path: root/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/unicode/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/unicode/')
1 files changed, 1135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/unicode/ b/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/unicode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37b9f6eb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AppPkg/Applications/Python/Python-2.7.2/Tools/unicode/
@@ -0,0 +1,1135 @@
+# (re)generate unicode property and type databases
+# this script converts a unicode 3.2 database file to
+# Modules/unicodedata_db.h, Modules/unicodename_db.h,
+# and Objects/unicodetype_db.h
+# history:
+# 2000-09-24 fl created (based on bits and pieces from unidb)
+# 2000-09-25 fl merged tim's splitbin fixes, separate decomposition table
+# 2000-09-25 fl added character type table
+# 2000-09-26 fl added LINEBREAK, DECIMAL, and DIGIT flags/fields (2.0)
+# 2000-11-03 fl expand first/last ranges
+# 2001-01-19 fl added character name tables (2.1)
+# 2001-01-21 fl added decomp compression; dynamic phrasebook threshold
+# 2002-09-11 wd use string methods
+# 2002-10-18 mvl update to Unicode 3.2
+# 2002-10-22 mvl generate NFC tables
+# 2002-11-24 mvl expand all ranges, sort names version-independently
+# 2002-11-25 mvl add UNIDATA_VERSION
+# 2004-05-29 perky add east asian width information
+# 2006-03-10 mvl update to Unicode 4.1; add UCD 3.2 delta
+# written by Fredrik Lundh (
+import sys
+SCRIPT = sys.argv[0]
+VERSION = "2.6"
+# The Unicode Database
+UNICODE_DATA = "UnicodeData%s.txt"
+COMPOSITION_EXCLUSIONS = "CompositionExclusions%s.txt"
+EASTASIAN_WIDTH = "EastAsianWidth%s.txt"
+UNIHAN = "Unihan%s.txt"
+DERIVEDNORMALIZATION_PROPS = "DerivedNormalizationProps%s.txt"
+LINE_BREAK = "LineBreak%s.txt"
+old_versions = ["3.2.0"]
+CATEGORY_NAMES = [ "Cn", "Lu", "Ll", "Lt", "Mn", "Mc", "Me", "Nd",
+ "Nl", "No", "Zs", "Zl", "Zp", "Cc", "Cf", "Cs", "Co", "Cn", "Lm",
+ "Lo", "Pc", "Pd", "Ps", "Pe", "Pi", "Pf", "Po", "Sm", "Sc", "Sk",
+ "So" ]
+BIDIRECTIONAL_NAMES = [ "", "L", "LRE", "LRO", "R", "AL", "RLE", "RLO",
+ "PDF", "EN", "ES", "ET", "AN", "CS", "NSM", "BN", "B", "S", "WS",
+ "ON" ]
+EASTASIANWIDTH_NAMES = [ "F", "H", "W", "Na", "A", "N" ]
+# note: should match definitions in Objects/unicodectype.c
+ALPHA_MASK = 0x01
+DIGIT_MASK = 0x04
+LOWER_MASK = 0x08
+SPACE_MASK = 0x20
+TITLE_MASK = 0x40
+UPPER_MASK = 0x80
+def maketables(trace=0):
+ print "--- Reading", UNICODE_DATA % "", "..."
+ version = ""
+ unicode = UnicodeData(UNICODE_DATA % version,
+ EASTASIAN_WIDTH % version,
+ UNIHAN % version,
+ LINE_BREAK % version)
+ print len(filter(None, unicode.table)), "characters"
+ for version in old_versions:
+ print "--- Reading", UNICODE_DATA % ("-"+version), "..."
+ old_unicode = UnicodeData(UNICODE_DATA % ("-"+version),
+ EASTASIAN_WIDTH % ("-"+version),
+ UNIHAN % ("-"+version))
+ print len(filter(None, old_unicode.table)), "characters"
+ merge_old_version(version, unicode, old_unicode)
+ makeunicodename(unicode, trace)
+ makeunicodedata(unicode, trace)
+ makeunicodetype(unicode, trace)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unicode character properties
+def makeunicodedata(unicode, trace):
+ dummy = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ table = [dummy]
+ cache = {0: dummy}
+ index = [0] * len(unicode.chars)
+ FILE = "Modules/unicodedata_db.h"
+ print "--- Preparing", FILE, "..."
