/*++ Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: MiscProcessorCacheFunction.c Abstract: BIOS processor cache details. Misc. subclass type 7. SMBIOS type 7. --*/ #include "CommonHeader.h" #include "MiscSubclassDriver.h" #include #include UINT32 ConvertBase2ToRaw ( IN EFI_EXP_BASE2_DATA *Data) { UINTN Index; UINT32 RawData; RawData = Data->Value; for (Index = 0; Index < (UINTN) Data->Exponent; Index++) { RawData <<= 1; } return RawData; } MISC_SMBIOS_TABLE_FUNCTION(MiscProcessorCache) { EFI_SMBIOS_HANDLE SmbiosHandle; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7 *SmbiosRecordL1; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7 *SmbiosRecordL2; EFI_CACHE_SRAM_TYPE_DATA CacheSramType; CHAR16 *SocketDesignation; CHAR8 *OptionalStrStart; UINTN SocketStrLen; STRING_REF TokenToGet; EFI_DATA_HUB_PROTOCOL *DataHub; UINT64 MonotonicCount; EFI_DATA_RECORD_HEADER *Record; EFI_SUBCLASS_TYPE1_HEADER *DataHeader; UINT8 *SrcData; EFI_STATUS Status; // // Memory Device LOcator // DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "type 7\n")); TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_SOCKET_DESIGNATION); SocketDesignation = SmbiosMiscGetString (TokenToGet); SocketStrLen = StrLen(SocketDesignation); if (SocketStrLen > SMBIOS_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } SmbiosRecordL1 = AllocatePool(sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7) + 7 + 1 + 1); ASSERT (SmbiosRecordL1 != NULL); ZeroMem(SmbiosRecordL1, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7) + 7 + 1 + 1); SmbiosRecordL2 = AllocatePool(sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7) + 7 + 1 + 1); ASSERT (SmbiosRecordL2 != NULL); ZeroMem(SmbiosRecordL2, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7) + 7 + 1 + 1); // // Get the Data Hub Protocol. Assume only one instance // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiDataHubProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&DataHub ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); MonotonicCount = 0; Record = NULL; do { Status = DataHub->GetNextRecord ( DataHub, &MonotonicCount, NULL, &Record ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (Record->DataRecordClass == EFI_DATA_RECORD_CLASS_DATA) { DataHeader = (EFI_SUBCLASS_TYPE1_HEADER *)(Record + 1); SrcData = (UINT8 *)(DataHeader + 1); if (CompareGuid(&Record->DataRecordGuid, &gEfiCacheSubClassGuid) && (DataHeader->RecordType == CacheSizeRecordType)) { if (DataHeader->SubInstance == EFI_CACHE_L1) { SmbiosRecordL1->InstalledSize += (UINT16) (ConvertBase2ToRaw((EFI_EXP_BASE2_DATA *)SrcData) >> 10); SmbiosRecordL1->MaximumCacheSize = SmbiosRecordL1->InstalledSize; } else if (DataHeader->SubInstance == EFI_CACHE_L2) { SmbiosRecordL2->InstalledSize += (UINT16) (ConvertBase2ToRaw((EFI_EXP_BASE2_DATA *)SrcData) >> 10); SmbiosRecordL2->MaximumCacheSize = SmbiosRecordL2->InstalledSize; } else { continue; } } } } } while (!EFI_ERROR(Status) && (MonotonicCount != 0)); // //Filling SMBIOS type 7 information for different cache levels. // SmbiosRecordL1->Hdr.Type = EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_CACHE_INFORMATION; SmbiosRecordL1->Hdr.Length = (UINT8) sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7); SmbiosRecordL1->Hdr.Handle = 0; SmbiosRecordL1->Associativity = CacheAssociativity8Way; SmbiosRecordL1->SystemCacheType = CacheTypeUnknown; SmbiosRecordL1->SocketDesignation = 0x01; SmbiosRecordL1->CacheSpeed = 0; SmbiosRecordL1->CacheConfiguration = 0x0180; ZeroMem (&CacheSramType, sizeof (EFI_CACHE_SRAM_TYPE_DATA)); CacheSramType.Synchronous = 1; CopyMem(&SmbiosRecordL1->SupportedSRAMType, &CacheSramType, 2); CopyMem(&SmbiosRecordL1->CurrentSRAMType, &CacheSramType, 2); SmbiosRecordL1->ErrorCorrectionType = EfiCacheErrorSingleBit; SmbiosRecordL2->Hdr.Type = EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_CACHE_INFORMATION; SmbiosRecordL2->Hdr.Length = (UINT8) sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE7); SmbiosRecordL2->Hdr.Handle = 0; SmbiosRecordL2->Associativity = CacheAssociativity16Way; SmbiosRecordL2->SystemCacheType = CacheTypeInstruction; SmbiosRecordL2->SocketDesignation = 0x01; SmbiosRecordL2->CacheSpeed = 0; SmbiosRecordL2->CacheConfiguration = 0x0281; ZeroMem (&CacheSramType, sizeof (EFI_CACHE_SRAM_TYPE_DATA)); CacheSramType.Synchronous = 1; CopyMem(&SmbiosRecordL2->SupportedSRAMType, &CacheSramType, 2); CopyMem(&SmbiosRecordL2->CurrentSRAMType, &CacheSramType, 2); SmbiosRecordL2->ErrorCorrectionType = EfiCacheErrorSingleBit; // //Adding SMBIOS type 7 records to SMBIOS table. // SmbiosHandle = SMBIOS_HANDLE_PI_RESERVED; OptionalStrStart = (CHAR8 *)(SmbiosRecordL1 + 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(SocketDesignation, OptionalStrStart); Smbios-> Add( Smbios, NULL, &SmbiosHandle, (EFI_SMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER *) SmbiosRecordL1 ); // //VLV2 incorporates two SLM modules (quad cores) in the SoC. 2 cores share BIU/L2 cache // SmbiosRecordL2->InstalledSize = (SmbiosRecordL2->InstalledSize)/2; SmbiosRecordL2->MaximumCacheSize = SmbiosRecordL2->InstalledSize; SmbiosHandle = SMBIOS_HANDLE_PI_RESERVED; OptionalStrStart = (CHAR8 *)(SmbiosRecordL2 + 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(SocketDesignation, OptionalStrStart); Smbios-> Add( Smbios, NULL, &SmbiosHandle, (EFI_SMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER *) SmbiosRecordL2 ); return EFI_SUCCESS; }