path: root/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 750 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/ b/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/
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index 0000000000..2e420f2b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Lib/test/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Unit tests for the with statement specified in PEP 343."""
+__author__ = "Mike Bland"
+__email__ = "mbland at acm dot org"
+import sys
+import unittest
+from collections import deque
+from contextlib import GeneratorContextManager, contextmanager
+from test.test_support import run_unittest
+class MockContextManager(GeneratorContextManager):
+ def __init__(self, gen):
+ GeneratorContextManager.__init__(self, gen)
+ self.enter_called = False
+ self.exit_called = False
+ self.exit_args = None
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.enter_called = True
+ return GeneratorContextManager.__enter__(self)
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ self.exit_called = True
+ self.exit_args = (type, value, traceback)
+ return GeneratorContextManager.__exit__(self, type,
+ value, traceback)
+def mock_contextmanager(func):
+ def helper(*args, **kwds):
+ return MockContextManager(func(*args, **kwds))
+ return helper
+class MockResource(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.yielded = False
+ self.stopped = False
+def mock_contextmanager_generator():
+ mock = MockResource()
+ try:
+ mock.yielded = True
+ yield mock
+ finally:
+ mock.stopped = True
+class Nested(object):
+ def __init__(self, *managers):
+ self.managers = managers
+ self.entered = None
+ def __enter__(self):
+ if self.entered is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Context is not reentrant")
+ self.entered = deque()
+ vars = []
+ try:
+ for mgr in self.managers:
+ vars.append(mgr.__enter__())
+ self.entered.appendleft(mgr)
+ except:
+ if not self.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()):
+ raise
+ return vars
+ def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
+ # Behave like nested with statements
+ # first in, last out
+ # New exceptions override old ones
+ ex = exc_info
+ for mgr in self.entered:
+ try:
+ if mgr.__exit__(*ex):
+ ex = (None, None, None)
+ except:
+ ex = sys.exc_info()
+ self.entered = None
+ if ex is not exc_info:
+ raise ex[0], ex[1], ex[2]
+class MockNested(Nested):
+ def __init__(self, *managers):
+ Nested.__init__(self, *managers)
+ self.enter_called = False
+ self.exit_called = False
+ self.exit_args = None
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.enter_called = True
+ return Nested.__enter__(self)
+ def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
+ self.exit_called = True
+ self.exit_args = exc_info
+ return Nested.__exit__(self, *exc_info)
+class FailureTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testNameError(self):
+ def fooNotDeclared():
+ with foo: pass
+ self.assertRaises(NameError, fooNotDeclared)
+ def testEnterAttributeError(self):
+ class LacksEnter(object):
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ pass
+ def fooLacksEnter():
+ foo = LacksEnter()
+ with foo: pass
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, fooLacksEnter)
+ def testExitAttributeError(self):
+ class LacksExit(object):
+ def __enter__(self):
+ pass
+ def fooLacksExit():
+ foo = LacksExit()
+ with foo: pass
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, fooLacksExit)
+ def assertRaisesSyntaxError(self, codestr):
+ def shouldRaiseSyntaxError(s):
+ compile(s, '', 'single')
+ self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, shouldRaiseSyntaxError, codestr)
+ def testAssignmentToNoneError(self):
+ self.assertRaisesSyntaxError('with mock as None:\n pass')
+ self.assertRaisesSyntaxError(
+ 'with mock as (None):\n'
+ ' pass')
+ def testAssignmentToEmptyTupleError(self):
+ self.assertRaisesSyntaxError(
+ 'with mock as ():\n'
+ ' pass')
+ def testAssignmentToTupleOnlyContainingNoneError(self):
+ self.assertRaisesSyntaxError('with mock as None,:\n pass')
+ self.assertRaisesSyntaxError(
+ 'with mock as (None,):\n'
+ ' pass')
+ def testAssignmentToTupleContainingNoneError(self):
+ self.assertRaisesSyntaxError(
+ 'with mock as (foo, None, bar):\n'
+ ' pass')
+ def testEnterThrows(self):
+ class EnterThrows(object):
+ def __enter__(self):
+ raise RuntimeError("Enter threw")
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def shouldThrow():
+ ct = EnterThrows()
+ = None
+ with ct as
+ pass
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, shouldThrow)
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ def testExitThrows(self):
+ class ExitThrows(object):
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ raise RuntimeError(42)
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with ExitThrows():
+ pass
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, shouldThrow)
+class ContextmanagerAssertionMixin(object):
+ TEST_EXCEPTION = RuntimeError("test exception")
+ def assertInWithManagerInvariants(self, mock_manager):
+ self.assertTrue(mock_manager.enter_called)
+ self.assertFalse(mock_manager.exit_called)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_manager.exit_args, None)
+ def assertAfterWithManagerInvariants(self, mock_manager, exit_args):
+ self.assertTrue(mock_manager.enter_called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_manager.exit_called)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_manager.exit_args, exit_args)
+ def assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(self, mock_manager):
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariants(mock_manager,
+ (None, None, None))
+ def assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(self, mock_generator):
+ self.assertTrue(mock_generator.yielded)
+ self.assertFalse(mock_generator.stopped)
+ def assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(self, mock_generator):
+ self.assertTrue(mock_generator.yielded)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_generator.stopped)
+ def raiseTestException(self):
+ raise self.TEST_EXCEPTION
+ def assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(self, mock_manager,
+ exc_type=None):
+ self.assertTrue(mock_manager.enter_called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_manager.exit_called)
+ if exc_type is None:
