/*++ Copyright (c) 2004 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: PciPlatform.h Abstract: --*/ #ifndef PCI_PLATFORM_H_ #define PCI_PLATFORM_H_ #include #include "Platform.h" // // Produced Protocols // #include #define IGD_DID_II 0x0BE1 #define IGD_DID_0BE4 0x0BE4 #define IGD_DID_VLV_A0 0x0F31 #define OPROM_DID_OFFSET 0x46 typedef struct { EFI_GUID FileName; UINTN Segment; UINTN Bus; UINTN Device; UINTN Function; UINT16 VendorId; UINT16 DeviceId; UINT8 Flag; } PCI_OPTION_ROM_TABLE; EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PhaseNotify ( IN EFI_PCI_PLATFORM_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE HostBridge, IN EFI_PCI_HOST_BRIDGE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_PHASE Phase, IN EFI_PCI_CHIPSET_EXECUTION_PHASE ChipsetPhase ); EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PlatformPrepController ( IN EFI_PCI_PLATFORM_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE HostBridge, IN EFI_HANDLE RootBridge, IN EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL_PCI_ADDRESS PciAddress, IN EFI_PCI_CONTROLLER_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_PHASE Phase, IN EFI_PCI_CHIPSET_EXECUTION_PHASE ChipsetPhase ); EFI_STATUS EFIAPI GetPlatformPolicy ( IN CONST EFI_PCI_PLATFORM_PROTOCOL *This, OUT EFI_PCI_PLATFORM_POLICY *PciPolicy ); EFI_STATUS EFIAPI GetPciRom ( IN CONST EFI_PCI_PLATFORM_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE PciHandle, OUT VOID **RomImage, OUT UINTN *RomSize ); #endif