@REM @file @REM Windows batch file to setup a WORKSPACE environment @REM @REM Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation @REM All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials @REM are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License @REM which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at @REM http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php @REM @REM THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, @REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. @REM @REM set following environment in this file or in command shell for the older, @REM JAVA/Ant build @REM set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.5.0_06 @REM set ANT_HOME=C:\ANT @REM set XMLBEANS_HOME=C:\xmlbeans @REM set CYGWIN_HOME=C:\cygwin @REM usage: @REM edksetup.bat [--nt32] [AntBuild] [Rebuild] [ForceRebuild] [Reconfig] @REM if the argument, skip is present, only the paths and the @REM test and set of environment settings are performed. @REM ############################################################## @REM # You should not have to modify anything below this line @REM # @echo off @REM @REM Set the WORKSPACE to the current working directory @REM pushd . cd %~dp0 set WORKSPACE=%CD% @if /I "%1"=="-h" goto Usage @if /I "%1"=="-help" goto Usage @if /I "%1"=="--help" goto Usage @if /I "%1"=="/h" goto Usage @if /I "%1"=="/?" goto Usage @if /I "%1"=="/help" goto Usage @if /I not "%1"=="--nt32" goto check_Ant_build @REM Flag, --nt32 is set @REM The Nt32 Emluation Platform requires Microsoft Libraries @REM and headers to interface with Windows. if not defined VCINSTALLDIR ( if defined VS71COMNTOOLS ( call "%VS71COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" ) else ( if defined VS80COMNTOOLS ( call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" ) else ( echo. echo !!! WARNING !!! Cannot find Visual Studio !!! echo. ) ) ) shift :check_Ant_build @if /I "%1"=="AntBuild" goto AntBuild @REM @REM Default is new, Makefile Base Build @REM @if /I "%1"=="NewBuild" shift @if not defined EDK_TOOLS_PATH set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\BaseTools @IF NOT EXIST "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\toolsetup.bat" goto BadBaseTools @call %EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\toolsetup.bat %* @goto end :BadBaseTools @REM @REM Need the BaseTools Package in order to build @REM echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! The BaseTools Package was not found !!! echo. echo Set the system environment variable, EDK_TOOLS_PATH to the BaseTools, echo For example, echo set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=C:\MyTools\BaseTools echo The setup script, toolsetup.bat must reside in this folder. echo. @goto end @REM With the exception of the :end and :Usage tags, all information below @REM these lines is for the JAVA/Ant Build! :AntBuild @REM @REM Check the required system environment variables @REM @if /I "%1"=="AntBuild" shift set FOUND="FALSE" if exist "Tools\Jars" set FOUND="TRUE" if exist "%EDK_TOOLS_PATH%\Tools\Jars" set FOUND="TRUE" if %FOUND%=="FALSE" ( echo. echo !!! ERROR !!! You have selected the Java/Ant build, however those tools echo cannot be found in this WORKSPACE. echo. echo Please double check that the AntTools project is installed echo in this WORKSPACE. echo. set FOUND="" goto end ) set FOUND="" :check_vc if defined VCINSTALLDIR goto check_cygwin if defined VS71COMNTOOLS ( call "%VS71COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" ) else ( echo. echo !!! WARNING !!! Cannot find Visual Studio !!! echo. ) :check_cygwin if defined CYGWIN_HOME goto check_java if exist c:\cygwin ( set CYGWIN_HOME=c:\cygwin ) else ( echo. echo !!! WARNING !!! No CYGWIN_HOME set, gcc build may not be used !!! echo. ) :check_java if "%JAVA_HOME%"=="" goto no_jdk :check_ant if "%ANT_HOME%"=="" goto no_ant if not exist %ANT_HOME%\lib\ant-contrib.jar goto no_antcontrib :check_xmlbeans if "%XMLBEANS_HOME%"=="" goto no_xmlbeans if not exist %XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\saxon8.jar goto no_saxon8 set FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\bin if not defined ORIGINAL_CLASSPATH set ORIGINAL_CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%ORIGINAL_CLASSPATH% if defined WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH goto check_path set PATH=%FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%XMLBEANS_HOME%\bin;%PATH% set WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH=%FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH% echo Setting the PATH variable to include the FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH for this WORKSPACE goto path_ok :check_path if "%FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH%"=="%WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH%" goto path_ok set PATH=%FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH%;%PATH% set WORKSPACE_TOOLS_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\bin echo Resetting the PATH variable to include the FRAMEWORK_TOOLS_PATH for this WORKSPACE :path_ok @if /I "%1"=="ForceRebuild" goto ForceBuild @if /I "%1"=="Reconfig" goto Reconfig @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\Jars\Common.jar" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\Jars\PcdTools.jar" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\Jars\GenBuild.jar" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\Jars\SurfaceArea.jar" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\Jars\cpptasks.jar" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\Jars\frameworktasks.jar" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\FrameworkWizard.jar" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\CompressDll.dll" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\CompressDll.lib" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\CreateMtFile.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\EfiCompress.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\EfiRom.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\FlashMap.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\FwImage.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GenAcpiTable.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GenCRC32Section.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GenCapsuleHdr.