/** @file Command header of for Debug Agent library instance. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _DEBUG_AGENT_H_ #define _DEBUG_AGENT_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DebugMp.h" #include "DebugTimer.h" #include "ArchDebugSupport.h" #include "DebugException.h" // // These macros may be already defined in DebugAgentLib.h // #define DEBUG_AGENT_INIT_PEI 9 #define DEBUG_AGENT_INIT_DXE_LOAD 10 #define DEBUG_AGENT_INIT_DXE_UNLOAD 11 #define DEBUG_AGENT_INIT_THUNK_PEI_IA32TOX64 12 #define DEBUG_INT1_VECTOR DEBUG_EXCEPT_DEBUG #define DEBUG_INT3_VECTOR DEBUG_EXCEPT_BREAKPOINT #define DEBUG_TIMER_VECTOR 32 #define DEBUG_MAILBOX_VECTOR 33 // // Timeout value for reading packet (unit is microsecond) // #define READ_PACKET_TIMEOUT (500 * 1000) #define DEBUG_TIMER_INTERVAL (100 * 1000) #define SOFT_INTERRUPT_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('S','O','F','T') #define SYSTEM_RESET_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('S','Y','S','R') #define MEMORY_READY_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('M','E','M','R') extern UINTN Exception0Handle; extern UINTN TimerInterruptHandle; extern UINT32 ExceptionStubHeaderSize; extern BOOLEAN mSkipBreakpoint; extern EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_INFO mVectorHandoffInfoDebugAgent[]; extern UINTN mVectorHandoffInfoCount; // // CPU exception information issued by debug agent // typedef struct { // // This field is used to save CPU content before executing HOST command // BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER JumpBuffer; // // This field returns the exception information issued by the HOST command // DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_GET_EXCEPTION ExceptionContent; } DEBUG_AGENT_EXCEPTION_BUFFER; #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_HOST_ATTACHED BIT0 #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_AGENT_IN_PROGRESS BIT1 #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_MEMORY_READY BIT2 #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_STEPPING BIT3 #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_CHECK_MAILBOX_IN_HOB BIT4 #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_INIT_ARCH BIT5|BIT6 #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_INTERRUPT_FLAG BIT7 #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_BREAK_ON_NEXT_SMI BIT32 #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_PRINT_ERROR_LEVEL (BIT33|BIT34|BIT35|BIT36) #define DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG_BREAK_BOOT_SCRIPT BIT37 #define DEBUG_MAILBOX_DEBUG_FLAG_INDEX 1 #define DEBUG_MAILBOX_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE_INDEX 2 #define DEBUG_MAILBOX_EXCEPTION_BUFFER_POINTER_INDEX 3 #define DEBUG_MAILBOX_LAST_ACK 4 #define DEBUG_MAILBOX_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX 5 #define DEBUG_MAILBOX_HOST_SEQUENCE_NO_INDEX 6 #define DEBUG_MAILBOX_DEBUG_TIMER_FREQUENCY 7 #pragma pack(1) typedef union { struct { // // Lower 32 bits to store the status of DebugAgent // UINT32 HostAttached : 1; // 1: HOST is attached UINT32 AgentInProgress : 1; // 1: Debug Agent is communicating with HOST UINT32 MemoryReady : 1; // 1: Memory is ready UINT32 SteppingFlag : 1; // 1: Agent is running stepping command UINT32 CheckMailboxInHob : 1; // 1: Need to check mailbox saved in HOB UINT32 InitArch : 2; // value of DEBUG_DATA_RESPONSE_ARCH_MODE UINT32 InterruptFlag : 1; // 1: EFLAGS.IF is set UINT32 Reserved1 : 24; // // Higher 32bits to control the behavior of DebugAgent // UINT32 BreakOnNextSmi : 1; // 1: Break on next SMI UINT32 PrintErrorLevel : 4; // Bitmask of print error level for debug message UINT32 BreakOnBootScript : 1; // 1: Break before executing boot script UINT32 Reserved2 : 26; } Bits; UINT64 Uint64; } DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG; typedef struct { DEBUG_AGENT_FLAG DebugFlag; UINT64 DebugPortHandle; // // Pointer