/* * This file is part of the flashrom project. * * Copyright (C) 2019 Miklós Márton martonmiklosqdev@gmail.com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ /* * Driver for programming SPI flash chips using the SPI port * of the STMicroelectronics's STLINK-V3 programmer/debugger. * * The implementation is inspired by the ST's STLINK-V3-BRIDGE C++ API: * https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stlink-v3-bridge.html */ #include "flash.h" #include "programmer.h" #include "spi.h" #include #include #include #include #include enum fw_version_check_result { FW_VERSION_OK, FW_VERSION_OLD, }; enum spi_prescaler { SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_2 = 0, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_4 = 1, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_8 = 2, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_16 = 3, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_32 = 4, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_64 = 5, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_128 = 6, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_256 = 7 }; enum spi_dir { SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES_FULLDUPLEX = 0, SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES_RXONLY = 1, SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE_RX = 2, SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE_TX = 3 }; enum spi_mode { SPI_MODE_SLAVE = 0, SPI_MODE_MASTER = 1 }; enum spi_datasize { SPI_DATASIZE_16B = 0, SPI_DATASIZE_8B = 1 }; enum spi_cpol { SPI_CPOL_LOW = 0, SPI_CPOL_HIGH = 1 }; enum spi_cpha { SPI_CPHA_1EDGE = 0, SPI_CPHA_2EDGE = 1 }; enum spi_firstbit { SPI_FIRSTBIT_LSB = 0, SPI_FIRSTBIT_MSB = 1 }; // ST calls the Chip select (CS) NSS == Negated Slave Select enum spi_nss { SPI_NSS_SOFT = 0, SPI_NSS_HARD = 1 }; enum spi_nss_level { SPI_NSS_LOW = 0, SPI_NSS_HIGH = 1 }; #define ST_GETVERSION_EXT 0xFB #define STLINK_BRIDGE_COMMAND 0xFC #define STLINK_BRIDGE_CLOSE 0x01 #define STLINK_BRIDGE_GET_RWCMD_STATUS 0x02 #define STLINK_BRIDGE_GET_CLOCK 0x03 #define STLINK_BRIDGE_INIT_SPI 0x20 #define STLINK_BRIDGE_WRITE_SPI 0x21 #define STLINK_BRIDGE_READ_SPI 0x22 #define STLINK_BRIDGE_CS_SPI 0x23 #define STLINK_BRIDGE_SPI_ERROR 0x02 #define STLINK_SPI_COM 0x02 #define STLINK_EP_OUT 0x06 #define STLINK_EP_IN 0x86 #define FIRST_COMPATIBLE_BRIDGE_FW_VERSION 3 #define USB_TIMEOUT_IN_MS 5000 static const struct dev_entry devs_stlinkv3_spi[] = { {0x0483, 0x374F, OK, "STMicroelectronics", "STLINK-V3"}, {0} }; struct stlinkv3_spi_data { struct libusb_context *usb_ctx; libusb_device_handle *handle; }; static int stlinkv3_command(uint8_t *command, size_t command_length, uint8_t *answer, size_t answer_length, const char *command_name, libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle) { int actual_length = 0; int rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(stlinkv3_handle, STLINK_EP_OUT, command, command_length, &actual_length, USB_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); if (rc != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED || (size_t)actual_length != command_length) { msg_perr("Failed to issue the %s command: '%s'\n", command_name, libusb_error_name(rc)); return -1; } rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(stlinkv3_handle, STLINK_EP_IN, answer, answer_length, &actual_length, USB_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); if (rc != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED || (size_t)actual_length != answer_length) { msg_perr("Failed to get %s answer: '%s'\n", command_name, libusb_error_name(rc)); return -1; } return 0; } /** * @param[out] bridge_input_clk Current input frequency in kHz of the given com. */ static int stlinkv3_get_clk(uint32_t *bridge_input_clk, libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle) { uint8_t command[16] = { 0 }; uint8_t answer[12]; if (bridge_input_clk == NULL) return -1; command[0] = STLINK_BRIDGE_COMMAND; command[1] = STLINK_BRIDGE_GET_CLOCK; command[2] = STLINK_SPI_COM; if (stlinkv3_command(command, sizeof(command), answer, sizeof(answer), "STLINK_BRIDGE_GET_CLOCK", stlinkv3_handle) != 0) return -1; *bridge_input_clk = (uint32_t)answer[4] | (uint32_t)answer[5]<<8 | (uint32_t)answer[6]<<16 | (uint32_t)answer[7]<<24; return 0; } static int stlinkv3_spi_calc_prescaler(uint16_t reqested_freq_in_kHz, enum spi_prescaler *prescaler, uint16_t *calculated_freq_in_kHz, libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle) { uint32_t bridge_clk_in_kHz; uint32_t calculated_prescaler = 1; uint16_t prescaler_value; if (stlinkv3_get_clk(&bridge_clk_in_kHz, stlinkv3_handle)) return -1; calculated_prescaler = bridge_clk_in_kHz/reqested_freq_in_kHz; // Apply a smaller frequency if not exact if (calculated_prescaler <= 2) { *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_2; prescaler_value = 2; } else if (calculated_prescaler <= 4) { *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_4; prescaler_value = 4; } else if (calculated_prescaler <= 8) { *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_8; prescaler_value = 8; } else if (calculated_prescaler <= 16) { *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_16; prescaler_value = 16; } else if (calculated_prescaler <= 32) { *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_32; prescaler_value = 32; } else if (calculated_prescaler <= 64) { *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_64; prescaler_value = 64; } else if (calculated_prescaler <= 128) { *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_128; prescaler_value = 128; } else if (calculated_prescaler <= 256) { *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_256; prescaler_value = 256; } else { // smaller frequency not possible *prescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_256; prescaler_value = 256; } *calculated_freq_in_kHz = bridge_clk_in_kHz / prescaler_value; return 0; } static int stlinkv3_check_version(enum fw_version_check_result *result, libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle) { uint8_t answer[12]; uint8_t command[16] = { 0 }; command[0] = ST_GETVERSION_EXT; command[1] = 0x80; if (stlinkv3_command(command, sizeof(command), answer, sizeof(answer), "ST_GETVERSION_EXT", stlinkv3_handle) != 0) return -1; msg_pinfo("Connected to STLink V3 with bridge FW version: %d\n", answer[4]); *result = answer[4] >= FIRST_COMPATIBLE_BRIDGE_FW_VERSION ? FW_VERSION_OK : FW_VERSION_OLD; return 0; } static int stlinkv3_spi_open(uint16_t reqested_freq_in_kHz, libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle) { uint8_t command[16] = { 0 }; uint8_t answer[2]; uint16_t SCK_freq_in_kHz; enum spi_prescaler prescaler; enum fw_version_check_result fw_check_result; if (stlinkv3_check_version(&fw_check_result, stlinkv3_handle)) { msg_perr("Failed to query FW version\n"); return -1; } if (fw_check_result != FW_VERSION_OK) { msg_pinfo("Your STLink V3 has a too old version of the bridge interface\n" "Please update the firmware to version 2.33.25 or newer of the STSW-LINK007\n" "which can be downloaded from here:\n" "https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link007.html\n"); return -1; } if (stlinkv3_spi_calc_prescaler(reqested_freq_in_kHz, &prescaler, &SCK_freq_in_kHz, stlinkv3_handle)) { msg_perr("Failed to calculate SPI clock prescaler\n"); return -1; } msg_pinfo("SCK frequency set to %d