path: root/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 939 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0953e47cb1..0000000000
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-# This file is used to define common string related functions used in parsing
-# process
-# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
-# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
-# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-# Import Modules
-import re
-import os.path
-from string import strip
-import Logger.Log as Logger
-import Library.DataType as DataType
-from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID
-from Logger.ToolError import PARSER_ERROR
-from Logger import StringTable as ST
-# Regular expression for matching macro used in DSC/DEC/INF file inclusion
-gMACRO_PATTERN = re.compile("\$\(([_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)\)", re.UNICODE)
-## GetSplitValueList
-# Get a value list from a string with multiple values splited with SplitTag
-# The default SplitTag is DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT
-# 'AAA|BBB|CCC' -> ['AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC']
-# @param String: The input string to be splitted
-# @param SplitTag: The split key, default is DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT
-# @param MaxSplit: The max number of split values, default is -1
-def GetSplitValueList(String, SplitTag=DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, MaxSplit=-1):
- return map(lambda l: l.strip(), String.split(SplitTag, MaxSplit))
-## MergeArches
-# Find a key's all arches in dict, add the new arch to the list
-# If not exist any arch, set the arch directly
-# @param Dict: The input value for Dict
-# @param Key: The input value for Key
-# @param Arch: The Arch to be added or merged
-def MergeArches(Dict, Key, Arch):
- if Key in Dict.keys():
- Dict[Key].append(Arch)
- else:
- Dict[Key] = Arch.split()
-## GenDefines
-# Parse a string with format "DEFINE <VarName> = <PATH>"
-# Generate a map Defines[VarName] = PATH
-# Return False if invalid format
-# @param String: String with DEFINE statement
-# @param Arch: Supportted Arch
-# @param Defines: DEFINE statement to be parsed
-def GenDefines(String, Arch, Defines):
- if String.find(DataType.TAB_DEFINE + ' ') > -1:
- List = String.replace(DataType.TAB_DEFINE + ' ', '').\
- split(DataType.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT)
- if len(List) == 2:
- Defines[(CleanString(List[0]), Arch)] = CleanString(List[1])
- return 0
- else:
- return -1
- return 1
-## GetLibraryClassesWithModuleType
-# Get Library Class definition when no module type defined
-# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
-# @param Key: Reserved
-# @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing
-# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
-def GetLibraryClassesWithModuleType(Lines, Key, KeyValues, CommentCharacter):
- NewKey = SplitModuleType(Key)
- Lines = Lines.split(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END, 1)[1]
- LineList = Lines.splitlines()
- for Line in LineList:
- Line = CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter)
- if Line != '' and Line[0] != CommentCharacter:
- KeyValues.append([CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter), NewKey[1]])
- return True
-## GetDynamics
-# Get Dynamic Pcds
-# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
-# @param Key: Reserved
-# @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing
-# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
-def GetDynamics(Lines, Key, KeyValues, CommentCharacter):
- #
- # Get SkuId Name List
- #
- SkuIdNameList = SplitModuleType(Key)
- Lines = Lines.split(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END, 1)[1]
- LineList = Lines.splitlines()
- for Line in LineList:
- Line = CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter)
- if Line != '' and Line[0] != CommentCharacter:
- KeyValues.append([CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter), SkuIdNameList[1]])
- return True
-## SplitModuleType
-# Split ModuleType out of section defien to get key
-# [LibraryClass.Arch.ModuleType|ModuleType|ModuleType] -> [
-# 'LibraryClass.Arch', ['ModuleType', 'ModuleType', 'ModuleType'] ]
-# @param Key: String to be parsed
-def SplitModuleType(Key):
- KeyList = Key.split(DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
- #
- # Fill in for arch
- #
- KeyList.append('')
- #
- # Fill in for moduletype
- #
- KeyList.append('')
- ReturnValue = []
- KeyValue = KeyList[0]
- if KeyList[1] != '':
- KeyValue = KeyValue + DataType.TAB_SPLIT + KeyList[1]
- ReturnValue.append(KeyValue)
- ReturnValue.append(GetSplitValueList(KeyList[2]))
- return ReturnValue
-## Replace macro in string
-# This method replace macros used in given string. The macros are given in a
-# dictionary.
