#include <stdlib.h> #include "util.h" #include "values.h" void perf_read_values_init(struct perf_read_values *values) { values->threads_max = 16; values->pid = malloc(values->threads_max * sizeof(*values->pid)); values->tid = malloc(values->threads_max * sizeof(*values->tid)); values->value = malloc(values->threads_max * sizeof(*values->value)); if (!values->pid || !values->tid || !values->value) die("failed to allocate read_values threads arrays"); values->threads = 0; values->counters_max = 16; values->counterrawid = malloc(values->counters_max * sizeof(*values->counterrawid)); values->countername = malloc(values->counters_max * sizeof(*values->countername)); if (!values->counterrawid || !values->countername) die("failed to allocate read_values counters arrays"); values->counters = 0; } void perf_read_values_destroy(struct perf_read_values *values) { int i; if (!values->threads_max || !values->counters_max) return; for (i = 0; i < values->threads; i++) free(values->value[i]); free(values->pid); free(values->tid); free(values->counterrawid); for (i = 0; i < values->counters; i++) free(values->countername[i]); free(values->countername); } static void perf_read_values__enlarge_threads(struct perf_read_values *values) { values->threads_max *= 2; values->pid = realloc(values->pid, values->threads_max * sizeof(*values->pid)); values->tid = realloc(values->tid, values->threads_max * sizeof(*values->tid)); values->value = realloc(values->value, values->threads_max * sizeof(*values->value)); if (!values->pid || !values->tid || !values->value) die("failed to enlarge read_values threads arrays"); } static int perf_read_values__findnew_thread(struct perf_read_values *values, u32 pid, u32 tid) { int i; for (i = 0; i < values->threads; i++) if (values->pid[i] == pid && values->tid[i] == tid) return i; if (values->threads == values->threads_max) perf_read_values__enlarge_threads(values); i = values->threads++; values->pid[i] = pid; values->tid[i] = tid; values->value[i] = malloc(values->counters_max * sizeof(**values->value)); if (!values->value[i]) die("failed to allocate read_values counters array"); return i; } static void perf_read_values__enlarge_counters(struct perf_read_values *values) { int i; values->counters_max *= 2; values->counterrawid = realloc(values->counterrawid, values->counters_max * sizeof(*values->counterrawid)); values->countername = realloc(values->countername, values->counters_max * sizeof(*values->countername)); if (!values->counterrawid || !values->countername) die("failed to enlarge read_values counters arrays"); for (i = 0; i < values->threads; i++) { values->value[i] = realloc(values->value[i], values->counters_max * sizeof(**values->value)); if (!values->value[i]) die("failed to enlarge read_values counters arrays"); } } static int perf_read_values__findnew_counter(struct perf_read_values *values, u64 rawid, const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < values->counters; i++) if (values->counterrawid[i] == rawid) return i; if (values->counters == values->counters_max) perf_read_values__enlarge_counters(values); i = values->counters++; values->counterrawid[i] = rawid; values->countername[i] = strdup(name); return i; } void perf_read_values_add_value(struct perf_read_values *values, u32 pid, u32 tid, u64 rawid, const char *name, u64 value) { int tindex, cindex; tindex = perf_read_values__findnew_thread(values, pid, tid); cindex = perf_read_values__findnew_counter(values, rawid, name); values->value[tindex][cindex] = value; } static void perf_read_values__display_pretty(FILE *fp, struct perf_read_values *values) { int i, j; int pidwidth, tidwidth; int *counterwidth; counterwidth = malloc(values->counters * sizeof(*counterwidth)); if (!counterwidth) die("failed to allocate counterwidth array"); tidwidth = 3; pidwidth = 3; for (j = 0; j < values->counters; j++) counterwidth[j] = strlen(values->countername[j]); for (i = 0; i < values->threads; i++) { int width; width = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", values->pid[i]); if (width > pidwidth) pidwidth = width; width = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", values->tid[i]); if (width > tidwidth) tidwidth = width; for (j = 0; j < values->counters; j++) { width = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%Lu", values->value[i][j]); if (width > counterwidth[j]) counterwidth[j] = width; } } fprintf(fp, "# %*s %*s", pidwidth, "PID", tidwidth, "TID"); for (j = 0; j < values->counters; j++) fprintf(fp, " %*s", counterwidth[j], values->countername[j]); fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (i = 0; i < values->threads; i++) { fprintf(fp, " %*d %*d", pidwidth, values->pid[i], tidwidth, values->tid[i]); for (j = 0; j < values->counters; j++) fprintf(fp, " %*Lu", counterwidth[j], values->value[i][j]); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } } static void perf_read_values__display_raw(FILE *fp, struct perf_read_values *values) { int width, pidwidth, tidwidth, namewidth, rawwidth, countwidth; int i, j; tidwidth = 3; /* TID */ pidwidth = 3; /* PID */ namewidth = 4; /* "Name" */ rawwidth = 3; /* "Raw" */ countwidth = 5; /* "Count" */ for (i = 0; i < values->threads; i++) { width = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", values->pid[i]); if (width > pidwidth) pidwidth = width; width = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", values->tid[i]); if (width > tidwidth) tidwidth = width; } for (j = 0; j < values->counters; j++) { width = strlen(values->countername[j]); if (width > namewidth) namewidth = width; width = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%llx", values->counterrawid[j]); if (width > rawwidth) rawwidth = width; } for (i = 0; i < values->threads; i++) { for (j = 0; j < values->counters; j++) { width = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%Lu", values->value[i][j]); if (width > countwidth) countwidth = width; } } fprintf(fp, "# %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s\n", pidwidth, "PID", tidwidth, "TID", namewidth, "Name", rawwidth, "Raw", countwidth, "Count"); for (i = 0; i < values->threads; i++) for (j = 0; j < values->counters; j++) fprintf(fp, " %*d %*d %*s %*llx %*Lu\n", pidwidth, values->pid[i], tidwidth, values->tid[i], namewidth, values->countername[j], rawwidth, values->counterrawid[j], countwidth, values->value[i][j]); } void perf_read_values_display(FILE *fp, struct perf_read_values *values, int raw) { if (raw) perf_read_values__display_raw(fp, values); else perf_read_values__display_pretty(fp, values); }