#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; my (%targets, %architectures, %kernels, %devices); $ENV{'TOPDIR'} = Cwd::getcwd(); sub parse_targetinfo { my ($target_dir, $subtarget) = @_; if (open M, "make -C '$target_dir' --no-print-directory DUMP=1 TARGET_BUILD=1 SUBTARGET='$subtarget' |") { my ($target_name, $target_arch, $target_kernel, $target_testing_kernel, @target_features); while (defined(my $line = readline M)) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^Target: (.+)$/) { $target_name = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^Target-Arch-Packages: (.+)$/) { $target_arch = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^Linux-Version: (\d\.\d+)\.\d+$/) { $target_kernel = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^Linux-Testing-Version: (\d\.\d+)\.\d+$/) { $target_testing_kernel = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^Target-Features: (.+)$/) { @target_features = split /\s+/, $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^@\@$/) { if ($target_name && $target_arch && $target_kernel && !grep { $_ eq 'broken' or $_ eq 'source-only' } @target_features) { $targets{$target_name} = $target_arch; $architectures{$target_arch} ||= []; push @{$architectures{$target_arch}}, $target_name; $kernels{$target_name} ||= []; push @{$kernels{$target_name}}, $target_kernel; if ($target_testing_kernel) { push @{$kernels{$target_name}}, $target_testing_kernel; } } undef $target_name; undef $target_arch; undef $target_kernel; undef $target_testing_kernel; @target_features = (); } } close M; } } sub parse_devices { my ($target_dir, $subtarget) = @_; if (open M, "make -C '$target_dir' --no-print-directory DUMP=1 TARGET_BUILD=1 SUBTARGET='$subtarget' V=s |") { my ($device_profile, $device_name, @device_alt_names, $device_is_alt); while (defined(my $line = readline M)) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^Target-Profile-Name: (.+)$/) { $device_name = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^Target-Profile: DEVICE_(.+)$/) { $device_profile = $1; } # Logic behind this. # DUMP duplicate info for each alternative device name and # the alternative device name are printed first before the # primary device name # Alternative device titles always have the full list of # all the alternative device name. # The device name pattern for an alternative device name is # Target-Profile-Name: ALT_NAME (PRIMARY_NAME) # We compare the detected device name and check if it does # match the alternative device name pattern with one of # the alternative device name in Alternative device titles: # If an alternative device name is detected, # alternative device is skipped. elsif ($line =~ /^Alternative device titles:$/) { while (defined($line = readline M)) { if ($line =~ /^- (.+)$/) { if ($device_name =~ /^\Q$1\E \((.+)\)$/) { $device_is_alt = 1; last; } push @device_alt_names, $1; } else { last; } } } if ($line =~ /^@\@$/) { if ($device_name && $device_profile && ! $device_is_alt) { push @{$devices{$device_profile}}, $device_name; if (scalar @device_alt_names) { foreach my $device_alt_name (sort values @device_alt_names) { push @{$devices{$device_profile}}, $device_alt_name; } } } undef $device_name; undef $device_profile; undef $device_is_alt; @device_alt_names = (); } } close M; } } sub get_targetinfo { foreach my $target_makefile (glob "target/linux/*/Makefile") { my ($target_dir) = $target_makefile =~ m!^(.+)/Makefile$!; my @subtargets; if (open M, "make -C '$target_dir' --no-print-directory DUMP=1 TARGET_BUILD=1 val.FEATURES V=s 2>/dev/null |") { if (defined(my $line = readline M)) { chomp $line; if (grep { $_ eq 'broken' or $_ eq 'source-only' } split /\s+/, $line) { next; } } } if (open M, "make -C '$target_dir' --no-print-directory DUMP=1 TARGET_BUILD=1 val.SUBTARGETS V=s 2>/dev/null |") { if (defined(my $line = readline M)) { chomp $line; @subtargets = split /\s+/, $line; } close M; } push @subtargets, 'generic' if @subtargets == 0; foreach my $subtarget (@subtargets) { parse_targetinfo($target_dir, $subtarget); } } } sub get_devices { my ($target_subtarget) = @_; my ($target, $subtarget) = split /\//, $target_subtarget; my ($target_dir) = "target/linux/" . $target; parse_devices($target_dir, $subtarget) } if (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq 'targets') { get_targetinfo(); foreach my $target_name (sort keys %targets) { printf "%s %s\n", $target_name, $targets{$target_name}; } } elsif (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq 'architectures') { get_targetinfo(); foreach my $target_arch (sort keys %architectures) { printf "%s %s\n", $target_arch, join ' ', @{$architectures{$target_arch}}; } } elsif (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq 'kernels') { get_targetinfo(); foreach my $target_name (sort keys %targets) { printf "%s %s\n", $target_name, join ' ', @{$kernels{$target_name}}; } } elsif (@ARGV == 2 && $ARGV[0] eq 'devices') { get_devices($ARGV[1]); foreach my $device (sort keys %devices) { printf "%s \"%s\"\n", $device, join '" "', @{$devices{$device}}; } } else { print "Usage: $0 targets\n"; print "Usage: $0 architectures\n"; print "Usage: $0 kernels\n"; print "Usage: $0 devices \n"; }