path: root/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/ b/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ce3226452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+import unittest
+import sys
+import _ast
+from test import test_support
+import textwrap
+class TestSpecifics(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_no_ending_newline(self):
+ compile("hi", "<test>", "exec")
+ compile("hi\r", "<test>", "exec")
+ def test_empty(self):
+ compile("", "<test>", "exec")
+ def test_other_newlines(self):
+ compile("\r\n", "<test>", "exec")
+ compile("\r", "<test>", "exec")
+ compile("hi\r\nstuff\r\ndef f():\n pass\r", "<test>", "exec")
+ compile("this_is\rreally_old_mac\rdef f():\n pass", "<test>", "exec")
+ def test_debug_assignment(self):
+ # catch assignments to __debug__
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, '__debug__ = 1', '?', 'single')
+ import __builtin__
+ prev = __builtin__.__debug__
+ setattr(__builtin__, '__debug__', 'sure')
+ setattr(__builtin__, '__debug__', prev)
+ def test_argument_handling(self):
+ # detect duplicate positional and keyword arguments
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, 'lambda a,a:0')
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, 'lambda a,a=1:0')
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, 'lambda a=1,a=1:0')
+ try:
+ exec 'def f(a, a): pass'
+"duplicate arguments")
+ except SyntaxError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ exec 'def f(a = 0, a = 1): pass'
+"duplicate keyword arguments")
+ except SyntaxError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ exec 'def f(a): global a; a = 1'
+"variable is global and local")
+ except SyntaxError:
+ pass
+ def test_syntax_error(self):
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, "1+*3", "filename", "exec")
+ def test_none_keyword_arg(self):
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, "f(None=1)", "<string>", "exec")
+ def test_duplicate_global_local(self):
+ try:
+ exec 'def f(a): global a; a = 1'
+"variable is global and local")
+ except SyntaxError:
+ pass
+ def test_exec_with_general_mapping_for_locals(self):
+ class M:
+ "Test mapping interface versus possible calls from eval()."
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if key == 'a':
+ return 12
+ raise KeyError
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ self.results = (key, value)
+ def keys(self):
+ return list('xyz')
+ m = M()
+ g = globals()
+ exec 'z = a' in g, m
+ self.assertEqual(m.results, ('z', 12))
+ try:
+ exec 'z = b' in g, m
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ else:
+'Did not detect a KeyError')
+ exec 'z = dir()' in g, m
+ self.assertEqual(m.results, ('z', list('xyz')))
+ exec 'z = globals()' in g, m
+ self.assertEqual(m.results, ('z', g))
+ exec 'z = locals()' in g, m
+ self.assertEqual(m.results, ('z', m))
+ try:
+ exec 'z = b' in m
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+'Did not validate globals as a real dict')
+ class A:
+ "Non-mapping"
+ pass
+ m = A()
+ try:
+ exec 'z = a' in g, m
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+'Did not validate locals as a mapping')
+ # Verify that dict subclasses work as well
+ class D(dict):
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if key == 'a':
+ return 12
+ return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
+ d = D()
+ exec 'z = a' in g, d
+ self.assertEqual(d['z'], 12)
+ def test_extended_arg(self):
+ longexpr = 'x = x or ' + '-x' * 2500
+ code = '''
+def f(x):
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ # the expressions above have no effect, x == argument
+ while x:
+ x -= 1
+ return x
+''' % ((longexpr,)*10)
+ exec code
+ self.assertEqual(f(5), 0)
+ def test_complex_args(self):
+ with test_support.check_py3k_warnings(
+ ("tuple parameter unpacking has been removed", SyntaxWarning)):
+ exec textwrap.dedent('''
+ def comp_args((a, b)):
+ return a,b
+ self.assertEqual(comp_args((1, 2)), (1, 2))
+ def comp_args((a, b)=(3, 4)):
+ return a, b
+ self.assertEqual(comp_args((1, 2)), (1, 2))
+ self.assertEqual(comp_args(), (3, 4))
+ def comp_args(a, (b, c)):
+ return a, b, c
+ self.assertEqual(comp_args(1, (2, 3)), (1, 2, 3))
+ def comp_args(a=2, (b, c)=(3, 4)):
+ return a, b, c
+ self.assertEqual(comp_args(1, (2, 3)), (1, 2, 3))
+ self.assertEqual(comp_args(), (2, 3, 4))
+ ''')
+ def test_argument_order(self):
+ try:
+ exec 'def f(a=1, (b, c)): pass'
+"non-default args after default")
+ except SyntaxError:
+ pass
+ def test_float_literals(self):
+ # testing bad float literals
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "2e")
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "2.0e+")
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "1e-")
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, "3-4e/21")
+ def test_indentation(self):
+ # testing compile() of indented block w/o trailing newline"
+ s = """
+if 1:
+ if 2:
+ pass"""
+ compile(s, "<string>", "exec")
+ # This test is probably specific to CPython and may not generalize
+ # to other implementations. We are trying to ensure that when
+ # the first line of code starts after 256, correct line numbers
+ # in tracebacks are still produced.
