/** @file CPU Register Table Library functions. Copyright (c) 2017 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "RegisterCpuFeatures.h" /** Function that uses DEBUG() macros to display the contents of a a CPU feature bit mask. @param[in] FeatureMask A pointer to the CPU feature bit mask. @param[in] BitMaskSize CPU feature bits mask buffer size. **/ VOID DumpCpuFeatureMask ( IN UINT8 *FeatureMask, IN UINT32 BitMaskSize ) { UINTN Index; UINT8 *Data8; Data8 = (UINT8 *) FeatureMask; for (Index = 0; Index < BitMaskSize; Index++) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " %02x ", *Data8++)); } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n")); } /** Dump CPU feature name or CPU feature bit mask. @param[in] CpuFeature Pointer to CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY @param[in] BitMaskSize CPU feature bits mask buffer size. **/ VOID DumpCpuFeature ( IN CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CpuFeature, IN UINT32 BitMaskSize ) { if (CpuFeature->FeatureName != NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "FeatureName: %a\n", CpuFeature->FeatureName)); } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "FeatureMask = ")); DumpCpuFeatureMask (CpuFeature->FeatureMask, BitMaskSize); } } /** Determines if the feature bit mask is in dependent CPU feature bit mask buffer. @param[in] FeatureMask Pointer to CPU feature bit mask @param[in] DependentBitMask Pointer to dependent CPU feature bit mask buffer @retval TRUE The feature bit mask is in dependent CPU feature bit mask buffer. @retval FALSE The feature bit mask is not in dependent CPU feature bit mask buffer. **/ BOOLEAN IsBitMaskMatchCheck ( IN UINT8 *FeatureMask, IN UINT8 *DependentBitMask ) { UINTN Index; UINT8 *Data1; UINT8 *Data2; CPU_FEATURES_DATA *CpuFeaturesData; CpuFeaturesData = GetCpuFeaturesData (); Data1 = FeatureMask; Data2 = DependentBitMask; for (Index = 0; Index < CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize; Index++) { if (((*(Data1++)) & (*(Data2++))) != 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** Try to find the specify cpu featuren in former/after feature list. @param[in] FeatureList Pointer to dependent CPU feature list @param[in] CurrentEntry Pointer to current CPU feature entry. @param[in] SearchFormer Find in former feature or after features. @param[in] FeatureMask Pointer to CPU feature bit mask @retval TRUE The feature bit mask is in dependent CPU feature bit mask buffer. @retval FALSE The feature bit mask is not in dependent CPU feature bit mask buffer. **/ BOOLEAN FindSpecifyFeature ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FeatureList, IN LIST_ENTRY *CurrentEntry, IN BOOLEAN SearchFormer, IN UINT8 *FeatureMask ) { CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CpuFeature; LIST_ENTRY *NextEntry; // // Check whether exist the not neighborhood entry first. // If not exist, return FALSE means not found status. // if (SearchFormer) { NextEntry = CurrentEntry->BackLink; if (IsNull (FeatureList, NextEntry)) { return FALSE; } NextEntry = NextEntry->BackLink; if (IsNull (FeatureList, NextEntry)) { return FALSE; } NextEntry = CurrentEntry->BackLink->BackLink; } else { NextEntry = CurrentEntry->ForwardLink; if (IsNull (FeatureList, NextEntry)) { return FALSE; } NextEntry = NextEntry->ForwardLink; if (IsNull (FeatureList, NextEntry)) { return FALSE; } NextEntry = CurrentEntry->ForwardLink->ForwardLink; } while (!IsNull (FeatureList, NextEntry)) { CpuFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (NextEntry); if (IsBitMaskMatchCheck (FeatureMask, CpuFeature->FeatureMask)) { return TRUE; } if (SearchFormer) { NextEntry = NextEntry->BackLink; } else { NextEntry = NextEntry->ForwardLink; } } return FALSE; } /** Return feature dependence result. @param[in] CpuFeature Pointer to CPU feature. @param[in] Before Check before dependence or after. @param[in] NextCpuFeatureMask Pointer to next CPU feature Mask. @retval return the dependence result. **/ CPU_FEATURE_DEPENDENCE_TYPE DetectFeatureScope ( IN CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CpuFeature, IN BOOLEAN Before, IN UINT8 *NextCpuFeatureMask ) { // // if need to check before type dependence but the feature after current feature is not // exist, means this before type dependence not valid, just return NoneDepType. // Just like Feature A has a dependence of feature B, but Feature B not installed, so // Feature A maybe insert to the last entry of the list. In this case, for below code, // Featrure A has depend of feature B, but it is the last entry of the list, so the // NextCpuFeatureMask is NULL, so the dependence for feature A here is useless and code // just return NoneDepType. // if (NextCpuFeatureMask == NULL) { return NoneDepType; } if (Before) { if ((CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) && IsBitMaskMatchCheck (NextCpuFeatureMask, CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask)) { return PackageDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) && IsBitMaskMatchCheck (NextCpuFeatureMask, CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask)) { return CoreDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) && IsBitMaskMatchCheck (NextCpuFeatureMask, CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask)) { return