+ # 1) database properties
+ for char in unicode.chars:
+ record = unicode.table[char]
+ if record:
+ # extract database properties
+ category = CATEGORY_NAMES.index(record[2])
+ combining = int(record[3])
+ bidirectional = BIDIRECTIONAL_NAMES.index(record[4])
+ mirrored = record[9] == "Y"
+ eastasianwidth = EASTASIANWIDTH_NAMES.index(record[15])
+ normalizationquickcheck = record[17]
+ item = (
+ category, combining, bidirectional, mirrored, eastasianwidth,
+ normalizationquickcheck
+ )
+ # add entry to index and item tables
+ i = cache.get(item)
+ if i is None:
+ cache[item] = i = len(table)
+ table.append(item)
+ index[char] = i
+ # 2) decomposition data
+ decomp_data = [0]
+ decomp_prefix = [""]
+ decomp_index = [0] * len(unicode.chars)
+ decomp_size = 0
+ comp_pairs = []
+ comp_first = [None] * len(unicode.chars)
+ comp_last = [None] * len(unicode.chars)
+ for char in unicode.chars:
+ record = unicode.table[char]
+ if record:
+ if record[5]:
+ decomp = record[5].split()
+ if len(decomp) > 19:
+ raise Exception, "character %x has a decomposition too large for nfd_nfkd" % char
+ # prefix
+ if decomp[0][0] == "<":
+ prefix = decomp.pop(0)
+ else:
+ prefix = ""
+ try:
+ i = decomp_prefix.index(prefix)
+ except ValueError:
+ i = len(decomp_prefix)
+ decomp_prefix.append(prefix)
+ prefix = i
+ assert prefix < 256
+ # content
+ decomp = [prefix + (len(decomp)<<8)] + [int(s, 16) for s in decomp]
+ # Collect NFC pairs
+ if not prefix and len(decomp) == 3 and \
+ char not in unicode.exclusions and \
+ unicode.table[decomp[1]][3] == "0":
+ p, l, r = decomp
+ comp_first[l] = 1
+ comp_last[r] = 1
+ comp_pairs.append((l,r,char))
+ try:
+ i = decomp_data.index(decomp)
+ except ValueError:
+ i = len(decomp_data)
+ decomp_data.extend(decomp)
+ decomp_size = decomp_size + len(decomp) * 2
+ else:
+ i = 0
+ decomp_index[char] = i
+ f = l = 0
+ comp_first_ranges = []
+ comp_last_ranges = []
+ prev_f = prev_l = None
+ for i in unicode.chars:
+ if comp_first[i] is not None:
+ comp_first[i] = f
+ f += 1
+ if prev_f is None:
+ prev_f = (i,i)
+ elif prev_f[1]+1 == i:
+ prev_f = prev_f[0],i
+ else:
+ comp_first_ranges.append(prev_f)
+ prev_f = (i,i)
+ if comp_last[i] is not None:
+ comp_last[i] = l
+ l += 1
+ if prev_l is None:
+ prev_l = (i,i)
+ elif prev_l[1]+1 == i:
+ prev_l = prev_l[0],i
+ else:
+ comp_last_ranges.append(prev_l)
+ prev_l = (i,i)
+ comp_first_ranges.append(prev_f)
+ comp_last_ranges.append(prev_l)
+ total_first = f
+ total_last = l
+ comp_data = [0]*(total_first*total_last)
+ for f,l,char in comp_pairs:
+ f = comp_first[f]
+ l = comp_last[l]
+ comp_data[f*total_last+l] = char
+ print len(table), "unique properties"
+ print len(decomp_prefix), "unique decomposition prefixes"
+ print len(decomp_data), "unique decomposition entries:",
+ print decomp_size, "bytes"
+ print total_first, "first characters in NFC"
+ print total_last, "last characters in NFC"
+ print len(comp_pairs), "NFC pairs"
+ print "--- Writing", FILE, "..."
+ fp = open(FILE, "w")
+ print >>fp, "/* this file was generated by %s %s */" % (SCRIPT, VERSION)
+ print >>fp
+ print >>fp, '#define UNIDATA_VERSION "%s"' % UNIDATA_VERSION
+ print >>fp, "/* a list of unique database records */"
+ print >>fp, \
+ "const _PyUnicode_DatabaseRecord _PyUnicode_Database_Records[] = {"
+ for item in table:
+ print >>fp, " {%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d}," % item
+ print >>fp, "};"
+ print >>fp
+ print >>fp, "/* Reindexing of NFC first characters. */"
+ print >>fp, "#define TOTAL_FIRST",total_first
+ print >>fp, "#define TOTAL_LAST",total_last
+ print >>fp, "struct reindex{int start;short count,index;};"