+ self.assertEqual(mock_manager.exit_args[1], self.TEST_EXCEPTION)
+ exc_type = type(self.TEST_EXCEPTION)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_manager.exit_args[0], exc_type)
+ # Test the __exit__ arguments. Issue #7853
+ self.assertIsInstance(mock_manager.exit_args[1], exc_type)
+ self.assertIsNot(mock_manager.exit_args[2], None)
+ def assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsWithError(self, mock_generator):
+ self.assertTrue(mock_generator.yielded)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_generator.stopped)
+class NonexceptionalTestCase(unittest.TestCase, ContextmanagerAssertionMixin):
+ def testInlineGeneratorSyntax(self):
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator():
+ pass
+ def testUnboundGenerator(self):
+ mock = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ with mock:
+ pass
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock)
+ def testInlineGeneratorBoundSyntax(self):
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator() as foo:
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(foo)
+ # FIXME: In the future, we'll try to keep the bound names from leaking
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(foo)
+ def testInlineGeneratorBoundToExistingVariable(self):
+ foo = None
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator() as foo:
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(foo)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(foo)
+ def testInlineGeneratorBoundToDottedVariable(self):
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator() as
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(
+ def testBoundGenerator(self):
+ mock = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ with mock as foo:
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(foo)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(foo)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock)
+ def testNestedSingleStatements(self):
+ mock_a = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ with mock_a as foo:
+ mock_b = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ with mock_b as bar:
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_a)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_b)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(foo)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(bar)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock_b)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(bar)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_a)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(foo)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock_a)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(foo)
+class NestedNonexceptionalTestCase(unittest.TestCase,
+ ContextmanagerAssertionMixin):
+ def testSingleArgInlineGeneratorSyntax(self):
+ with Nested(mock_contextmanager_generator()):
+ pass
+ def testSingleArgBoundToNonTuple(self):
+ m = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ # This will bind all the arguments to nested() into a single list
+ # assigned to foo.
+ with Nested(m) as foo:
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(m)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(m)
+ def testSingleArgBoundToSingleElementParenthesizedList(self):
+ m = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ # This will bind all the arguments to nested() into a single list
+ # assigned to foo.
+ with Nested(m) as (foo):
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(m)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(m)
+ def testSingleArgBoundToMultipleElementTupleError(self):
+ def shouldThrowValueError():
+ with Nested(mock_contextmanager_generator()) as (foo, bar):
+ pass
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, shouldThrowValueError)
+ def testSingleArgUnbound(self):
+ mock_contextmanager = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ mock_nested = MockNested(mock_contextmanager)
+ with mock_nested:
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_contextmanager)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_nested)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock_contextmanager)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock_nested)
+ def testMultipleArgUnbound(self):
+ m = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ n = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ o = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ mock_nested = MockNested(m, n, o)
+ with mock_nested:
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(m)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(n)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(o)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_nested)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(m)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(n)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(o)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock_nested)
+ def testMultipleArgBound(self):
+ mock_nested = MockNested(mock_contextmanager_generator(),
+ mock_contextmanager_generator(), mock_contextmanager_generator())
+ with mock_nested as (m, n, o):
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(m)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(n)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(o)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_nested)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(m)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(n)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(o)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock_nested)
+class ExceptionalTestCase(unittest.TestCase, ContextmanagerAssertionMixin):
+ def testSingleResource(self):
+ cm = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with cm as self.resource:
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(cm)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(self.resource)
+ self.raiseTestException()
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, shouldThrow)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(cm)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsWithError(self.resource)
+ def testExceptionNormalized(self):
+ cm = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with cm as self.resource:
+ # Note this relies on the fact that 1 // 0 produces an exception
+ # that is not normalized immediately.
