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diff --git a/Documentation/security/keys/core.rst b/Documentation/security/keys/core.rst
index 9ce7256c6edb..c144978479d5 100644
--- a/Documentation/security/keys/core.rst
+++ b/Documentation/security/keys/core.rst
@@ -1483,6 +1483,112 @@ The structure has a number of fields, some of which are mandatory:
attempted key link operation. If there is no match, -EINVAL is returned.
+ * ``int (*asym_eds_op)(struct kernel_pkey_params *params,
+ const void *in, void *out);``
+ ``int (*asym_verify_signature)(struct kernel_pkey_params *params,
+ const void *in, const void *in2);``
+ These methods are optional. If provided the first allows a key to be
+ used to encrypt, decrypt or sign a blob of data, and the second allows a
+ key to verify a signature.
+ In all cases, the following information is provided in the params block::
+ struct kernel_pkey_params {
+ struct key *key;
+ const char *encoding;
+ const char *hash_algo;
+ char *info;
+ __u32 in_len;
+ union {
+ __u32 out_len;
+ __u32 in2_len;
+ };
+ enum kernel_pkey_operation op : 8;
+ };
+ This includes the key to be used; a string indicating the encoding to use
+ (for instance, "pkcs1" may be used with an RSA key to indicate
+ RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 or RSAES-PKCS1-v1.5 encoding or "raw" if no encoding);
+ the name of the hash algorithm used to generate the data for a signature
+ (if appropriate); the sizes of the input and output (or second input)
+ buffers; and the ID of the operation to be performed.
+ For a given operation ID, the input and output buffers are used as
+ follows::
+ Operation ID in,in_len out,out_len in2,in2_len
+ ======================= =============== =============== ===============
+ kernel_pkey_encrypt Raw data Encrypted data -
+ kernel_pkey_decrypt Encrypted data Raw data -
+ kernel_pkey_sign Raw data Signature -
+ kernel_pkey_verify Raw data - Signature
+ asym_eds_op() deals with encryption, decryption and signature creation as
+ specified by params->op. Note that params->op is also set for
+ asym_verify_signature().
+ Encrypting and signature creation both take raw data in the input buffer
+ and return the encrypted result in the output buffer. Padding may have
+ been added if an encoding was set. In the case of signature creation,
+ depending on the encoding, the padding created may need to indicate the
+ digest algorithm - the name of which should be supplied in hash_algo.
+ Decryption takes encrypted data in the input buffer and returns the raw
+ data in the output buffer. Padding will get checked and stripped off if
+ an encoding was set.
+ Verification takes raw data in the input buffer and the signature in the
+ second input buffer and checks that the one matches the other. Padding
+ will be validated. Depending on the encoding, the digest algorithm used
+ to generate the raw data may need to be indicated in hash_algo.
+ If successful, asym_eds_op() should return the number of bytes written
+ into the output buffer. asym_verify_signature() should return 0.
+ A variety of errors may be returned, including EOPNOTSUPP if the operation
+ is not supported; EKEYREJECTED if verification fails; ENOPKG if the
+ required crypto isn't available.
+ * ``int (*asym_query)(const struct kernel_pkey_params *params,
+ struct kernel_pkey_query *info);``
+ This method is optional. If provided it allows information about the
+ public or asymmetric key held in the key to be determined.
+ The parameter block is as for asym_eds_op() and co. but in_len and out_len
+ are unused. The encoding and hash_algo fields should be used to reduce
+ the returned buffer/data sizes as appropriate.
+ If successful, the following information is filled in::
+ struct kernel_pkey_query {
+ __u32 supported_ops;
+ __u32 key_size;
+ __u16 max_data_size;
+ __u16 max_sig_size;
+ __u16 max_enc_size;
+ __u16 max_dec_size;
+ };
+ The supported_ops field will contain a bitmask indicating what operations
+ are supported by the key, including encryption of a blob, decryption of a
+ blob, signing a blob and verifying the signature on a blob. The following
+ constants are defined for this::
+ The key_size field is the size of the key in bits. max_data_size and
+ max_sig_size are the maximum raw data and signature sizes for creation and
+ verification of a signature; max_enc_size and max_dec_size are the maximum
+ raw data and signature sizes for encryption and decryption. The
+ max_*_size fields are measured in bytes.
+ If successful, 0 will be returned. If the key doesn't support this,
+ EOPNOTSUPP will be returned.
Request-Key Callback Service