-# @param String String to be processed
-# @param MacroDefinitions The macro definitions in the form of dictionary
-# @param SelfReplacement To decide whether replace un-defined macro to ''
-# @param Line: The content contain line string and line number
-# @param FileName: The meta-file file name
-def ReplaceMacro(String, MacroDefinitions = None, SelfReplacement = False, Line = None, FileName = None, Flag = False):
- LastString = String
- if MacroDefinitions == None:
- MacroDefinitions = {}
- while MacroDefinitions:
- QuotedStringList = []
- HaveQuotedMacroFlag = False
- if not Flag:
- MacroUsed = gMACRO_PATTERN.findall(String)
- else:
- ReQuotedString = re.compile('\"')
- QuotedStringList = ReQuotedString.split(String)
- if len(QuotedStringList) >= 3:
- HaveQuotedMacroFlag = True
- Count = 0
- MacroString = ""
- for QuotedStringItem in QuotedStringList:
- Count += 1
- if Count % 2 != 0:
- MacroString += QuotedStringItem
- if Count == len(QuotedStringList) and Count%2 == 0:
- MacroString += QuotedStringItem
- MacroUsed = gMACRO_PATTERN.findall(MacroString)
- #
- # no macro found in String, stop replacing
- #
- if len(MacroUsed) == 0:
- break
- for Macro in MacroUsed:
- if Macro not in MacroDefinitions:
- if SelfReplacement:
- String = String.replace("$(%s)" % Macro, '')
- Logger.Debug(5, "Delete undefined MACROs in file %s line %d: %s!" %(FileName, Line[1], Line[0]))
- continue
- if not HaveQuotedMacroFlag:
- String = String.replace("$(%s)" % Macro, MacroDefinitions[Macro])
- else:
- Count = 0
- for QuotedStringItem in QuotedStringList:
- Count += 1
- if Count % 2 != 0:
- QuotedStringList[Count-1] = QuotedStringList[Count-1].replace("$(%s)" % Macro,
- MacroDefinitions[Macro])
- elif Count == len(QuotedStringList) and Count%2 == 0:
- QuotedStringList[Count-1] = QuotedStringList[Count-1].replace("$(%s)" % Macro,
- MacroDefinitions[Macro])
- RetString = ''
- if HaveQuotedMacroFlag:
- Count = 0
- for QuotedStringItem in QuotedStringList:
- Count += 1
- if Count != len(QuotedStringList):
- RetString += QuotedStringList[Count-1] + "\""
- else:
- RetString += QuotedStringList[Count-1]
- String = RetString
- #
- # in case there's macro not defined
- #
- if String == LastString:
- break
- LastString = String
- return String
-## NormPath
-# Create a normal path
-# And replace DFEINE in the path
-# @param Path: The input value for Path to be converted
-# @param Defines: A set for DEFINE statement
-def NormPath(Path, Defines = None):
- IsRelativePath = False
- if Defines == None:
- Defines = {}
- if Path:
- if Path[0] == '.':
- IsRelativePath = True
- #
- # Replace with Define
- #
- if Defines:
- Path = ReplaceMacro(Path, Defines)
- #
- # To local path format
- #
- Path = os.path.normpath(Path)
- if IsRelativePath and Path[0] != '.':
- Path = os.path.join('.', Path)
- return Path
-## CleanString
-# Remove comments in a string
-# Remove spaces
-# @param Line: The string to be cleaned
-# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content,
-# default is DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
-def CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter=DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT, AllowCppStyleComment=False):
- #
- # remove whitespace
- #
- Line = Line.strip()
- #
- # Replace EDK1's comment character
- #
- if AllowCppStyleComment:
- Line = Line.replace(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT, CommentCharacter)
- #
- # remove comments, but we should escape comment character in string
- #
- InString = False
- for Index in range(0, len(Line)):
- if Line[Index] == '"':
- InString = not InString
- elif Line[Index] == CommentCharacter and not InString:
- Line = Line[0: Index]
- break
- #
- # remove whitespace again
- #
- Line = Line.strip()
- return Line
-## CleanString2
-# Split comments in a string
-# Remove spaces
-# @param Line: The string to be cleaned
-# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content,
-# default is DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
-def CleanString2(Line, CommentCharacter=DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT, AllowCppStyleComment=False):
- #
- # remove whitespace
- #
- Line = Line.strip()
- #
- # Replace EDK1's comment character
- #
- if AllowCppStyleComment:
- Line = Line.replace(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT, CommentCharacter)
- #
- # separate comments and statements
- #