ThreadDepType; } return NoneDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) && IsBitMaskMatchCheck (NextCpuFeatureMask, CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask)) { return PackageDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) && IsBitMaskMatchCheck (NextCpuFeatureMask, CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask)) { return CoreDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) && IsBitMaskMatchCheck (NextCpuFeatureMask, CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask)) { return ThreadDepType; } return NoneDepType; } /** Return feature dependence result. @param[in] CpuFeature Pointer to CPU feature. @param[in] Before Check before dependence or after. @param[in] FeatureList Pointer to CPU feature list. @retval return the dependence result. **/ CPU_FEATURE_DEPENDENCE_TYPE DetectNoneNeighborhoodFeatureScope ( IN CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CpuFeature, IN BOOLEAN Before, IN LIST_ENTRY *FeatureList ) { if (Before) { if ((CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) && FindSpecifyFeature(FeatureList, &CpuFeature->Link, FALSE, CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask)) { return PackageDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) && FindSpecifyFeature(FeatureList, &CpuFeature->Link, FALSE, CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask)) { return CoreDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) && FindSpecifyFeature(FeatureList, &CpuFeature->Link, FALSE, CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask)) { return ThreadDepType; } return NoneDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) && FindSpecifyFeature(FeatureList, &CpuFeature->Link, TRUE, CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask)) { return PackageDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) && FindSpecifyFeature(FeatureList, &CpuFeature->Link, TRUE, CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask)) { return CoreDepType; } if ((CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) && FindSpecifyFeature(FeatureList, &CpuFeature->Link, TRUE, CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask)) { return ThreadDepType; } return NoneDepType; } /** Base on dependence relationship to asjust feature dependence. ONLY when the feature before(or after) the find feature also has dependence with the find feature. In this case, driver need to base on dependce relationship to decide how to insert current feature and adjust the feature dependence. @param[in, out] PreviousFeature CPU feature current before the find one. @param[in, out] CurrentFeature Cpu feature need to adjust. @param[in] FindFeature Cpu feature which current feature depends. @param[in] Before Before or after dependence relationship. @retval TRUE means the current feature dependence has been adjusted. @retval FALSE means the previous feature dependence has been adjusted. or previous feature has no dependence with the find one. **/ BOOLEAN AdjustFeaturesDependence ( IN OUT CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *PreviousFeature, IN OUT CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CurrentFeature, IN CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *FindFeature, IN BOOLEAN Before ) { CPU_FEATURE_DEPENDENCE_TYPE PreDependType; CPU_FEATURE_DEPENDENCE_TYPE CurrentDependType; PreDependType = DetectFeatureScope(PreviousFeature, Before, FindFeature->FeatureMask); CurrentDependType = DetectFeatureScope(CurrentFeature, Before, FindFeature->FeatureMask); // // If previous feature has no dependence with the find featue. // return FALSE. // if (PreDependType == NoneDepType) { return FALSE; } // // If both feature have dependence, keep the one which needs use more // processors and clear the dependence for the other one. // if (PreDependType >= CurrentDependType) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** Base on dependence relationship to asjust feature order. @param[in] FeatureList Pointer to CPU feature list @param[in, out] FindEntry The entry this feature depend on. @param[in, out] CurrentEntry The entry for this feature. @param[in] Before Before or after dependence relationship. **/ VOID AdjustEntry ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FeatureList, IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *FindEntry, IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *CurrentEntry, IN BOOLEAN Before ) { LIST_ENTRY *PreviousEntry; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *PreviousFeature; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CurrentFeature; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *FindFeature; // // For CPU feature which has core or package type dependence, later code need to insert // AcquireSpinLock/ReleaseSpinLock logic to sequency the execute order. // So if driver finds both feature A and B need to execute before feature C, driver will // base on dependence type of feature A and B to update the logic here. // For example, feature A has package type dependence and feature B has core type dependence, // because package type dependence need to wait for more processors which has strong dependence // than core type dependence. So driver will adjust the feature