/* * This file is part of the flashrom project. * * Copyright (C) 2022 Aarya Chaumal * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "include/flash.h" #include "include/layout.h" #include "include/erasure_layout.h" static size_t calculate_block_count(const struct flashchip *chip, size_t eraser_idx) { size_t block_count = 0; chipoff_t addr = 0; for (size_t i = 0; addr < chip->total_size * 1024; i++) { const struct eraseblock *block = &chip->block_erasers[eraser_idx].eraseblocks[i]; block_count += block->count; addr += block->size * block->count; } return block_count; } static void init_eraseblock(struct erase_layout *layout, size_t idx, size_t block_num, chipoff_t start_addr, chipoff_t end_addr, size_t *sub_block_index) { struct eraseblock_data *edata = &layout[idx].layout_list[block_num]; edata->start_addr = start_addr; edata->end_addr = end_addr; edata->selected = false; edata->block_num = block_num; if (!idx) return; edata->first_sub_block_index = *sub_block_index; struct eraseblock_data *subedata = &layout[idx - 1].layout_list[*sub_block_index]; while (subedata->start_addr >= start_addr && subedata->end_addr <= end_addr && *sub_block_index < layout[idx-1].block_count) { (*sub_block_index)++; subedata++; } edata->last_sub_block_index = *sub_block_index - 1; } /* * @brief Function to free the created erase_layout * * @param layout pointer to allocated layout * @param erasefn_count number of erase functions for which the layout was created * */ void free_erase_layout(struct erase_layout *layout, unsigned int erasefn_count) { if (!layout) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < erasefn_count; i++) { free(layout[i].layout_list); } free(layout); } /* * @brief Function to create an erase layout * * @param flashctx flash context * @param e_layout address to the pointer to store the layout * @return 0 on success, * -1 if layout creation fails * * This function creates a layout of which erase functions erase which regions * of the flash chip. This helps to optimally select the erase functions for * erase/write operations. */ int create_erase_layout(struct flashctx *const flashctx, struct erase_layout **e_layout) { const struct flashchip *chip = flashctx->chip; const size_t erasefn_count = count_usable_erasers(flashctx); if (!erasefn_count) { msg_gerr("No erase functions supported\n"); return 0; } struct erase_layout *layout = calloc(erasefn_count, sizeof(struct erase_layout)); if (!layout) { msg_gerr("Out of memory!\n"); return -1; } size_t layout_idx = 0; for (size_t eraser_idx = 0; eraser_idx < NUM_ERASEFUNCTIONS; eraser_idx++) { if (check_block_eraser(flashctx, eraser_idx, 0)) continue; layout[layout_idx].eraser = &chip->block_erasers[eraser_idx]; const size_t block_count = calculate_block_count(flashctx->chip, eraser_idx); size_t sub_block_index = 0; layout[layout_idx].block_count = block_count; layout[layout_idx].layout_list = (struct eraseblock_data *)calloc(block_count, sizeof(struct eraseblock_data)); if (!layout[layout_idx].layout_list) { free_erase_layout(layout, layout_idx); return -1; } size_t block_num = 0; chipoff_t start_addr = 0; for (int i = 0; block_num < block_count; i++) { const struct eraseblock *block = &chip->block_erasers[eraser_idx].eraseblocks[i]; for (size_t num = 0; num < block->count; num++) { chipoff_t end_addr = start_addr + block->size - 1; init_eraseblock(layout, layout_idx, block_num, start_addr, end_addr, &sub_block_index); block_num += 1; start_addr = end_addr + 1; } } layout_idx++; } *e_layout = layout; return layout_idx; } /* * @brief Function to align start and address of the region boundaries * * @param layout erase layout * @param flashctx flash context * @param region_start pointer to start address of the region to align * @param region_end pointer to end address of the region to align * * This function aligns start and end address of the region (in struct walk_info) * to some erase sector boundaries and modify the region start and end addresses * to match nearest erase sector boundaries. This function will be used in the * new algorithm for erase function