path: root/Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Stitch/IFWIStitch.bat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Stitch/IFWIStitch.bat')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Stitch/IFWIStitch.bat b/Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Stitch/IFWIStitch.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a512e42676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Stitch/IFWIStitch.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+@REM @file
+@REM Windows batch file to build BIOS ROM
+@REM Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+@REM This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
+@REM the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
+@REM The full text of the license may be found at
+@echo off
+SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
+:: Set script defaults
+set exitCode=0
+set BackupRom=1
+set UpdateVBios=1
+set Stitch_Config=Stitch_Config.txt
+copy /y nul Stitching.log >nul
+:: Set default Suffix as: YYYY_MM_DD_HHMM
+set hour=%time: =0%
+reg copy "HKCU\Control Panel\International" "HKCU\Control Panel\International_Temp" /f >nul
+reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /v sShortDate /d "yyyy_MM_dd" /f >nul
+for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ("%date%") do set today=%%i
+reg copy "HKCU\Control Panel\International_Temp" "HKCU\Control Panel\International" /f >nul
+reg delete "HKCU\Control Panel\International_Temp" /f >nul
+set IFWI_Suffix=%today%_%hour:~0,2%%time:~3,2%
+:: Process input arguments
+if "%~1"=="?" goto Usage
+if "%~1"=="/?" goto Usage
+if /i "%~1"=="Help" goto Usage
+if /i "%~1"=="/nV" (
+ set UpdateVBios=0
+ shift
+ goto OptLoop
+if /i "%~1"=="/nB" (
+ set BackupRom=0
+ shift
+ goto OptLoop
+if /i "%~1"=="/B" (
+ if "%~2"=="" goto Usage
+ if not exist %~2 echo BIOS not found. & goto Usage
+ set BIOS_Names=%~2
+ set BIOS_File_Name=%~n2
+ shift & shift
+ goto OptLoop
+if /i "%~1"=="/C" (
+ if "%~2"=="" goto Usage
+ if not exist %~2 echo ConfigFile not found. & goto Usage
+ set Stitch_Config=%~2
+ shift & shift
+ goto OptLoop
+if /i "%~1"=="/S" (
+ if "%~2"=="" goto Usage
+ set IFWI_Suffix=%~2
+ shift & shift
+ goto OptLoop
+if "%BIOS_File_Name:~0,4%"=="MNW2" (
+ set Stitch_Config= MNW2_Stitch_Config.txt
+if "%BIOS_File_Name:~3,4%"=="MNW2" (
+ set Stitch_Config= MNW2_Stitch_Config.txt
+:: if no rom specified by user, search in ./ for ROM files
+if "%BIOS_Names%"=="" (
+ set "BIOS_Names= "
+ for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /b *.rom') do set BIOS_Names=!BIOS_Names! %%i
+ if "!BIOS_Names!"==" " (
+ echo NO .ROM files found !!!
+ goto Usage
+ )
+:: Parse the Stitch_Config File
+if not exist %Stitch_Config% (
+ echo Stitch Configuration File %Stitch_Config% not found.
+ goto ScriptFail
+for /f "delims== tokens=1,2" %%i in (%Stitch_Config%) do (
+ if /i "%%i"=="HEADER" set IFWI_HEADER=%%j
+ if /i "%%i"=="SEC_VERSION" set SEC_VERSION=%%j
+ if /i "%%i"=="Source" (
+ if /i "%%j"=="ALPHA" set Source_Prefix=A_
+ if /i "%%j"=="BF" set Source_Prefix=BF_
+ if /i "%%j"=="BE" set Source_Prefix=BE_
+ if /i "%%j"=="PV" set Source_Prefix=PV_
+ if /i "%%j"=="PR1" set Source_Prefix=PR1_
+ )
+:: **********************************************************************
+:: The Main Stitching Loop
+:: **********************************************************************
+echo %date% %time% >>Stitching.log 2>&1
+echo %date% %time%
+for %%i in (%BIOS_Names%) do (
+ REM ----- Do NOT use :: for comments Inside of code blocks() -------
+ set BIOS_Rom=%%i
+ set BIOS_Name=%%~ni
+ set BIOS_Version=!BIOS_Name:~-7,7!
+ REM extract PlatformType from BIOS filename
+ set Platform_Type=!BIOS_Name:~0,4!
+ REM Special treat for BayLake FFD8
+ set Temp_Name=!BIOS_Name:~0,7!
+ REM Capitalize and validate the Platform_Type
+ if /i "!Platform_Type!"=="MNW2" (
+ set Platform_Type=MNW2
+ ) else (
+ echo Error - Unsupported PlatformType: !Platform_Type!
