/** @file Debug Port Library implementation based on usb3 debug port. Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "DebugCommunicationLibUsb3Internal.h" UINT16 mString0Desc[] = { // String Descriptor Type + Length ( USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING << 8 ) + STRING0_DESC_LEN, 0x0409 }; UINT16 mManufacturerStrDesc[] = { // String Descriptor Type + Length ( USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING << 8 ) + MANU_DESC_LEN, 'I', 'n', 't', 'e', 'l' }; UINT16 mProductStrDesc[] = { // String Descriptor Type + Length ( USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING << 8 ) + PRODUCT_DESC_LEN, 'U', 'S', 'B', ' ', '3', '.', '0', ' ', 'D', 'e', 'b', 'u', 'g', ' ', 'C', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e' }; UINT16 mSerialNumberStrDesc[] = { // String Descriptor Type + Length ( USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING << 8 ) + SERIAL_DESC_LEN, '1' }; /** Sets bits as per the enabled bit positions in the mask. @param[in, out] Register UINTN register @param[in] BitMask 32-bit mask **/ VOID XhcSetR32Bit( IN OUT UINTN Register, IN UINT32 BitMask ) { UINT32 RegisterValue; RegisterValue = MmioRead32 (Register); RegisterValue |= (UINT32)(BitMask); MmioWrite32 (Register, RegisterValue); } /** Clears bits as per the enabled bit positions in the mask. @param[in, out] Register UINTN register @param[in] BitMask 32-bit mask **/ VOID XhcClearR32Bit( IN OUT UINTN Register, IN UINT32 BitMask ) { UINT32 RegisterValue; RegisterValue = MmioRead32 (Register); RegisterValue &= ~BitMask; MmioWrite32 (Register, RegisterValue); } /** Write the data to the XHCI debug register. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param Offset The offset of the debug register. @param Data The data to write. **/ VOID XhcWriteDebugReg ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 Data ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS DebugCapabilityBase; DebugCapabilityBase = Handle->DebugCapabilityBase; MmioWrite32 ((UINTN)(DebugCapabilityBase + Offset), Data); return; } /** Read XHCI debug register. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param Offset The offset of the runtime register. @return The register content read **/ UINT32 XhcReadDebugReg ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle, IN UINT32 Offset ) { UINT32 Data; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS DebugCapabilityBase; DebugCapabilityBase = Handle->DebugCapabilityBase; Data = MmioRead32 ((UINTN)(DebugCapabilityBase + Offset)); return Data; } /** Set one bit of the debug register while keeping other bits. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param Offset The offset of the debug register. @param Bit The bit mask of the register to set. **/ VOID XhcSetDebugRegBit ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 Bit ) { UINT32 Data; Data = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, Offset); Data |= Bit; XhcWriteDebugReg (Handle, Offset, Data); } /** Clear one bit of the debug register while keeping other bits. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param Offset The offset of the debug register. @param Bit The bit mask of the register to clear. **/ VOID XhcClearDebugRegBit ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 Bit ) { UINT32 Data; Data = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, Offset); Data &= ~Bit; XhcWriteDebugReg (Handle, Offset, Data); } /** Program and enable XHCI MMIO base address. @return XHCI MMIO base address. **/ EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ProgramXhciBaseAddress ( VOID ) { UINT16 PciCmd; UINT32 Low; UINT32 High; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS XhciMmioBase; Low = PciRead32 (PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_BASE_ADDRESSREG_OFFSET); High = PciRead32 (PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_BASE_ADDRESSREG_OFFSET + 4); XhciMmioBase = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (LShiftU64 ((UINT64) High, 32) | Low); XhciMmioBase &= XHCI_BASE_ADDRESS_64_BIT_MASK; if ((XhciMmioBase == 0) || (XhciMmioBase == XHCI_BASE_ADDRESS_64_BIT_MASK)) { XhciMmioBase = PcdGet64(PcdUsbXhciMemorySpaceBase); PciWrite32(PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_BASE_ADDRESSREG_OFFSET, XhciMmioBase & 0xFFFFFFFF); PciWrite32(PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_BASE_ADDRESSREG_OFFSET + 4, (RShiftU64 (XhciMmioBase, 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } PciCmd = PciRead16 (PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_COMMAND_OFFSET); if (((PciCmd & EFI_PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY_SPACE) == 0) || ((PciCmd & EFI_PCI_COMMAND_BUS_MASTER) == 0)) { PciCmd |= EFI_PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY_SPACE | EFI_PCI_COMMAND_BUS_MASTER; PciWrite16(PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_COMMAND_OFFSET, PciCmd); } return XhciMmioBase; } /** Update XHC MMIO base address when MMIO base address is changed. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param XhciMmioBase XHCI MMIO base address. **/ VOID UpdateXhcResource ( IN OUT USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS XhciMmioBase ) { if (Handle == NULL) { return; } // // Need fix Handle data according to new XHCI MMIO base address. // Handle->XhciMmioBase = XhciMmioBase; Handle->DebugCapabilityBase = XhciMmioBase + Handle->DebugCapabilityOffset; Handle->XhciOpRegister = XhciMmioBase + MmioRead8 ((UINTN)XhciMmioBase); } /** Calculate the usb debug port bar address. @param Handle Debug port handle. @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The usb host controller does not support usb debug port capability. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Get bar and offset successfully. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI CalculateUsbDebugPortMmioBase ( USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle ) { UINT16 VendorId; UINT16 DeviceId; UINT8 ProgInterface; UINT8 SubClassCode; UINT8 BaseCode; BOOLEAN Flag; UINT32 Capability; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS CapabilityPointer; UINT8 CapLength; if (Handle->Initialized != USB3DBG_UNINITIALIZED) { if (Handle->Initialized == USB3DBG_NO_DBG_CAB) { return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } else { return RETURN_SUCCESS; } } VendorId = PciRead16 (PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_VENDOR_ID_OFFSET); DeviceId = PciRead16 (PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_DEVICE_ID_OFFSET); if ((VendorId == 0xFFFF) || (DeviceId == 0xFFFF)) { goto Done; } ProgInterface = PciRead8 (PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_CLASSCODE_OFFSET); SubClassCode = PciRead8 (PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_CLASSCODE_OFFSET + 1); BaseCode = PciRead8 (PcdGet32(PcdUsbXhciPciAddress) + PCI_CLASSCODE_OFFSET + 2); if ((ProgInterface != PCI_IF_XHCI) || (SubClassCode != PCI_CLASS_SERIAL_USB) || (BaseCode != PCI_CLASS_SERIAL)) { goto Done; } CapLength = MmioRead8 ((UINTN) Handle->XhciMmioBase); // // Get capability pointer from HCCPARAMS at offset 0x10 // CapabilityPointer = Handle->XhciMmioBase + (MmioRead32 ((UINTN)(Handle->XhciMmioBase + XHC_HCCPARAMS_OFFSET)) >> 16) * 4; // // Search XHCI debug capability // Flag = FALSE; Capability = MmioRead32 ((UINTN)CapabilityPointer); while (TRUE) { if ((Capability & XHC_CAPABILITY_ID_MASK) == PCI_CAPABILITY_ID_DEBUG_PORT) { Flag = TRUE; break; } if ((((Capability & XHC_NEXT_CAPABILITY_MASK) >> 8) & XHC_CAPABILITY_ID_MASK) == 0) { // // Reach the end of capability list, quit // break; } CapabilityPointer += ((Capability & XHC_NEXT_CAPABILITY_MASK) >> 8) * 4; Capability = MmioRead32 ((UINTN)CapabilityPointer); } if (!Flag) { goto Done; } // // USB3 debug capability is supported. // Handle->DebugCapabilityBase = CapabilityPointer; Handle->DebugCapabilityOffset = CapabilityPointer - Handle->XhciMmioBase; Handle->XhciOpRegister = Handle->XhciMmioBase + CapLength; Handle->DebugSupport = TRUE; Handle->Initialized = USB3DBG_DBG_CAB; return RETURN_SUCCESS; Done: Handle->Initialized = USB3DBG_NO_DBG_CAB; return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } /** Check if it needs to re-initialize usb debug port hardware. During different phases switch, such as SEC to PEI or PEI to DXE or DXE to SMM, we should check whether the usb debug port hardware configuration is changed. Such case can be triggered by Pci bus resource allocation and so on. @param Handle Debug port handle. @retval TRUE The usb debug port hardware configuration is changed. @retval FALSE The usb debug port hardware configuration is not changed. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI NeedReinitializeHardware( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle ) { BOOLEAN Result; volatile UINT32 Dcctrl; Result = FALSE; // // If DCE bit, it means USB3 debug is not enabled. // Dcctrl = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCCTRL); if ((Dcctrl & BIT0) == 0) { Result = TRUE; } else if (!Handle->Ready) { Handle->Ready = TRUE; Handle->Initialized = USB3DBG_ENABLED; } return Result; } /** Create XHCI event ring. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param EventRing The created event ring. **/ EFI_STATUS CreateEventRing ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle, OUT EVENT_RING *EventRing ) { VOID *Buf; EVENT_RING_SEG_TABLE_ENTRY *ERSTBase; ASSERT (EventRing != NULL); // // Allocate Event Ring // Buf = AllocateAlignBuffer (sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * EVENT_RING_TRB_NUMBER); ASSERT (Buf != NULL); ASSERT (((UINTN) Buf & 0x3F) == 0); ZeroMem (Buf, sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * EVENT_RING_TRB_NUMBER); EventRing->EventRingSeg0 = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) Buf; EventRing->TrbNumber = EVENT_RING_TRB_NUMBER; EventRing->EventRingDequeue = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) EventRing->EventRingSeg0; EventRing->EventRingEnqueue = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) EventRing->EventRingSeg0; // // Software maintains an Event Ring Consumer Cycle State (CCS) bit, initializing it to '1' // and toggling it every time the Event Ring Dequeue Pointer wraps back to the beginning of the Event Ring. // EventRing->EventRingCCS = 1; // // Allocate Event Ring Segment Table Entry 0 in Event Ring Segment Table // Buf = AllocateAlignBuffer (sizeof (EVENT_RING_SEG_TABLE_ENTRY) * ERST_NUMBER); ASSERT (Buf != NULL); ASSERT (((UINTN) Buf & 0x3F) == 0); ZeroMem (Buf, sizeof (EVENT_RING_SEG_TABLE_ENTRY) * ERST_NUMBER); ERSTBase = (EVENT_RING_SEG_TABLE_ENTRY *) Buf; EventRing->ERSTBase = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) ERSTBase; // // Fill Event Segment address // ERSTBase->PtrLo = XHC_LOW_32BIT (EventRing->EventRingSeg0); ERSTBase->PtrHi = XHC_HIGH_32BIT (EventRing->EventRingSeg0); ERSTBase->RingTrbSize = EVENT_RING_TRB_NUMBER; // // Program the Interrupter Event Ring Dequeue Pointer (DCERDP) register ( // XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP, XHC_LOW_32BIT((UINT64)(UINTN)EventRing->EventRingDequeue) ); XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP + 4, XHC_HIGH_32BIT((UINT64)(UINTN)EventRing->EventRingDequeue) ); // // Program the Debug Capability Event Ring Segment Table Base Address (DCERSTBA) register( // XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCERSTBA, XHC_LOW_32BIT((UINT64)(UINTN)ERSTBase) ); XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCERSTBA + 4, XHC_HIGH_32BIT((UINT64)(UINTN)ERSTBase) ); // // Program the Debug Capability Event Ring Segment Table Size (DCERSTSZ) register( // XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCERSTSZ, ERST_NUMBER ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Create XHCI transfer ring. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param TrbNum The number of TRB in the ring. @param TransferRing The created transfer ring. **/ VOID CreateTransferRing ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle, IN UINT32 TrbNum, OUT TRANSFER_RING *TransferRing ) { VOID *Buf; LINK_TRB *EndTrb; Buf = AllocateAlignBuffer (sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * TrbNum); ASSERT (Buf != NULL); ASSERT (((UINTN) Buf & 0xF) == 0); ZeroMem (Buf, sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * TrbNum); TransferRing->RingSeg0 = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) Buf; TransferRing->TrbNumber = TrbNum; TransferRing->RingEnqueue = TransferRing->RingSeg0; TransferRing->RingDequeue = TransferRing->RingSeg0; TransferRing->RingPCS = 1; // // 4.9.2 Transfer Ring Management // To form a ring (or circular queue) a Link TRB may be inserted at the end of a ring to // point to the first TRB in the ring. // EndTrb = (LINK_TRB *) ((UINTN)Buf + sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * (TrbNum - 1)); EndTrb->Type = TRB_TYPE_LINK; EndTrb->PtrLo = XHC_LOW_32BIT (Buf); EndTrb->PtrHi = XHC_HIGH_32BIT (Buf); // // Toggle Cycle (TC). When set to '1', the xHC shall toggle its interpretation of the Cycle bit. // EndTrb->TC = 1; // // Set Cycle bit as other TRB PCS init value // EndTrb->CycleBit = 0; } /** Create debug capability context for XHC debug device. @param Handle Debug port handle. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The bit successfully changed by host controller. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The time out occurred. **/ EFI_STATUS CreateDebugCapabilityContext ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle ) { VOID *Buf; XHC_DC_CONTEXT *DebugCapabilityContext; UINT8 *String0Desc; UINT8 *ManufacturerStrDesc; UINT8 *ProductStrDesc; UINT8 *SerialNumberStrDesc; // // Allocate debug device context // Buf = AllocateAlignBuffer (sizeof (XHC_DC_CONTEXT)); ASSERT (Buf != NULL); ASSERT (((UINTN) Buf & 0xF) == 0); ZeroMem (Buf, sizeof (XHC_DC_CONTEXT)); DebugCapabilityContext = (XHC_DC_CONTEXT *)(UINTN) Buf; Handle->DebugCapabilityContext = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) DebugCapabilityContext; // // Initialize DbcInfoContext. // DebugCapabilityContext->DbcInfoContext.String0Length = STRING0_DESC_LEN; DebugCapabilityContext->DbcInfoContext.ManufacturerStrLength = MANU_DESC_LEN; DebugCapabilityContext->DbcInfoContext.ProductStrLength = PRODUCT_DESC_LEN; DebugCapabilityContext->DbcInfoContext.SerialNumberStrLength = SERIAL_DESC_LEN; // // Initialize EpOutContext. // DebugCapabilityContext->EpOutContext.CErr = 0x3; DebugCapabilityContext->EpOutContext.EPType = ED_BULK_OUT; DebugCapabilityContext->EpOutContext.MaxPacketSize = XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; DebugCapabilityContext->EpOutContext.AverageTRBLength = 0x1000; // // Initialize EpInContext. // DebugCapabilityContext->EpInContext.CErr = 0x3; DebugCapabilityContext->EpInContext.EPType = ED_BULK_IN; DebugCapabilityContext->EpInContext.MaxPacketSize = XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; DebugCapabilityContext->EpInContext.AverageTRBLength = 0x1000; // // Update string descriptor address // String0Desc = (UINT8 *) AllocateAlignBuffer (STRING0_DESC_LEN + MANU_DESC_LEN + PRODUCT_DESC_LEN + SERIAL_DESC_LEN); ASSERT (String0Desc != NULL); ZeroMem (String0Desc, STRING0_DESC_LEN + MANU_DESC_LEN + PRODUCT_DESC_LEN + SERIAL_DESC_LEN); CopyMem (String0Desc, mString0Desc, STRING0_DESC_LEN); DebugCapabilityContext->DbcInfoContext.String0DescAddress = (UINT64)(UINTN)String0Desc; ManufacturerStrDesc = String0Desc + STRING0_DESC_LEN; CopyMem (ManufacturerStrDesc, mManufacturerStrDesc, MANU_DESC_LEN); DebugCapabilityContext->DbcInfoContext.ManufacturerStrDescAddress = (UINT64)(UINTN)ManufacturerStrDesc; ProductStrDesc = ManufacturerStrDesc + MANU_DESC_LEN; CopyMem (ProductStrDesc, mProductStrDesc, PRODUCT_DESC_LEN); DebugCapabilityContext->DbcInfoContext.ProductStrDescAddress = (UINT64)(UINTN)ProductStrDesc; SerialNumberStrDesc = ProductStrDesc + PRODUCT_DESC_LEN; CopyMem (SerialNumberStrDesc, mSerialNumberStrDesc, SERIAL_DESC_LEN); DebugCapabilityContext->DbcInfoContext.SerialNumberStrDescAddress = (UINT64)(UINTN)SerialNumberStrDesc; // // Allocate and initialize the Transfer Ring for the Input Endpoint Context. // ZeroMem (&Handle->TransferRingIn, sizeof (TRANSFER_RING)); CreateTransferRing (Handle, TR_RING_TRB_NUMBER, &Handle->TransferRingIn); DebugCapabilityContext->EpInContext.PtrLo = XHC_LOW_32BIT (Handle->TransferRingIn.RingSeg0) | BIT0; DebugCapabilityContext->EpInContext.PtrHi = XHC_HIGH_32BIT (Handle->TransferRingIn.RingSeg0); // // Allocate and initialize the Transfer Ring for the Output Endpoint Context. // ZeroMem (&Handle->TransferRingOut, sizeof (TRANSFER_RING)); CreateTransferRing (Handle, TR_RING_TRB_NUMBER, &Handle->TransferRingOut); DebugCapabilityContext->EpOutContext.PtrLo = XHC_LOW_32BIT (Handle->TransferRingOut.RingSeg0) | BIT0; DebugCapabilityContext->EpOutContext.PtrHi = XHC_HIGH_32BIT (Handle->TransferRingOut.RingSeg0); // // Program the Debug Capability Context Pointer (DCCP) register( // XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCCP, XHC_LOW_32BIT((UINT64)(UINTN)DebugCapabilityContext) ); XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCCP + 4, XHC_HIGH_32BIT((UINT64)(UINTN)DebugCapabilityContext) ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Check if debug device is running. @param Handle Debug port handle. **/ VOID XhcDetectDebugCapabilityReady ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle ) { UINT64 TimeOut; volatile UINT32 Dcctrl; TimeOut = 1; if (Handle->Initialized == USB3DBG_DBG_CAB) { // // As detection is slow in seconds, wait for longer timeout for the first time. // If first initialization is failed, we will try to enable debug device in the // Poll function invoked by timer. // TimeOut = DivU64x32 (PcdGet64 (PcdUsbXhciDebugDetectTimeout), XHC_POLL_DELAY) + 1; } do { // // Check if debug device is in configured state // Dcctrl = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCCTRL); if ((Dcctrl & BIT0) != 0) { // // Set the flag to indicate debug device is in configured state // Handle->Ready = TRUE; break; } MicroSecondDelay (XHC_POLL_DELAY); TimeOut--; } while (TimeOut != 0); } /** Initialize usb debug port hardware. @param Handle Debug port handle. @retval TRUE The usb debug port hardware configuration is changed. @retval FALSE The usb debug port hardware configuration is not changed. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI InitializeUsbDebugHardware ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle ) { RETURN_STATUS Status; UINT8 *Buffer; UINTN Index; UINT8 TotalUsb3Port; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS XhciOpRegister; UINT32 Dcddi1; XhciOpRegister = Handle->XhciOpRegister; TotalUsb3Port = MmioRead32 (((UINTN) Handle->XhciMmioBase + XHC_HCSPARAMS1_OFFSET)) >> 24; if (Handle->Initialized == USB3DBG_NOT_ENABLED) { Dcddi1 = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle,XHC_DC_DCDDI1); if (Dcddi1 != (UINT32)((XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID << 16) | XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_PROTOCOL)) { // // The debug capability has been reset by other code, return device error. // return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // If XHCI supports debug capability, hardware resource has been allocated, // but it has not been enabled, try to enable again. // goto Enable; } // // Initialize for PEI phase when AllocatePages can work. // Allocate data buffer with max packet size for data read and data poll. // Allocate data buffer for data write. // Buffer = AllocateAlignBuffer (XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE * 2 + USB3_DEBUG_PORT_WRITE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); if (Buffer == NULL) { // // AllocatePages can not still work now, return fail and do not initialize now. // return RETURN_NOT_READY; } // // Reset port to