+ def test_leading_newlines(self):
+ s256 = "".join(["\n"] * 256 + ["spam"])
+ co = compile(s256, 'fn', 'exec')
+ self.assertEqual(co.co_firstlineno, 257)
+ self.assertEqual(co.co_lnotab, '')
+ def test_literals_with_leading_zeroes(self):
+ for arg in ["077787", "0xj", "0x.", "0e", "090000000000000",
+ "080000000000000", "000000000000009", "000000000000008",
+ "0b42", "0BADCAFE", "0o123456789", "0b1.1", "0o4.2",
+ "0b101j2", "0o153j2", "0b100e1", "0o777e1", "0o8", "0o78"]:
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, arg)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0777"), 511)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0777L"), 511)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("000777"), 511)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0xff"), 255)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0xffL"), 255)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0XfF"), 255)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0777."), 777)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0777.0"), 777)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000777e0"), 777)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0777e1"), 7770)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0e0"), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0000E-012"), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("09.5"), 9.5)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0777j"), 777j)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("00j"), 0j)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("00.0"), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0e3"), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000."), 90000000000000.)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000.0000000000000000000000"), 90000000000000.)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000e0"), 90000000000000.)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000e-0"), 90000000000000.)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("090000000000000j"), 90000000000000j)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("000000000000007"), 7)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("000000000000008."), 8.)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("000000000000009."), 9.)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0b101010"), 42)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("-0b000000000010"), -2)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("0o777"), 511)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("-0o0000010"), -8)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("020000000000.0"), 20000000000.0)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("037777777777e0"), 37777777777.0)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("01000000000000000000000.0"),
+ 1000000000000000000000.0)
+ def test_unary_minus(self):
+ # Verify treatment of unary minus on negative numbers SF bug #660455
+ if sys.maxint == 2147483647:
+ # 32-bit machine
+ all_one_bits = '0xffffffff'
+ self.assertEqual(eval(all_one_bits), 4294967295L)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("-" + all_one_bits), -4294967295L)
+ elif sys.maxint == 9223372036854775807:
+ # 64-bit machine
+ all_one_bits = '0xffffffffffffffff'
+ self.assertEqual(eval(all_one_bits), 18446744073709551615L)
+ self.assertEqual(eval("-" + all_one_bits), -18446744073709551615L)
+ else:
+"How many bits *does* this machine have???")
+ # Verify treatment of constant folding on -(sys.maxint+1)
+ # i.e. -2147483648 on 32 bit platforms. Should return int, not long.