+ print >>fp, "static struct reindex nfc_first[] = {"
+ for start,end in comp_first_ranges:
+ print >>fp," { %d, %d, %d}," % (start,end-start,comp_first[start])
+ print >>fp," {0,0,0}"
+ print >>fp,"};\n"
+ print >>fp, "static struct reindex nfc_last[] = {"
+ for start,end in comp_last_ranges:
+ print >>fp," { %d, %d, %d}," % (start,end-start,comp_last[start])
+ print >>fp," {0,0,0}"
+ print >>fp,"};\n"
+ # FIXME: <fl> the following tables could be made static, and
+ # the support code moved into unicodedatabase.c
+ print >>fp, "/* string literals */"
+ print >>fp, "const char *_PyUnicode_CategoryNames[] = {"
+ for name in CATEGORY_NAMES:
+ print >>fp, " \"%s\"," % name
+ print >>fp, " NULL"
+ print >>fp, "};"
+ print >>fp, "const char *_PyUnicode_BidirectionalNames[] = {"
+ print >>fp, " \"%s\"," % name
+ print >>fp, " NULL"
+ print >>fp, "};"
+ print >>fp, "const char *_PyUnicode_EastAsianWidthNames[] = {"
+ print >>fp, " \"%s\"," % name
+ print >>fp, " NULL"
+ print >>fp, "};"
+ print >>fp, "static const char *decomp_prefix[] = {"
+ for name in decomp_prefix:
+ print >>fp, " \"%s\"," % name
+ print >>fp, " NULL"
+ print >>fp, "};"
+ # split record index table
+ index1, index2, shift = splitbins(index, trace)
+ print >>fp, "/* index tables for the database records */"
+ print >>fp, "#define SHIFT", shift
+ Array("index1", index1).dump(fp, trace)
+ Array("index2", index2).dump(fp, trace)
+ # split decomposition index table
+ index1, index2, shift = splitbins(decomp_index, trace)
+ print >>fp, "/* decomposition data */"
+ Array("decomp_data", decomp_data).dump(fp, trace)
+ print >>fp, "/* index tables for the decomposition data */"
+ print >>fp, "#define DECOMP_SHIFT", shift
+ Array("decomp_index1", index1).dump(fp, trace)
+ Array("decomp_index2", index2).dump(fp, trace)
+ index, index2, shift = splitbins(comp_data, trace)
+ print >>fp, "/* NFC pairs */"
+ print >>fp, "#define COMP_SHIFT", shift
+ Array("comp_index", index).dump(fp, trace)
+ Array("comp_data", index2).dump(fp, trace)
+ # Generate delta tables for old versions
+ for version, table, normalization in unicode.changed:
+ cversion = version.replace(".","_")
+ records = [table[0]]
+ cache = {table[0]:0}
+ index = [0] * len(table)
+ for i, record in enumerate(table):
+ try:
+ index[i] = cache[record]
+ except KeyError:
+ index[i] = cache[record] = len(records)
+ records.append(record)
+ index1, index2, shift = splitbins(index, trace)
+ print >>fp, "static const change_record change_records_%s[] = {" % cversion
+ for record in records:
+ print >>fp, "\t{ %s }," % ", ".join(map(str,record))
+ print >>fp, "};"
+ Array("changes_%s_index" % cversion, index1).dump(fp, trace)
+ Array("changes_%s_data" % cversion, index2).dump(fp, trace)
+ print >>fp, "static const change_record* get_change_%s(Py_UCS4 n)" % cversion
+ print >>fp, "{"
+ print >>fp, "\tint index;"
+ print >>fp, "\tif (n >= 0x110000) index = 0;"
+ print >>fp, "\telse {"
+ print >>fp, "\t\tindex = changes_%s_index[n>>%d];" % (cversion, shift)
+ print >>fp, "\t\tindex = changes_%s_data[(index<<%d)+(n & %d)];" % \
+ (cversion, shift, ((1<<shift)-1))
+ print >>fp, "\t}"
+ print >>fp, "\treturn change_records_%s+index;" % cversion
+ print >>fp, "}\n"
+ print >>fp, "static Py_UCS4 normalization_%s(Py_UCS4 n)" % cversion
+ print >>fp, "{"
+ print >>fp, "\tswitch(n) {"
+ for k, v in normalization:
+ print >>fp, "\tcase %s: return 0x%s;" % (hex(k), v)
+ print >>fp, "\tdefault: return 0;"
+ print >>fp, "\t}\n}\n"
+ fp.close()
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unicode character type tables
+def makeunicodetype(unicode, trace):
+ FILE = "Objects/unicodetype_db.h"
+ print "--- Preparing", FILE, "..."