kHz\n", SCK_freq_in_kHz); command[0] = STLINK_BRIDGE_COMMAND; command[1] = STLINK_BRIDGE_INIT_SPI; command[2] = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES_FULLDUPLEX; command[3] = (SPI_MODE_MASTER | (SPI_CPHA_1EDGE << 1) | (SPI_CPOL_LOW << 2) | (SPI_FIRSTBIT_MSB << 3)); command[4] = SPI_DATASIZE_8B; command[5] = SPI_NSS_SOFT; command[6] = (uint8_t)prescaler; return stlinkv3_command(command, sizeof(command), answer, sizeof(answer), "STLINK_BRIDGE_INIT_SPI", stlinkv3_handle); } static int stlinkv3_get_last_readwrite_status(uint32_t *status, libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle) { uint8_t command[16] = { 0 }; uint16_t answer[4]; command[0] = STLINK_BRIDGE_COMMAND; command[1] = STLINK_BRIDGE_GET_RWCMD_STATUS; if (stlinkv3_command(command, sizeof(command), (uint8_t *)answer, sizeof(answer), "STLINK_BRIDGE_GET_RWCMD_STATUS", stlinkv3_handle) != 0) return -1; *status = (uint32_t)answer[2] | (uint32_t)answer[3]<<16; return 0; } static int stlinkv3_spi_set_SPI_NSS(enum spi_nss_level nss_level, libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle) { uint8_t command[16] = { 0 }; uint8_t answer[2]; command[0] = STLINK_BRIDGE_COMMAND; command[1] = STLINK_BRIDGE_CS_SPI; command[2] = (uint8_t) (nss_level); if (stlinkv3_command(command, sizeof(command), answer, sizeof(answer), "STLINK_BRIDGE_CS_SPI", stlinkv3_handle) != 0) return -1; return 0; } static int stlinkv3_spi_transmit(const struct flashctx *flash, unsigned int write_cnt, unsigned int read_cnt, const unsigned char *write_arr, unsigned char *read_arr) { struct stlinkv3_spi_data *stlinkv3_data = flash->mst->spi.data; libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle = stlinkv3_data->handle; uint8_t command[16] = { 0 }; int rc = 0; int actual_length = 0; uint32_t rw_status = 0; unsigned int i; if (stlinkv3_spi_set_SPI_NSS(SPI_NSS_LOW, stlinkv3_handle)) { msg_perr("Failed to set the NSS pin to low\n"); return -1; } command[0] = STLINK_BRIDGE_COMMAND; command[1] = STLINK_BRIDGE_WRITE_SPI; command[2] = (uint8_t)write_cnt; command[3] = (uint8_t)(write_cnt >> 8); for (i = 0; (i < 8) && (i < write_cnt); i++) command[4+i] = write_arr[i]; rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(stlinkv3_handle, STLINK_EP_OUT, command, sizeof(command), &actual_length, USB_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); if (rc != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED || actual_length != sizeof(command)) { msg_perr("Failed to issue the STLINK_BRIDGE_WRITE_SPI command: '%s'\n", libusb_error_name(rc)); goto transmit_err; } if (write_cnt > 8) { rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(stlinkv3_handle, STLINK_EP_OUT, (unsigned char *)&write_arr[8], (unsigned int)(write_cnt - 8), &actual_length, USB_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); if (rc != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED || (unsigned int)actual_length != (write_cnt - 8)) { msg_perr("Failed to send the data after the STLINK_BRIDGE_WRITE_SPI command: '%s'\n", libusb_error_name(rc)); goto transmit_err; } } if (stlinkv3_get_last_readwrite_status(&rw_status, stlinkv3_handle)) return -1; if (rw_status != 0) { msg_perr("SPI read/write failure: %d\n", rw_status); goto transmit_err; } if (read_cnt) { command[1] = STLINK_BRIDGE_READ_SPI; command[2] = (uint8_t)read_cnt; command[3] = (uint8_t)(read_cnt >> 8); rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(stlinkv3_handle, STLINK_EP_OUT, command, sizeof(command), &actual_length, USB_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); if (rc != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED || (unsigned int)actual_length != sizeof(command)) { msg_perr("Failed to issue the STLINK_BRIDGE_READ_SPI command: '%s'\n", libusb_error_name(rc)); goto transmit_err; } rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(stlinkv3_handle, STLINK_EP_IN, (unsigned char *)read_arr, (int)read_cnt, &actual_length, USB_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); if (rc != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED || (unsigned int)actual_length != read_cnt) { msg_perr("Failed to retrieve the STLINK_BRIDGE_READ_SPI answer: '%s'\n", libusb_error_name(rc)); goto transmit_err; } } if (stlinkv3_get_last_readwrite_status(&rw_status, stlinkv3_handle)) goto transmit_err; if (rw_status != 0) { msg_perr("SPI read/write failure: %d\n", rw_status); goto transmit_err; } if (stlinkv3_spi_set_SPI_NSS(SPI_NSS_HIGH, stlinkv3_handle)) { msg_perr("Failed to set the NSS pin to high\n"); return -1; } return 0; transmit_err: if (stlinkv3_spi_set_SPI_NSS(SPI_NSS_HIGH, stlinkv3_handle)) msg_perr("Failed to set the NSS pin to high\n"); return -1; } static int stlinkv3_spi_shutdown(void *data) { struct stlinkv3_spi_data *stlinkv3_data = data; uint8_t command[16] = { 0 }; uint8_t answer[2]; command[0] = STLINK_BRIDGE_COMMAND; command[1] = STLINK_BRIDGE_CLOSE; command[2] = STLINK_SPI_COM; stlinkv3_command(command, sizeof(command), answer, sizeof(answer), "STLINK_BRIDGE_CLOSE", stlinkv3_data->handle); libusb_close(stlinkv3_data->handle); libusb_exit(stlinkv3_data->usb_ctx); free(data); return 0; } static const struct spi_master spi_programmer_stlinkv3 = { .max_data_read = UINT16_MAX, .max_data_write = UINT16_MAX, .command = stlinkv3_spi_transmit, .multicommand = default_spi_send_multicommand, .read = default_spi_read, .write_256 = default_spi_write_256, .write_aai = default_spi_write_aai, .shutdown = stlinkv3_spi_shutdown, }; static int stlinkv3_spi_init(void) { uint16_t sck_freq_kHz = 1000; // selecting 1 MHz SCK is a good bet char *speed_str = NULL; char *serialno = NULL; char *endptr = NULL; int ret = 1; struct libusb_context *usb_ctx; libusb_device_handle *stlinkv3_handle; struct stlinkv3_spi_data *stlinkv3_data; libusb_init(&usb_ctx); if (!usb_ctx) { msg_perr("Could not initialize libusb!\n"); return 1; } serialno = extract_programmer_param("serial"); if (serialno) msg_pdbg("Opening STLINK-V3 with serial: %s\n", serialno); stlinkv3_handle = usb_dev_get_by_vid_pid_serial(usb_ctx, devs_stlinkv3_spi[0].vendor_id, devs_stlinkv3_spi[0].device_id, serialno); if (!stlinkv3_handle) { if (serialno) msg_perr("No STLINK-V3 seems to be connected with serial %s\n", serialno); else msg_perr("Could not find any connected STLINK-V3\n"); free(serialno); goto init_err_exit; } free(serialno); speed_str = extract_programmer_param("spispeed"); if (speed_str) { sck_freq_kHz = strtoul(speed_str, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr || sck_freq_kHz == 0) { msg_perr("The spispeed parameter passed with invalid format: %s\n", speed_str); msg_perr("Please pass the parameter " "with a simple non-zero number in kHz\n"); free(speed_str); ret = -1; goto init_err_exit; } free(speed_str); } if (stlinkv3_spi_open(sck_freq_kHz, stlinkv3_handle)) goto init_err_exit; stlinkv3_data = calloc(1, sizeof(*stlinkv3_data)); if (!stlinkv3_data) { msg_perr("Unable to allocate space for SPI master data\n"); goto init_err_exit; } stlinkv3_data->usb_ctx = usb_ctx; stlinkv3_data->handle = stlinkv3_handle; return register_spi_master(&spi_programmer_stlinkv3, stlinkv3_data); init_err_exit: if (stlinkv3_handle) libusb_close(stlinkv3_handle); libusb_exit(usb_ctx); return ret; } const struct programmer_entry programmer_stlinkv3_spi = { .name = "stlinkv3_spi", .type = USB, .devs.dev = devs_stlinkv3_spi, .init = stlinkv3_spi_init, .map_flash_region = fallback_map, .unmap_flash_region = fallback_unmap, .delay = internal_delay, };