path: root/Documentation/RCU/Design/Data-Structures
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Documentation/RCU/Design/Data-Structures')
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+ id="polyline46"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,0.95854605,12.340758,1579.9033)" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 1350 3900 - 2444 2960-->
<!-- Line -->
points="4950,3900 3948,3040 "
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+ id="polyline50"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,0.95854605,12.340758,1579.9033)" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 4950 3900 - 3854 2960-->
<!-- Line -->
points="4050,7050 4050,4864 "
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+ style="stroke:#00d1d1;stroke-width:29.99464035;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;marker-end:url(#Arrow1Mend)"
+ id="polyline54"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,0.95854605,12.340758,1579.9033)" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 4050 7050 - 4050 4740-->
<!-- Line -->
points="1050,7050 1050,4864 "
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+ id="polyline58"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,0.95854605,12.340758,1579.9033)" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 1050 7050 - 1050 4740-->
<!-- Line -->
points="2250,5850 2250,4864 "
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+ style="stroke:#00d1d1;stroke-width:29.99464035;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;marker-end:url(#Arrow1Mend)"
+ id="polyline62"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,0.95854605,12.340758,1579.9033)" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 2250 5850 - 2250 4740-->
<!-- Line -->
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- id="polyline66" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 2250 8550 - 2250 6690-->
<!-- Line -->
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- style="stroke:#00ff00;stroke-width:29.99463964;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;marker-end:url(#Arrow1Mend)"
- id="polyline70" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 1050 9750 - 1050 7890-->
<!-- Line -->
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- style="stroke:#00ff00;stroke-width:29.99463964;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;marker-end:url(#Arrow1Mend)"
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 4050 9750 - 4050 7890-->
<!-- Line -->
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- id="polyline78" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 5250 8550 - 5250 6690-->
<!-- Line -->
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- style="stroke:#87cfff;stroke-width:30;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-linecap:butt;marker-end:url(#Arrow1Mend)"
- id="polyline82" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 6000 6300 - 8146 7986-->
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 8100 8850 - 8100 9510-->
<!-- Line: box -->
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+ id="polyline114"
+ transform="matrix(1,0,0,0.95854605,-604.69715,525.62477)" />
<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 8100 10350 - 8100 11010-->
<!-- Line: box -->
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+ x="762.34076"
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id="rect122" />
<!-- Line: box -->
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diff --git a/Documentation/RCU/Design/Data-Structures/Data-Structures.html b/Documentation/RCU/Design/Data-Structures/Data-Structures.html
index 1d2051c0c3fc..18f179807563 100644
--- a/Documentation/RCU/Design/Data-Structures/Data-Structures.html
+++ b/Documentation/RCU/Design/Data-Structures/Data-Structures.html
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ to each other.
The <tt>rcu_segcblist</tt> Structure</a>
<li> <a href="#The rcu_data Structure">
The <tt>rcu_data</tt> Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="#The rcu_dynticks Structure">
- The <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> Structure</a>
<li> <a href="#The rcu_head Structure">
The <tt>rcu_head</tt> Structure</a>
<li> <a href="#RCU-Specific Fields in the task_struct Structure">
@@ -127,9 +125,11 @@ CPUs, RCU would configure the <tt>rcu_node</tt> tree as follows:
</p><p>RCU currently permits up to a four-level tree, which on a 64-bit system
accommodates up to 4,194,304 CPUs, though only a mere 524,288 CPUs for
32-bit systems.
-On the other hand, you can set <tt>CONFIG_RCU_FANOUT</tt> to be
-as small as 2 if you wish, which would permit only 16 CPUs, which
-is useful for testing.
+On the other hand, you can set both <tt>CONFIG_RCU_FANOUT</tt> and
+<tt>CONFIG_RCU_FANOUT_LEAF</tt> to be as small as 2, which would result
+in a 16-CPU test using a 4-level tree.
+This can be useful for testing large-system capabilities on small test
</p><p>This multi-level combining tree allows us to get most of the
performance and scalability
@@ -154,44 +154,9 @@ on that root <tt>rcu_node</tt> structure remains acceptably low.
keeping lock contention under control at all tree levels regardless
of the level of loading on the system.
-</p><p>The Linux kernel actually supports multiple flavors of RCU
-running concurrently, so RCU builds separate data structures for each
-For example, for <tt>CONFIG_TREE_RCU=y</tt> kernels, RCU provides
-rcu_sched and rcu_bh, as shown below:
-</p><p><img src="BigTreeClassicRCUBH.svg" alt="BigTreeClassicRCUBH.svg" width="33%">
-</p><p>Energy efficiency is increasingly important, and for that
-reason the Linux kernel provides <tt>CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE</tt>, which
-turns off the scheduling-clock interrupts on idle CPUs, which in
-turn allows those CPUs to attain deeper sleep states and to consume
-less energy.