+ # extract unicode types
+ dummy = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ table = [dummy]
+ cache = {0: dummy}
+ index = [0] * len(unicode.chars)
+ numeric = {}
+ spaces = []
+ linebreaks = []
+ for char in unicode.chars:
+ record = unicode.table[char]
+ if record:
+ # extract database properties
+ category = record[2]
+ bidirectional = record[4]
+ properties = record[16]
+ flags = 0
+ delta = True
+ if category in ["Lm", "Lt", "Lu", "Ll", "Lo"]:
+ flags |= ALPHA_MASK
+ if category == "Ll":
+ flags |= LOWER_MASK
+ if 'Line_Break' in properties or bidirectional == "B":
+ linebreaks.append(char)
+ if category == "Zs" or bidirectional in ("WS", "B", "S"):
+ flags |= SPACE_MASK
+ spaces.append(char)
+ if category == "Lt":
+ flags |= TITLE_MASK
+ if category == "Lu":
+ flags |= UPPER_MASK
+ # use delta predictor for upper/lower/title if it fits
+ if record[12]:
+ upper = int(record[12], 16)
+ else:
+ upper = char
+ if record[13]:
+ lower = int(record[13], 16)
+ else:
+ lower = char
+ if record[14]:
+ title = int(record[14], 16)
+ else:
+ # UCD.html says that a missing title char means that
+ # it defaults to the uppercase character, not to the
+ # character itself. Apparently, in the current UCD (5.x)
+ # this feature is never used
+ title = upper
+ upper_d = upper - char
+ lower_d = lower - char
+ title_d = title - char
+ if -32768 <= upper_d <= 32767 and \
+ -32768 <= lower_d <= 32767 and \
+ -32768 <= title_d <= 32767:
+ # use deltas
+ upper = upper_d & 0xffff
+ lower = lower_d & 0xffff
+ title = title_d & 0xffff
+ else:
+ flags |= NODELTA_MASK
+ # decimal digit, integer digit
+ decimal = 0
+ if record[6]:
+ flags |= DECIMAL_MASK
+ decimal = int(record[6])
+ digit = 0
+ if record[7]:
+ flags |= DIGIT_MASK
+ digit = int(record[7])
+ if record[8]:
+ flags |= NUMERIC_MASK
+ numeric.setdefault(record[8], []).append(char)
+ item = (
+ upper, lower, title, decimal, digit, flags
+ )
+ # add entry to index and item tables
+ i = cache.get(item)
+ if i is None:
+ cache[item] = i = len(table)
+ table.append(item)
+ index[char] = i
+ print len(table), "unique character type entries"
+ print sum(map(len, numeric.values())), "numeric code points"
+ print len(spaces), "whitespace code points"
+ print len(linebreaks), "linebreak code points"
+ print "--- Writing", FILE, "..."
+ fp = open(FILE, "w")
+ print >>fp, "/* this file was generated by %s %s */" % (SCRIPT, VERSION)
+ print >>fp
+ print >>fp, "/* a list of unique character type descriptors */"
+ print >>fp, "const _PyUnicode_TypeRecord _PyUnicode_TypeRecords[] = {"
+ for item in table:
+ print >>fp, " {%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d}," % item
+ print >>fp, "};"
+ print >>fp
+ # split decomposition index table
+ index1, index2, shift = splitbins(index, trace)
+ print >>fp, "/* type indexes */"
+ print >>fp, "#define SHIFT", shift
+ Array("index1", index1).dump(fp, trace)
+ Array("index2", index2).dump(fp, trace)
+ # Generate code for _PyUnicode_ToNumeric()
+ numeric_items = sorted(numeric.items())
+ print >>fp, '/* Returns the numeric value as double for Unicode characters'
+ print >>fp, ' * having this property, -1.0 otherwise.'
+ print >>fp, ' */'
+ print >>fp, 'double _PyUnicode_ToNumeric(Py_UNICODE ch)'
+ print >>fp, '{'
+ print >>fp, ' switch (ch) {'
+ for value, codepoints in numeric_items:
+ # Turn text into float literals
+ parts = value.split('/')
+ parts = [repr(float(part)) for part in parts]
+ value = '/'.join(parts)
+ haswide = False
+ hasnonewide = False
+ codepoints.sort()
+ for codepoint in codepoints:
+ if codepoint < 0x10000:
+ hasnonewide = True
+ if codepoint >= 0x10000 and not haswide:
+ print >>fp, '#ifdef Py_UNICODE_WIDE'
+ haswide = True
+ print >>fp, ' case 0x%04X:' % (codepoint,)
+ if haswide and hasnonewide:
+ print >>fp, '#endif'
+ print >>fp, ' return (double) %s;' % (value,)
+ if haswide and not hasnonewide:
+ print >>fp, '#endif'
+ print >>fp,' }'
+ print >>fp,' return -1.0;'
+ print >>fp,'}'
+ print >>fp
+ # Generate code for _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace()
+ print >>fp, "/* Returns 1 for Unicode characters having the bidirectional"
+ print >>fp, " * type 'WS', 'B' or 'S' or the category 'Zs', 0 otherwise."