to DEBUG_AGENT_EXCEPTION_BUFFER // UINT64 ExceptionBufferPointer; UINT8 LastAck; // The last ack packet type UINT8 SequenceNo; UINT8 HostSequenceNo; UINT32 DebugTimerFrequency; UINT8 CheckSum; // Mailbox checksum UINT8 ToBeCheckSum; // To be Mailbox checksum at the next } DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX; #pragma pack() /// /// Byte packed structure for an IA-32 Interrupt Gate Descriptor. /// typedef union { struct { UINT32 OffsetLow:16; ///< Offset bits 15..0. UINT32 Selector:16; ///< Selector. UINT32 Reserved_0:8; ///< Reserved. UINT32 GateType:8; ///< Gate Type. See #defines above. UINT32 OffsetHigh:16; ///< Offset bits 31..16. } Bits; UINT64 Uint64; } IA32_IDT_ENTRY; typedef union { struct { UINT32 LimitLow : 16; UINT32 BaseLow : 16; UINT32 BaseMid : 8; UINT32 Type : 4; UINT32 System : 1; UINT32 Dpl : 2; UINT32 Present : 1; UINT32 LimitHigh : 4; UINT32 Software : 1; UINT32 Reserved : 1; UINT32 DefaultSize : 1; UINT32 Granularity : 1; UINT32 BaseHigh : 8; } Bits; UINT64 Uint64; } IA32_GDT; /** Initialize IDT entries to support source level debug. **/ VOID InitializeDebugIdt ( VOID ); /** Read register value from saved CPU context. @param[in] CpuContext Pointer to saved CPU context. @param[in] Index Register index value. @param[in] Width Data width to read. @return The address of register value. **/ UINT8 * ArchReadRegisterBuffer ( IN DEBUG_CPU_CONTEXT *CpuContext, IN UINT8 Index, IN UINT8 *Width ); /** Send packet with response data to HOST. @param[in] Data Pointer to response data buffer. @param[in] DataSize Size of response data in byte. @param[in, out] DebugHeader Pointer to a buffer for creating response packet and receiving ACK packet, to minimize the stack usage. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Response data was sent successfully. @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR Cannot receive DEBUG_COMMAND_OK from HOST. **/ RETURN_STATUS SendDataResponsePacket ( IN UINT8 *Data, IN UINT16 DataSize, IN OUT DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *DebugHeader ); /** Check if HOST is attached based on Mailbox. @retval TRUE HOST is attached. @retval FALSE HOST is not attached. **/ BOOLEAN IsHostAttached ( VOID ); /** Get Debug Agent Mailbox pointer. @return Mailbox pointer. **/ DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX * GetMailboxPointer ( VOID ); /** Get debug port handle. @return Debug port handle. **/ DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE GetDebugPortHandle ( VOID ); /** Read the Attach/Break-in symbols from the debug port. @param[in] Handle Pointer to Debug Port handle. @param[out] BreakSymbol Returned break symbol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Read the symbol in BreakSymbol. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No read the break symbol. **/ EFI_STATUS DebugReadBreakSymbol ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle, OUT UINT8 *BreakSymbol ); /** Prints a debug message to the debug port if the specified error level is enabled. If any bit in ErrorLevel is also set in Mainbox, then print the message specified by Format and the associated variable argument list to the debug port. @param[in] ErrorLevel The error level of the debug message. @param[in] Format Format string for the debug message to print. @param[in] ... Variable argument list whose contents are accessed based on the format string specified by Format. **/ VOID EFIAPI DebugAgentMsgPrint ( IN UINT8 ErrorLevel, IN CHAR8 *Format, ... ); /** Trigger one software interrupt to debug agent to handle it. @param[in] Signature Software interrupt signature. **/ VOID TriggerSoftInterrupt ( IN UINT32 Signature ); /** Check if debug agent support multi-processor. @retval TRUE Multi-processor is supported. @retval FALSE Multi-processor is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN MultiProcessorDebugSupport ( VOID ); /** Find and report module image info to HOST. @param[in] AlignSize