+ self.assertIsInstance(eval("%s" % (-sys.maxint - 1)), int)
+ self.assertIsInstance(eval("%s" % (-sys.maxint - 2)), long)
+ if sys.maxint == 9223372036854775807:
+ def test_32_63_bit_values(self):
+ a = +4294967296 # 1 << 32
+ b = -4294967296 # 1 << 32
+ c = +281474976710656 # 1 << 48
+ d = -281474976710656 # 1 << 48
+ e = +4611686018427387904 # 1 << 62
+ f = -4611686018427387904 # 1 << 62
+ g = +9223372036854775807 # 1 << 63 - 1
+ h = -9223372036854775807 # 1 << 63 - 1
+ for variable in self.test_32_63_bit_values.func_code.co_consts:
+ if variable is not None:
+ self.assertIsInstance(variable, int)
+ def test_sequence_unpacking_error(self):
+ # Verify sequence packing/unpacking with "or". SF bug #757818
+ i,j = (1, -1) or (-1, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(i, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(j, -1)
+ def test_none_assignment(self):
+ stmts = [
+ 'None = 0',
+ 'None += 0',
+ '__builtins__.None = 0',
+ 'def None(): pass',
+ 'class None: pass',
+ '(a, None) = 0, 0',
+ 'for None in range(10): pass',
+ 'def f(None): pass',
+ 'import None',
+ 'import x as None',
+ 'from x import None',
+ 'from x import y as None'
+ ]
+ for stmt in stmts:
+ stmt += "\n"
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, stmt, 'tmp', 'single')
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, stmt, 'tmp', 'exec')
+ # This is ok.
+ compile("from None import x", "tmp", "exec")
+ compile("from x import None as y", "tmp", "exec")
+ compile("import None as x", "tmp", "exec")
+ def test_import(self):
+ succeed = [
+ 'import sys',
+ 'import os, sys',
+ 'import os as bar',
+ 'import os.path as bar',
+ 'from __future__ import nested_scopes, generators',
+ 'from __future__ import (nested_scopes,\ngenerators)',
+ 'from __future__ import (nested_scopes,\ngenerators,)',
+ 'from sys import stdin, stderr, stdout',
+ 'from sys import (stdin, stderr,\nstdout)',
+ 'from sys import (stdin, stderr,\nstdout,)',
+ 'from sys import (stdin\n, stderr, stdout)',
+ 'from sys import (stdin\n, stderr, stdout,)',
+ 'from sys import stdin as si, stdout as so, stderr as se',
+ 'from sys import (stdin as si, stdout as so, stderr as se)',
+ 'from sys import (stdin as si, stdout as so, stderr as se,)',
+ ]
+ fail = [
+ 'import (os, sys)',
+ 'import (os), (sys)',
+ 'import ((os), (sys))',
+ 'import (sys',
+ 'import sys)',
+ 'import (os,)',
+ 'import os As bar',
+ 'import os.path a bar',
+ 'from sys import stdin As stdout',
+ 'from sys import stdin a stdout',
+ 'from (sys) import stdin',
+ 'from __future__ import (nested_scopes',
+ 'from __future__ import nested_scopes)',
+ 'from __future__ import nested_scopes,\ngenerators',
+ 'from sys import (stdin',
+ 'from sys import stdin)',
+ 'from sys import stdin, stdout,\nstderr',
+ 'from sys import stdin si',
+ 'from sys import stdin,'
+ 'from sys import (*)',
+ 'from sys import (stdin,, stdout, stderr)',
+ 'from sys import (stdin, stdout),',
+ ]
+ for stmt in succeed:
+ compile(stmt, 'tmp', 'exec')
+ for stmt in fail:
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, stmt, 'tmp', 'exec')
+ def test_for_distinct_code_objects(self):
+ # SF bug 1048870
+ def f():
+ f1 = lambda x=1: x
+ f2 = lambda x=2: x
+ return f1, f2
+ f1, f2 = f()
+ self.assertNotEqual(id(f1.func_code), id(f2.func_code))
+ def test_lambda_doc(self):
+ l = lambda: "foo"
+ self.assertIsNone(l.__doc__)
+ def test_unicode_encoding(self):
+ code = u"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\npass\n"
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, code, "tmp", "exec")
+ def test_subscripts(self):
+ # SF bug 1448804
+ # Class to make testing subscript results easy
+ class str_map(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ = {}
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return[str(key)]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+[str(key)] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ del[str(key)]