-CPUs whose scheduling-clock interrupts have been turned off are
-said to be in <i>dyntick-idle mode</i>.
-RCU must handle dyntick-idle CPUs specially
-because RCU would otherwise wake up each CPU on every grace period,
-which would defeat the whole purpose of <tt>CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE</tt>.
-RCU uses the <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> structure to track
-which CPUs are in dyntick idle mode, as shown below:
-</p><p><img src="BigTreeClassicRCUBHdyntick.svg" alt="BigTreeClassicRCUBHdyntick.svg" width="33%">
-</p><p>However, if a CPU is in dyntick-idle mode, it is in that mode
-for all flavors of RCU.
-Therefore, a single <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> structure is allocated per
-CPU, and all of a given CPU's <tt>rcu_data</tt> structures share
-that <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt>, as shown in the figure.
-</p><p>Kernels built with <tt>CONFIG_PREEMPT_RCU</tt> support
-rcu_preempt in addition to rcu_sched and rcu_bh, as shown below:
-</p><p><img src="BigTreePreemptRCUBHdyntick.svg" alt="BigTreePreemptRCUBHdyntick.svg" width="35%">
</p><p>RCU updaters wait for normal grace periods by registering
RCU callbacks, either directly via <tt>call_rcu()</tt> and
friends (namely <tt>call_rcu_bh()</tt> and <tt>call_rcu_sched()</tt>),
-there being a separate interface per flavor of RCU)
or indirectly via <tt>synchronize_rcu()</tt> and friends.
RCU callbacks are represented by <tt>rcu_head</tt> structures,
which are queued on <tt>rcu_data</tt> structures while they are
@@ -214,9 +179,6 @@ its own synchronization:
<li> Each <tt>rcu_node</tt> structure has a spinlock.
<li> The fields in <tt>rcu_data</tt> are private to the corresponding
CPU, although a few can be read and written by other CPUs.
-<li> Similarly, the fields in <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> are private
- to the corresponding CPU, although a few can be read by
- other CPUs.
<p>It is important to note that different data structures can have
@@ -272,11 +234,6 @@ follows:
access to this information from the corresponding CPU.
Finally, this structure records past dyntick-idle state
for the corresponding CPU and also tracks statistics.
-<li> <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt>:
- This per-CPU structure tracks the current dyntick-idle
- state for the corresponding CPU.
- Unlike the other three structures, the <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt>
- structure is not replicated per RCU flavor.
<li> <tt>rcu_head</tt>:
This structure represents RCU callbacks, and is the
only structure allocated and managed by RCU users.
@@ -287,14 +244,14 @@ follows:
<p>If all you wanted from this article was a general notion of how
RCU's data structures are related, you are done.
Otherwise, each of the following sections give more details on
-the <tt>rcu_state</tt>, <tt>rcu_node</tt>, <tt>rcu_data</tt>,
-and <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> data structures.
+the <tt>rcu_state</tt>, <tt>rcu_node</tt> and <tt>rcu_data</tt> data
<h3><a name="The rcu_state Structure">
The <tt>rcu_state</tt> Structure</a></h3>
<p>The <tt>rcu_state</tt> structure is the base structure that
-represents a flavor of RCU.
+represents the state of RCU in the system.
This structure forms the interconnection between the
<tt>rcu_node</tt> and <tt>rcu_data</tt> structures,
tracks grace periods, contains the lock used to
@@ -389,7 +346,7 @@ sequence number.
The bottom two bits are the state of the current grace period,
which can be zero for not yet started or one for in progress.
In other words, if the bottom two bits of <tt>-&gt;gp_seq</tt> are
-zero, the corresponding flavor of RCU is idle.
+zero, then RCU is idle.
Any other value in the bottom two bits indicates that something is broken.
This field is protected by the root <tt>rcu_node</tt> structure's
<tt>-&gt;lock</tt> field.
@@ -419,10 +376,10 @@ as follows:
grace period in jiffies.
It is protected by the root <tt>rcu_node</tt>'s <tt>-&gt;lock</tt>.
-<p>The <tt>-&gt;name</tt> field points to the name of the RCU flavor
-(for example, &ldquo;rcu_sched&rdquo;), and is constant.
-The <tt>-&gt;abbr</tt> field contains a one-character abbreviation,
-for example, &ldquo;s&rdquo; for RCU-sched.
+<p>The <tt>-&gt;name</tt> and <tt>-&gt;abbr</tt> fields distinguish
+between preemptible RCU (&ldquo;rcu_preempt&rdquo; and &ldquo;p&rdquo;)
+and non-preemptible RCU (&ldquo;rcu_sched&rdquo; and &ldquo;s&rdquo;).
+These fields are used for diagnostic and tracing purposes.