- LineParts = Line.split(CommentCharacter, 1)
- #
- # remove whitespace again
- #
- Line = LineParts[0].strip()
- if len(LineParts) > 1:
- Comment = LineParts[1].strip()
- #
- # Remove prefixed and trailing comment characters
- #
- Start = 0
- End = len(Comment)
- while Start < End and Comment.startswith(CommentCharacter, Start, End):
- Start += 1
- while End >= 0 and Comment.endswith(CommentCharacter, Start, End):
- End -= 1
- Comment = Comment[Start:End]
- Comment = Comment.strip()
- else:
- Comment = ''
- return Line, Comment
-## GetMultipleValuesOfKeyFromLines
-# Parse multiple strings to clean comment and spaces
-# The result is saved to KeyValues
-# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
-# @param Key: Reserved
-# @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing
-# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
-def GetMultipleValuesOfKeyFromLines(Lines, Key, KeyValues, CommentCharacter):
- if Key:
- pass
- if KeyValues:
- pass
- Lines = Lines.split(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END, 1)[1]
- LineList = Lines.split('\n')
- for Line in LineList:
- Line = CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter)
- if Line != '' and Line[0] != CommentCharacter:
- KeyValues += [Line]
- return True
-## GetDefineValue
-# Parse a DEFINE statement to get defined value
-# DEFINE Key Value
-# @param String: The content to be parsed
-# @param Key: The key of DEFINE statement
-# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
-def GetDefineValue(String, Key, CommentCharacter):
- if CommentCharacter:
- pass
- String = CleanString(String)
- return String[String.find(Key + ' ') + len(Key + ' ') : ]
-## GetSingleValueOfKeyFromLines
-# Parse multiple strings as below to get value of each definition line
-# Key1 = Value1
-# Key2 = Value2
-# The result is saved to Dictionary
-# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
-# @param Dictionary: To store data after parsing
-# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, be used to ignore comment content
-# @param KeySplitCharacter: Key split char, between key name and key value.
-# Key1 = Value1, '=' is the key split char
-# @param ValueSplitFlag: Value split flag, be used to decide if has
-# multiple values
-# @param ValueSplitCharacter: Value split char, be used to split multiple
-# values. Key1 = Value1|Value2, '|' is the value
-# split char
-def GetSingleValueOfKeyFromLines(Lines, Dictionary, CommentCharacter, KeySplitCharacter, \
- ValueSplitFlag, ValueSplitCharacter):
- Lines = Lines.split('\n')
- Keys = []
- Value = ''
- DefineValues = ['']
- SpecValues = ['']
- for Line in Lines:
- #
- # Handle DEFINE and SPEC
- #
- if Line.find(DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_DEFINE + ' ') > -1:
- if '' in DefineValues:
- DefineValues.remove('')
- DefineValues.append(GetDefineValue(Line, DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_DEFINE, CommentCharacter))
- continue
- if Line.find(DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_SPEC + ' ') > -1:
- if '' in SpecValues:
- SpecValues.remove('')
- SpecValues.append(GetDefineValue(Line, DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_SPEC, CommentCharacter))
- continue
- #
- # Handle Others
- #
- LineList = Line.split(KeySplitCharacter, 1)
- if len(LineList) >= 2:
- Key = LineList[0].split()
- if len(Key) == 1 and Key[0][0] != CommentCharacter:
- #
- # Remove comments and white spaces
- #
- LineList[1] = CleanString(LineList[1], CommentCharacter)
- if ValueSplitFlag:
- Value = map(strip, LineList[1].split(ValueSplitCharacter))
- else:
- Value = CleanString(LineList[1], CommentCharacter).splitlines()
- if Key[0] in Dictionary:
- if Key[0] not in Keys:
- Dictionary[Key[0]] = Value
- Keys.append(Key[0])
- else:
- Dictionary[Key[0]].extend(Value)
- else:
- Dictionary[DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_MACRO][Key[0]] = Value[0]
- if DefineValues == []:
- DefineValues = ['']
- if SpecValues == []:
- SpecValues = ['']
- Dictionary[DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_DEFINE] = DefineValues
- Dictionary[DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_SPEC] = SpecValues
- return True
-## The content to be parsed
-# Do pre-check for a file before it is parsed
-# Check $()
-# Check []
-# @param FileName: Used for error report
-# @param FileContent: File content to be parsed
-# @param SupSectionTag: Used for error report