+ print >>fp, " */"
+ print >>fp, 'int _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace(register const Py_UNICODE ch)'
+ print >>fp, '{'
+ print >>fp, '#ifdef WANT_WCTYPE_FUNCTIONS'
+ print >>fp, ' return iswspace(ch);'
+ print >>fp, '#else'
+ print >>fp, ' switch (ch) {'
+ haswide = False
+ hasnonewide = False
+ for codepoint in sorted(spaces):
+ if codepoint < 0x10000:
+ hasnonewide = True
+ if codepoint >= 0x10000 and not haswide:
+ print >>fp, '#ifdef Py_UNICODE_WIDE'
+ haswide = True
+ print >>fp, ' case 0x%04X:' % (codepoint,)
+ if haswide and hasnonewide:
+ print >>fp, '#endif'
+ print >>fp, ' return 1;'
+ if haswide and not hasnonewide:
+ print >>fp, '#endif'
+ print >>fp,' }'
+ print >>fp,' return 0;'
+ print >>fp, '#endif'
+ print >>fp,'}'
+ print >>fp
+ # Generate code for _PyUnicode_IsLinebreak()
+ print >>fp, "/* Returns 1 for Unicode characters having the line break"
+ print >>fp, " * property 'BK', 'CR', 'LF' or 'NL' or having bidirectional"
+ print >>fp, " * type 'B', 0 otherwise."
+ print >>fp, " */"
+ print >>fp, 'int _PyUnicode_IsLinebreak(register const Py_UNICODE ch)'
+ print >>fp, '{'
+ print >>fp, ' switch (ch) {'
+ haswide = False
+ hasnonewide = False
+ for codepoint in sorted(linebreaks):
+ if codepoint < 0x10000:
+ hasnonewide = True
+ if codepoint >= 0x10000 and not haswide:
+ print >>fp, '#ifdef Py_UNICODE_WIDE'
+ haswide = True
+ print >>fp, ' case 0x%04X:' % (codepoint,)
+ if haswide and hasnonewide:
+ print >>fp, '#endif'
+ print >>fp, ' return 1;'
+ if haswide and not hasnonewide:
+ print >>fp, '#endif'
+ print >>fp,' }'
+ print >>fp,' return 0;'
+ print >>fp,'}'
+ print >>fp
+ fp.close()
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unicode name database
+def makeunicodename(unicode, trace):
+ FILE = "Modules/unicodename_db.h"
+ print "--- Preparing", FILE, "..."
+ # collect names
+ names = [None] * len(unicode.chars)
+ for char in unicode.chars:
+ record = unicode.table[char]
+ if record:
+ name = record[1].strip()
+ if name and name[0] != "<":
+ names[char] = name + chr(0)
+ print len(filter(lambda n: n is not None, names)), "distinct names"
+ # collect unique words from names (note that we differ between
+ # words inside a sentence, and words ending a sentence. the
+ # latter includes the trailing null byte.
+ words = {}
+ n = b = 0
+ for char in unicode.chars:
+ name = names[char]
+ if name:
+ w = name.split()
+ b = b + len(name)
+ n = n + len(w)
+ for w in w:
+ l = words.get(w)
+ if l:
+ l.append(None)
+ else:
+ words[w] = [len(words)]
+ print n, "words in text;", b, "bytes"
+ wordlist = words.items()
+ # sort on falling frequency, then by name
+ def word_key(a):
+ aword, alist = a
+ return -len(alist), aword
+ wordlist.sort(key=word_key)
+ # figure out how many phrasebook escapes we need
+ escapes = 0
+ while escapes * 256 < len(wordlist):
+ escapes = escapes + 1
+ print escapes, "escapes"
+ short = 256 - escapes
+ assert short > 0
+ print short, "short indexes in lexicon"
+ # statistics
+ n = 0
+ for i in range(short):
+ n = n + len(wordlist[i][1])
+ print n, "short indexes in phrasebook"
+ # pick the most commonly used words, and sort the rest on falling
+ # length (to maximize overlap)
+ wordlist, wordtail = wordlist[:short], wordlist[short:]
+ wordtail.sort(key=lambda a: a[0], reverse=True)
+ wordlist.extend(wordtail)
+ # generate lexicon from words
+ lexicon_offset = [0]
+ lexicon = ""
+ words = {}
+ # build a lexicon string
+ offset = 0
+ for w, x in wordlist:
+ # encoding: bit 7 indicates last character in word (chr(128)
+ # indicates the last character in an entire string)
+ ww = w[:-1] + chr(ord(w[-1])+128)
+ # reuse string tails, when possible
+ o = lexicon.find(ww)
+ if o < 0:
+ o = offset
+ lexicon = lexicon + ww
+ offset = offset + len(w)
+ words[w] = len(lexicon_offset)
+ lexicon_offset.append(o)
+ lexicon = map(ord, lexicon)
+ # generate phrasebook from names and lexicon
+ phrasebook = [0]
+ phrasebook_offset = [0] * len(unicode.chars)
+ for char in unicode.chars:
+ name = names[char]
+ if name:
+ w = name.split()
+ phrasebook_offset[char] = len(phrasebook)
+ for w in w:
+ i = words[w]
+ if i < short:
+ phrasebook.append(i)
+ else:
+ # store as two bytes
+ phrasebook.append((i>>8) + short)
+ phrasebook.append(i&255)
+ assert getsize(phrasebook) == 1
+ #
+ # unicode name hash table
+ # extract names
+ data = []
+ for char in unicode.chars:
+ record = unicode.table[char]
+ if record:
+ name = record[1].strip()
+ if name and name[0] != "<":
+ data.append((name, char))
+ # the magic number 47 was chosen to minimize the number of
+ # collisions on the current data set. if you like, change it
+ # and see what happens...