<h3><a name="The rcu_node Structure">
The <tt>rcu_node</tt> Structure</a></h3>
@@ -971,25 +928,31 @@ this <tt>rcu_segcblist</tt> structure, <i>not</i> the <tt>-&gt;head</tt>
The reason for this is that all the ready-to-invoke callbacks
(that is, those in the <tt>RCU_DONE_TAIL</tt> segment) are extracted
-all at once at callback-invocation time.
+all at once at callback-invocation time (<tt>rcu_do_batch</tt>), due
+to which <tt>-&gt;head</tt> may be set to NULL if there are no not-done
+callbacks remaining in the <tt>rcu_segcblist</tt>.
If callback invocation must be postponed, for example, because a
high-priority process just woke up on this CPU, then the remaining
-callbacks are placed back on the <tt>RCU_DONE_TAIL</tt> segment.
-Either way, the <tt>-&gt;len</tt> and <tt>-&gt;len_lazy</tt> counts
-are adjusted after the corresponding callbacks have been invoked, and so
-again it is the <tt>-&gt;len</tt> count that accurately reflects whether
-or not there are callbacks associated with this <tt>rcu_segcblist</tt>
+callbacks are placed back on the <tt>RCU_DONE_TAIL</tt> segment and
+<tt>-&gt;head</tt> once again points to the start of the segment.
+In short, the head field can briefly be <tt>NULL</tt> even though the
+CPU has callbacks present the entire time.
+Therefore, it is not appropriate to test the <tt>-&gt;head</tt> pointer
+for <tt>NULL</tt>.
+<p>In contrast, the <tt>-&gt;len</tt> and <tt>-&gt;len_lazy</tt> counts
+are adjusted only after the corresponding callbacks have been invoked.
+This means that the <tt>-&gt;len</tt> count is zero only if
+the <tt>rcu_segcblist</tt> structure really is devoid of callbacks.
Of course, off-CPU sampling of the <tt>-&gt;len</tt> count requires
-the use of appropriate synchronization, for example, memory barriers.
+careful use of appropriate synchronization, for example, memory barriers.
This synchronization can be a bit subtle, particularly in the case
of <tt>rcu_barrier()</tt>.
<h3><a name="The rcu_data Structure">
The <tt>rcu_data</tt> Structure</a></h3>
-<p>The <tt>rcu_data</tt> maintains the per-CPU state for the
-corresponding flavor of RCU.
+<p>The <tt>rcu_data</tt> maintains the per-CPU state for the RCU subsystem.
The fields in this structure may be accessed only from the corresponding
CPU (and from tracing) unless otherwise stated.
This structure is the
@@ -1015,30 +978,19 @@ as follows:
1 int cpu;
- 2 struct rcu_state *rsp;
- 3 struct rcu_node *mynode;
- 4 struct rcu_dynticks *dynticks;
- 5 unsigned long grpmask;
- 6 bool beenonline;
+ 2 struct rcu_node *mynode;
+ 3 unsigned long grpmask;
+ 4 bool beenonline;
<p>The <tt>-&gt;cpu</tt> field contains the number of the
-corresponding CPU, the <tt>-&gt;rsp</tt> pointer references
-the corresponding <tt>rcu_state</tt> structure (and is most frequently
-used to locate the name of the corresponding flavor of RCU for tracing),
-and the <tt>-&gt;mynode</tt> field references the corresponding
-<tt>rcu_node</tt> structure.
+corresponding CPU and the <tt>-&gt;mynode</tt> field references the
+corresponding <tt>rcu_node</tt> structure.
The <tt>-&gt;mynode</tt> is used to propagate quiescent states
up the combining tree.
-<p>The <tt>-&gt;dynticks</tt> pointer references the
-<tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> structure corresponding to this
-Recall that a single per-CPU instance of the <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt>
-structure is shared among all flavors of RCU.
-These first four fields are constant and therefore require not
+These two fields are constant and therefore do not require synchronization.
-</p><p>The <tt>-&gt;grpmask</tt> field indicates the bit in
+<p>The <tt>-&gt;grpmask</tt> field indicates the bit in
the <tt>-&gt;mynode-&gt;qsmask</tt> corresponding to this
<tt>rcu_data</tt> structure, and is also used when propagating
quiescent states.
@@ -1057,12 +1009,12 @@ as follows:
3 bool cpu_no_qs;
4 bool core_needs_qs;
5 bool gpwrap;
- 6 unsigned long rcu_qs_ctr_snap;
-<p>The <tt>-&gt;gp_seq</tt> and <tt>-&gt;gp_seq_needed</tt>
-fields are the counterparts of the fields of the same name
-in the <tt>rcu_state</tt> and <tt>rcu_node</tt> structures.