-def PreCheck(FileName, FileContent, SupSectionTag):
- if SupSectionTag:
- pass
- LineNo = 0
- IsFailed = False
- NewFileContent = ''
- for Line in FileContent.splitlines():
- LineNo = LineNo + 1
- #
- # Clean current line
- #
- Line = CleanString(Line)
- #
- # Remove commented line
- #
- if Line.find(DataType.TAB_COMMA_SPLIT) == 0:
- Line = ''
- #
- # Check $()
- #
- if Line.find('$') > -1:
- if Line.find('$(') < 0 or Line.find(')') < 0:
- Logger.Error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, Line=LineNo, File=FileName, RaiseError = Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
- #
- # Check []
- #
- if Line.find('[') > -1 or Line.find(']') > -1:
- #
- # Only get one '[' or one ']'
- #
- if not (Line.find('[') > -1 and Line.find(']') > -1):
- Logger.Error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, Line=LineNo, File=FileName, RaiseError = Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
- #
- # Regenerate FileContent
- #
- NewFileContent = NewFileContent + Line + '\r\n'
- if IsFailed:
- Logger.Error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, Line=LineNo, File=FileName, RaiseError = Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
- return NewFileContent
-## CheckFileType
-# Check if the Filename is including ExtName
-# Return True if it exists
-# Raise a error message if it not exists
-# @param CheckFilename: Name of the file to be checked
-# @param ExtName: Ext name of the file to be checked
-# @param ContainerFilename: The container file which describes the file to be
-# checked, used for error report
-# @param SectionName: Used for error report
-# @param Line: The line in container file which defines the file
-# to be checked
-def CheckFileType(CheckFilename, ExtName, ContainerFilename, SectionName, Line, LineNo=-1):
- if CheckFilename != '' and CheckFilename != None:
- (Root, Ext) = os.path.splitext(CheckFilename)
- if Ext.upper() != ExtName.upper() and Root:
- ContainerFile = open(ContainerFilename, 'r').read()
- if LineNo == -1:
- LineNo = GetLineNo(ContainerFile, Line)
- ErrorMsg = ST.ERR_SECTIONNAME_INVALID % (SectionName, CheckFilename, ExtName)
- Logger.Error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, Line=LineNo, \
- File=ContainerFilename, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
- return True
-## CheckFileExist
-# Check if the file exists
-# Return True if it exists
-# Raise a error message if it not exists
-# @param CheckFilename: Name of the file to be checked
-# @param WorkspaceDir: Current workspace dir
-# @param ContainerFilename: The container file which describes the file to
-# be checked, used for error report
-# @param SectionName: Used for error report
-# @param Line: The line in container file which defines the
-# file to be checked
-def CheckFileExist(WorkspaceDir, CheckFilename, ContainerFilename, SectionName, Line, LineNo=-1):
- CheckFile = ''
- if CheckFilename != '' and CheckFilename != None:
- CheckFile = WorkspaceFile(WorkspaceDir, CheckFilename)
- if not os.path.isfile(CheckFile):
- ContainerFile = open(ContainerFilename, 'r').read()
- if LineNo == -1:
- LineNo = GetLineNo(ContainerFile, Line)
- ErrorMsg = ST.ERR_CHECKFILE_NOTFOUND % (CheckFile, SectionName)
- Logger.Error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg,
- File=ContainerFilename, Line = LineNo, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
- return CheckFile
-## GetLineNo
-# Find the index of a line in a file
-# @param FileContent: Search scope
-# @param Line: Search key
-def GetLineNo(FileContent, Line, IsIgnoreComment=True):
- LineList = FileContent.splitlines()
- for Index in range(len(LineList)):
- if LineList[Index].find(Line) > -1:
- #
- # Ignore statement in comment
- #
- if IsIgnoreComment:
- if LineList[Index].strip()[0] == DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT:
- continue
- return Index + 1
- return -1
-## RaiseParserError
-# Raise a parser error
-# @param Line: String which has error
-# @param Section: Used for error report
-# @param File: File which has the string
-# @param Format: Correct format
-def RaiseParserError(Line, Section, File, Format='', LineNo=-1):
- if LineNo == -1:
- LineNo = GetLineNo(open(os.path.normpath(File), 'r').read(), Line)
- ErrorMsg = ST.ERR_INVALID_NOTFOUND % (Line, Section)
- if Format != '':
- Format = "Correct format is " + Format
- Logger.Error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File=File, Line=LineNo, \
