;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Copyright (c) 2012 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent ; ; Module Name: ; ; ExceptionHandlerAsm.Asm ; ; Abstract: ; ; x64 CPU Exception Handler ; ; Notes: ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %include "Nasm.inc" ; ; Equivalent NASM structure of IA32_DESCRIPTOR ; struc IA32_DESCRIPTOR .Limit CTYPE_UINT16 1 .Base CTYPE_UINTN 1 endstruc ; ; Equivalent NASM structure of IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR ; struc IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR .OffsetLow CTYPE_UINT16 1 .Selector CTYPE_UINT16 1 .Reserved_0 CTYPE_UINT8 1 .GateType CTYPE_UINT8 1 .OffsetHigh CTYPE_UINT16 1 .OffsetUpper CTYPE_UINT32 1 .Reserved_1 CTYPE_UINT32 1 endstruc ; ; CommonExceptionHandler() ; %define VC_EXCEPTION 29 extern ASM_PFX(mErrorCodeFlag) ; Error code flags for exceptions extern ASM_PFX(mDoFarReturnFlag) ; Do far return flag extern ASM_PFX(CommonExceptionHandler) SECTION .data DEFAULT REL SECTION .text ALIGN 8 AsmIdtVectorBegin: %assign Vector 0 %rep 32 push byte %[Vector] push rax mov rax, strict qword 0 ; mov rax, ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry) jmp rax %assign Vector Vector+1 %endrep AsmIdtVectorEnd: HookAfterStubHeaderBegin: db 0x6a ; push @VectorNum: db 0 ; 0 will be fixed push rax mov rax, strict qword 0 ; mov rax, HookAfterStubHeaderEnd JmpAbsoluteAddress: jmp rax HookAfterStubHeaderEnd: mov rax, rsp and sp, 0xfff0 ; make sure 16-byte aligned for exception context sub rsp, 0x18 ; reserve room for filling exception data later push rcx mov rcx, [rax + 8] bt [ASM_PFX(mErrorCodeFlag)], ecx jnc .0 push qword [rsp] ; push additional rcx to make stack alignment .0: xchg rcx, [rsp] ; restore rcx, save Exception Number in stack push qword [rax] ; push rax into stack to keep code consistence ;---------------------------------------; ; CommonInterruptEntry ; ;---------------------------------------; ; The follow algorithm is used for the common interrupt routine. ; Entry from each interrupt with a push eax and eax=interrupt number ; Stack frame would be as follows as specified in IA32 manuals: ; ; +---------------------+ <-- 16-byte aligned ensured by processor ; + Old SS + ; +---------------------+ ; + Old RSP + ; +---------------------+ ; + RFlags + ; +---------------------+ ; + CS + ; +---------------------+ ; + RIP + ; +---------------------+ ; + Error Code + ; +---------------------+ ; + Vector Number + ; +---------------------+ ; + RBP + ; +---------------------+ <-- RBP, 16-byte aligned ; The follow algorithm is used for the common interrupt routine. global ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry) ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry): cli pop rax ; ; All interrupt handlers are invoked through interrupt gates, so ; IF flag automatically cleared at the entry point ; xchg rcx, [rsp] ; Save rcx into stack and save vector number into rcx and rcx, 0xFF cmp ecx, 32 ; Intel reserved vector for exceptions? jae NoErrorCode bt [ASM_PFX(mErrorCodeFlag)], ecx jc HasErrorCode NoErrorCode: ; ; Push a dummy error code on the stack ; to maintain coherent stack map ; push qword [rsp] mov qword [rsp + 8], 0 HasErrorCode: push rbp mov rbp, rsp push 0 ; clear EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CONTEXT.OldIdtHandler push 0 ; clear EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CONTEXT.ExceptionDataFlag ; ; Stack: ; +---------------------+ <-- 16-byte aligned ensured by processor ; + Old SS + ; +---------------------+ ; + Old RSP + ; +---------------------+ ; + RFlags + ; +---------------------+ ; + CS + ; +---------------------+ ; + RIP + ; +---------------------+ ; + Error Code + ; +---------------------+ ; + RCX / Vector Number + ; +---------------------+ ; + RBP + ; +---------------------+ <-- RBP, 16-byte aligned ; ; ; Since here the stack pointer is 16-byte aligned, so ; EFI_FX_SAVE_STATE_X64 of EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_x64 ; is 16-byte aligned ; ;; UINT64 Rdi, Rsi, Rbp, Rsp, Rbx, Rdx, Rcx, Rax; ;; UINT64 R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15; push r15 push r14 push r13 push r12 push r11 push r10 push r9 push r8 push rax push qword [rbp + 8] ; RCX push rdx push rbx push qword [rbp + 48] ; RSP push qword [rbp] ; RBP push rsi push rdi ;; UINT64 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; insure high 16 bits of each is zero movzx rax, word [rbp + 56] push rax ; for ss movzx rax, word [rbp + 32] push rax ; for cs mov rax, ds push rax mov rax, es push rax mov rax, fs push rax mov rax, gs push rax mov [rbp + 8], rcx ; save vector number ;; UINT64 Rip; push qword [rbp + 24] ;; UINT64 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]; xor rax, rax push rax push rax sidt [rsp] mov bx, word [rsp] mov rax, qword [rsp + 2] mov qword [rsp], rax mov word [rsp + 8], bx xor rax, rax push rax push rax sgdt [rsp] mov bx, word [rsp] mov rax, qword [rsp + 2] mov qword [rsp], rax mov word [rsp + 8], bx ;; UINT64 Ldtr, Tr; xor rax, rax str ax push rax sldt ax push rax ;; UINT64 RFlags; push qword [rbp + 40] ;; UINT64 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4, Cr8; mov rax, cr8 push rax mov rax, cr4 or rax, 0x208 mov cr4, rax push rax mov rax, cr3 push rax mov rax, cr2 push rax xor rax, rax push rax mov rax, cr0 push rax ;; UINT64 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7; cmp qword [rbp + 8], VC_EXCEPTION je VcDebugRegs ; For SEV-ES (#VC) Debug registers ignored mov rax, dr7 push rax mov rax, dr6 push rax mov rax, dr3 push rax mov rax, dr2 push rax mov rax, dr1 push rax mov rax, dr0 push rax jmp DrFinish VcDebugRegs: ;; UINT64 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7 are skipped for #VC to avoid exception recursion xor rax, rax push rax push rax push rax push rax push rax push rax DrFinish: ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_X64 FxSaveState; sub rsp, 512 mov rdi, rsp fxsave [rdi] ;; UEFI calling convention for x64 requires that Direction flag in EFLAGs is clear cld ;; UINT32 ExceptionData; push qword [rbp + 16] ;; Prepare parameter and call mov rcx, [rbp + 8] mov rdx, rsp ; ; Per X64 calling convention, allocate maximum parameter stack space ; and make sure RSP is 16-byte aligned ; sub rsp, 4 * 8 + 8 call ASM_PFX(CommonExceptionHandler) add rsp, 4 * 8 + 8 ; The follow algorithm is used for clear shadow stack token busy bit. ; The comment is based on the sample shadow stack. ; Shadow stack is 32 bytes aligned. ; The sample shadow stack layout : ; Address | Context ; +-------------------------+ ; 0xFB8 | FREE | It is 0xFC0|0x02|(LMA & CS.L), after SAVEPREVSSP. ; +-------------------------+ ; 0xFC0 | Prev SSP | ; +-------------------------+ ; 0xFC8 | RIP | ; +-------------------------+ ; 0xFD0 | CS | ; +-------------------------+ ; 0xFD8 | 0xFD8 | BUSY | BUSY flag cleared after CLRSSBSY ; +-------------------------+ ; 0xFE0 | 0xFC0|0x02|(LMA & CS.L) | ; +-------------------------+ ; Instructions for Intel Control Flow Enforcement Technology (CET) are supported since NASM version 2.15.01. cmp qword [ASM_PFX(mDoFarReturnFlag)], 0 jz CetDone mov rax, cr4 and rax, 0x800000 ; Check if CET is enabled jz CetDone sub rsp, 0x10 sidt [rsp] mov rcx, qword [rsp + IA32_DESCRIPTOR.Base]; Get IDT base address add rsp, 0x10 mov rax, qword [rbp + 8]; Get exception number sal rax, 0x04 ; Get IDT offset add rax, rcx ; Get IDT gate descriptor address mov al, byte [rax + IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR.Reserved_0] and rax, 0x01 ; Check IST field jz CetDone ; SSP