Image aligned size. **/ VOID FindAndReportModuleImageInfo ( IN UINTN AlignSize ); /** Read IDT entry to check if IDT entries are setup by Debug Agent. @retval TRUE IDT entries were setup by Debug Agent. @retval FALSE IDT entries were not setup by Debug Agent. **/ BOOLEAN IsDebugAgentInitialzed ( VOID ); /** Calculate Mailbox checksum and update the checksum field. @param[in] Mailbox Debug Agent Mailbox pointer. **/ VOID UpdateMailboxChecksum ( IN DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox ); /** Verify Mailbox checksum. If checksum error, print debug message and run init dead loop. @param[in] Mailbox Debug Agent Mailbox pointer. **/ VOID VerifyMailboxChecksum ( IN DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox ); /** Set debug flag in mailbox. @param[in] FlagMask Debug flag mask value. @param[in] FlagValue Debug flag value. **/ VOID SetDebugFlag ( IN UINT64 FlagMask, IN UINT32 FlagValue ); /** Get debug flag in mailbox. @param[in] FlagMask Debug flag mask value. @return Debug flag value. **/ UINT32 GetDebugFlag ( IN UINT64 FlagMask ); /** Update Mailbox content by index. @param[in] Mailbox Debug Agent Mailbox pointer. @param[in] Index Mailbox content index. @param[in] Value Value to be set into mail box. **/ VOID UpdateMailboxContent ( IN DEBUG_AGENT_MAILBOX *Mailbox, IN UINTN Index, IN UINT64 Value ); /** Retrieve exception handler from IDT table by ExceptionNum. @param[in] ExceptionNum Exception number @return Exception handler **/ VOID * GetExceptionHandlerInIdtEntry ( IN UINTN ExceptionNum ); /** Set exception handler in IDT table by ExceptionNum. @param[in] ExceptionNum Exception number @param[in] ExceptionHandler Exception Handler to be set **/ VOID SetExceptionHandlerInIdtEntry ( IN UINTN ExceptionNum, IN VOID *ExceptionHandler ); /** Prints a debug message to the debug output device if the specified error level is enabled. If any bit in ErrorLevel is also set in DebugPrintErrorLevelLib function GetDebugPrintErrorLevel (), then print the message specified by Format and the associated variable argument list to the debug output device. If Format is NULL, then ASSERT(). @param[in] ErrorLevel The error level of the debug message. @param[in] IsSend Flag of debug message to declare that the data is being sent or being received. @param[in] Data Variable argument list whose contents are accessed @param[in] Length based on the format string specified by Format. **/ VOID EFIAPI DebugAgentDataMsgPrint ( IN UINT8 ErrorLevel, IN BOOLEAN IsSend, IN UINT8 *Data, IN UINT8 Length ); /** Read remaing debug packet except for the start symbol @param[in] Handle Pointer to Debug Port handle. @param[in, out] DebugHeader Debug header buffer including start symbol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Read the symbol in BreakSymbol. @retval EFI_CRC_ERROR CRC check fail. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT Timeout occurs when reading debug packet. **/ EFI_STATUS ReadRemainingBreakPacket ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle, IN OUT DEBUG_PACKET_HEADER *DebugHeader ); /** Read data from debug channel and save the data in buffer. Reads NumberOfBytes data bytes from a debug device into the buffer specified by Buffer. The number of bytes actually read is returned. If the return value is less than NumberOfBytes, then the rest operation failed. If NumberOfBytes is zero, then return 0. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param Buffer Pointer to the data buffer to store the data read from the debug device. @param NumberOfBytes Number of bytes which will be read. @param Timeout Timeout value for reading from debug device. It unit is Microsecond. @retval 0 Read data failed, no data is to be read. @retval >0 Actual number of bytes read from debug device. **/ UINTN DebugAgentReadBuffer ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle, IN OUT UINT8 *Buffer, IN UINTN NumberOfBytes, IN UINTN Timeout ); #endif