- ExtraData=Format, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
-## WorkspaceFile
-# Return a full path with workspace dir
-# @param WorkspaceDir: Workspace dir
-# @param Filename: Relative file name
-def WorkspaceFile(WorkspaceDir, Filename):
- return os.path.join(NormPath(WorkspaceDir), NormPath(Filename))
-## Split string
-# Revmove '"' which startswith and endswith string
-# @param String: The string need to be splited
-def SplitString(String):
- if String.startswith('\"'):
- String = String[1:]
- if String.endswith('\"'):
- String = String[:-1]
- return String
-## Convert To Sql String
-# Replace "'" with "''" in each item of StringList
-# @param StringList: A list for strings to be converted
-def ConvertToSqlString(StringList):
- return map(lambda s: s.replace("'", "''") , StringList)
-## Convert To Sql String
-# Replace "'" with "''" in the String
-# @param String: A String to be converted
-def ConvertToSqlString2(String):
- return String.replace("'", "''")
-## GetStringOfList
-# Get String of a List
-# @param Lines: string list
-# @param Split: split character
-def GetStringOfList(List, Split = ' '):
- if type(List) != type([]):
- return List
- Str = ''
- for Item in List:
- Str = Str + Item + Split
- return Str.strip()
-## Get HelpTextList
-# Get HelpTextList from HelpTextClassList
-# @param HelpTextClassList: Help Text Class List
-def GetHelpTextList(HelpTextClassList):
- List = []
- if HelpTextClassList:
- for HelpText in HelpTextClassList:
- if HelpText.String.endswith('\n'):
- HelpText.String = HelpText.String[0: len(HelpText.String) - len('\n')]
- List.extend(HelpText.String.split('\n'))
- return List
-## Get String Array Length
-# Get String Array Length
-# @param String: the source string
-def StringArrayLength(String):
- if isinstance(String, unicode):
- return (len(String) + 1) * 2 + 1
- elif String.startswith('L"'):
- return (len(String) - 3 + 1) * 2
- elif String.startswith('"'):
- return (len(String) - 2 + 1)
- else:
- return len(String.split()) + 1
-## RemoveDupOption
-# Remove Dup Option
-# @param OptionString: the option string
-# @param Which: Which flag
-# @param Against: Against flag
-def RemoveDupOption(OptionString, Which="/I", Against=None):
- OptionList = OptionString.split()
- ValueList = []
- if Against:
- ValueList += Against
- for Index in range(len(OptionList)):
- Opt = OptionList[Index]
- if not Opt.startswith(Which):
- continue
- if len(Opt) > len(Which):
- Val = Opt[len(Which):]
- else:
- Val = ""
- if Val in ValueList:
- OptionList[Index] = ""
- else:
- ValueList.append(Val)
- return " ".join(OptionList)
-## Check if the string is HexDgit
-# Return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at
-# least one character
-# or valid Hexs (started with 0x, following by hexdigit letters)
-# , false otherwise.
-# @param string: input string
-def IsHexDigit(Str):
- try:
- int(Str, 10)
- return True
- except ValueError:
- if len(Str) > 2 and Str.upper().startswith('0X'):
- try:
- int(Str, 16)
- return True
- except ValueError:
- return False
- return False
-## Check if the string is HexDgit and its integer value within limit of UINT32
-# Return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at
-# least one character
-# or valid Hexs (started with 0x, following by hexdigit letters)
-# , false otherwise.
-# @param string: input string
-def IsHexDigitUINT32(Str):
- try:
- Value = int(Str, 10)
- if (Value <= 0xFFFFFFFF) and (Value >= 0):
- return True
- except ValueError:
- if len(Str) > 2 and Str.upper().startswith('0X'):
- try:
- Value = int(Str, 16)
- if (Value <= 0xFFFFFFFF) and (Value >= 0):
- return True
- except ValueError:
- return False
- return False
-## CleanSpecialChar
-# The ASCII text files of type INF, DEC, INI are edited by developers,
-# and may contain characters that cannot be directly translated to strings that
-# are conformant with the UDP XML Schema. Any characters in this category
-# (0x00-0x08, TAB [0x09], 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0E-0x1F, 0x80-0xFF)
-# must be converted to a space character[0x20] as part of the parsing process.
-def ConvertSpecialChar(Lines):
- RetLines = []
- for line in Lines:
- ReMatchSpecialChar = re.compile(r"[\x00-\x08]|\x09|\x0b|\x0c|[\x0e-\x1f]|[\x7f-\xff]")
- RetLines.append(ReMatchSpecialChar.sub(' ', line))
- return RetLines
-## __GetTokenList
-# Assume Str is a valid feature flag expression.
