LastAttemptStatus, OUT VOID **AuthenticatedImage, OUT UINTN *AuthenticatedImageSize ) { EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION *ImageAuth; EFI_STATUS Status; GUID *CertType; VOID *PublicKeyData; UINTN PublicKeyDataLength; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - Image: 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n", (UINTN)Image, (UINTN)ImageSize)); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if ((Image == NULL) || (ImageSize == 0)) { return FALSE; } ImageAuth = (EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION *)Image; if (ImageSize < sizeof(EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - ImageSize too small\n")); return FALSE; } if (ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.dwLength <= OFFSET_OF(WIN_CERTIFICATE_UEFI_GUID, CertData)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - dwLength too small\n")); return FALSE; } if ((UINTN) ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.dwLength > MAX_UINTN - sizeof(UINT64)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - dwLength too big\n")); return FALSE; } if (ImageSize <= sizeof(ImageAuth->MonotonicCount) + ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.dwLength) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - ImageSize too small\n")); return FALSE; } if (ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.wRevision != 0x0200) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - wRevision: 0x%02x, expect - 0x%02x\n", (UINTN)ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.wRevision, (UINTN)0x0200)); return FALSE; } if (ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.wCertificateType != WIN_CERT_TYPE_EFI_GUID) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - wCertificateType: 0x%02x, expect - 0x%02x\n", (UINTN)ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.wCertificateType, (UINTN)WIN_CERT_TYPE_EFI_GUID)); return FALSE; } CertType = &ImageAuth->AuthInfo.CertType; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - CertType: %g\n", CertType)); if (CompareGuid(&gEfiCertPkcs7Guid, CertType)) { PublicKeyData = PcdGetPtr(PcdPkcs7CertBuffer); PublicKeyDataLength = PcdGetSize(PcdPkcs7CertBuffer); } else if (CompareGuid(&gEfiCertTypeRsa2048Sha256Guid, CertType)) { PublicKeyData = PcdGetPtr(PcdRsa2048Sha256PublicKeyBuffer); PublicKeyDataLength = PcdGetSize(PcdRsa2048Sha256PublicKeyBuffer); } else { return FALSE; } ASSERT (PublicKeyData != NULL); ASSERT (PublicKeyDataLength != 0); Status = AuthenticateFmpImage( ImageAuth, ImageSize, PublicKeyData, PublicKeyDataLength ); switch (Status) { case RETURN_SUCCESS: *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION: *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_AUTH_ERROR; break; case RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER: *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; break; case RETURN_UNSUPPORTED: *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; break; case RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES: *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; default: *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return FALSE; } if (AuthenticatedImage != NULL) { *AuthenticatedImage = (UINT8 *)ImageAuth + ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.dwLength + sizeof(ImageAuth->MonotonicCount); } if (AuthenticatedImageSize != NULL) { *AuthenticatedImageSize = ImageSize - ImageAuth->AuthInfo.Hdr.dwLength - sizeof(ImageAuth->MonotonicCount); } return TRUE; } /** Extract ImageFmpInfo from system firmware. @param[in] SystemFirmwareImage The System Firmware image. @param[in] SystemFirmwareImageSize The size of the System Firmware image in bytes. @param[out] ImageFmpInfo The ImageFmpInfo. @param[out] ImageFmpInfoSize The size of the ImageFmpInfo in bytes. @retval TRUE The ImageFmpInfo is extracted. @retval FALSE The ImageFmpInfo is not extracted. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ExtractSystemFirmwareImageFmpInfo ( IN VOID *SystemFirmwareImage, IN UINTN SystemFirmwareImageSize, OUT EDKII_SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR **ImageFmpInfo, OUT UINTN *ImageFmpInfoSize ) { BOOLEAN Result; UINT32 SectionHeaderSize; UINT32 FileHeaderSize; *ImageFmpInfo = NULL; *ImageFmpInfoSize = 0; Result = GetFfsByName(SystemFirmwareImage, SystemFirmwareImageSize, &gEdkiiSystemFirmwareImageDescriptorFileGuid, EFI_FV_FILETYPE_ALL, (VOID **)ImageFmpInfo, ImageFmpInfoSize); if (!Result) { return FALSE; } if (IS_FFS_FILE2 (*ImageFmpInfo)) { FileHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER2); } else { FileHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER); } *ImageFmpInfo = (VOID *)((UINT8 *)*ImageFmpInfo + FileHeaderSize); *ImageFmpInfoSize = *ImageFmpInfoSize - FileHeaderSize; Result = GetSectionByType(*ImageFmpInfo, (UINT32)*ImageFmpInfoSize, EFI_SECTION_RAW, 0, (VOID **)ImageFmpInfo, ImageFmpInfoSize); if (!Result) { return FALSE; } if (IS_SECTION2(*ImageFmpInfo)) { SectionHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_RAW_SECTION2); } else { SectionHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_RAW_SECTION); } *ImageFmpInfo = (VOID *)((UINT8 *)*ImageFmpInfo + SectionHeaderSize); *ImageFmpInfoSize = *ImageFmpInfoSize - SectionHeaderSize; return TRUE; } /** Extract the System Firmware image from an authenticated image. @param[in] AuthenticatedImage The authenticated capsule image. @param[in] AuthenticatedImageSize The size of the authenticated capsule image in bytes. @param[out] SystemFirmwareImage The System Firmware image. @param[out] SystemFirmwareImageSize The size of the System Firmware image in bytes. @retval TRUE The System Firmware image is extracted. @retval FALSE The System Firmware image is not extracted. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ExtractSystemFirmwareImage ( IN VOID *AuthenticatedImage, IN UINTN AuthenticatedImageSize, OUT VOID **SystemFirmwareImage, OUT UINTN *SystemFirmwareImageSize ) { BOOLEAN Result; UINT32 FileHeaderSize; *SystemFirmwareImage = NULL; *SystemFirmwareImageSize = 0; Result = GetFfsByName(AuthenticatedImage, AuthenticatedImageSize, &mEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid, EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW, SystemFirmwareImage, SystemFirmwareImageSize); if (!Result) { // no nested FV, just return all data. *SystemFirmwareImage = AuthenticatedImage; *SystemFirmwareImageSize = AuthenticatedImageSize; return TRUE; } if (IS_FFS_FILE2 (*SystemFirmwareImage)) { FileHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER2); } else { FileHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER); } *SystemFirmwareImage = (UINT8 *)*SystemFirmwareImage + FileHeaderSize; *SystemFirmwareImageSize = *SystemFirmwareImageSize - FileHeaderSize; return Result; } /** Authenticated system firmware FMP capsule image. Caution: This function may receive untrusted input. @param[in] Image The FMP capsule image, including EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION. @param[in] ImageSize The size of FMP capsule image in bytes. @param[in] ForceVersionMatch TRUE: The version of capsule must be as same as the version of current image. FALSE: The version of capsule must be as same as greater than the lowest supported version of current image. @param[out] LastAttemptVersion The last attempt version, which will be recorded in ESRT and FMP EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR. @param[out] LastAttemptStatus The last attempt status, which will be recorded in ESRT and FMP EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR. @param[out] AuthenticatedImage The authenticated capsule image, excluding EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION. @param[out] AuthenticatedImageSize The size of the authenticated capsule image in bytes. @retval TRUE Authentication passes and the authenticated image is extracted. @retval FALSE Authentication fails and the authenticated image is not extracted. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI CapsuleAuthenticateSystemFirmware ( IN VOID *Image, IN UINTN ImageSize, IN BOOLEAN ForceVersionMatch, OUT UINT32 *LastAttemptVersion, OUT UINT32 *LastAttemptStatus, OUT VOID **AuthenticatedImage, OUT UINTN *AuthenticatedImageSize ) { BOOLEAN Result; EDKII_SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR *ImageFmpInfo; UINTN ImageFmpInfoSize; EDKII_SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR *CurrentImageFmpInfo; UINTN CurrentImageFmpInfoSize; VOID *SystemFirmwareImage; UINTN SystemFirmwareImageSize; *LastAttemptVersion = 0; // // NOTE: This function need run in an isolated environment. // Do not touch FMP protocol and its private structure. // if (mImageFmpInfo == NULL) { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ImageFmpInfo is not set\n")); return EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION; } Result = ExtractAuthenticatedImage((VOID *)Image, ImageSize, LastAttemptStatus, AuthenticatedImage, AuthenticatedImageSize); if (!Result) { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ExtractAuthenticatedImage - fail\n")); return EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION; } DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "AuthenticatedImage - 0x%x - 0x%x\n", *AuthenticatedImage, *AuthenticatedImageSize)); Result = ExtractSystemFirmwareImage(*AuthenticatedImage, *AuthenticatedImageSize, &SystemFirmwareImage, &SystemFirmwareImageSize); if (!Result) { *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ExtractSystemFirmwareImage - fail\n")); return EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION; } DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "SystemFirmwareImage - 0x%x - 0x%x\n", SystemFirmwareImage, SystemFirmwareImageSize)); Result = ExtractSystemFirmwareImageFmpInfo(SystemFirmwareImage, SystemFirmwareImageSize, &ImageFmpInfo, &ImageFmpInfoSize); if (!Result) { *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ExtractSystemFirmwareImageFmpInfo - fail\n")); return EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION; } *LastAttemptVersion = ImageFmpInfo->Version; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ImageFmpInfo - 0x%x - 0x%x\n", ImageFmpInfo, ImageFmpInfoSize)); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "NewImage Version - 0x%x\n", ImageFmpInfo->Version)); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "NewImage LowestSupportedImageVersion - 0x%x\n", ImageFmpInfo->LowestSupportedImageVersion)); CurrentImageFmpInfo = mImageFmpInfo; CurrentImageFmpInfoSize = mImageFmpInfoSize; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ImageFmpInfo - 0x%x - 0x%x\n", CurrentImageFmpInfo, CurrentImageFmpInfoSize)); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Current Version - 0x%x\n", CurrentImageFmpInfo->Version)); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Current LowestSupportedImageVersion - 0x%x\n", CurrentImageFmpInfo->LowestSupportedImageVersion)); if (ForceVersionMatch) { if (CurrentImageFmpInfo->Version != ImageFmpInfo->Version) { *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_VERSION; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "ForceVersionMatch check - fail\n")); return EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION; } } else { if (ImageFmpInfo->Version < CurrentImageFmpInfo->LowestSupportedImageVersion) { *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_VERSION; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "LowestSupportedImageVersion check - fail\n")); return EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION; } } *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_SUCCESS; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** PcdCallBack gets the real set PCD value @param[in] CallBackGuid The PCD token GUID being set. @param[in] CallBackToken The PCD token number being set. @param[in, out] TokenData A pointer to the token data being set. @param[in] TokenDataSize The size, in bytes, of the data being set. **/ VOID EFIAPI EdkiiSystemCapsuleLibPcdCallBack ( IN CONST GUID *CallBackGuid, OPTIONAL IN UINTN CallBackToken, IN OUT VOID *TokenData, IN UINTN TokenDataSize ) { if (CompareGuid (CallBackGuid, &gEfiSignedCapsulePkgTokenSpaceGuid) && CallBackToken == PcdToken (PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareImageDescriptor)) { mImageFmpInfoSize = TokenDataSize; mImageFmpInfo = AllocateCopyPool (mImageFmpInfoSize, TokenData); ASSERT(mImageFmpInfo != NULL); // // Cancel Callback after get the real set value // LibPcdCancelCallback ( &gEfiSignedCapsulePkgTokenSpaceGuid, PcdToken (PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareImageDescriptor), EdkiiSystemCapsuleLibPcdCallBack ); } if (CompareGuid (CallBackGuid, &gEfiSignedCapsulePkgTokenSpaceGuid) && CallBackToken == PcdToken (PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid)) { CopyGuid(&mEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid, TokenData); // // Cancel Callback after get the real set value // LibPcdCancelCallback ( &gEfiSignedCapsulePkgTokenSpaceGuid, PcdToken (PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid), EdkiiSystemCapsuleLibPcdCallBack ); } } /** The constructor function. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The constructor successfully . **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI EdkiiSystemCapsuleLibConstructor ( VOID ) { mImageFmpInfoSize = PcdGetSize(PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareImageDescriptor); mImageFmpInfo = PcdGetPtr(PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareImageDescriptor); // // Verify Firmware Image Descriptor first // if (mImageFmpInfoSize < sizeof (EDKII_SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR) || mImageFmpInfo->Signature != EDKII_SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE) { // // SystemFirmwareImageDescriptor is not set. // Register PCD set callback to hook PCD value set. // mImageFmpInfo = NULL; mImageFmpInfoSize = 0; LibPcdCallbackOnSet ( &gEfiSignedCapsulePkgTokenSpaceGuid, PcdToken (PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareImageDescriptor), EdkiiSystemCapsuleLibPcdCallBack ); } else { mImageFmpInfo = AllocateCopyPool (mImageFmpInfoSize, mImageFmpInfo); ASSERT(mImageFmpInfo != NULL); } CopyGuid(&mEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid, PcdGetPtr(PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid)); // // Verify GUID value first // if (CompareGuid (&mEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid, &gZeroGuid)) { LibPcdCallbackOnSet ( &gEfiSignedCapsulePkgTokenSpaceGuid, PcdToken (PcdEdkiiSystemFirmwareFileGuid), EdkiiSystemCapsuleLibPcdCallBack ); } return EFI_SUCCESS; }