+ codehash = Hash("code", data, 47)
+ print "--- Writing", FILE, "..."
+ fp = open(FILE, "w")
+ print >>fp, "/* this file was generated by %s %s */" % (SCRIPT, VERSION)
+ print >>fp
+ print >>fp, "#define NAME_MAXLEN", 256
+ print >>fp
+ print >>fp, "/* lexicon */"
+ Array("lexicon", lexicon).dump(fp, trace)
+ Array("lexicon_offset", lexicon_offset).dump(fp, trace)
+ # split decomposition index table
+ offset1, offset2, shift = splitbins(phrasebook_offset, trace)
+ print >>fp, "/* code->name phrasebook */"
+ print >>fp, "#define phrasebook_shift", shift
+ print >>fp, "#define phrasebook_short", short
+ Array("phrasebook", phrasebook).dump(fp, trace)
+ Array("phrasebook_offset1", offset1).dump(fp, trace)
+ Array("phrasebook_offset2", offset2).dump(fp, trace)
+ print >>fp, "/* name->code dictionary */"
+ codehash.dump(fp, trace)
+ fp.close()
+def merge_old_version(version, new, old):
+ # Changes to exclusion file not implemented yet
+ if old.exclusions != new.exclusions:
+ raise NotImplementedError, "exclusions differ"
+ # In these change records, 0xFF means "no change"
+ bidir_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
+ category_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
+ decimal_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
+ mirrored_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
+ # In numeric data, 0 means "no change",
+ # -1 means "did not have a numeric value
+ numeric_changes = [0] * 0x110000
+ # normalization_changes is a list of key-value pairs
+ normalization_changes = []
+ for i in range(0x110000):
+ if new.table[i] is None:
+ # Characters unassigned in the new version ought to
+ # be unassigned in the old one
+ assert old.table[i] is None
+ continue
+ # check characters unassigned in the old version
+ if old.table[i] is None:
+ # category 0 is "unassigned"
+ category_changes[i] = 0
+ continue
+ # check characters that differ
+ if old.table[i] != new.table[i]:
+ for k in range(len(old.table[i])):
+ if old.table[i][k] != new.table[i][k]:
+ value = old.table[i][k]
+ if k == 2:
+ #print "CATEGORY",hex(i), old.table[i][k], new.table[i][k]
+ category_changes[i] = CATEGORY_NAMES.index(value)
+ elif k == 4:
+ #print "BIDIR",hex(i), old.table[i][k], new.table[i][k]
+ bidir_changes[i] = BIDIRECTIONAL_NAMES.index(value)
+ elif k == 5:
+ #print "DECOMP",hex(i), old.table[i][k], new.table[i][k]
+ # We assume that all normalization changes are in 1:1 mappings
+ assert " " not in value
+ normalization_changes.append((i, value))
+ elif k == 6:
+ #print "DECIMAL",hex(i), old.table[i][k], new.table[i][k]
+ # we only support changes where the old value is a single digit
+ assert value in "0123456789"
+ decimal_changes[i] = int(value)
+ elif k == 8:
+ # print "NUMERIC",hex(i), `old.table[i][k]`, new.table[i][k]
+ # Since 0 encodes "no change", the old value is better not 0
+ if not value:
+ numeric_changes[i] = -1
+ else:
+ numeric_changes[i] = float(value)
+ assert numeric_changes[i] not in (0, -1)
+ elif k == 9:
+ if value == 'Y':
+ mirrored_changes[i] = '1'
+ else:
+ mirrored_changes[i] = '0'
+ elif k == 11:
+ # change to ISO comment, ignore
+ pass
+ elif k == 12:
+ # change to simple uppercase mapping; ignore
+ pass
+ elif k == 13:
+ # change to simple lowercase mapping; ignore
+ pass
+ elif k == 14:
+ # change to simple titlecase mapping; ignore
+ pass
+ elif k == 16:
+ # change to properties; not yet
+ pass
+ else:
+ class Difference(Exception):pass
+ raise Difference, (hex(i), k, old.table[i], new.table[i])
+ new.changed.append((version, zip(bidir_changes, category_changes,
+ decimal_changes, mirrored_changes,
+ numeric_changes),
+ normalization_changes))
