/*++ Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: MiscProcessorInformationFunction.c Abstract: Onboard processor information boot time changes. SMBIOS type 4. --*/ #include "CommonHeader.h" #include "MiscSubclassDriver.h" #include #include #include #include #define EfiProcessorFamilyIntelAtomProcessor 0x2B EFI_GUID mProcessorProducerGuid; /** Get cache SMBIOS record handle. @param Smbios Pointer to SMBIOS protocol instance. @param CacheLevel Level of cache, starting from one. @param Handle Returned record handle. **/ VOID GetCacheHandle ( IN EFI_SMBIOS_PROTOCOL *Smbios, IN UINT8 CacheLevel, OUT EFI_SMBIOS_HANDLE *Handle ) { UINT16 CacheConfig; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE RecordType; EFI_SMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER *Buffer; *Handle = 0; RecordType = EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_CACHE_INFORMATION; do { Status = Smbios->GetNext ( Smbios, Handle, &RecordType, &Buffer, NULL ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { CacheConfig = *(UINT16*)((UINT8*)Buffer + 5); if ((CacheConfig & 0x7) == (CacheLevel -1) ) { return; } } } while (!EFI_ERROR(Status)); *Handle = 0xFFFF; } /** This function makes boot time changes to the contents of the MiscProcessorInformation (Type 4). @param RecordData Pointer to copy of RecordData from the Data Table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS All parameters were valid. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Unexpected RecordType value. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter was found. **/ UINT32 ConvertBase10ToRaw ( IN EFI_EXP_BASE10_DATA *Data) { UINTN Index; UINT32 RawData; RawData = Data->Value; for (Index = 0; Index < (UINTN) Data->Exponent; Index++) { RawData *= 10; } return RawData; } #define BSEL_CR_OVERCLOCK_CONTROL 0xCD #define FUSE_BSEL_MASK 0x03 UINT16 miFSBFrequencyTable[4] = { 83, // 83.3MHz 100, // 100MHz 133, // 133MHz 117 // 116.7MHz }; /** Determine the processor core frequency @param None @retval Processor core frequency multiplied by 3 **/ UINT16 DetermineiFsbFromMsr ( VOID ) { // // Determine the processor core frequency // UINT64 Temp; Temp = (EfiReadMsr (BSEL_CR_OVERCLOCK_CONTROL)) & FUSE_BSEL_MASK; return miFSBFrequencyTable[(UINT32)(Temp)]; } MISC_SMBIOS_TABLE_FUNCTION (MiscProcessorInformation) { CHAR8 *OptionalStrStart; EFI_STRING SerialNumber; CHAR16 *Version=NULL; CHAR16 *Manufacturer=NULL; CHAR16 *Socket=NULL; CHAR16 *AssetTag=NULL; CHAR16 *PartNumber=NULL; UINTN SerialNumberStrLen=0; UINTN VersionStrLen=0; UINTN ManufacturerStrLen=0; UINTN SocketStrLen=0; UINTN AssetTagStrLen=0; UINTN PartNumberStrLen=0; UINTN ProcessorVoltage=0xAE; UINT32 Eax01; UINT32 Ebx01; UINT32 Ecx01; UINT32 Edx01; STRING_REF TokenToGet; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SMBIOS_HANDLE SmbiosHandle; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE4 *SmbiosRecord; EFI_CPU_DATA_RECORD *ForType4InputData; UINT16 L1CacheHandle=0; UINT16 L2CacheHandle=0; UINT16 L3CacheHandle=0; UINTN NumberOfEnabledProcessors=0 ; UINTN NumberOfProcessors=0; UINT64 Frequency = 0; EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL *MpService; EFI_DATA_HUB_PROTOCOL *DataHub; UINT64 MonotonicCount; EFI_DATA_RECORD_HEADER *Record; EFI_SUBCLASS_TYPE1_HEADER *DataHeader; UINT8 *SrcData; UINT32 SrcDataSize; EFI_PROCESSOR_VERSION_DATA *ProcessorVersion; CHAR16 *NewStringToken; STRING_REF TokenToUpdate; PROCESSOR_ID_DATA *ProcessorId = NULL; // // First check for invalid parameters. // if (RecordData == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ForType4InputData = (EFI_CPU_DATA_RECORD *)RecordData; ProcessorId = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(PROCESSOR_ID_DATA)); if (ProcessorId == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Get the Data Hub Protocol. Assume only one instance // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiDataHubProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&DataHub ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); MonotonicCount = 0; Record = NULL; do { Status = DataHub->GetNextRecord ( DataHub, &MonotonicCount, NULL, &Record ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (Record->DataRecordClass == EFI_DATA_RECORD_CLASS_DATA) { DataHeader = (EFI_SUBCLASS_TYPE1_HEADER *)(Record + 1); SrcData = (UINT8 *)(DataHeader + 1); SrcDataSize = Record->RecordSize - Record->HeaderSize - sizeof (EFI_SUBCLASS_TYPE1_HEADER); // // Processor // if (CompareGuid(&Record->DataRecordGuid, &gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid)) { CopyMem (&mProcessorProducerGuid, &Record->ProducerName, sizeof(EFI_GUID)); switch (DataHeader->RecordType) { case ProcessorVoltageRecordType: ProcessorVoltage = (((EFI_EXP_BASE10_DATA *)SrcData)->Value)/100 + 0x80; break; case ProcessorCoreFrequencyRecordType: DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "ProcessorCoreFrequencyRecordType SrcData1 =%d\n", ConvertBase10ToRaw((EFI_EXP_BASE10_DATA *)SrcData)/1000000)); Frequency = (ConvertBase10ToRaw((EFI_EXP_BASE10_DATA *)SrcData)/1000000); break; case ProcessorVersionRecordType: ProcessorVersion = (EFI_PROCESSOR_VERSION_DATA *)SrcData; NewStringToken = HiiGetPackageString(&mProcessorProducerGuid, *ProcessorVersion, NULL); TokenToUpdate = (STRING_REF)STR_MISC_PROCESSOR_VERSION; HiiSetString(mHiiHandle, TokenToUpdate, NewStringToken, NULL); break; default: break; } } } } } while (!EFI_ERROR(Status) && (MonotonicCount != 0)); // // Token to get for Socket Name // TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_MISC_SOCKET_NAME); Socket = SmbiosMiscGetString (TokenToGet); SocketStrLen = StrLen(Socket); if (SocketStrLen > SMBIOS_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Token to get for Processor Manufacturer // TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_MISC_PROCESSOR_MAUFACTURER); Manufacturer = SmbiosMiscGetString (TokenToGet); ManufacturerStrLen = StrLen(Manufacturer); if (ManufacturerStrLen > SMBIOS_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Token to get for Processor Version // TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_MISC_PROCESSOR_VERSION); Version = SmbiosMiscGetString (TokenToGet); VersionStrLen = StrLen(Version); if (VersionStrLen > SMBIOS_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Token to get for Serial Number // TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_MISC_PROCESSOR_SERIAL_NUMBER); SerialNumber = SmbiosMiscGetString (TokenToGet); SerialNumberStrLen = StrLen(SerialNumber); if (SerialNumberStrLen > SMBIOS_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Token to get for Assert Tag Information // TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_MISC_ASSERT_TAG_DATA); AssetTag = SmbiosMiscGetString (TokenToGet); AssetTagStrLen = StrLen(AssetTag); if (AssetTagStrLen > SMBIOS_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Token to get for part number Information // TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_MISC_PART_NUMBER); PartNumber = SmbiosMiscGetString (TokenToGet); PartNumberStrLen = StrLen(PartNumber); if (PartNumberStrLen > SMBIOS_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Two zeros following the last string. // SmbiosRecord = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE4) + AssetTagStrLen + 1 + SocketStrLen + 1+ ManufacturerStrLen +1 + VersionStrLen+ 1+ SerialNumberStrLen + 1 + PartNumberStrLen+ 1 + 1); SmbiosRecord->Hdr.Type = EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION; SmbiosRecord->Hdr.Length = sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE4); // // Make handle chosen by smbios protocol.add automatically. // SmbiosRecord->Hdr.Handle = 0; SmbiosRecord-> Socket= 1; SmbiosRecord -> ProcessorManufacture = 2; SmbiosRecord -> ProcessorVersion = 3; SmbiosRecord ->SerialNumber =4; SmbiosRecord-> AssetTag= 5; SmbiosRecord-> PartNumber= 6; // // Processor Type // ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorType= EfiCentralProcessor; SmbiosRecord -> ProcessorType = ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorType; // // Processor Family // ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorFamily= EfiProcessorFamilyIntelAtomProcessor; //0x2B;; SmbiosRecord -> ProcessorFamily = ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorFamily; SmbiosRecord -> ExternalClock = DetermineiFsbFromMsr(); // // Processor ID // AsmCpuid(0x001, &Eax01, &Ebx01, &Ecx01, &Edx01); ProcessorId->Signature = *(PROCESSOR_SIGNATURE *)&Eax01; ProcessorId->FeatureFlags = *(PROCESSOR_FEATURE_FLAGS *)&Edx01; SmbiosRecord -> ProcessorId = *(PROCESSOR_ID_DATA *)ProcessorId; // // Processor Voltage // ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorVoltage= *(EFI_PROCESSOR_VOLTAGE_DATA *)&ProcessorVoltage; SmbiosRecord -> Voltage = *(PROCESSOR_VOLTAGE *) &(ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorVoltage); // // Status // ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorHealthStatus= 0x41;//0x41; SmbiosRecord -> Status = ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorHealthStatus; // // Processor Upgrade // SmbiosRecord -> ProcessorUpgrade = 0x008; // // Processor Family 2 // SmbiosRecord -> ProcessorFamily2 = ForType4InputData-> VariableRecord.ProcessorFamily; // // Processor speed // SmbiosRecord-> CurrentSpeed = *(UINT16*) & Frequency; SmbiosRecord-> MaxSpeed = *(UINT16*) & Frequency; // // Processor Characteristics // AsmCpuid(0x8000000, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Edx01); Edx01= Edx01 >> 28; Edx01 &= 0x01; SmbiosRecord-> ProcessorCharacteristics= (UINT16)Edx01; // // Processor Core Count and Enabled core count // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiMpServiceProtocolGuid, NULL, (void **)&MpService ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Determine the number of processors // MpService->GetNumberOfProcessors ( MpService, &NumberOfProcessors, &NumberOfEnabledProcessors ); } SmbiosRecord-> CoreCount= (UINT8)NumberOfProcessors; SmbiosRecord-> EnabledCoreCount= (UINT8)NumberOfEnabledProcessors; SmbiosRecord-> ThreadCount= (UINT8)NumberOfEnabledProcessors; SmbiosRecord-> ProcessorCharacteristics = 0x2; // Unknown // // Processor Cache Handle // GetCacheHandle( Smbios,1, &L1CacheHandle); GetCacheHandle( Smbios,2, &L2CacheHandle); GetCacheHandle( Smbios,3, &L3CacheHandle); // // Updating Cache Handle Information // SmbiosRecord->L1CacheHandle = L1CacheHandle; SmbiosRecord->L2CacheHandle = L2CacheHandle; SmbiosRecord->L3CacheHandle = L3CacheHandle; OptionalStrStart = (CHAR8 *)(SmbiosRecord + 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(Socket, OptionalStrStart); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(Manufacturer, OptionalStrStart + SocketStrLen + 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(Version, OptionalStrStart + SocketStrLen + 1 + ManufacturerStrLen+ 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(SerialNumber, OptionalStrStart + SocketStrLen + 1 + VersionStrLen + 1 + ManufacturerStrLen + 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(AssetTag, OptionalStrStart + SerialNumberStrLen + 1 + VersionStrLen + 1 + ManufacturerStrLen + 1 + SocketStrLen + 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(PartNumber, OptionalStrStart + SerialNumberStrLen + 1 + VersionStrLen + 1 + ManufacturerStrLen + 1 + SocketStrLen + 1 + AssetTagStrLen + 1 ); // // Now we have got the full Smbios record, call Smbios protocol to add this record. // SmbiosHandle = SMBIOS_HANDLE_PI_RESERVED; Status = Smbios-> Add( Smbios, NULL, &SmbiosHandle, (EFI_SMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER *) SmbiosRecord ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) return Status; FreePool(SmbiosRecord); return Status; }