selection. */ static void align_region(const struct erase_layout *layout, struct flashctx *const flashctx, chipoff_t *region_start, chipoff_t *region_end) { chipoff_t start_diff = UINT_MAX, end_diff = UINT_MAX; const size_t erasefn_count = count_usable_erasers(flashctx); for (size_t i = 0; i < erasefn_count; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < layout[i].block_count; j++) { const struct eraseblock_data *ll = &layout[i].layout_list[j]; if (ll->start_addr <= *region_start) start_diff = (*region_start - ll->start_addr) > start_diff ? start_diff : (*region_start - ll->start_addr); if (ll->end_addr >= *region_end) end_diff = (ll->end_addr - *region_end) > end_diff ? end_diff : (ll->end_addr - *region_end); } } if (start_diff) { msg_cinfo("Region start not sector aligned! Extending start boundaries...\n"); *region_start = *region_start - start_diff; } if (end_diff) { msg_cinfo("Region end not sector aligned! Extending end boundaries...\n"); *region_end = *region_end + end_diff; } } /* * @brief Function to select the list of sectors that need erasing * * @param flashctx flash context * @param layout erase layout * @param findex index of the erase function * @param block_num index of the block to erase according to the erase function index * @param curcontents buffer containg the current contents of the flash * @param newcontents buffer containg the new contents of the flash * @param rstart start address of the region * @rend rend end address of the region */ static void select_erase_functions(struct flashctx *flashctx, const struct erase_layout *layout, size_t findex, size_t block_num, uint8_t *curcontents, uint8_t *newcontents, chipoff_t rstart, chipoff_t rend) { struct eraseblock_data *ll = &layout[findex].layout_list[block_num]; if (!findex) { if (ll->start_addr >= rstart && ll->end_addr <= rend) { chipoff_t start_addr = ll->start_addr; chipoff_t end_addr = ll->end_addr; const chipsize_t erase_len = end_addr - start_addr + 1; const uint8_t erased_value = ERASED_VALUE(flashctx); ll->selected = need_erase(curcontents + start_addr, newcontents + start_addr, erase_len, flashctx->chip->gran, erased_value); } } else { int count = 0; const int sub_block_start = ll->first_sub_block_index; const int sub_block_end = ll->last_sub_block_index; for (int j = sub_block_start; j <= sub_block_end; j++) { select_erase_functions(flashctx, layout, findex - 1, j, curcontents, newcontents, rstart, rend); if (layout[findex - 1].layout_list[j].selected) count++; } const int total_blocks = sub_block_end - sub_block_start + 1; if (count && count > total_blocks/2) { if (ll->start_addr >= rstart && ll->end_addr <= rend) { for (int j = sub_block_start; j <= sub_block_end; j++) layout[findex - 1].layout_list[j].selected = false; ll->selected = true; } } } } /* * @brief wrapper to use the erase algorithm * * @param flashctx flash context * @param region_start start address of the region * @param region_end end address of the region * @param curcontents buffer containg the current contents of the flash * @param newcontents buffer containg the new contents of the flash * @param erase_layout erase layout * @param all_skipped pointer to the flag to chec if any block was erased */ int erase_write(struct flashctx *const flashctx, chipoff_t region_start, chipoff_t region_end, uint8_t *curcontents, uint8_t *newcontents, struct erase_layout *erase_layout, bool *all_skipped) { const size_t erasefn_count = count_usable_erasers(flashctx); int ret = 0; size_t i; chipoff_t old_start = region_start, old_end = region_end; align_region(erase_layout, flashctx, ®ion_start, ®ion_end); uint8_t *old_start_buf = NULL, *old_end_buf = NULL; old_start_buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(old_start - region_start); if (!old_start_buf) { msg_cerr("Not enough memory!\n"); ret = -1; goto _end; } old_end_buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(region_end - old_end); if (!old_end_buf) { msg_cerr("Not enough memory!