should be 0xFC0 at this point mov rax, 0x04 ; advance past cs:lip:prevssp;supervisor shadow stack token incsspq rax ; After this SSP should be 0xFE0 saveprevssp ; now the shadow stack restore token will be created at 0xFB8 rdsspq rax ; Read new SSP, SSP should be 0xFE8 sub rax, 0x10 clrssbsy [rax] ; Clear token at 0xFD8, SSP should be 0 after this sub rax, 0x20 rstorssp [rax] ; Restore to token at 0xFB8, new SSP will be 0xFB8 mov rax, 0x01 ; Pop off the new save token created incsspq rax ; SSP should be 0xFC0 now CetDone: cli ;; UINT64 ExceptionData; add rsp, 8 ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_X64 FxSaveState; mov rsi, rsp fxrstor [rsi] add rsp, 512 ;; UINT64 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7; ;; Skip restoration of DRx registers to support in-circuit emualators ;; or debuggers set breakpoint in interrupt/exception context add rsp, 8 * 6 ;; UINT64 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4, Cr8; pop rax mov cr0, rax add rsp, 8 ; not for Cr1 pop rax mov cr2, rax pop rax mov cr3, rax pop rax mov cr4, rax pop rax mov cr8, rax ;; UINT64 RFlags; pop qword [rbp + 40] ;; UINT64 Ldtr, Tr; ;; UINT64 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]; ;; Best not let anyone mess with these particular registers... add rsp, 48 ;; UINT64 Rip; pop qword [rbp + 24] ;; UINT64 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; pop rax ; mov gs, rax ; not for gs pop rax ; mov fs, rax ; not for fs ; (X64 will not use fs and gs, so we do not restore it) pop rax mov es, rax pop rax mov ds, rax pop qword [rbp + 32] ; for cs pop qword [rbp + 56] ; for ss ;; UINT64 Rdi, Rsi, Rbp, Rsp, Rbx, Rdx, Rcx, Rax; ;; UINT64 R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15; pop rdi pop rsi add rsp, 8 ; not for rbp pop qword [rbp + 48] ; for rsp pop rbx pop rdx pop rcx pop rax pop r8 pop r9 pop r10 pop r11 pop r12 pop r13 pop r14 pop r15 mov rsp, rbp pop rbp add rsp, 16 cmp qword [rsp - 32], 0 ; check EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CONTEXT.OldIdtHandler jz DoReturn cmp qword [rsp - 40], 1 ; check EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CONTEXT.ExceptionDataFlag jz ErrorCode jmp qword [rsp - 32] ErrorCode: sub rsp, 8 jmp qword [rsp - 24] DoReturn: cmp qword [ASM_PFX(mDoFarReturnFlag)], 0 ; Check if need to do far return instead of IRET jz DoIret push rax mov rax, rsp ; save old RSP to rax mov rsp, [rsp + 0x20] push qword [rax + 0x10] ; save CS in new location push qword [rax + 0x8] ; save EIP in new location push qword [rax + 0x18] ; save EFLAGS in new location mov rax, [rax] ; restore rax popfq ; restore EFLAGS retfq DoIret: iretq ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GetTemplateAddressMap (&AddressMap); ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; comments here for definition of address map global ASM_PFX(AsmGetTemplateAddressMap) ASM_PFX(AsmGetTemplateAddressMap): lea rax, [AsmIdtVectorBegin] mov qword [rcx], rax mov qword [rcx + 0x8], (AsmIdtVectorEnd - AsmIdtVectorBegin) / 32 lea rax, [HookAfterStubHeaderBegin] mov qword [rcx + 0x10], rax ; Fix up CommonInterruptEntry address lea rax, [ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry)] lea rcx, [AsmIdtVectorBegin] %rep 32 mov qword [rcx + (JmpAbsoluteAddress - 8 - HookAfterStubHeaderBegin)], rax add rcx, (AsmIdtVectorEnd - AsmIdtVectorBegin) / 32 %endrep ; Fix up HookAfterStubHeaderEnd lea rax, [HookAfterStubHeaderEnd] lea rcx, [JmpAbsoluteAddress] mov qword [rcx - 8], rax ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AsmVectorNumFixup (*NewVectorAddr, VectorNum, *OldVectorAddr); ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- global ASM_PFX(AsmVectorNumFixup) ASM_PFX(AsmVectorNumFixup): mov rax, rdx mov [rcx + (@VectorNum - HookAfterStubHeaderBegin)], al ret