# Onetimebluh Simple implementation of One Time Pad cipher. Capable of generating cryptographically strong random number keys and of usign them to encrypt/decrypt messages of same length with a bitwise XOR function. ## Build To build onetimebluh just run `make` and you will find the executable binary in the build folder. ## Install If you want to install onetimebluh, just run `make install`. If you are using Archlinux onetimebluh is available in the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/otbluh-git/) and in my unofficial Archlinux repository [seppianet](https://archlinux.seppia.net/). To use the repo simply add the following to you `pacman.conf` (currently the repo has only `x86_64` packages): ``` [seppianet] SigLevel = Optional Server = https://archlinux.seppia.net/$arch ``` ## Usage This example creates a `message` file of 4 KiB and a key of the same length (we are encrypting a pseudo random bytes file): ``` dd bs=512 count=8 if=/dev/urandom of=message otbluh --key-gen --nbytes 4K --output pad otbluh --encrypt message --key-file pad --output encrypted-message otbluh --decrypt encrypted-message --key-file pad --outptut decrypted-message ``` It is recommended to use the `-t` option in order to be sure not to use more than once the same pieces of the pad to encrypt your data. Here follows an other example: ``` otbluh --encrypt message --key-file pad --output encrypted-message --tear-page ``` Or using the short options: ``` otbluh -te message -k pad -o encrypted-message ``` If you want you can use the `--bluh` function to get the binary dump of yuor encrypted message: ``` otbluh --bluh message --output bluhed-message ``` You can print the help by running `otbluh --help`. ``` Onetimebluh usage: otbluh [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] Commands: -b, --bluh=FILE bluhes your message or in other words performs a binary dump -d, --decrypt=FILE decrypt message (input) same ad --encrypt, just for the feeling -e, --encrypt=FILE encrypt message (input) -g, --gen-key create key file -h, --help print this help -u, --unbluh=FILE unbluhes your message (gets the orginal message from the binary dump) Options: -c, --char=CAHRS reads two cahracters as argument and uses them to bluh your message -k, --key-file=KEY_FILE use key (input) -n, --nbytes=NUM{K,M,G,T} number of bytes, you can specify K for KiB, M for MiB, etc... -o, --output=FILE output name -t, --tear-page deletes from the pad file the bytes used to encrypt/decrypt Onetimebluh project repository at https://git.eigenlab.org/seppia/onetimebluh ```