linux.gitLinux kernel mainline treeLinus Torvalds5 hourssummarylogtree
AUR/ungoogled-chromium.gitModifications to Google Chromium for removing Google integration and enhancing p...Seppia5 hourssummarylogtree
openwrt.gitOpenWrt Source Repositoryopenwrt19 hourssummarylogtree
linux-stable.gitLinux kernel stable treeGreg Kroah-Hartman29 hourssummarylogtree
edk2.gitCross-platform firmware development environmenttianocore3 dayssummarylogtree
coreboot.gitCoreboot firmware sourcescoreboot6 dayssummarylogtree
flashrom.gitFlash programming utilityflashrom4 weekssummarylogtree
AUR/dino-git.gitSimple and modern Jabber/XMPP client written in valaSeppia14 monthssummarylogtree
repofish.gitSimple shell script used to manage a local archlinux repositorySalvatore Bellizzi3 yearssummarylogtree
AUR/otbluh.gitSimple one time pad implementation with key generating support called onetimeblu...Seppia6 yearssummarylogtree
onetimebluh.gitSimple implementation of One Time Pad cipherSalvatore Bellizzi6 yearssummarylogtree
AUR/repofish.gitMy friends told me to make available this script I wrote to manage my local arch...Seppia6 yearssummarylogtree
AUR/repofish-git.gitMy friends told me to make available this script I wrote to manage my local arch...Seppia6 yearssummarylogtree
AUR/otbluh-git.gitSimple one time pad implementation with key generating support called onetimeblu...Seppia7 yearssummarylogtree
project.gitEmpty test repositorySeppia7 yearssummarylogtree