order to B -> A -> C. and driver // will remove the feature dependence in feature B. // Driver just needs to make sure before feature C been executed, feature A has finished its task // in all all thread. Feature A finished in all threads also means feature B have finshed in all // threads. // if (Before) { PreviousEntry = GetPreviousNode (FeatureList, FindEntry); } else { PreviousEntry = GetNextNode (FeatureList, FindEntry); } CurrentFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (CurrentEntry); RemoveEntryList (CurrentEntry); if (IsNull (FeatureList, PreviousEntry)) { // // If not exist the previous or next entry, just insert the current entry. // if (Before) { InsertTailList (FindEntry, CurrentEntry); } else { InsertHeadList (FindEntry, CurrentEntry); } } else { // // If exist the previous or next entry, need to check it before insert curent entry. // PreviousFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (PreviousEntry); FindFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (FindEntry); if (AdjustFeaturesDependence (PreviousFeature, CurrentFeature, FindFeature, Before)) { // // Return TRUE means current feature dependence has been cleared and the previous // feature dependence has been kept and used. So insert current feature before (or after) // the previous feature. // if (Before) { InsertTailList (PreviousEntry, CurrentEntry); } else { InsertHeadList (PreviousEntry, CurrentEntry); } } else { if (Before) { InsertTailList (FindEntry, CurrentEntry); } else { InsertHeadList (FindEntry, CurrentEntry); } } } } /** Checks and adjusts current CPU features per dependency relationship. @param[in] FeatureList Pointer to CPU feature list @param[in] CurrentEntry Pointer to current checked CPU feature @param[in] FeatureMask The feature bit mask. @retval return Swapped info. **/ BOOLEAN InsertToBeforeEntry ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FeatureList, IN LIST_ENTRY *CurrentEntry, IN UINT8 *FeatureMask ) { LIST_ENTRY *CheckEntry; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CheckFeature; BOOLEAN Swapped; Swapped = FALSE; // // Check all features dispatched before this entry // CheckEntry = GetFirstNode (FeatureList); while (CheckEntry != CurrentEntry) { CheckFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (CheckEntry); if (IsBitMaskMatchCheck (CheckFeature->FeatureMask, FeatureMask)) { AdjustEntry (FeatureList, CheckEntry, CurrentEntry, TRUE); Swapped = TRUE; break; } CheckEntry = CheckEntry->ForwardLink; } return Swapped; } /** Checks and adjusts current CPU features per dependency relationship. @param[in] FeatureList Pointer to CPU feature list @param[in] CurrentEntry Pointer to current checked CPU feature @param[in] FeatureMask The feature bit mask. @retval return Swapped info. **/ BOOLEAN InsertToAfterEntry ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FeatureList, IN LIST_ENTRY *CurrentEntry, IN UINT8 *FeatureMask ) { LIST_ENTRY *CheckEntry; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CheckFeature; BOOLEAN Swapped; Swapped = FALSE; // // Check all features dispatched after this entry // CheckEntry = GetNextNode (FeatureList, CurrentEntry); while (!IsNull (FeatureList, CheckEntry)) { CheckFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (CheckEntry); if (IsBitMaskMatchCheck (CheckFeature->FeatureMask, FeatureMask)) { AdjustEntry (FeatureList, CheckEntry, CurrentEntry, FALSE); Swapped = TRUE; break; } CheckEntry = CheckEntry->ForwardLink; } return Swapped; } /** Checks and adjusts CPU features order per dependency relationship. @param[in] FeatureList Pointer to CPU feature list **/ VOID CheckCpuFeaturesDependency ( IN LIST_ENTRY *FeatureList ) { LIST_ENTRY *CurrentEntry; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CpuFeature; LIST_ENTRY *CheckEntry; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CheckFeature; BOOLEAN Swapped; LIST_ENTRY *TempEntry; LIST_ENTRY *NextEntry; CurrentEntry = GetFirstNode (FeatureList); while (!IsNull (FeatureList, CurrentEntry)) { Swapped = FALSE; CpuFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (CurrentEntry); NextEntry = CurrentEntry->ForwardLink; if (CpuFeature->BeforeAll) { // // Check all features dispatched before this entry // CheckEntry = GetFirstNode (FeatureList); while (CheckEntry != CurrentEntry) { CheckFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (CheckEntry); if (!CheckFeature->BeforeAll) { // // If this feature has no BeforeAll flag and is dispatched before CpuFeature, // insert currentEntry before Checked feature // RemoveEntryList (CurrentEntry); InsertTailList (CheckEntry, CurrentEntry); Swapped = TRUE; break; } CheckEntry = CheckEntry->ForwardLink; } if (Swapped) { CurrentEntry = NextEntry; continue; } } if (CpuFeature->AfterAll) { // // Check all features dispatched after this entry // CheckEntry = GetNextNode (FeatureList, CurrentEntry); while (!IsNull (FeatureList, CheckEntry)) { CheckFeature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (CheckEntry); if (!CheckFeature->AfterAll) { // // If this feature has no AfterAll flag and is dispatched after CpuFeature, // insert currentEntry after Checked feature // TempEntry = GetNextNode (FeatureList, CurrentEntry); RemoveEntryList (CurrentEntry); InsertHeadList (CheckEntry, CurrentEntry); CurrentEntry = TempEntry; Swapped = TRUE; break; } CheckEntry = CheckEntry->ForwardLink; } if (Swapped) { CurrentEntry = NextEntry; continue; } } if (CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { Swapped = InsertToBeforeEntry (FeatureList, CurrentEntry, CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask); if (Swapped) { continue; } } if (CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { Swapped = InsertToAfterEntry (FeatureList, CurrentEntry, CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask); if (Swapped) { continue; } } if (CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { Swapped = InsertToBeforeEntry (FeatureList, CurrentEntry, CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask); if (Swapped) { continue; } } if (CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { Swapped = InsertToAfterEntry (FeatureList, CurrentEntry, CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask); if (Swapped) { continue; } } if (CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { Swapped = InsertToBeforeEntry (FeatureList, CurrentEntry, CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask); if (Swapped) { continue; } } if (CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { Swapped = InsertToAfterEntry (FeatureList, CurrentEntry, CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask); if (Swapped) { continue; } } CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry->ForwardLink; } } /** Worker function to register CPU Feature. @param[in] CpuFeaturesData Pointer to CPU feature data structure. @param[in] CpuFeature Pointer to CPU feature entry @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The CPU feature was successfully registered. @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to register the CPU feature. @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED Registration of the CPU feature is not supported due to a circular dependency between BEFORE and AFTER features. **/ RETURN_STATUS RegisterCpuFeatureWorker ( IN CPU_FEATURES_DATA *CpuFeaturesData, IN CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CpuFeature ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CpuFeatureEntry; LIST_ENTRY *Entry; BOOLEAN FeatureExist; FeatureExist = FALSE; CpuFeatureEntry = NULL; Entry = GetFirstNode (&CpuFeaturesData->FeatureList); while (!IsNull (&CpuFeaturesData->FeatureList, Entry)) { CpuFeatureEntry = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_FROM_LINK (Entry); if (CompareMem (CpuFeature->FeatureMask, CpuFeatureEntry->FeatureMask, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize) == 0) { // // If this feature already registered // FeatureExist = TRUE; break; } Entry = Entry->ForwardLink; } if (!FeatureExist) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[NEW] ")); DumpCpuFeature (CpuFeature, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); InsertTailList (&CpuFeaturesData->FeatureList, &CpuFeature->Link); CpuFeaturesData->FeaturesCount++; } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[OVERRIDE] ")); DumpCpuFeature (CpuFeature, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); ASSERT (CpuFeatureEntry != NULL); // // Overwrite original parameters of CPU feature // if (CpuFeature->GetConfigDataFunc != NULL) { CpuFeatureEntry->GetConfigDataFunc = CpuFeature->GetConfigDataFunc; } if (CpuFeature->SupportFunc != NULL) { CpuFeatureEntry->SupportFunc = CpuFeature->SupportFunc; } if (CpuFeature->InitializeFunc != NULL) { CpuFeatureEntry->InitializeFunc = CpuFeature->InitializeFunc; } if (CpuFeature->FeatureName != NULL) { if (CpuFeatureEntry->FeatureName == NULL) { CpuFeatureEntry->FeatureName = AllocatePool (CPU_FEATURE_NAME_SIZE); ASSERT (CpuFeatureEntry->FeatureName != NULL); } Status = AsciiStrCpyS (CpuFeatureEntry->FeatureName, CPU_FEATURE_NAME_SIZE, CpuFeature->FeatureName); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); FreePool (CpuFeature->FeatureName); } if (CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { if (CpuFeatureEntry->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { FreePool (CpuFeatureEntry->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask); } CpuFeatureEntry->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask = CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask; } if (CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { if (CpuFeatureEntry->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { FreePool (CpuFeatureEntry->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask); } CpuFeatureEntry->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask = CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask; } if (CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { if (CpuFeatureEntry->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { FreePool (CpuFeatureEntry->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask); } CpuFeatureEntry->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask = CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask; } if (CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { if (CpuFeatureEntry->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { FreePool (CpuFeatureEntry->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask); } CpuFeatureEntry->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask = CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask; } if (CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { if (CpuFeatureEntry->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask != NULL) { FreePool (CpuFeatureEntry->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask); } CpuFeatureEntry->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask = CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask; } if (CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { if (CpuFeatureEntry->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask != NULL) { FreePool (CpuFeatureEntry->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask); } CpuFeatureEntry->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask = CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask; } CpuFeatureEntry->BeforeAll = CpuFeature->BeforeAll; CpuFeatureEntry->AfterAll = CpuFeature->AfterAll; FreePool (CpuFeature->FeatureMask); FreePool (CpuFeature); } // // Verify CPU features dependency can change CPU feature order // CheckCpuFeaturesDependency (&CpuFeaturesData->FeatureList); return RETURN_SUCCESS; } /** Sets CPU feature bit mask in CPU feature bit mask buffer. @param[in] FeaturesBitMask Pointer to CPU feature bit mask buffer @param[in] Feature The bit number of the CPU feature @param[in] BitMaskSize CPU feature bit mask buffer size **/ VOID SetCpuFeaturesBitMask ( IN UINT8 **FeaturesBitMask, IN UINT32 Feature, IN UINTN BitMaskSize ) { UINT8 *CpuFeaturesBitMask; ASSERT (FeaturesBitMask != NULL); CpuFeaturesBitMask = *FeaturesBitMask; if (CpuFeaturesBitMask == NULL) { CpuFeaturesBitMask = AllocateZeroPool (BitMaskSize); ASSERT (CpuFeaturesBitMask != NULL); *FeaturesBitMask = CpuFeaturesBitMask; } CpuFeaturesBitMask += (Feature / 8); *CpuFeaturesBitMask |= (UINT8) (1 << (Feature % 8)); } /** Registers a CPU Feature. @param[in] FeatureName A Null-terminated Ascii string indicates CPU feature name. @param[in] GetConfigDataFunc CPU feature get configuration data function. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. If NULL, then the most recently registered function for the CPU feature is used. If no functions are registered for a CPU feature, then the CPU configuration data for the registered feature is NULL. @param[in] SupportFunc CPU feature support function. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. If NULL, then the most recently registered function for the CPU feature is used. If no functions are registered for a CPU feature, then the CPU feature is assumed to be supported by all CPUs. @param[in] InitializeFunc CPU feature initialize function. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. If NULL, then the most recently registered function for the CPU feature is used. If no functions are registered for a CPU feature, then the CPU feature initialization is skipped. @param[in] ... Variable argument list of UINT32 CPU feature value. Values with no modifiers are the features provided by the registered functions. Values with CPU_FEATURE_BEFORE modifier are features that must be initialized after the features provided by the registered functions are used. Values with CPU_FEATURE_AFTER modifier are features that must be initialized before the features provided by the registered functions are used. The last argument in this variable argument list must always be CPU_FEATURE_END. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The CPU feature was successfully registered. @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to register the CPU feature. @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED Registration of the CPU feature is not supported due to a circular dependency between BEFORE and AFTER features. @retval RETURN_NOT_READY CPU feature PCD PcdCpuFeaturesUserConfiguration not updated by Platform driver yet. @note This service could be called by BSP only. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI RegisterCpuFeature ( IN CHAR8 *FeatureName, OPTIONAL IN CPU_FEATURE_GET_CONFIG_DATA GetConfigDataFunc, OPTIONAL IN CPU_FEATURE_SUPPORT SupportFunc, OPTIONAL IN CPU_FEATURE_INITIALIZE InitializeFunc, OPTIONAL ... ) { EFI_STATUS Status; VA_LIST Marker; UINT32 Feature; CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY *CpuFeature; UINT8 *FeatureMask; UINT8 *ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask; UINT8 *ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask; UINT8 *CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask; UINT8 *CoreAfterFeatureBitMask; UINT8 *PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask; UINT8 *PackageAfterFeatureBitMask; BOOLEAN BeforeAll; BOOLEAN AfterAll; CPU_FEATURES_DATA *CpuFeaturesData; FeatureMask = NULL; ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask = NULL; ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask = NULL; CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask = NULL; CoreAfterFeatureBitMask = NULL; PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask = NULL; PackageAfterFeatureBitMask = NULL; BeforeAll = FALSE; AfterAll = FALSE; CpuFeaturesData = GetCpuFeaturesData (); if (CpuFeaturesData->FeaturesCount == 0) { InitializeListHead (&CpuFeaturesData->FeatureList); InitializeSpinLock (&CpuFeaturesData->CpuFlags.MemoryMappedLock); // // Code assumes below three PCDs have PCD same buffer size. // ASSERT (PcdGetSize (PcdCpuFeaturesSetting) == PcdGetSize (PcdCpuFeaturesCapability)); ASSERT (PcdGetSize (PcdCpuFeaturesSetting) == PcdGetSize (PcdCpuFeaturesSupport)); CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize = (UINT32) PcdGetSize (PcdCpuFeaturesSetting); } VA_START (Marker, InitializeFunc); Feature = VA_ARG (Marker, UINT32); while (Feature != CPU_FEATURE_END) { // // It's invalid to require a feature is before AND after all other features. // ASSERT ((Feature & (CPU_FEATURE_BEFORE_ALL | CPU_FEATURE_AFTER_ALL)) != (CPU_FEATURE_BEFORE_ALL | CPU_FEATURE_AFTER_ALL)); // // It's invalid to require feature A is before AND after before feature B, // either in thread level, core level or package level. // ASSERT ((Feature & (CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_BEFORE | CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_AFTER)) != (CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_BEFORE | CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_AFTER)); ASSERT ((Feature & (CPU_FEATURE_CORE_BEFORE | CPU_FEATURE_CORE_AFTER)) != (CPU_FEATURE_CORE_BEFORE | CPU_FEATURE_CORE_AFTER)); ASSERT ((Feature & (CPU_FEATURE_PACKAGE_BEFORE | CPU_FEATURE_PACKAGE_AFTER)) != (CPU_FEATURE_PACKAGE_BEFORE | CPU_FEATURE_PACKAGE_AFTER)); if (Feature < CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_BEFORE) { BeforeAll = ((Feature & CPU_FEATURE_BEFORE_ALL) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; AfterAll = ((Feature & CPU_FEATURE_AFTER_ALL) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; Feature &= ~(CPU_FEATURE_BEFORE_ALL | CPU_FEATURE_AFTER_ALL); ASSERT (FeatureMask == NULL); SetCpuFeaturesBitMask (&FeatureMask, Feature, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); } else if ((Feature & CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_BEFORE) != 0) { SetCpuFeaturesBitMask (&ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask, Feature & ~CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_BEFORE, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); } else if ((Feature & CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_AFTER) != 0) { SetCpuFeaturesBitMask (&ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask, Feature & ~CPU_FEATURE_THREAD_AFTER, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); } else if ((Feature & CPU_FEATURE_CORE_BEFORE) != 0) { SetCpuFeaturesBitMask (&CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask, Feature & ~CPU_FEATURE_CORE_BEFORE, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); } else if ((Feature & CPU_FEATURE_CORE_AFTER) != 0) { SetCpuFeaturesBitMask (&CoreAfterFeatureBitMask, Feature & ~CPU_FEATURE_CORE_AFTER, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); } else if ((Feature & CPU_FEATURE_PACKAGE_BEFORE) != 0) { SetCpuFeaturesBitMask (&PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask, Feature & ~CPU_FEATURE_PACKAGE_BEFORE, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); } else if ((Feature & CPU_FEATURE_PACKAGE_AFTER) != 0) { SetCpuFeaturesBitMask (&PackageAfterFeatureBitMask, Feature & ~CPU_FEATURE_PACKAGE_AFTER, CpuFeaturesData->BitMaskSize); } Feature = VA_ARG (Marker, UINT32); } VA_END (Marker); CpuFeature = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (CPU_FEATURES_ENTRY)); ASSERT (CpuFeature != NULL); CpuFeature->Signature = CPU_FEATURE_ENTRY_SIGNATURE; CpuFeature->FeatureMask = FeatureMask; CpuFeature->ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask = ThreadBeforeFeatureBitMask; CpuFeature->ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask = ThreadAfterFeatureBitMask; CpuFeature->CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask = CoreBeforeFeatureBitMask; CpuFeature->CoreAfterFeatureBitMask = CoreAfterFeatureBitMask; CpuFeature->PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask = PackageBeforeFeatureBitMask; CpuFeature->PackageAfterFeatureBitMask = PackageAfterFeatureBitMask; CpuFeature->BeforeAll = BeforeAll; CpuFeature->AfterAll = AfterAll; CpuFeature->GetConfigDataFunc = GetConfigDataFunc; CpuFeature->SupportFunc = SupportFunc; CpuFeature->InitializeFunc = InitializeFunc; if (FeatureName != NULL) { CpuFeature->FeatureName = AllocatePool (CPU_FEATURE_NAME_SIZE); ASSERT (CpuFeature->FeatureName != NULL); Status = AsciiStrCpyS (CpuFeature->FeatureName, CPU_FEATURE_NAME_SIZE, FeatureName); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); } Status = RegisterCpuFeatureWorker (CpuFeaturesData, CpuFeature); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); return RETURN_SUCCESS; } /** Return ACPI_CPU_DATA data. @return Pointer to ACPI_CPU_DATA data. **/ ACPI_CPU_DATA * GetAcpiCpuData ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN NumberOfCpus; UINTN NumberOfEnabledProcessors; ACPI_CPU_DATA *AcpiCpuData; UINTN TableSize; CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *RegisterTable; UINTN Index; EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION ProcessorInfoBuffer; AcpiCpuData = (ACPI_CPU_DATA *) (UINTN) PcdGet64 (PcdCpuS3DataAddress); if (AcpiCpuData == NULL) { AcpiCpuData = AllocatePages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (sizeof (ACPI_CPU_DATA))); ASSERT (AcpiCpuData != NULL); ZeroMem (AcpiCpuData, sizeof (ACPI_CPU_DATA)); // // Set PcdCpuS3DataAddress to the base address of the ACPI_CPU_DATA structure // Status = PcdSet64S (PcdCpuS3DataAddress, (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiCpuData); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); GetNumberOfProcessor (&NumberOfCpus, &NumberOfEnabledProcessors); AcpiCpuData->NumberOfCpus = (UINT32)NumberOfCpus; } if (AcpiCpuData->RegisterTable == 0 || AcpiCpuData->PreSmmInitRegisterTable == 0) { // // Allocate buffer for empty RegisterTable and PreSmmInitRegisterTable for all CPUs // NumberOfCpus = AcpiCpuData->NumberOfCpus; TableSize = 2 * NumberOfCpus * sizeof (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE); RegisterTable = AllocatePages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TableSize)); ASSERT (RegisterTable != NULL); for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfCpus; Index++) { Status = GetProcessorInformation (Index, &ProcessorInfoBuffer); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); RegisterTable[Index].InitialApicId = (UINT32)ProcessorInfoBuffer.ProcessorId; RegisterTable[Index].TableLength = 0; RegisterTable[Index].AllocatedSize = 0; RegisterTable[Index].RegisterTableEntry = 0; RegisterTable[NumberOfCpus + Index].InitialApicId = (UINT32)ProcessorInfoBuffer.ProcessorId; RegisterTable[NumberOfCpus + Index].TableLength = 0; RegisterTable[NumberOfCpus + Index].AllocatedSize = 0; RegisterTable[NumberOfCpus + Index].RegisterTableEntry = 0; } if (AcpiCpuData->RegisterTable == 0) { AcpiCpuData->RegisterTable = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)RegisterTable; } if (AcpiCpuData->PreSmmInitRegisterTable == 0) { AcpiCpuData->PreSmmInitRegisterTable = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)(RegisterTable + NumberOfCpus); } } return AcpiCpuData; } /** Enlarges CPU register table for each processor. @param[in, out] RegisterTable Pointer processor's CPU register table **/ STATIC VOID EnlargeRegisterTable ( IN OUT CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *RegisterTable ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address; UINTN UsedPages; UsedPages = RegisterTable->AllocatedSize / EFI_PAGE_SIZE; Address = (UINTN)AllocatePages (UsedPages + 1); ASSERT (Address != 0); // // If there are records existing in the register table, then copy its contents // to new region and free the old one. // if (RegisterTable->AllocatedSize > 0) { CopyMem ( (VOID *) (UINTN) Address, (VOID *) (UINTN) RegisterTable->RegisterTableEntry, RegisterTable->AllocatedSize ); FreePages ((VOID *)(UINTN)RegisterTable->RegisterTableEntry, UsedPages); } // // Adjust the allocated size and register table base address. // RegisterTable->AllocatedSize += EFI_PAGE_SIZE; RegisterTable->RegisterTableEntry = Address; } /** Add an entry in specified register table. This function adds an entry in specified register table, with given register type, register index, bit section and value. @param[in] PreSmmFlag If TRUE, entry will be added into PreSmm register table If FALSE, entry will be added into register table @param[in] ProcessorNumber The index of the CPU to add a register table entry @param[in] RegisterType Type of the register to program @param[in] Index Index of the register to program @param[in] ValidBitStart Start of the bit section @param[in] ValidBitLength Length of the bit section @param[in] Value Value to write @param[in] TestThenWrite Whether need to test current Value before writing. **/ VOID CpuRegisterTableWriteWorker ( IN BOOLEAN PreSmmFlag, IN UINTN ProcessorNumber, IN REGISTER_TYPE RegisterType, IN UINT64 Index, IN UINT8 ValidBitStart, IN UINT8 ValidBitLength, IN UINT64 Value, IN BOOLEAN TestThenWrite ) { CPU_FEATURES_DATA *CpuFeaturesData; ACPI_CPU_DATA *AcpiCpuData; CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *RegisterTable; CPU_REGISTER_TABLE_ENTRY *RegisterTableEntry; CpuFeaturesData = GetCpuFeaturesData (); if (CpuFeaturesData->RegisterTable == NULL) { AcpiCpuData = GetAcpiCpuData (); ASSERT ((AcpiCpuData != NULL) && (AcpiCpuData->RegisterTable != 0)); CpuFeaturesData->RegisterTable = (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *) (UINTN) AcpiCpuData->RegisterTable; CpuFeaturesData->PreSmmRegisterTable = (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *) (UINTN) AcpiCpuData->PreSmmInitRegisterTable; } if (PreSmmFlag) { RegisterTable = &CpuFeaturesData->PreSmmRegisterTable[ProcessorNumber]; } else { RegisterTable = &CpuFeaturesData->RegisterTable[ProcessorNumber]; } if (RegisterTable->TableLength == RegisterTable->AllocatedSize / sizeof (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE_ENTRY)) { EnlargeRegisterTable (RegisterTable); } // // Append entry in the register table. // RegisterTableEntry = (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE_ENTRY *) (UINTN) RegisterTable->RegisterTableEntry; RegisterTableEntry[RegisterTable->TableLength].RegisterType = RegisterType; RegisterTableEntry[RegisterTable->TableLength].Index = (UINT32) Index; RegisterTableEntry[RegisterTable->TableLength].HighIndex = (UINT32) RShiftU64 (Index, 32); RegisterTableEntry[RegisterTable->TableLength].ValidBitStart = ValidBitStart; RegisterTableEntry[RegisterTable->TableLength].ValidBitLength = ValidBitLength; RegisterTableEntry[RegisterTable->TableLength].Value = Value; RegisterTableEntry[RegisterTable->TableLength].TestThenWrite = TestThenWrite; RegisterTable->TableLength++; } /** Adds an entry in specified register table. This function adds an entry in specified register table, with given register type, register index, bit section and value. @param[in] ProcessorNumber The index of the CPU to add a register table entry @param[in] RegisterType Type of the register to program @param[in] Index Index of the register to program @param[in] ValueMask Mask of bits in register to write @param[in] Value Value to write @note This service could be called by BSP only. **/ VOID EFIAPI CpuRegisterTableWrite ( IN UINTN ProcessorNumber, IN REGISTER_TYPE RegisterType, IN UINT64 Index, IN UINT64 ValueMask, IN UINT64 Value ) { UINT8 Start; UINT8 End; UINT8 Length; Start = (UINT8)LowBitSet64 (ValueMask); End = (UINT8)HighBitSet64 (ValueMask); Length = End - Start + 1; CpuRegisterTableWriteWorker (FALSE, ProcessorNumber, RegisterType, Index, Start, Length, Value, FALSE); } /** Adds an entry in specified register table. This function adds an entry in specified register table, with given register type, register index, bit section and value. @param[in] ProcessorNumber The index of the CPU to add a register table entry @param[in] RegisterType Type of the register to program @param[in] Index Index of the register to program @param[in] ValueMask Mask of bits in register to write @param[in] Value Value to write @note This service could be called by BSP only. **/ VOID EFIAPI CpuRegisterTableTestThenWrite ( IN UINTN ProcessorNumber, IN REGISTER_TYPE RegisterType, IN UINT64 Index, IN UINT64 ValueMask, IN UINT64 Value ) { UINT8 Start; UINT8 End; UINT8 Length; Start = (UINT8)LowBitSet64 (ValueMask); End = (UINT8)HighBitSet64 (ValueMask); Length = End - Start + 1; CpuRegisterTableWriteWorker (FALSE, ProcessorNumber, RegisterType, Index, Start, Length, Value, TRUE); } /** Adds an entry in specified Pre-SMM register table. This function adds an entry in specified register table, with given register type, register index, bit section and value. @param[in] ProcessorNumber The index of the CPU to add a register table entry. @param[in] RegisterType Type of the register to program @param[in] Index Index of the register to program @param[in] ValueMask Mask of bits in register to write @param[in] Value Value to write @note This service could be called by BSP only. **/ VOID EFIAPI PreSmmCpuRegisterTableWrite ( IN UINTN ProcessorNumber, IN REGISTER_TYPE RegisterType, IN UINT64 Index, IN UINT64 ValueMask, IN UINT64 Value ) { UINT8 Start; UINT8 End; UINT8 Length; Start = (UINT8)LowBitSet64 (ValueMask); End = (UINT8)HighBitSet64 (ValueMask); Length = End - Start + 1; CpuRegisterTableWriteWorker (TRUE, ProcessorNumber, RegisterType, Index, Start, Length, Value, FALSE); } /** Worker function to determine if a CPU feature is set in input CPU feature bit mask buffer. @param[in] CpuBitMask CPU feature bit mask buffer @param[in] CpuBitMaskSize The size of CPU feature bit mask buffer @param[in] Feature The bit number of the CPU feature @retval TRUE The CPU feature is set in CpuBitMask. @retval FALSE The CPU feature is not set in CpuBitMask. **/ BOOLEAN IsCpuFeatureSetInCpuPcd ( IN UINT8 *CpuBitMask, IN UINTN CpuBitMaskSize, IN UINT32 Feature ) { if ((Feature >> 3) >= CpuBitMaskSize) { return FALSE; } return ((*(CpuBitMask + (Feature >> 3)) & (1 << (Feature & 0x07))) != 0); } /** Determines if a CPU feature is enabled in PcdCpuFeaturesSupport bit mask. If a CPU feature is disabled in PcdCpuFeaturesSupport then all the code/data associated with that feature should be optimized away if compiler optimizations are enabled. @param[in] Feature The bit number of the CPU feature to check in the PCD PcdCpuFeaturesSupport @retval TRUE The CPU feature is set in PcdCpuFeaturesSupport. @retval FALSE The CPU feature is not set in PcdCpuFeaturesSupport. @note This service could be called by BSP only. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI IsCpuFeatureSupported ( IN UINT32 Feature ) { return IsCpuFeatureSetInCpuPcd ( (UINT8 *)PcdGetPtr (PcdCpuFeaturesSupport), PcdGetSize (PcdCpuFeaturesSupport), Feature ); } /** Determines if a CPU feature is set in PcdCpuFeaturesSetting bit mask. @param[in] Feature The bit number of the CPU feature to check in the PCD PcdCpuFeaturesSetting @retval TRUE The CPU feature is set in PcdCpuFeaturesSetting. @retval FALSE The CPU feature is not set in PcdCpuFeaturesSetting. @note This service could be called by BSP only. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI IsCpuFeatureInSetting ( IN UINT32 Feature ) { return IsCpuFeatureSetInCpuPcd ( (UINT8 *)PcdGetPtr (PcdCpuFeaturesSetting), PcdGetSize (PcdCpuFeaturesSetting), Feature ); } /** Switches to assigned BSP after CPU features initialization. @param[in] ProcessorNumber The index of the CPU executing this function. @note This service could be called by BSP only. **/ VOID EFIAPI SwitchBspAfterFeaturesInitialize ( IN UINTN ProcessorNumber ) { CPU_FEATURES_DATA *CpuFeaturesData; CpuFeaturesData = GetCpuFeaturesData (); CpuFeaturesData->BspNumber = ProcessorNumber; }