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# the following support code is taken from the unidb utilities
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Secret Labs AB
+# load a unicode-data file from disk
+class UnicodeData:
+ # Record structure:
+ # [ID, name, category, combining, bidi, decomp, (6)
+ # decimal, digit, numeric, bidi-mirrored, Unicode-1-name, (11)
+ # ISO-comment, uppercase, lowercase, titlecase, ea-width, (16)
+ # properties] (17)
+ def __init__(self, filename, exclusions, eastasianwidth, unihan,
+ derivednormalizationprops=None, linebreakprops=None,
+ expand=1):
+ self.changed = []
+ file = open(filename)
+ table = [None] * 0x110000
+ while 1:
+ s = file.readline()
+ if not s:
+ break
+ s = s.strip().split(";")
+ char = int(s[0], 16)
+ table[char] = s
+ # expand first-last ranges
+ if expand:
+ field = None
+ for i in range(0, 0x110000):
+ s = table[i]
+ if s:
+ if s[1][-6:] == "First>":
+ s[1] = ""
+ field = s
+ elif s[1][-5:] == "Last>":
+ s[1] = ""
+ field = None
+ elif field:
+ f2 = field[:]
+ f2[0] = "%X" % i
+ table[i] = f2
+ # public attributes
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.table = table
+ self.chars = range(0x110000) # unicode 3.2
+ file = open(exclusions)
+ self.exclusions = {}
+ for s in file:
+ s = s.strip()
+ if not s:
+ continue
+ if s[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ char = int(s.split()[0],16)
+ self.exclusions[char] = 1
+ widths = [None] * 0x110000
+ for s in open(eastasianwidth):
+ s = s.strip()
+ if not s:
+ continue
+ if s[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ s = s.split()[0].split(';')
+ if '..' in s[0]:
+ first, last = [int(c, 16) for c in s[0].split('..')]
+ chars = range(first, last+1)
+ else:
+ chars = [int(s[0], 16)]
+ for char in chars:
+ widths[char] = s[1]
+ for i in range(0, 0x110000):
+ if table[i] is not None:
+ table[i].append(widths[i])
+ for i in range(0, 0x110000):
+ if table[i] is not None:
+ table[i].append(set())
+ if linebreakprops:
+ for s in open(linebreakprops):
+ s = s.partition('#')[0]
+ s = [i.strip() for i in s.split(';')]
+ if len(s) < 2 or s[1] not in MANDATORY_LINE_BREAKS:
+ continue
+ if '..' not in s[0]:
+ first = last = int(s[0], 16)
+ else:
+ first, last = [int(c, 16) for c in s[0].split('..')]
+ for char in range(first, last+1):
+ table[char][-1].add('Line_Break')
+ if derivednormalizationprops:
+ quickchecks = [0] * 0x110000 # default is Yes
+ qc_order = 'NFD_QC NFKD_QC NFC_QC NFKC_QC'.split()
+ for s in open(derivednormalizationprops):
+ if '#' in s:
+ s = s[:s.index('#')]
+ s = [i.strip() for i in s.split(';')]
+ if len(s) < 2 or s[1] not in qc_order:
+ continue
+ quickcheck = 'MN'.index(s[2]) + 1 # Maybe or No
+ quickcheck_shift = qc_order.index(s[1])*2
+ quickcheck <<= quickcheck_shift
+ if '..' not in s[0]:
+ first = last = int(s[0], 16)
+ else:
+ first, last = [int(c, 16) for c in s[0].split('..')]
+ for char in range(first, last+1):
+ assert not (quickchecks[char]>>quickcheck_shift)&3
+ quickchecks[char] |= quickcheck
+ for i in range(0, 0x110000):
+ if table[i] is not None:
+ table[i].append(quickchecks[i])
+ for line in open(unihan):
+ if not line.startswith('U+'):
+ continue
+ code, tag, value = line.split(None, 3)[:3]
+ if tag not in ('kAccountingNumeric', 'kPrimaryNumeric',
+ 'kOtherNumeric'):
+ continue
+ value = value.strip().replace(',', '')
+ i = int(code[2:], 16)
+ # Patch the numeric field
+ if table[i] is not None:
+ table[i][8] = value
+ def uselatin1(self):
+ # restrict character range to ISO Latin 1
+ self.chars = range(256)
+# hash table tools
+# this is a straight-forward reimplementation of Python's built-in
+# dictionary type, using a static data structure, and a custom string
+# hash algorithm.