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return str(key) in
+ d = str_map()
+ # Index
+ d[1] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1], 1)
+ d[1] += 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1], 2)
+ del d[1]
+ self.assertNotIn(1, d)
+ # Tuple of indices
+ d[1, 1] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1, 1], 1)
+ d[1, 1] += 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1, 1], 2)
+ del d[1, 1]
+ self.assertNotIn((1, 1), d)
+ # Simple slice
+ d[1:2] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1:2], 1)
+ d[1:2] += 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1:2], 2)
+ del d[1:2]
+ self.assertNotIn(slice(1, 2), d)
+ # Tuple of simple slices
+ d[1:2, 1:2] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1:2, 1:2], 1)
+ d[1:2, 1:2] += 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1:2, 1:2], 2)
+ del d[1:2, 1:2]
+ self.assertNotIn((slice(1, 2), slice(1, 2)), d)
+ # Extended slice
+ d[1:2:3] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1:2:3], 1)
+ d[1:2:3] += 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1:2:3], 2)
+ del d[1:2:3]
+ self.assertNotIn(slice(1, 2, 3), d)
+ # Tuple of extended slices
+ d[1:2:3, 1:2:3] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1:2:3, 1:2:3], 1)
+ d[1:2:3, 1:2:3] += 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[1:2:3, 1:2:3], 2)
+ del d[1:2:3, 1:2:3]
+ self.assertNotIn((slice(1, 2, 3), slice(1, 2, 3)), d)
+ # Ellipsis
+ d[...] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[...], 1)
+ d[...] += 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[...], 2)
+ del d[...]
+ self.assertNotIn(Ellipsis, d)
+ # Tuple of Ellipses
+ d[..., ...] = 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[..., ...], 1)
+ d[..., ...] += 1
+ self.assertEqual(d[..., ...], 2)
+ del d[..., ...]
+ self.assertNotIn((Ellipsis, Ellipsis), d)
+ def test_mangling(self):
+ class A:
+ def f():
+ __mangled = 1
+ __not_mangled__ = 2
+ import __mangled_mod
+ import __package__.module
+ self.assertIn("_A__mangled", A.f.func_code.co_varnames)
+ self.assertIn("__not_mangled__", A.f.func_code.co_varnames)
+ self.assertIn("_A__mangled_mod", A.f.func_code.co_varnames)
+ self.assertIn("__package__", A.f.func_code.co_varnames)
+ def test_compile_ast(self):
+ fname = __file__
+ if fname.lower().endswith(('pyc', 'pyo')):
+ fname = fname[:-1]
+ with open(fname, 'r') as f:
+ fcontents =
+ sample_code = [
+ ['<assign>', 'x = 5'],
+ ['<print1>', 'print 1'],
+ ['<printv>', 'print v'],
+ ['<printTrue>', 'print True'],
+ ['<printList>', 'print []'],
+ ['<ifblock>', """if True:\n pass\n"""],
+ ['<forblock>', """for n in [1, 2, 3]:\n print n\n"""],
+ ['<deffunc>', """def foo():\n pass\nfoo()\n"""],
+ [fname, fcontents],
+ ]
+ for fname, code in sample_code:
+ co1 = compile(code, '%s1' % fname, 'exec')
+ ast = compile(code, '%s2' % fname, 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
+ self.assertTrue(type(ast) == _ast.Module)
+ co2 = compile(ast, '%s3' % fname, 'exec')
+ self.assertEqual(co1, co2)
+ # the code object's filename comes from the second compilation step
+ self.assertEqual(co2.co_filename, '%s3' % fname)
+ # raise exception when node type doesn't match with compile mode
+ co1 = compile('print 1', '<string>', 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, compile, co1, '<ast>', 'eval')
+ # raise exception when node type is no start node
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, compile, _ast.If(), '<ast>', 'exec')
+ # raise exception when node has invalid children
+ ast = _ast.Module()
+ ast.body = [_ast.BoolOp()]
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, compile, ast, '<ast>', 'exec')
+def test_main():
+ test_support.run_unittest(TestSpecifics)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()