+<p>The <tt>-&gt;gp_seq</tt> field is the counterpart of the field of the same
+name in the <tt>rcu_state</tt> and <tt>rcu_node</tt> structures. The
+<tt>-&gt;gp_seq_needed</tt> field is the counterpart of the field of the same
+name in the rcu_node</tt> structure.
They may each lag up to one behind their <tt>rcu_node</tt>
counterparts, but in <tt>CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE</tt> and
<tt>CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL</tt> kernels can lag
@@ -1103,10 +1055,6 @@ CPU has remained idle for so long that the
<tt>gp_seq</tt> counter is in danger of overflow, which
will cause the CPU to disregard the values of its counters on
its next exit from idle.
-Finally, the <tt>rcu_qs_ctr_snap</tt> field is used to detect
-cases where a given operation has resulted in a quiescent state
-for all flavors of RCU, for example, <tt>cond_resched()</tt>
-when RCU has indicated a need for quiescent states.
<h5>RCU Callback Handling</h5>
@@ -1179,26 +1127,22 @@ Finally, the <tt>-&gt;dynticks_fqs</tt> field is used to
count the number of times this CPU is determined to be in
dyntick-idle state, and is used for tracing and debugging purposes.
-<h3><a name="The rcu_dynticks Structure">
-The <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> Structure</a></h3>
-<p>The <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> maintains the per-CPU dyntick-idle state
-for the corresponding CPU.
-Unlike the other structures, <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> is not
-replicated over the different flavors of RCU.
-The fields in this structure may be accessed only from the corresponding
-CPU (and from tracing) unless otherwise stated.
-Its fields are as follows:
+This portion of the rcu_data structure is declared as follows:
1 long dynticks_nesting;
2 long dynticks_nmi_nesting;
3 atomic_t dynticks;
4 bool rcu_need_heavy_qs;
- 5 unsigned long rcu_qs_ctr;
- 6 bool rcu_urgent_qs;
+ 5 bool rcu_urgent_qs;
+<p>These fields in the rcu_data structure maintain the per-CPU dyntick-idle
+state for the corresponding CPU.
+The fields may be accessed only from the corresponding CPU (and from tracing)
+unless otherwise stated.
<p>The <tt>-&gt;dynticks_nesting</tt> field counts the
nesting depth of process execution, so that in normal circumstances
this counter has value zero or one.
@@ -1240,19 +1184,12 @@ it is willing to call for heavy-weight dyntick-counter operations.
This flag is checked by RCU's context-switch and <tt>cond_resched()</tt>
code, which provide a momentary idle sojourn in response.
-</p><p>The <tt>-&gt;rcu_qs_ctr</tt> field is used to record
-quiescent states from <tt>cond_resched()</tt>.
-Because <tt>cond_resched()</tt> can execute quite frequently, this
-must be quite lightweight, as in a non-atomic increment of this
-per-CPU field.
</p><p>Finally, the <tt>-&gt;rcu_urgent_qs</tt> field is used to record
-the fact that the RCU core code would really like to see a quiescent
-state from the corresponding CPU, with the various other fields indicating
-just how badly RCU wants this quiescent state.
-This flag is checked by RCU's context-switch and <tt>cond_resched()</tt>
-code, which, if nothing else, non-atomically increment <tt>-&gt;rcu_qs_ctr</tt>
-in response.
+the fact that the RCU core code would really like to see a quiescent state from
+the corresponding CPU, with the various other fields indicating just how badly
+RCU wants this quiescent state.
+This flag is checked by RCU's context-switch path
+(<tt>rcu_note_context_switch</tt>) and the cond_resched code.
@@ -1425,11 +1362,11 @@ the last part of the array, thus traversing only the leaf
<h3><a name="Summary">
-So each flavor of RCU is represented by an <tt>rcu_state</tt> structure,
+So the state of RCU is represented by an <tt>rcu_state</tt> structure,
which contains a combining tree of <tt>rcu_node</tt> and
<tt>rcu_data</tt> structures.
Finally, in <tt>CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE</tt> kernels, each CPU's dyntick-idle
-state is tracked by an <tt>rcu_dynticks</tt> structure.
+state is tracked by dynticks-related fields in the <tt>rcu_data</tt> structure.
If you made it this far, you are well prepared to read the code
walkthroughs in the other articles in this series.
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 5250 8100 - 5710 5790-->
points="5714 6068 5704 5822 5598 6044 "
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 1040 9300 - 1502 7140-->
points="1504 7418 1496 7172 1386 7394 "
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 2240 8100 - 2702 5940-->
points="2704 6218 2696 5972 2586 6194 "
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 1350 3450 - 2444 2510-->
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 4950 3450 - 3854 2510-->
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 4050 6600 - 4050 4290-->
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 1050 6600 - 1050 4290-->
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 1050 9300 - 1050 7440-->
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<!-- Arrowhead on XXXpoint 5250 8100 - 5250 6240-->
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