+ goto Usage
+ )
+ REM search BIOS_Name for Arch substring: either IA32 or X64
+ if not "!BIOS_Name!"=="!BIOS_Name:_IA32_=!" (
+ set Arch=IA32
+ ) else if not "!BIOS_Name!"=="!BIOS_Name:_X64_=!" (
+ set Arch=X64
+ ) else (
+ echo Error: Could not determine Architecture for !BIOS_Rom!
+ goto Usage
+ )
+ set IFWI_Prefix=!Platform_Type!_IFWI_%Source_Prefix%!Arch!_!!BIOS_Version!
+ REM search BIOS_Name for Build_Target substring: either R or D
+ if not "!BIOS_Name!"=="!BIOS_Name:_R_=!" (
+ set Build_Target=Release
+ set IFWI_Prefix=!IFWI_Prefix!_R
+ ) else if not "!BIOS_Name!"=="!BIOS_Name:_D_=!" (
+ set Build_Target=Debug
+ set IFWI_Prefix=!IFWI_Prefix!_D
+ ) else (
+ echo Error: Could not determine Build Target for !BIOS_Rom!
+ goto Usage
+ )
+ REM Create a BIOS backup before Stitching
+ if %BackupRom% EQU 1 (
+ echo Creating backup of original BIOS rom.
+ copy /y !BIOS_Rom! !BIOS_Rom!.orig >nul
+ )
+ echo. >>Stitching.log
+ echo ********** Stitching !BIOS_Rom! ********** >>Stitching.log
+ echo. >>Stitching.log
+ echo.
+ echo Stitching IFWI for !BIOS_Rom! ...
+ echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ echo IFWI Header: !IFWI_HEADER!.bin, SEC version: !SEC_VERSION!,
+ echo BIOS Version: !BIOS_Version!
+ echo Platform Type: !Platform_Type!, IFWI Prefix: %BIOS_ID%
+ echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ echo -----------------------------
+ echo.
+ echo Generating IFWI... %BIOS_ID%.bin
+ echo.
+ copy /b/y IFWIHeader\!IFWI_HEADER!.bin + ..\..\Vlv2MiscBinariesPkg\SEC\!SEC_VERSION!\VLV_SEC_REGION.bin + IFWIHeader\Vacant.bin + !BIOS_Rom! %BIOS_ID%.bin
+ echo.
+ echo ===========================================================================
+@echo off
+:: end of main loop
+echo -- All specified ROM files Stitched. --
+goto Exit
+echo **************************************************************************************************
+echo This Script is used to Stitch together BIOS, GOP Driver, Microcode Patch and TXE FW
+echo into a single Integrated Firmware Image (IFWI).
+echo Usage: IFWIStitch.bat [flags] [/B BIOS.ROM] [/C Stitch_Config] [/S IFWI_Suffix]
+echo This script has NO Required arguments, so that the user can just double click from the GUI.
+echo However, this requires that the BIOS.ROM file name is formatted correctly.
+echo /nG Do NOT update the GOP driver. (applies to all ROM files for this run)
+echo /nV Do NOT update the VBIOS. (applies to all ROM files for this run)
+echo /nM Do NOT update the Microcode. (applies to all ROM files for this run)
+echo /nB Do NOT backup BIOS.ROMs. (Default will backup to BIOS.ROM.Orig)
+echo BIOS.ROM: A single BIOS ROM file to use for stitching
+echo (DEFAULT: ALL .ROM files inside the current directory)
+echo Stitch_Config: Text file containing version info of each FW component
+echo (DEFAULT: Stitch_Config.txt)
+echo IFWI_Suffix: Suffix to append to the end of the IFWI filename
+echo Examples:
+echo IFIWStitch.bat : Stitch all ROMs with defaults
+echo IFIWStitch.bat /B C:/MyRoms/testBIOS.rom : Stitch single ROM with defaults
+echo IFIWStitch.bat /B ../testBIOS.rom /S test123 : Stitch single ROM and add custom suffix
+echo IFIWStitch.bat /nM /nB /B testBIOS.rom /S test456 : Stitch single ROM, keep uCode from .rom,
+echo don't create backup, and add custom suffix.
+echo ****************************************************************************************************
+exit /b 1
+set exitCode=1
+echo -- See Stitching.log for more info. --
+echo %date% %time%
+if "%Platform_Type%"=="MNW2" (
+ echo .
+) else (
+ echo only support MNW2 for this project!
+exit /b %exitCode%