+def myhash(s, magic):
+ h = 0
+ for c in map(ord, s.upper()):
+ h = (h * magic) + c
+ ix = h & 0xff000000L
+ if ix:
+ h = (h ^ ((ix>>24) & 0xff)) & 0x00ffffff
+ return h
+SIZES = [
+ (4,3), (8,3), (16,3), (32,5), (64,3), (128,3), (256,29), (512,17),
+ (1024,9), (2048,5), (4096,83), (8192,27), (16384,43), (32768,3),
+ (65536,45), (131072,9), (262144,39), (524288,39), (1048576,9),
+ (2097152,5), (4194304,3), (8388608,33), (16777216,27)
+class Hash:
+ def __init__(self, name, data, magic):
+ # turn a (key, value) list into a static hash table structure
+ # determine table size
+ for size, poly in SIZES:
+ if size > len(data):
+ poly = size + poly
+ break
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError, "ran out of polynominals"
+ print size, "slots in hash table"
+ table = [None] * size
+ mask = size-1
+ n = 0
+ hash = myhash
+ # initialize hash table
+ for key, value in data:
+ h = hash(key, magic)
+ i = (~h) & mask
+ v = table[i]
+ if v is None:
+ table[i] = value
+ continue
+ incr = (h ^ (h >> 3)) & mask;
+ if not incr:
+ incr = mask
+ while 1:
+ n = n + 1
+ i = (i + incr) & mask
+ v = table[i]
+ if v is None:
+ table[i] = value
+ break
+ incr = incr << 1
+ if incr > mask:
+ incr = incr ^ poly
+ print n, "collisions"
+ self.collisions = n
+ for i in range(len(table)):
+ if table[i] is None:
+ table[i] = 0
+ = Array(name + "_hash", table)
+ self.magic = magic
+ = name
+ self.size = size
+ self.poly = poly
+ def dump(self, file, trace):
+ # write data to file, as a C array
+, trace)
+ file.write("#define %s_magic %d\n" % (, self.magic))
+ file.write("#define %s_size %d\n" % (, self.size))
+ file.write("#define %s_poly %d\n" % (, self.poly))
+# stuff to deal with arrays of unsigned integers
+class Array:
+ def __init__(self, name, data):
+ = name
+ = data
+ def dump(self, file, trace=0):
+ # write data to file, as a C array
+ size = getsize(
+ if trace:
+ print >>sys.stderr,":", size*len(, "bytes"
+ file.write("static ")
+ if size == 1:
+ file.write("unsigned char")
+ elif size == 2:
+ file.write("unsigned short")
+ else:
+ file.write("unsigned int")
+ file.write(" " + + "[] = {\n")
+ if
+ s = " "
+ for item in
+ i = str(item) + ", "
+ if len(s) + len(i) > 78:
+ file.write(s + "\n")
+ s = " " + i
+ else:
+ s = s + i
+ if s.strip():
+ file.write(s + "\n")
+ file.write("};\n\n")
+def getsize(data):
+ # return smallest possible integer size for the given array
+ maxdata = max(data)
+ if maxdata < 256:
+ return 1
+ elif maxdata < 65536:
+ return 2
+ else:
+ return 4
+def splitbins(t, trace=0):
+ """t, trace=0 -> (t1, t2, shift). Split a table to save space.
+ t is a sequence of ints. This function can be useful to save space if
+ many of the ints are the same. t1 and t2 are lists of ints, and shift
+ is an int, chosen to minimize the combined size of t1 and t2 (in C
+ code), and where for each i in range(len(t)),
+ t[i] == t2[(t1[i >> shift] << shift) + (i & mask)]
+ where mask is a bitmask isolating the last "shift" bits.
+ If optional arg trace is non-zero (default zero), progress info
+ is printed to sys.stderr. The higher the value, the more info
+ you'll get.
+ """
+ if trace:
+ def dump(t1, t2, shift, bytes):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "%d+%d bins at shift %d; %d bytes" % (
+ len(t1), len(t2), shift, bytes)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Size of original table:", len(t)*getsize(t), \
+ "bytes"
+ n = len(t)-1 # last valid index
+ maxshift = 0 # the most we can shift n and still have something left
+ if n > 0:
+ while n >> 1:
+ n >>= 1
+ maxshift += 1
+ del n
+ bytes = sys.maxint # smallest total size so far
+ t = tuple(t) # so slices can be dict keys
+ for shift in range(maxshift + 1):
+ t1 = []
+ t2 = []
+ size = 2**shift
+ bincache = {}
+ for i in range(0, len(t), size):
+ bin = t[i:i+size]
+ index = bincache.get(bin)
+ if index is None:
+ index = len(t2)
+ bincache[bin] = index
+ t2.extend(bin)
+ t1.append(index >> shift)
+ # determine memory size
+ b = len(t1)*getsize(t1) + len(t2)*getsize(t2)
+ if trace > 1:
+ dump(t1, t2, shift, b)
+ if b < bytes:
+ best = t1, t2, shift
+ bytes = b
+ t1, t2, shift = best
+ if trace:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Best:",
+ dump(t1, t2, shift, bytes)
+ if __debug__:
+ # exhaustively verify that the decomposition is correct
+ mask = ~((~0) << shift) # i.e., low-bit mask of shift bits
+ for i in xrange(len(t)):
+ assert t[i] == t2[(t1[i >> shift] << shift) + (i & mask)]
+ return best
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ maketables(1)