-# Return a list which contains tokens: alpha numeric token and other token
-# Whitespace are not stripped
-def __GetTokenList(Str):
- InQuote = False
- Token = ''
- TokenOP = ''
- PreChar = ''
- List = []
- for Char in Str:
- if InQuote:
- Token += Char
- if Char == '"' and PreChar != '\\':
- InQuote = not InQuote
- List.append(Token)
- Token = ''
- continue
- if Char == '"':
- if Token and Token != 'L':
- List.append(Token)
- Token = ''
- if TokenOP:
- List.append(TokenOP)
- TokenOP = ''
- InQuote = not InQuote
- Token += Char
- continue
- if not (Char.isalnum() or Char in '_'):
- TokenOP += Char
- if Token:
- List.append(Token)
- Token = ''
- else:
- Token += Char
- if TokenOP:
- List.append(TokenOP)
- TokenOP = ''
- if PreChar == '\\' and Char == '\\':
- PreChar = ''
- else:
- PreChar = Char
- if Token:
- List.append(Token)
- if TokenOP:
- List.append(TokenOP)
- return List
-## ConvertNEToNOTEQ
-# Convert NE operator to NOT EQ
-# For example: 1 NE 2 -> 1 NOT EQ 2
-# @param Expr: Feature flag expression to be converted
-def ConvertNEToNOTEQ(Expr):
- List = __GetTokenList(Expr)
- for Index in range(len(List)):
- if List[Index] == 'NE':
- List[Index] = 'NOT EQ'
- return ''.join(List)
-## ConvertNOTEQToNE
-# Convert NOT EQ operator to NE
-# For example: 1 NOT NE 2 -> 1 NE 2
-# @param Expr: Feature flag expression to be converted
-def ConvertNOTEQToNE(Expr):
- List = __GetTokenList(Expr)
- HasNOT = False
- RetList = []
- for Token in List:
- if HasNOT and Token == 'EQ':
- # At least, 'NOT' is in the list
- while not RetList[-1].strip():
- RetList.pop()
- RetList[-1] = 'NE'
- HasNOT = False
- continue
- if Token == 'NOT':
- HasNOT = True
- elif Token.strip():
- HasNOT = False
- RetList.append(Token)
- return ''.join(RetList)
-## SplitPcdEntry
-# Split an PCD entry string to Token.CName and PCD value and FFE.
-# NOTE: PCD Value and FFE can contain "|" in it's expression. And in INF specification, have below rule.
-# When using the characters "|" or "||" in an expression, the expression must be encapsulated in
-# open "(" and close ")" parenthesis.
-# @param String An PCD entry string need to be split.
-# @return List [PcdTokenCName, Value, FFE]
-def SplitPcdEntry(String):
- if not String:
- return ['', '',''], False
- PcdTokenCName = ''
- PcdValue = ''
- PcdFeatureFlagExp = ''
- ValueList = GetSplitValueList(String, "|", 1)
- #
- # Only contain TokenCName
- #
- if len(ValueList) == 1:
- return [ValueList[0]], True
- NewValueList = []
- if len(ValueList) == 2:
- PcdTokenCName = ValueList[0]
- ValueList = GetSplitValueList(ValueList[1], "|")
- RemainCount = 0
- for Item in ValueList:
- ParenthesisCount = 0
- for Char in Item:
- if Char == "(":
- ParenthesisCount += 1
- if Char == ")":
- ParenthesisCount -= 1
- #
- # An individual item
- #
- if RemainCount == 0 and ParenthesisCount >= 0:
- NewValueList.append(Item)
- RemainCount = ParenthesisCount
- elif RemainCount > 0 and RemainCount + ParenthesisCount >= 0:
- NewValueList[-1] = NewValueList[-1] + '|' + Item
- RemainCount = RemainCount + ParenthesisCount
- elif RemainCount > 0 and RemainCount + ParenthesisCount < 0:
- #
- # ERROR, return
- #
- return ['', '', ''], False
- if len(NewValueList) == 1:
- PcdValue = NewValueList[0]
- return [PcdTokenCName, PcdValue], True
- elif len(NewValueList) == 2:
- PcdValue = NewValueList[0]
- PcdFeatureFlagExp = NewValueList[1]
- return [PcdTokenCName, PcdValue, PcdFeatureFlagExp], True
- else:
- return ['', '', ''], False
- return ['', '', ''], False