\n"); ret = -1; goto _end; } if (old_start - region_start) { read_flash(flashctx, curcontents + region_start, region_start, old_start - region_start); memcpy(old_start_buf, newcontents + region_start, old_start - region_start); memcpy(newcontents + region_start, curcontents + region_start, old_start - region_start); } if (region_end - old_end) { read_flash(flashctx, curcontents + old_end, old_end, region_end - old_end); memcpy(old_end_buf, newcontents + old_end, region_end - old_end); memcpy(newcontents + old_end, curcontents + old_end, region_end - old_end); } // select erase functions for (i = 0; i < erase_layout[erasefn_count - 1].block_count; i++) { if (erase_layout[erasefn_count - 1].layout_list[i].start_addr <= region_end && region_start <= erase_layout[erasefn_count - 1].layout_list[i].end_addr) select_erase_functions(flashctx, erase_layout, erasefn_count - 1, i, curcontents, newcontents, region_start, region_end); } for (i = 0; i < erasefn_count; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < erase_layout[i].block_count; j++) { if (!erase_layout[i].layout_list[j].selected) continue; // erase chipoff_t start_addr = erase_layout[i].layout_list[j].start_addr; unsigned int block_len = erase_layout[i].layout_list[j].end_addr - start_addr + 1; const uint8_t erased_value = ERASED_VALUE(flashctx); // execute erase erasefunc_t *erasefn = lookup_erase_func_ptr(erase_layout[i].eraser); if (!flashctx->flags.skip_unwritable_regions) { if (check_for_unwritable_regions(flashctx, start_addr, block_len)) goto _end; } unsigned int len; for (unsigned int addr = start_addr; addr < start_addr + block_len; addr += len) { struct flash_region region; get_flash_region(flashctx, addr, ®ion); len = min(start_addr + block_len, region.end) - addr; if (region.write_prot) { msg_gdbg("%s: cannot erase inside %s " "region (%#08x..%#08x), skipping range (%#08x..%#08x).\n", __func__, region.name, region.start, region.end - 1, addr, addr + len - 1); free(region.name); continue; } msg_gdbg("%s: %s region (%#08x..%#08x) is " "writable, erasing range (%#08x..%#08x).\n", __func__, region.name, region.start, region.end - 1, addr, addr + len - 1); free(region.name); if (erasefn(flashctx, addr, len)) goto _end; if (check_erased_range(flashctx, addr, len)) { msg_cerr("ERASE FAILED!\n"); goto _end; } } ret = erasefn(flashctx, start_addr, block_len); if (ret) { msg_cerr("Failed to execute erase command " "for offset %#x to %#x.\n", start_addr, start_addr + block_len); ret = -1; goto _end; } // adjust curcontents memset(curcontents+start_addr, erased_value, block_len); // after erase make it unselected again erase_layout[i].layout_list[j].selected = false; msg_cdbg("E(%x:%x)", start_addr, start_addr + block_len - 1); // verify erase ret = check_erased_range(flashctx, start_addr, block_len); if (ret) { msg_cerr("Verifying flash. Erase failed for range %#x : %#x, Abort.\n", start_addr, start_addr + block_len - 1); goto _end; } *all_skipped = false; } } // write unsigned int start_here = 0, len_here = 0, erase_len = region_end - region_start + 1; while ((len_here = get_next_write(curcontents + region_start + start_here, newcontents + region_start + start_here, erase_len - start_here, &start_here, flashctx->chip->gran))) { // execute write ret = write_flash(flashctx, newcontents + region_start + start_here, region_start + start_here, len_here); if (ret) { msg_cerr("Write failed at %#zx, Abort.\n", i); ret = -1; goto _end; } // adjust curcontents memcpy(curcontents + region_start + start_here, newcontents + region_start + start_here, len_here); msg_cdbg("W(%x:%x)", region_start + start_here, region_start + start_here + len_here - 1); *all_skipped = false; } // verify write ret = verify_range(flashctx, newcontents + region_start, region_start, region_end - region_start); if (ret) { msg_cerr("Verifying flash. Write failed for range %#x : %#x, Abort.\n", region_start, region_end); goto _end; } _end: memcpy(newcontents + region_start, old_start_buf, old_start - region_start); memcpy(newcontents + old_end, old_end_buf, region_end - old_end); free(old_start_buf); free(old_end_buf); msg_cinfo("Erase/write done from %x to %x\n", region_start, region_end); return ret; }