path: root/drivers/net/wireless/ti/wlcore/init.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* wlcore: add probe request templates for sched and one-shot scansYoni Divinsky2012-07-101-0/+16
* wlcore: reconfigure sleep_auth when removing interfacesArik Nemtsov2012-06-211-28/+21
* wlcore: allow setting sleep_auth before interface initArik Nemtsov2012-06-211-1/+7
* wlcore/wl18xx: enable MIMO/wide-chan rates in AP-mode rate configArik Nemtsov2012-06-051-0/+3
* wlcore/wl12xx: add hw op for vif initArik Nemtsov2012-04-121-0/+5
* wlcore/wl12xx: add hw_init operationLuciano Coelho2012-04-121-41/+2
* wlcore/wl12xx: turn no-Tx-align quirk into Tx-alignArik Nemtsov2012-04-121-1/+1
* wlcore: add quirk to disable ELPLuciano Coelho2012-04-121-4/+11
* wlcore/wl12xx: add chip-specific identify chip operationLuciano Coelho2012-04-121-2/+2
* wlcore/wl12xx: implement chip-specific register tablesLuciano Coelho2012-04-121-1/+0
* wl12xx/wlcore: rename wl12xx to wlcoreLuciano Coelho2012-04-121-0/+765