+ 1 // 0
+ self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, shouldThrow)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(cm, ZeroDivisionError)
+ def testNestedSingleStatements(self):
+ mock_a = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ mock_b = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with mock_a as
+ with mock_b as
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_a)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_b)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(
+ self.raiseTestException()
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, shouldThrow)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(mock_a)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(mock_b)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsWithError(
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsWithError(
+ def testMultipleResourcesInSingleStatement(self):
+ cm_a = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ cm_b = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ mock_nested = MockNested(cm_a, cm_b)
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with mock_nested as (self.resource_a, self.resource_b):
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(cm_a)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(cm_b)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_nested)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(self.resource_a)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(self.resource_b)
+ self.raiseTestException()
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, shouldThrow)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(cm_a)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(cm_b)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(mock_nested)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsWithError(self.resource_a)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsWithError(self.resource_b)
+ def testNestedExceptionBeforeInnerStatement(self):
+ mock_a = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ mock_b = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ = None
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with mock_a as
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_a)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(
+ self.raiseTestException()
+ with mock_b as
+ pass
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, shouldThrow)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(mock_a)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsWithError(
+ # The inner statement stuff should never have been touched
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ self.assertFalse(mock_b.enter_called)
+ self.assertFalse(mock_b.exit_called)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_b.exit_args, None)
+ def testNestedExceptionAfterInnerStatement(self):
+ mock_a = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ mock_b = mock_contextmanager_generator()
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with mock_a as
+ with mock_b as
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_a)
+ self.assertInWithManagerInvariants(mock_b)
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(
+ self.assertInWithGeneratorInvariants(
+ self.raiseTestException()
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, shouldThrow)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsWithError(mock_a)
+ self.assertAfterWithManagerInvariantsNoError(mock_b)
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsWithError(
+ self.assertAfterWithGeneratorInvariantsNoError(
+ def testRaisedStopIteration1(self):
+ # From bug 1462485
+ @contextmanager
+ def cm():
+ yield
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with cm():
+ raise StopIteration("from with")
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, shouldThrow)
+ def testRaisedStopIteration2(self):
+ # From bug 1462485
+ class cm(object):
+ def __enter__(self):
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ pass
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with cm():
+ raise StopIteration("from with")
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, shouldThrow)
+ def testRaisedStopIteration3(self):
+ # Another variant where the exception hasn't been instantiated
+ # From bug 1705170
+ @contextmanager
+ def cm():
+ yield
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with cm():
+ raise iter([]).next()
+ self.assertRaises(StopIteration, shouldThrow)
+ def testRaisedGeneratorExit1(self):
+ # From bug 1462485
+ @contextmanager
+ def cm():
+ yield
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with cm():
+ raise GeneratorExit("from with")
+ self.assertRaises(GeneratorExit, shouldThrow)
+ def testRaisedGeneratorExit2(self):
+ # From bug 1462485
+ class cm (object):
+ def __enter__(self):
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ pass
+ def shouldThrow():
+ with cm():
+ raise GeneratorExit("from with")
+ self.assertRaises(GeneratorExit, shouldThrow)
+ def testErrorsInBool(self):
+ # issue4589: __exit__ return code may raise an exception
+ # when looking at its truth value.
+ class cm(object):
+ def __init__(self, bool_conversion):
+ class Bool:
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return bool_conversion()
+ self.exit_result = Bool()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return 3
+ def __exit__(self, a, b, c):
+ return self.exit_result
+ def trueAsBool():
+ with cm(lambda: True):
+"Should NOT see this")
+ trueAsBool()
+ def falseAsBool():
+ with cm(lambda: False):
+"Should raise")
+ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, falseAsBool)
+ def failAsBool():
+ with cm(lambda: 1 // 0):
+"Should NOT see this")
+ self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, failAsBool)