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GenDepex.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GenFfsFile.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GenFvImage.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GenSection.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GenTEImage.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\GuidChk.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\MakeDeps.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\ModifyInf.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\PeiRebase_Ia32.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\PeiRebase_Ipf.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\PeiRebase_X64.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\SecApResetVectorFixup.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\SecFixup.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\SetStamp.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\SplitFile.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\StrGather.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\Strip.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\VfrCompile.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\ZeroDebugData.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\antlr.exe" goto NormalBuild @IF NOT EXIST "Tools\bin\dlg.exe" goto NormalBuild @if /I "%1"=="Rebuild" goto NormalBuild @if NOT "%1"=="" goto Usage goto skipbuild :ForceBuild call ant -f %WORKSPACE%\Tools\build.xml -noclasspath cleanall :NormalBuild @REM @REM Start to build the Framework Tools @REM echo. echo Building the Framework Tools echo. @REM @REM We are going to create the SurfaceArea.jar file first so that the other @REM Java Programs can use it. @REM It needs the XMLBEANS libraries in order to compile. @REM set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\jsr173_1.0_api.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\xbean.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\xbean_xpath.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\xmlpublic.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\saxon8.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\resolver.jar;%CLASSPATH% call ant -f %WORKSPACE%\Tools\build.xml SurfaceArea @REM @REM Now we can make the other Java Programs @REM All of the remaining Java Programs require the SurfaceArea library to compile @REM set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\SurfaceArea.jar;%CLASSPATH% call ant -f %WORKSPACE%\Tools\build.xml JavaCode @REM @REM We have all of the Java Programs and add-in classes created, so we can start @REM using the cpp-tasks to create our tools @REM set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\Common.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\PcdTools.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\GenBuild.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\cpptasks.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\frameworktasks.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Bin\FrameworkWizard.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Bin\MigrationTools.jar;%CLASSPATH% call ant -f %WORKSPACE%\Tools\build.xml C_Code @REM @REM Done!!! @REM goto end :no_jdk echo. echo !!! Please install Java, and set JAVA_HOME !!! echo. goto end :no_ant echo. echo !!! Please install Apache Ant, and set ANT_HOME !!! echo. goto end :no_antcontrib echo. echo !!! Please install Ant-contrib to ANT_HOME !!! echo. goto end :no_xmlbeans echo. echo !!! Please install XML Beans, and set XMLBEANS_HOME !!! echo. goto end :no_saxon8 echo. echo !!! Please copy saxon8.jar file to XMLBEANS_HOME\lib !!! echo. goto end :skipbuild @REM @REM This just sets up the CLASSPATH, the rest of the environment should have been set already. @REM echo. echo WORKSPACE: %WORKSPACE% echo JAVA_HOME: %JAVA_HOME% echo ANT_HOME: %ANT_HOME% echo XMLBEANS_HOME: %XMLBEANS_HOME% echo CYGWIN_HOME: %CYGWIN_HOME% echo PATH: %PATH% echo. set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\jsr173_1.0_api.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\xbean.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\xbean_xpath.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\xmlpublic.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\saxon8.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\saxon8-dom.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\saxon8-xpath.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib\resolver.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\SurfaceArea.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\Common.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\PcdTools.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\GenBuild.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\cpptasks.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Jars\frameworktasks.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Bin\FrameworkWizard.jar;%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%WORKSPACE%\Tools\Bin\MigrationTools.jar;%CLASSPATH% echo CLASSPATH: %CLASSPATH% goto end :Reconfig @REM @REM Reinstall all config files @REM call ant -f %WORKSPACE%\Tools\build.xml reconfig goto end :Usage echo. echo Usage: "%0 [-h | -help | --help | /h | /help | /?] [--nt32] [AntBuild | Rebuild | ForceRebuild ] [Reconfig]" echo --nt32 Call vsvars32.bat for NT32 platform build. echo. echo Rebuild If sources are available perform an Incremental build, only echo build those updated tools. echo ForceRebuild If sources are available, rebuild all tools regardless of echo whether they have been updated or not. echo Reconfig Reinstall target.txt, tools_def.txt and build_rule.txt. echo. echo JAVA/ANT Build echo AntBuild Using older Java/ANT build tools in Tools directory. echo Rebuild Incremental build, only build those updated tools. echo ForceRebuild Rebuild all tools regardless of whether they have been updated or not. echo Reconfig Reinstall target.txt, tools_def.txt and FrameworkDatabase.db. echo. echo Note that target.template, tools_def.template, build_rules.template and the echo FrameworkDatabase.template will be only copied to target.txt, tools_def.txt, build_rule.txt and echo FrameworkDatabase.db respectively if they do not exist. Using option [Reconfig] to force the copy. echo. @goto end :end @popd @echo on