get debug device discovered // for (Index = 0; Index < TotalUsb3Port; Index++) { XhcSetR32Bit ((UINTN)XhciOpRegister + XHC_PORTSC_OFFSET + Index * 0x10, BIT4); MicroSecondDelay (10 * 1000); } // // Clear DCE bit and LSE bit in DCCTRL // if ((XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCCTRL) & (BIT1|BIT31)) == (BIT1|BIT31)) { XhcClearDebugRegBit (Handle, XHC_DC_DCCTRL, BIT1|BIT31); } // // Construct the buffer for read, poll and write. // Handle->UrbIn.Data = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) Buffer; Handle->Data = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) Buffer + XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; Handle->UrbOut.Data = Handle->UrbIn.Data + XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE * 2; // // Initialize event ring // ZeroMem (&Handle->EventRing, sizeof (EVENT_RING)); Status = CreateEventRing (Handle, &Handle->EventRing); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Init IN and OUT endpoint context // Status = CreateDebugCapabilityContext (Handle); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Init DCDDI1 and DCDDI2 // XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCDDI1, (UINT32)((XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID << 16) | XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_PROTOCOL) ); XhcWriteDebugReg ( Handle, XHC_DC_DCDDI2, (UINT32)((XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_REVISION << 16) | XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_PRODUCT_ID) ); Enable: if ((Handle->Initialized == USB3DBG_NOT_ENABLED) && (!Handle->ChangePortPower)) { // // If the first time detection is failed, turn port power off and on in order to // reset port status this time, then try to check if debug device is ready again. // for (Index = 0; Index < TotalUsb3Port; Index++) { XhcClearR32Bit ((UINTN)XhciOpRegister + XHC_PORTSC_OFFSET + Index * 0x10, BIT9); MicroSecondDelay (XHC_DEBUG_PORT_ON_OFF_DELAY); XhcSetR32Bit ((UINTN)XhciOpRegister + XHC_PORTSC_OFFSET + Index * 0x10, BIT9); MicroSecondDelay (XHC_DEBUG_PORT_ON_OFF_DELAY); Handle->ChangePortPower = TRUE; } } // // Set DCE bit and LSE bit to "1" in DCCTRL in first initialization // XhcSetDebugRegBit (Handle, XHC_DC_DCCTRL, BIT1|BIT31); XhcDetectDebugCapabilityReady (Handle); Status = RETURN_SUCCESS; if (!Handle->Ready) { Handle->Initialized = USB3DBG_NOT_ENABLED; Status = RETURN_NOT_READY; } else { Handle->Initialized = USB3DBG_ENABLED; } return Status; } /** Discover and initialize usb debug port. @param Handle Debug port handle. **/ VOID DiscoverInitializeUsbDebugPort ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Handle ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS XhciMmioBase; // // Read 64-bit MMIO base address // XhciMmioBase = ProgramXhciBaseAddress (); Handle->XhciMmioBase = XhciMmioBase; Status = CalculateUsbDebugPortMmioBase (Handle); if (!RETURN_ERROR (Status)) { UpdateXhcResource (Handle, XhciMmioBase); if (NeedReinitializeHardware (Handle)) { InitializeUsbDebugHardware (Handle); } } } /** Set USB3 debug instance address. @param[in] Instance Debug port instance. **/ VOID SetUsb3DebugPortInstance ( IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Instance ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *AddrPtr; AddrPtr = GetUsb3DebugPortInstanceAddrPtr (); ASSERT (AddrPtr != NULL); *AddrPtr = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Instance; } /** Return USB3 debug instance address. **/ USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE * GetUsb3DebugPortInstance ( VOID ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *AddrPtr; USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *Instance; AddrPtr = GetUsb3DebugPortInstanceAddrPtr (); ASSERT (AddrPtr != NULL); Instance = (USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *) (UINTN) *AddrPtr; return Instance; } /** Read data from debug device and save the data in buffer. Reads NumberOfBytes data bytes from a debug device into the buffer specified by Buffer. The number of bytes actually read is returned. If the return value is less than NumberOfBytes, then the rest operation failed. If NumberOfBytes is zero, then return 0. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param Buffer Pointer to the data buffer to store the data read from the debug device. @param NumberOfBytes Number of bytes which will be read. @param Timeout Timeout value for reading from debug device. Its unit is Microsecond. @retval 0 Read data failed, no data is to be read. @retval >0 Actual number of bytes read from debug device. **/ UINTN EFIAPI DebugPortReadBuffer ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle, IN UINT8 *Buffer, IN UINTN NumberOfBytes, IN UINTN Timeout ) { USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *UsbDebugPortHandle; UINT8 Index; UINT8 *Data; if (NumberOfBytes != 1 || Buffer == NULL || Timeout != 0) { return 0; } // // If Handle is NULL, get own instance. // If Handle is not NULL, use it and set the instance. // if (Handle != NULL) { UsbDebugPortHandle = (USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *) Handle; SetUsb3DebugPortInstance (UsbDebugPortHandle); } else { UsbDebugPortHandle = GetUsb3DebugPortInstance (); } if (UsbDebugPortHandle == NULL) { return 0; } if (UsbDebugPortHandle->InNotify) { return 0; } DiscoverInitializeUsbDebugPort (UsbDebugPortHandle); if (UsbDebugPortHandle->Initialized != USB3DBG_ENABLED) { return 0; } Data = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)UsbDebugPortHandle->Data; // // Read data from buffer // if (UsbDebugPortHandle->DataCount < 1) { return 0; } else { *Buffer = Data[0]; for (Index = 0; Index < UsbDebugPortHandle->DataCount - 1; Index++) { if ((Index + 1) >= XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { return 0; } Data[Index] = Data[Index + 1]; } UsbDebugPortHandle->DataCount = (UINT8)(UsbDebugPortHandle->DataCount - 1); return 1; } } /** Write data from buffer to debug device. Writes NumberOfBytes data bytes from Buffer to the debug device. The number of bytes actually written to the debug device is returned. If the return value is less than NumberOfBytes, then the write operation failed. If NumberOfBytes is zero, then return 0. @param Handle Debug port handle. @param Buffer Pointer to the data buffer to be written. @param NumberOfBytes Number of bytes to written to the debug device. @retval 0 NumberOfBytes is 0. @retval >0 The number of bytes written to the debug device. If this value is less than NumberOfBytes, then the write operation failed. **/ UINTN EFIAPI DebugPortWriteBuffer ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle, IN UINT8 *Buffer, IN UINTN NumberOfBytes ) { USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *UsbDebugPortHandle; UINTN Sent; UINTN Total; if (NumberOfBytes == 0 || Buffer == NULL) { return 0; } Sent = 0; Total = 0; // // If Handle is NULL, get own instance. // If Handle is not NULL, use it and set the instance. // if (Handle != NULL) { UsbDebugPortHandle = (USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *) Handle; SetUsb3DebugPortInstance (UsbDebugPortHandle); } else { UsbDebugPortHandle = GetUsb3DebugPortInstance (); } if (UsbDebugPortHandle == NULL) { return 0; } if (UsbDebugPortHandle->InNotify) { return 0; } DiscoverInitializeUsbDebugPort (UsbDebugPortHandle); if (UsbDebugPortHandle->Initialized != USB3DBG_ENABLED) { return 0; } // // When host is trying to send data, write will be blocked. // Poll to see if there is any data sent by host at first. // DebugPortPollBuffer (UsbDebugPortHandle); while ((Total < NumberOfBytes)) { if (NumberOfBytes - Total > USB3_DEBUG_PORT_WRITE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { Sent = USB3_DEBUG_PORT_WRITE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; } else { Sent = (UINT8)(NumberOfBytes - Total); } XhcDataTransfer (UsbDebugPortHandle, EfiUsbDataOut, Buffer + Total, &Sent, DATA_TRANSFER_WRITE_TIMEOUT); Total += Sent; } return Total; } /** Polls a debug device to see if there is any data waiting to be read. Polls a debug device to see if there is any data waiting to be read. If there is data waiting to be read from the debug device, then TRUE is returned. If there is no data waiting to be read from the debug device, then FALSE is returned. @param Handle Debug port handle. @retval TRUE Data is waiting to be read from the debug device. @retval FALSE There is no data waiting to be read from the debug device. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugPortPollBuffer ( IN DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE Handle ) { USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *UsbDebugPortHandle; UINTN Length; // // If Handle is NULL, get own instance. // If Handle is not NULL, use it and set the instance. // if (Handle != NULL) { UsbDebugPortHandle = (USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *) Handle; SetUsb3DebugPortInstance (UsbDebugPortHandle); } else { UsbDebugPortHandle = GetUsb3DebugPortInstance (); } if (UsbDebugPortHandle == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (UsbDebugPortHandle->InNotify) { return FALSE; } DiscoverInitializeUsbDebugPort (UsbDebugPortHandle); if (UsbDebugPortHandle->Initialized != USB3DBG_ENABLED) { return FALSE; } // // If the data buffer is not empty, then return TRUE directly. // Otherwise initialize a usb read transaction and read data to internal data buffer. // if (UsbDebugPortHandle->DataCount != 0) { return TRUE; } // // Read data as much as we can // Length = XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; XhcDataTransfer (UsbDebugPortHandle, EfiUsbDataIn, (VOID *)(UINTN)UsbDebugPortHandle->Data, &Length, DATA_TRANSFER_POLL_TIMEOUT); if (Length > XHCI_DEBUG_DEVICE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { return FALSE; } if (Length == 0) { return FALSE; } // // Store data into internal buffer for use later // UsbDebugPortHandle->DataCount = (UINT8) Length; return TRUE; } /** Initialize the debug port. If Function is not NULL, Debug Communication Library will call this function by passing in the Context to be the first parameter. If needed, Debug Communication Library will create one debug port handle to be the second argument passing in calling the Function, otherwise it will pass NULL to be the second argument of Function. If Function is NULL, and Context is not NULL, the Debug Communication Library could a) Return the same handle as passed in (as Context parameter). b) Ignore the input Context parameter and create new handle to be returned. If parameter Function is NULL and Context is NULL, Debug Communication Library could created a new handle if needed and return it, otherwise it will return NULL. @param[in] Context Context needed by callback function; it was optional. @param[in] Function Continue function called by Debug Communication library; it was optional. @return The debug port handle created by Debug Communication Library if Function is not NULL. **/ DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE EFIAPI DebugPortInitialize ( IN VOID *Context, IN DEBUG_PORT_CONTINUE Function ) { USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *UsbDebugPortHandle; // // Validate the PCD PcdDebugPortHandleBufferSize value // ASSERT (PcdGet16 (PcdDebugPortHandleBufferSize) == sizeof (USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE)); if (Function == NULL && Context != NULL) { SetUsb3DebugPortInstance ((USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE *) Context); return (DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE) Context; } UsbDebugPortHandle = GetUsb3DebugPortInstance (); if (UsbDebugPortHandle == NULL) { return NULL; } DiscoverInitializeUsbDebugPort (UsbDebugPortHandle); if (Function != NULL) { Function (Context, (DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE) UsbDebugPortHandle); } return (DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE) UsbDebugPortHandle; }