+class NonLocalFlowControlTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testWithBreak(self):
+ counter = 0
+ while True:
+ counter += 1
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator():
+ counter += 10
+ break
+ counter += 100 # Not reached
+ self.assertEqual(counter, 11)
+ def testWithContinue(self):
+ counter = 0
+ while True:
+ counter += 1
+ if counter > 2:
+ break
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator():
+ counter += 10
+ continue
+ counter += 100 # Not reached
+ self.assertEqual(counter, 12)
+ def testWithReturn(self):
+ def foo():
+ counter = 0
+ while True:
+ counter += 1
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator():
+ counter += 10
+ return counter
+ counter += 100 # Not reached
+ self.assertEqual(foo(), 11)
+ def testWithYield(self):
+ def gen():
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator():
+ yield 12
+ yield 13
+ x = list(gen())
+ self.assertEqual(x, [12, 13])
+ def testWithRaise(self):
+ counter = 0
+ try:
+ counter += 1
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator():
+ counter += 10
+ raise RuntimeError
+ counter += 100 # Not reached
+ except RuntimeError:
+ self.assertEqual(counter, 11)
+ else:
+"Didn't raise RuntimeError")
+class AssignmentTargetTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testSingleComplexTarget(self):
+ targets = {1: [0, 1, 2]}
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator() as targets[1][0]:
+ self.assertEqual(targets.keys(), [1])
+ self.assertEqual(targets[1][0].__class__, MockResource)
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator() as targets.values()[0][1]:
+ self.assertEqual(targets.keys(), [1])
+ self.assertEqual(targets[1][1].__class__, MockResource)
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator() as targets[2]:
+ keys = targets.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(keys, [1, 2])
+ class C: pass
+ blah = C()
+ with mock_contextmanager_generator() as
+ self.assertEqual(hasattr(blah, "foo"), True)
+ def testMultipleComplexTargets(self):
+ class C:
+ def __enter__(self): return 1, 2, 3
+ def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): pass
+ targets = {1: [0, 1, 2]}
+ with C() as (targets[1][0], targets[1][1], targets[1][2]):
+ self.assertEqual(targets, {1: [1, 2, 3]})
+ with C() as (targets.values()[0][2], targets.values()[0][1], targets.values()[0][0]):
+ self.assertEqual(targets, {1: [3, 2, 1]})
+ with C() as (targets[1], targets[2], targets[3]):
+ self.assertEqual(targets, {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3})
+ class B: pass
+ blah = B()
+ with C() as (, blah.two, blah.three):
+ self.assertEqual(, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(blah.two, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(blah.three, 3)
+class ExitSwallowsExceptionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testExitTrueSwallowsException(self):
+ class AfricanSwallow:
+ def __enter__(self): pass
+ def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): return True
+ try:
+ with AfricanSwallow():
+ 1 // 0
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+"ZeroDivisionError should have been swallowed")
+ def testExitFalseDoesntSwallowException(self):
+ class EuropeanSwallow:
+ def __enter__(self): pass
+ def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): return False
+ try:
+ with EuropeanSwallow():
+ 1 // 0
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ pass
+ else:
+"ZeroDivisionError should have been raised")
+class NestedWith(unittest.TestCase):
+ class Dummy(object):
+ def __init__(self, value=None, gobble=False):
+ if value is None:
+ value = self
+ self.value = value
+ self.gobble = gobble
+ self.enter_called = False
+ self.exit_called = False
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.enter_called = True
+ return self.value
+ def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
+ self.exit_called = True
+ self.exc_info = exc_info
+ if self.gobble:
+ return True
+ class InitRaises(object):
+ def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError()
+ class EnterRaises(object):
+ def __enter__(self): raise RuntimeError()
+ def __exit__(self, *exc_info): pass
+ class ExitRaises(object):
+ def __enter__(self): pass
+ def __exit__(self, *exc_info): raise RuntimeError()
+ def testNoExceptions(self):
+ with self.Dummy() as a, self.Dummy() as b:
+ self.assertTrue(a.enter_called)
+ self.assertTrue(b.enter_called)
+ self.assertTrue(a.exit_called)
+ self.assertTrue(b.exit_called)
+ def testExceptionInExprList(self):
+ try:
+ with self.Dummy() as a, self.InitRaises():
+ pass
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.assertTrue(a.enter_called)
+ self.assertTrue(a.exit_called)
+ def testExceptionInEnter(self):
+ try:
+ with self.Dummy() as a, self.EnterRaises():
+'body of bad with executed')
+ except RuntimeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+'RuntimeError not reraised')
+ self.assertTrue(a.enter_called)
+ self.assertTrue(a.exit_called)
+ def testExceptionInExit(self):
+ body_executed = False
+ with self.Dummy(gobble=True) as a, self.ExitRaises():
+ body_executed = True
+ self.assertTrue(a.enter_called)
+ self.assertTrue(a.exit_called)
+ self.assertTrue(body_executed)
+ self.assertNotEqual(a.exc_info[0], None)
+ def testEnterReturnsTuple(self):
+ with self.Dummy(value=(1,2)) as (a1, a2), \
+ self.Dummy(value=(10, 20)) as (b1, b2):
+ self.assertEqual(1, a1)
+ self.assertEqual(2, a2)
+ self.assertEqual(10, b1)
+ self.assertEqual(20, b2)
+def test_main():
+ run_unittest(FailureTestCase, NonexceptionalTestCase,
+ NestedNonexceptionalTestCase, ExceptionalTestCase,
+ NonLocalFlowControlTestCase,
+ AssignmentTargetTestCase,
+ ExitSwallowsExceptionTestCase,
+ NestedWith)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_main()